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Hello Good People !

Revenue Evbquiries , [i893: T.N. Aet V
I[TAMIL NrlDv] ACT No. V OF 18938.

(Received the assent of the ffovernorm the 8th April 1893,

and of the Cowemtor-Genera2 on the 25th &#nzcst 1893;
tke Covemzor-Uemrd's assent zoas first :,idin the
Port St. George Gazette of the 10th October 1893.)
An Act for facilitatin enquiries into matters
connected with t e administration of the
Revenue and into the conduct of Public
WHEREAS it is expedient to make further provision
to facilitate enquiries into matters oonneated with the
administration of the revenue and into the oonduob
of publio servants; It is hereby enaoted as follows :-
4. This Act extends to the whole of the 8[State of
Leoal extent. Tamil Nadu].
1 These words were substituted for the word "Madraa" by Ghe
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969,'as amended by $he
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Seoond Amendment) Order, 1969,
whioh oame into foroe on the 14th Januery 1969.
2 Short title, "The Madras Revenue Enquiries Aot, 1893," WM
given by the Repealing and Amending Act, 1901 (Central Aot XI of
For statement of Objeots and Reasona, see Fort St. George (fase#s
Supplement, dated the 12th July 1892, p. 1 ; for Report of the
Seleot Committee, eee ibid, dated the 14th February 1893. p. 1; for
Prooeedings in oounoil, see &id, dated the 24th January 1893, p. 6;
W ,dated the 7th Masoh 1893, p. 3; and ibid, dated the 11th Aplll
1893, p. 4.
Thie Aot waa extended to the merged State of Pudukkottai by
seotion 3 of, and the First Sohedule to, the Tamil Nadu Merged
States (Laws) Aat, 1949 ( T d Nadu Aot 2CXXV of 1949).
This Aat was extended to the Kanyakumari dietriot and the
' shenaottah tduk of the Tirunelveli dietriot by section 3 of, and the
Sohedule to, the T-il Nadu (Transferred Territory) E M o n
of Laws Aot, 1957 (TamilNadu Aot XXII of 1957) repealing the
oorresponding law in foroe in that territory.
This expression was eubstituted for the espemion "Presidency
of Madras" by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1070,
whioh was deemed to have oome into foroe on the 14th J&nu&rp
1893 : T.N.,Act V] - ' Revenue Bquim'c8 431

2. The Government may, by order, invest, any officer Ofioer deputed

deputed by it to make an enquiry into any u t t e r to make
connected with the administration of the revenue enquiries with
or into the conduct of any publio Mmmt as such with certain powers.
power to summon any person to appear before suoh
officer or to produce any document or thing in the
possession or under the control of suoh person the
production of which, in the opinion of such officer,
is necessary to the conduct of such enquiry.
3. The provisions of sections 2,3:4 and 6 of '(Tamil
Nadu) Act 111 of 1869shall, mzctat~~utandis,apply to oertain podions
summonses issued under this Act. of [Tamil
bTedu]' Revenue
Summons Aot,
4. Any officer making an enquiry under this Acb may
Examination of
examine orally any person supposed to be acquainted witnesses.
with the matter under enquiry or any fact relevant
thereto, and may reduce into writing any statement,
xnade by the person so examined.

Such person shall be bound to answer truly all

questions relating to suoh matter put to him by suoh
officer, other than questions the answers to which
would have a, tendency to expose him to criminal
charge or to a p e d t y or forfeiture.

No suoh statement, when taken in the absence of s Btatements of

public servant whose conduct is under enquiry, shall witnesses not to
be used as evidence against such public servant in any be used as
judicial proceeding. certain csses.
evidence in

1 T b mnia were substitubd for the word "Madras" by the

Tamil Nadn Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adapfation of Laws (SecondAmendment) Order, 1989,
which came into froce on the 14th January 1989.

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