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1. NAME :
2. Gender:
(a) Male (b)female
3. Age:
(a)21-30 (b)31-40 (c)41-50 (d)51 and above
4.Educational qualifications:
(a)under graduate b)post graduate c)professional degree
5. Monthly income:
a)less than Rs.20000 b)Rs.20001-30000 c)above Rs.30001-40000 d)above Rs.40000
6. Experience in year :
a)than 5 years b)5- 10 c)10- 15 d)above 15 years
7. Marital status:
a) married b)unmarried
8. Economic aspects

S.NO Factors related to salary, Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

fair compensation and Disagree (2) (3) (4) Agree
fringe benefits (1) (5)

1. Salary paid is appropriate

for the skill ,knowledge
ability and experience
2. Salary is sufficient enough
to fulfill the personal and
family needs able to
accommodate the cost of
3. Salary reflects the present
market rate for the similar
types of jobs
4. Basic pay, DA and HRA
are paid as per industry
5. Leaves encashment
benefits are satisfactory.

9. working condition/safe& healthy working environment

S.NO Factors related to working Strongly Disagre Neutral Agree Strongly
conditions Disagree e (3) (4) Agree
(1) (2) (5)
1 Satisfied with the adequacy
in drinking water facility
2 Latest technological aid and
facilities are provided by
the organization
3 Satisfied with artificial
4 Work space is well
ergonomically designed
5 Rest rooms are hygienically

10. opportunity for career growth and personal development

S.NO Factors related to career Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
growth and development Disagree (2) (3) (4) Agree
(1) (5)
1 Organization supports in
career planning and growth.
2 Duly recognized and
rewarded for the efforts and
hard work
3 Rewarded for the innovative
ideas and suggestions
4 Promotion policies of my
organization is fair
5 Organization encourage me
in pursuing higher education

11. nature of work atmosphere

S.NO Factors real to work Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
atmosphere Disagre (2) (3) (4) Agree
e (5)
1 Job utilities the skill and
ability utmost
2 Job holds good future career
growth prospects
3 Have full liberty to choose
my work and assignment
4 The duration of working
hours is not assignments
5 Job is highly repetitive and

12. work and total space

S.NO Work and total life space Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree (2) (3) (4) Agree
(1) (5)
1 Able to balance work and
family life
2 Have sufficient time to spend
with family members
3 Family members understand
nature of job
4 Overtime employment affects
the family commitment
5 Forced to work from home
after office hours integration
S.NO Social integration Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagre (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Equal respect is given in the
work place
2 Have a sense of achievement
from work
3 Most of the customers invite
for special activities
4 Satisfied with the subordinate
5 The socialization process of the
organization is praiseworthy
14. discriminating factors that felt by you at your work
Strongly disagree =1,disagree =2,neutral = 3, agree = 4, strongly agree = 5.
S.NO Discriminating factors 1 2 3 4 5
1 Differential in the promotion opportunities
2 Lack of mentoring and counseling
3 Lack of clear responsibility and duties
4 Lack of career development opportunities
5 Superiors divide and rule policy affected me a lot

15. state the level of satisfaction on quality of work life (put a tick mark on the appropriate
Highly dissatisfied =1,dissatisfied =2, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied = 3, satisfied = 4, highly
satisfied = 5.
S.NO Variables 1 2 3 4 5
1 Salary structure
2 Workload
3 Work schedule
4 Job rotation policy
5 Job security

16. state the job related problems (please rank them)

S.NO Problems Rank
1 No uniform work load
2 Absence of team work
3 Individual domination
4 Poor cooperation from the peers
5 Computer enabled technology leads to high stress
6 Lack of ergonomics

17. state the relationship issues (please rank them)

S.NO Issues Rank
1 No cordial relationship between the manager and clerical staff
2 As a Result of computerization , there is no opportunity for relationship
with peers
3 Absence of family get together
4 Heavy workload prevents to have relationship with superior, subordinates
and peers
18. please give your valuable suggestion to improve the quality of work life

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