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Excel 7 UnP ____________________________________________________________________

1. EXCEL 7
1.1. Spreadsheet
The spreadsheet will be in the history of computing as one of the biggest promot
ers of microcomputer. They are, in themselves, almost the cause of the explosion
of microcomputers in the late 1970s, with the representatives of the VisiCalc s
preadsheet for personal computers, Apple SuperCalc and Lotus 1-2-3 for PC's, whe
n they were launched. With the advent of the Windows graphical environment, the
Excel spreadsheet environment has come to dominate this chart, becoming the quee
n of spreadsheets. Because they are relatively easy to operate, the sheets went
to meet the thousands of organizations and individuals who have or had in formul
ating projections, tables and figures based on generations of its main operation
al load variables. A spreadsheet naturally replaces the manual process or mechan
ical bookkeeping and calculations. Working with a spreadsheet does not require p
rogramming knowledge, but only you know the application that will develop and ow
n the commands of the spreadsheet.
To load Excel 7, you must give a click on the Start button, then click on Progra
ms. Click on the Programs menu in the group MsOffice option Microsoft Excel.
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_________ Now, you will learn the basic operations for creating and printing a s
preadsheet, so they were already able to create their first models, and later se
e in detail the capabilities of EXCEL in July that will allow the creation of mo
re sophisticated spreadsheets and with a better appearance.
When loaded, the screen displays your Excel work showing a blank worksheet with
the name of a folder. Screen work EXCEL 7 is composed of several elements, among
which we highlight the following:
Cells: A worksheet consists of cells. A cell is the intersection of a column wit
h a line. The function of a cell is to store information that can be text, numbe
rs or a formula that makes mention of the contents of other cells. Each cell is
identified by an address that is composed of the column letter and row number. W
orkbook: EXCEL 7 works with the concept of a folder or workbook where each works
heet is set up like a folder with multiple worksheets. In most cases, you will w
ork only with the first sheet of the folder. With this concept, instead of creat
ing twelve different worksheets to display your company's spending in the year,
you can create a single spreadsheet and use twelve sheets in each folder.
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Bookmarks (Guides): They are used to select a page of the worksheet in the same
way that the markers of phone book. These markers are automatically given names
Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.. But can be renamed. Formula bar: It aims to display the co
ntents of the current cell and allow the editing of the contents of a cell. Stat
us line: It aims to display warning messages or guidelines on the procedures bei
ng performed, as well as on the status of some keys on the on-off type, such as
NumLock, END, INS, etc.. Window Work: An Excel spreadsheet has a physical dimens
ion much greater than one-window screen can display. Excel prmite creating a spr
eadsheet with 16,384 rows by 256 columns.
For a cell can receive any type of data or formatting requires that it be select
ed in advance, ie, it becomes the active cell. To make an active cell, you must
move the selection rectangle to it by choosing one of several available methods.
1. 2. 3. 4. Use the arrow keys to move one cell to the rectangle in the directi
on indicated by the arrow. Use the arrow keys in combination with other keys to
accelerate the drive. Use a dialog box to indicate the exact address. Use your m
ouse to move the indicator cell and thereby select a particular cell.
The next table shows a summary of the keys that move the cursor or the selection
rectangle around the spreadsheet: Action Move one cell to the right Move one ce
ll to the left Move one cell up Move one cell down Last column of the current li
ne First column Last line of the current row of the current column First line of
current column Move up one screen Move down one screen Move one screen to the l
eft Move right Move one screen to move the current cell to cell A1 F5 keys to be
used right arrow arrow left arrow up arrow right arrow below CTRL-CTRL-CTRL-lef
t arrow down arrow up arrow CTRL-ALT + PgUp PgDn PgUp PgDn CTRL + ALT + CTRL + H
OME Backspace Activates dialog box
If you know exactly where you want to move the cursor, press the F5 key to open
the Go To dialog box. When she appears, enter the cell reference you want.
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This method is much faster than getting repeatedly pressing a key combination. A
fter informing the address, press the OK button.
To move the selection rectangle to a particular cell that is appearing in the wi
ndow, just point the position indicator to the desired cell and give a click. If
the cell is outside the viewing area, you must use the scroll bars vertical or
You can drag the slider to move faster and take a click on the arrows on the end
s of the scroll bar to scroll the screen more slowly.
Insert the contents of a cell is a very simple task. You must select the cell th
at will receive the data by positioning the selection rectangle on it. Then, jus
t enter your content.
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EXCEL 7 always classify what is being typed into four categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. A
text or a title A number A formula A command
This selection is almost always makes the first character that is typed. By defa
ult, Excel 7 aligns text to the left of the cell and the numbers right.
