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ANNEX I PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE COURSE OUTLINE Reading and understanding texts of di

fferent genres and discursive domains. Unity and diversity of the Portuguese lan
guage: regional variations, social change and records usos.Funções language. Mec
hanisms of textual cohesion. Grammatical and expressive scores. Morphic elements
and processes of word formation. Jobs of different classes of word. Simple sent
ence: syntactic functions. Nominal and verbal agreement. Regency nominal and ver
bal use of the grave accent. Syntax placement. Compounding period: processes of
syntactic structure, syntactic behavior of the prayers and logical-discursive re
lations marked by connectors. Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paroniria, hypernyms
, hyponyms, polysemy, denotation and connotation. Spelling, orthoepy and prosody
. SUGGESTED BILBIOGRÁFICAS Azeredo, Jose Carlos de. Houaiss grammar of Portugues
e. 2ed. São Paulo: Publifolha, 2008. BECHARA, Evanildo. Moderna Gramática Portug
uesa. 37ed. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2009. HOUAISS, Antonio & VILLAR, Mau
ro de Salles. Dictionary of Portuguese Language. Rio de Janeiro: Objectively, 20
FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING: Semiology and Semiotics: the role of nursing in the var
ious technical assistance procedures to the patient / client. Psychology applied
to nursing. Process of communication and professional-patient relationship. Nur
sing care to meet patient needs: comfort, safety and welfare, hygiene and enviro
nmental safety. Technical assistance from nursing to the patient to meet the the
rapeutic needs. Nursing record. Prevention and control of infections. Drug Admin
istration. Biosafety standards in nursing. Process of nursing work. ETHICS AND L
AW IN NURSING: The Ethics applied to nursing; Code of Professional Ethics in Nur
sing; Law of Professional Practice in Nursing: the law and health care at differ
ent stages of life of women, children, adolescents, adults and elderly; right to
ACH: Health Care for Children in different stages of life, prevention of physiol
ogical disorders and social monitoring of the process of growth and development,
technical nursing care to newborn normal and risk . Nursing interventions in in
patient units and outpatient care to pediatric clients.
UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO - UERJ _______________________________
AND HOSPITAL: Women and gynecological health: control and prevention of breast c
ancer and cervical, prevention and control of STI / AIDS. Role of the nurse tech
nician on educational Family Planning; in prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum
ERY: APPROACH AMBULATORY AND HOSPITAL: Role of the nurse technician in the pre-o
perative trans-operative and post-operative during anesthetic-surgical procedure
s. Identification of basic surgical instruments, material synthesis and means of
drainage wells, materials and basic equipment that comprise the operating room
and recovery room. Care of pathological material: preparation and routing. Routi
ne cleaning of the operating room. NURSING UNIT IN CENTRAL AND STERILIZATION OF
cleaning process, selection, packaging, sterilization and distribution of steril
e equipment, the processing flow of the sterilized material, handling equipment:
autoclaves, heat sealing, ultrasonic automatic washer. Methods for monitoring a
nd controlling the sterilization cycle. MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING: APPROACH AMBUL
ATORY AND HOSPITAL: Performance of practical nurse in nursing care to patients i
n mental health and in the digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, genito
urinary, endocrine, orthopedic, and hematologic diseases. Performance of practic
al nurse in patient care in situations of high complexity: intensive therapy and
semi-intensive; cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. Technical assistance of nursing
in oncology. Community health nursing: Epidemiological Surveillance: determinan
ts in the health-disease, epidemiological profile of Brazil; health indicators,
preventable diseases. National Immunization Program. Participation of the nursin
g technician in special programs for public health;€control of communicable dise
ases, noncommunicable diseases and sexually transmitted diseases. NURSING IN STA
TES OF EMERGENCY AND EMERGENCY. Technical performance of nursing situations: sho
ck, cardiorespiratory arrest, acute pulmonary edema, seizures, hemorrhage and hy
pertensive crisis. SUGGESTED BIBLIOGRAPHY AME - Dictionary Drug Administration i
n Nursing. 2009/2010. Rio de Janeiro: EPUB, 2009. ANVISA. Course of Infection Co
ntrol - Notebook C: Methods of Anti-infective. 2000. Available at: Brazil. Ministry of Health Care Secretariat Health Care Prenatal Car
e and Puerperium: technical manual. 3rd ed. Brasilia: Ministry of Health, 2006.
