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The Listing Department,

BSE l-td" (Designated Stock Exchange)
PJ Towers, Dalal Street.
hlumbai- 400 001

The T-isting Department,

National Stock Exchange of India Lid.
Exchange lrlaza, Eandra Kurla Complex,
tsandra (E).
L4urnbai - 400 051

Stock Code: BSE: 532925


Dear Sir / Madarn,

Subiect: Limited Review Report on the Unaudited Financial Results for thc
Quarler and Nine Month Ended on 31st December,2016.

As informed to you earlier, a meeting of the Board of Directols of the Company

ra,as held on 14th February, 2017 at 2.C0 p.m., inter-alia, to consider the
Unaudited Financial Results for Quarter and Nine Month Endecl on 31.t
December, 2016.

In the aforesaid Board Meeting, the lloard has approved the Unaudited Financial
Results for the aforesaid quarter. The above results tvere limitedly by
the Stahrtory Auditors of the company. A copy of the Limited Review Report
given by the Auditor is enclosed herewith for your lecord and reference.

Thanking you,

)'ours faithfully,

oeav tera+oa
Company Secretary

Encl: a/ a

Kausnarya IUFRASTRUCTURE Drvrroprvtnltr ConponerIoNl Ltlrttrn

HB 170, Sector lll,
Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 106' Ph & Fax: 9l-33-2334 4148
Email :, Website :
ctN - l,5l2l6w B I992PLC05S629

Review Report to
The Board of Directors,
Kaushalya Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.
HB- 170, Sector- III, Salt Lake,
Kolkata- 700 106

Limited Review Report

We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of Kaushalya

Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited having registered office at HB-170,
Sector- III, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 -'1,06 for the period ended 31"t December, 2016. This
statement is the responsibility of the Company's Management and has been approved by the
Board of Directors/ Comrnittee of Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report
on these financial staternents based on our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE)
2410, Engagement to ReaieTli Financisl Statements issued by the lnstitute of Chartered
Accountants of india. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain
moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
A review is limited primarily to inquiries of Company personnel and analytical procedures
applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We have not
performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Based on review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared in
accordance with applicable accounting standards and otl-rer recognized accoulting practices
ar-Ld policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of
Regulation 33 of the sEBI (Listing obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2015 including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material

Place: Kolkata
Date: 14tt February, 2017

(Proprietor Mentbership No; 302721

- An ISO 9001-2008 Company


The tr-isting Department,

ESE Ltd. (Designated Stock Exchange)
PJ Towers, Daial Street,
Mumbai- 400 001

The l-isting Department,

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (E),
Mumbai - 400 051

Stock Code: BSE:532925


Dear Sir / Madam,

December, 201.6.

This is to inform you that a meeting number \92 of t]ne Board o{ Directors of the
Company was heid on 14*'February, 2017 at t2.00 p.m., inter-alia, to consider the
urruuaited Financial Results for Quarter and Nine Month Ended on 31't

In the aforesaid Board Meeting) the Board has approved the unaudited Financial
Results for the aforesaid quarter. A copy of unaudited results is enclosed
herewith for your record and reference.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Zr,,;,,,^, &.t Ll, ..1t)5
Saniay kiUGupta J cer.rrv secmtrT

Encl: a/ a

Kausnarva INFRASTRUCTURE DnvnroplrrNt ConponauoN LIIutrno

HB 170, Sector Ill, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 106' Ph & Fax:91-33-2334 4148
Email :, Website I http://www.kaushalya net
cIN - L5l2 16W81992PLC055629
Regd.Oflice: HB - 170, Sector_n,Satt Lake Kolkata - 700 106
Stetement ofStandalore Unaudited Results for the Quartcr and Nine months Endcd 3lst December,2016

cI:,1-L512 I 6WB1992PLC0ss629 (Rupps in Lrcs except per shar data)

3t-12.2016 30.09.2016 31.12.2016 31,12.2015 31.03.2016
Quarter Quarter Nine Months Nine Nlorths
Ended Ended f,nded Ended Ended
(ai \er Sales,lncome from Operations(Net ofExcise Duty) 2.46 8.21 10.95 42 t0 57.t9
1b) Orher Op.raling Income
Total Income from ODerations (Net) 2.46 8.27 10.95 42.10 51.19
] }-\PE\SES
1n ar.iI f m aterial consunted
Lr 0.25 072 7.89 94.22 t12 22
th ) I'ur.hase olstock in trade
. Chrnq.s in inrentoies offinishcd goods, Nork-in-progress,
3nd srock-in{rade
rdr Conlract & Site Expenses 0.66 0.54 :.i, 1.148.79 1, t67.08
(e) Emploiee benefit expense '7.65 '7.96 23.22 55.64 63.40
(1) Deprecialion and amortization expcnse 10.79 10.87 32.54 33.32 44.23
(g) Other expenses 7.t'l 8.39 29.01 46.73 207.80
(h) I'rov. for Doubtful Debts 4,000.00 4,000.00
Total ErDenses 26-52 28.48 95.79 5.378.71 5,654.73
J Profit / (Loss) from operations before (21-06) (20.21) (81.81) (s,336.61) (s,s97.51)
other income, finance costs and excepfional items (l-2)

4 Other lncome 1,1.94 504 21.57 101.36 l Ss

5 Profit / (l,oss) from ordinary activities
beforc finance costs ,nd ex.pntionrl ifem. 13 + 4) (9.131 n5.17) (63.271 (5.2J5.251 (s,483.69)
6 Fi,rance Costs 698 21 653.59 (7.46) (].13)
7 Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities
after finance costs but before exceptional
ite'ns (5 + 6) (ll.s6) (7r 6.86) (5,227.791 (s,480.26)
8 E\ceptional ltems
9 Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities
belbre tAr {7 + 8) fl 1.56) (7tJ.42) (716.86) (5.221.79\ (5,180.26)
10 Ta\ L\pensc 1.44) I.47) (4.37) (l 66) (4.82)
I I Net Profit / (Loss) from ordinrry
activities aftcr tnr (9 + l0) (r0. r 2) (7r1.9s) (71.2.49) (5,224.121 (5,47s.44)
12 Extraordinary ilems (net oftax
expense Lakbs)
| 1 Net Profil , ( for the period (l I - 12, (10.12) (711.95) (712 40) (s,224.12 (s.475.44)

14 Share ofProfit / (loss) ofassociates *

I5 Minoflb lnteresr*
16 Net Profit / (Loss) after tAxes, minority
interest and share ofprofit / (loss) of
Associates (13 + I.,l + 15) *
( 10.12) (7r 1.95) (712 49.| (5.224.12\ (5.,175 -11
17 Paid-up equiry_ share capital
(Face Value ofthe Share shallbe indicated)
3463.06 3461 06 3463.06 3463.06 3463.06
l8 Resene excluding Revaluation Reserves
as per balance sheel ofprevious
accouDling year (670.9.1)
l9.i farnings Per Share (before
ertraordinary items)
(of f l0/- each) (not annualiscd):
(a) Ilasic
(b) Dllutcd
(0.03) (2 06) (2.06) fis.09) ( 15.8 r
19.ri Earnings l'er Share (:tfter
e\traordinar] items)
(of /. each) (not atrnualised):
ra) Basic
1b) Diluted
See accompanying note to the lrinancial
(0.03) (2.06) (2 06) 05.09) (15.8r)
Applicable in the case rcsults,



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