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Universidad de la Salle. Rubio Bridget. Duarte David.



David Leonardo Duarte Cano, Jellin Bridget Rubio Hernandez.

As a voltmeter is impossible to make a current
The capacitors consist of two parallel plates measurement and the internal resistance thereof is
separated by an insulator or dielectric material, so too high and the current through it is minimal
its main purpose is electrical energy storage, tending to zero, thus taking into account that the
whereby there are two ways to perform analysis. circuits so far worked they are purely resistive, is
By direct or alternating current, this course is only recommended voltage measurements with the
suitable for DC analysis in which it must be the machine | and through Ohm's law and knowledge
period of the DC source is infinite so the of electrical resistance determine the value of the
frequency of it will be zero. Now, with this in electric current needed there.
mind and using equation (1).
For this laboratory it has been decided to start by using
the formula for implementing the calculation of the
Rc = (1)
resistivity of a conductor cable, which is shown in
equation (2).

When zero frequency, the resistance value of the

capacitor for DC is infinite ohms, whereby the = (2)

only circuit element capable of providing an
infinite resistance be open circuit between two Where is the coefficient of resistivity of material Cable
points A and B determined. length L and A is the cross sectional area thereof. Now,
with laboratory specifications is attached has the data in
Referencing laws Kirchhoff's current; the way in Table 1.
which to increase the measuring range of an
ammeter is through a resistive parallel circuit, this
of Cooper 0,0172 m
means that an ammeter connected directly to a
Length 1m
current source mark the actual value of said 3,31 mm2
Cross sectional area
source through resistance internal, however if
another resistor is connected in parallel with the Table 1. Calculation of Resistance.
resistance ammeter the new value will be the Once the above data it is possible to determine the value
current passing through the resistance of the of cable resistance, which have a value of R = 52
multimeter but not the total value which gives the whereby it is possible to conduct a similar resistive circuit
source, so if you want to determine the current shown in the simulation of figure 1.
value from a source that far exceeds the highest
rank ammeter must be connected resistors in
parallel line with the ratio between the value of
the current source and the maximum range with
ammeter throwing a value scale that generates the
Universidad de la Salle. Rubio Bridget. Duarte David. MEASUREMENT OF DC CURRENT

Fig.1. Circuit of Practice. Fig 4. Circuit elected for the practice

For which simulated data of Figure 2 were obtained. This circuit consists of various combinations of circuits in
however it is not possible to locate only the wire in the series and in parallel. In order to have a good practice and
circuit, as doing a short circuit with the source will occur, development is necessary to make the relevant
for that reason I am located an R = 1 for not greatly calculations to can see in the fig 4.
affect the values of current through the cable. III. RESULTS AND COMPARISON.

The first part of the laboratory is the parallel connection

of a 12 AWG cable with a resistance of 0.0051 and
measured value of 0.005 as measured value yielding a
percentage error of E%= 1.69% therefore is considered
as a short circuit, whereby the voltage resistance thereof
is 0V at a current infinite, however is a limited supply and
maximum current is 6.48 A, however current values
obtained thrown in practice do not match with those
obtained in the simulation because the source has a
current limiting for safety for that reason one percentage
Fig.2. Simulated data.
E% = 54,01 error is so this is the same current flowing
With these simulation data and data obtained from Ohm's through the cable.
law it is possible to find the theoretical data with values = (3)
of R = 0.0051 and voltage V = 10 V; I = 9.95 A with
which it was obtained an E% I = 0.04% for current and So this is the same current flowing through the cable. By
voltage E% V = 0%, once defined the percentage error is using equation (3) is achieved determine the power cable
necessary to find the value of the power that is able to is used dissipating yielding a value of P = 0.2441 W.
tolerate copper wire with P = 0,505 W. however, considering that the source delivers a total
For the second part of the laboratory decided to take a power of P = 64.8 W, being the power dissipated by the
ceramic 100 nF capacitor for the practice, which is able to cable one 0.3777% of the total, a relatively low value.
tolerate 60 V and is appended to circuit the the first part, For the second part of the laboratory, a capacitor with a
as shown in Figure 4. used to determine that a circuit with maximum capacity of 100V and value of capacitance of
source DC current flowing through a capacitor will tend 100 nF in a parallel circuit so it is important to note that a
to zero and the only way to go is the cable has been used source of DC has an infinite frequency and a period of
for the first part. zero was connected, this means that the capacitor acts as
an open circuit or an equivalent resistance of infinite
value. Which causes the current in this is zero amperes,
while the voltage always tends to be the same source that
would 60V. Not only to be in parallel with the source, but
Universidad de la Salle. Rubio Bridget. Duarte David. MEASUREMENT OF DC CURRENT

because it acts as the potential difference between two

parallel plates.
The electrical resistance of a conductor cable is
directly proportional to the length of the same
relationship as between shorter has the resistance
decreases, whereas if the cross sectional area
decreases the resistance of the cable increases.
As flow through a tube, the flow of electrical
current experience increased opposition to his
step less oxygen flow may happen, however it
must be remembered that if the maximum
capacity (power) cable is exceeded this it will
burn and lose its resistive properties.
In a DC circuit capacitor it behaves like an
infinite resistance value so the flow of electrical
current is zero and seek other ways to go.


[1] A. Orozco Naranjo. (2012, Sept). Circuitos

Mixtos Resistivos. [Online]. Avaible:
[2] Leyes de corriente y voltaje de Kirchhoff [Online].

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