Available at: Brazil. Ministry of Health Care Secretariat Heal
th Department of Primary Care. Health of Children: Child Nutrition - Breastfeedi
ng and Complementary Feeding. Series A. Standards and technical manuals. Caderno
de Atenção Básica. 23. Brasilia: Ministry of Health in 2009. Available at: www. Brazil. Ministry of Health Surveillance Secretariat of Health Surv
eillance, control and prevention of chronic diseases later: NTCD in the context
of the Unified Health System-Brasília: Pan American Health Organization, 2005. A
vailable at: Brazil. Ministry of Health Foundation National He
alth Manual of Standards for vaccination
25 UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO - UERJ ____________________________
3rd ed., Ottawa: Ministry of Health, 2001 / Addendum 2006. Available from: www.s Brazil. Ministry of Health Care Secretariat Health Department of Pr
imary Care. Clinical Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases, Cerebrovascular and
Renal. Reports in Primary Care 14. 56 p. (Series A. Standards and Technical Manu
als) Brasília: Ministry of Health, 2006. Available at: Brazil.
Ministry of Health Care Secretariat Health Department of Primary Care. Diabetes
Mellitus. Cadernos de Atenção Básica, n. 16. 64p. (Series A. Standards and Tech
nical Manuals). - Brasilia: Ministry of Health, 2006. Available at: http://dtr20 Brazil. Ministry of Health Care Secretariat
Health Department of Primary Care. Hypertension for the Unified Health System Re
ports in Primary Care; No 15. 58 p. (Series A. Standards and Technical Manuals).
Brasilia: Ministry of Health, 2006. Available at:
AB/caderno_AB.php. Brazil. Department of Health Management Secretariat of Labor
and Education in Health Management Department of Education in Health Project Wor
ker Professionalization of Nursing field. Professionalization of nursing: studen
t notebooks: Adult Health, clinical care / professional ethics - 2. Ed, 1st repr
. - Brasilia: Ministry of Health, Rio de Janeiro: FIOCRUZ, 2003. Available at: w Brazil. Department of Health Management Secretariat of Labor an
