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Breakfast Servings Calories Total Fat(g) Saturated Fat(g) Cholesterol(mg) Sodium(mg) Potassium

Bagel 1 245 1.5g 0g 0mg 430mg 162mg

1 banana 1 89 0.3g .11g 0mg 1mg 358mg
Cream cheese 1 291 29g 16g 94mg 273mg 117mg

Nutri grain bar 1 190 5g 2g 0mg 140mg 0mg

Bean cheese burrito 1 390 12g 2g 0mg 530mg 0mg
1 apple 1 95 0.3g 0.1g 0mg 2mg 195mg

chicken soup 2 174 5.8g 1.6g 14mg 686mg 504mg
corn tortilla 3 186 2.4g 0.3g 0mg 39mg 159mg

TOTAL CALORIC INTAKE 1660 56.3g 22.11g 108mg 2101mg 1495mg


Subtract exercise
Carbohydrates(g)Fiber(g) Sugar(g) Protein(g) Vit A % Vit C % Calcium % Food Groups Comments
48g 4g 6g 10g 0% 0% 2% Grains
22.8g 2.6g 12.2g 1.1g 0% 10% 1% fruits
3.5g 0g 2.7g 5g 22% 0% 8% dairy

34g 5g 16g 4g 0% 0% 2% grain

35g 9g 2g 25g 0% 0% 0% grain,protein,dairy

25g 4.4g 19g 0.5g 1% 14% 1% fruits

16g 0g 7.6g 12g 0% 0% 0% protein, vegtables

39g 5.4g 0.6g 4.8g 0% 0% 2% grain

223.3g 30.4g 66.1g 62.4g 23 24

Breakfast Servings Calories Total Fat(g) Saturated Fat(g) Cholesterol(mg) Sodium(mg) Potassium

Amount of water (unit?) 48oz

Amount of sleep (hours) 6 hrs

Carbohydrates(g)Fiber(g) Sugar(g) Protein(g) Vit A % Vit C % Calcium % Food Groups Comments

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