d Education in Health Management Department of Education in Health Project Worke
r Professionalization of Nursing field. Professionalization of auxiliary nursing
: Notebooks student: Adult Health, surgical assistance / emergency care, 2. Ed,
1st repr. - Brasilia: Ministry
Health, Rio de Janeiro: FIOCRUZ, 2003. Available at: Brazil. D
epartment of Health Management Secretariat of Labor and Education in Health Mana
gement Department of Education in Health Project Worker Professionalization of N
ursing field. Professionalization of nursing: student notebooks: Public health -
2. Ed, 1st repr. - Brasilia: Ministry of Health, Rio de Janeiro: FIOCRUZ, 2003.
Available at: Brazil. Department of Health Management Secretar
iat of Labor and Education in Health Management Department of Education in Healt
h Project Worker Professionalization of Nursing field. Professionalization of nu
rsing: student notebooks: Women's health of children and adolescents - 2. Ed, 1s
t repr. - Brasilia: Ministry of Health, Rio de Janeiro: FIOCRUZ, 2003. Available
at: Brazil. Department of Health Management Secretariat of Lab
or and Education in Health Management Department of Education in Health Project
Worker Professionalization of Nursing field. Professionalization of nursing: stu
dent notebooks:
UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO - UERJ _______________________________
Fundamentals of Nursing, Professional ethics - 2. Ed, 1st repr. - Brasilia: Mini
stry of Health, Rio de Janeiro: FIOCRUZ, 2003. Available at: B
razil, Ministry of Health Ordinance 2016. Regulates the actions of hospital infe
ction control in the country. Brasília, 1998. BRAZIL. Ministry of Labor and Empl
oyment - Secretariat of Labor Inspection. SIT Ordinance No. 25, October 15, 2001
. Regulatory Standard No. 6 - Equipment for Personal Protection. Available at: h
ttp:// BRAZIL. MINISTRY OF HEALTH. Mental Health in SUS: The Psyc
hosocial Care Centers. Brasilia, Ministry of Health, 2004. Available at: www.sau BRAZIL, Ministry of Health, INCA. Nursing actions for the Control of
Cancer. 2008. BRUNO, Paul and Oldenberg, Cynthia. Nursing in the Emergency Room.
Rio de Janeiro: Senac Nacional. 2009. Caldas. C.P., SALDANHA, A. L (Org.). Seni
or's Health The Art Of Caring - 2.ed.-Rio de Janeiro: Interciencia, 2004. Federa
l Nursing Council (BR). Code of ethics of nursing professionals. Rio de Janeiro
(RJ): Federal Board of Nursing, 1993. EPSJV (Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim
Venancio) (ed.). 2003. Texts to support mental health. Rio de Janeiro: Editora
Fiocruz. (Series: Working and Training in Health). Lima, I. L. & Matão, M. E. L.
(Ed) et al. Manual Technical and Nursing Assistant. Goiânia: AB Editora. 7th ed
. 2006. ROCHA, Ruth Mylius. Mental Health Nursing. Rio de Janeiro: Senac Naciona
l, 2005. STOCHERO, O. - Ambulatory Surgical Nursing. Ed Guanabara Koogan: Rio de
Janeiro, 2005. SANTOS, N. C. M. - Surgical Center and Nursing Care - Ed Iatreia
: São Paulo. 2003. SCHMITZ, E. D. Pediatric Nursing and Childcare. São Paulo. Ed
Atheneu. 2000. Health System - SUS COURSE OUTLINE Health System: legal and regu
latory aspects, principles and guidelines of the NHS. The humanization of care i
n the context of the Health System: National Policy of Humanization, regulatory
and technical aspects for the development of actions by this Policy.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Siger BRAZIL. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil: pr
omulgated on 05/10/88. Section II-Health, Article 196 to Article 200. Available
at: BRAZIL. Law No. 8.080/90. Organic Law of Health states t
hat the conditions to promote, protect and restore health, the organization and
functioning of relevant services and other matters. Available at:
br / legislation.
27 THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO - UERJ _______________________________
BRAZIL. Law No. 8142/90. Provides for community participation in managing the Na
tional Health System (SUS) and on intergovernmental transfers of financial resou
rces in health and other matters. BRAZIL. Ministry of Health Department of Prima
ry Care. The SUS Humaniza in primary care. Brasília: Editora Ministry of Health,
2009. (Series B Texts basic health care). Available at: / Huma
nizaSUS. BRAZIL. Ministry of Health Care Secretariat Health Center Forum of Nati
onal Policy of Humanization. Humanizes SUS: basic document for managers and empl
oyees of the NHS. 4.ed. Brasília: Editora Ministry of Health, 2008. (Series B Te
xts basic health care). Accessible at: / HumanizaSUS. BRAZIL. M
inistry of Health Care Secretariat Health Center Forum of National Policy of Hum
anization. Reception in the practices of health production. 2.ed. Brasília: Edit
ora Ministry of Health, 2009. (Series B Texts basic health care). Available at: / HumanizaSUS. BRAZIL. Ministry of Health National Humanization
Policy - HumanizaSUS. Available at: HTTP: / / / portal. BRA
ZIL. Ministry of Health Operational Standard of Health Care - NOAS-SUS 01/2002,
approved by Portaria GM / MS n º 373, 27/02/2002. Available at:

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