For example, select cell C4 and type the number 150. Note that when you type the
first number, the formula bar changes, displaying three buttons. Each number en
tered in the cell is also shown in the formula bar.
To finish typing the number 150 or any content of a cell in the Inbox button in
the formula bar, press ENTER.
By default, Excel assumes that the July press ENTER, the cell contents is finish
ed and the selection rectangle is automatically moved to the bottom cell. If ins
tead, ENTER, typing in a cell is completed by pressing the mailbox, the selectio
n rectangle will remain in the same cell.
To cancel the changes, click on the cancel box in the formula bar or press ESC.
These two operations will erase what you typed, leaving the cell and formula bar
blank. If for some typing error is made, press the Backspace key to delete the
last typed character. As standard, we will adopt when pressing the ENTER key to
quit typing in a cell. Now enter the numbers shown in the figure below:
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1.5.2. Text Entry
Enter text in a cell is equally easy, simply select the cell, type the desired t
ext and press a key or Command finalization of typing. Besides the ENTER key, wh
ich moves the cursor to the bottom cell, and the mailbox, which keeps the select
ion rectangle in the same cell, you can finish typing a text or a number by pres
sing the arrow keys to move the selection rectangle to the next cell. Now insert
the text, as shown below:
It is the use of formulas and functions that spreadsheets offer real benefit to
its users. Basically, a formula is the specification of mathematical operations
associated with one or more cells of the worksheet. Each cell in the spreadsheet
works as a small calculator that can display the contents of a typed expression
of just numbers and mathematical operations or else with references to cells on
the worksheet. If you were to make the sum of the values in column C, write a p
hrase on a calculator: "150 +345,8 +550 +35 "and then press the equal sign to co
mplete the term and get the number on the display. EXCEL In July, you can achiev
e the same effect by placing the cursor in a cell and enter the same expression
except that beginning with the plus sign: "+345.8 +150 +550 +35." This possibili
ty of using Excel is desirable in some cases, however in most cases you will wor
k providing addresses of cells to be summed.
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_________ Position the cursor in cell C8, enter the formula shown, and then pres
Note that instead of the formula was the sum of cells, while in-line formula, th
e formula you entered appears.
1.5.4. Auto-Sum
EXCEL 7 has a very useful resource, and facilitates the entry of formulas to cal
culate a sum of continuous values. This feature is the automatic application of
a function of EXCEL 7 called SOMA. Position the selection rectangle in cell D7.
Then press the Auto-sum that is in the toolbar, as shown in next figure.
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When you press the button, the EXCEL 7 identifies the range of values closer and
automatically writes the function SUM () with the range of cells that must be a
dded. After appearing the formula simply press ENTER to end their introduction.
If you want to change the contents of a cell can use two simple methods that wil
l trigger the issue. 1. Double click on the cell. 2. Position the selection rect
angle on the cell and press F2. Complete the worksheet as shown in next figure:
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When you save a worksheet in Excel for the first time in July, it is requested t
hat you provide a name for it. At other times, you need not supply the name. To
save a worksheet, you can choose the File menu, by typing a key combination or b
y pressing a button on the toolbar. On the File menu there is an option called S
ave. You can activate this command, or if he does not like to use the menus too,
can press the keyboard combination CTRL-B.
The third option is the fastest for those who like to use mouse. Just give a cli
ck on the save button, the third in the toolbar.
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Either option opens the dialog shown below:
EXCEL 7, every time a new sheet is started, it is called Book1. If in the same s
ection of work over a new document is created, the names proposed by Excel will
Folder2, dir3 and so on. That's why you must provide a specific name for the wor
ksheet that is being created.
Upload a spreadsheet
If you later need to use the worksheet again, you must open the spreadsheet, or
read file from disk to memory. On the File menu there is an option called Open.
You can activate this command or, if not much like to use the menus, you can pre
ss the key combination CTRL + A. The third way to open a file is to press the Op
en button, represented by a folder opening, and is the second toolbar.
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_________ Any of these three options will open the Open dialog box:
It works identically to the Save As dialog box. You must enter the worksheet nam
e or select your name from the list of available files.
To make the cell formatting in EXCEL 7 is quite simple, just select a track from
the spreadsheet and then apply the formatting on it.
EXCEL 7 the basic unit of selection is a cell, and you can select a cell or a ce
ll range horizontal, vertical or in a rectangle. Every track is composed and ide
ntified by an initial cell and a cell end. A cell range can be selected using th
e mouse or the keyboard.
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To select a track with your mouse, you must position the cursor in the starting
cell and then hold the left mouse button pressed while dragging the selection re
ctangle to the cell corresponding to the end of the track. While the cursor is b
eing moved,€cells are marked with dark background to visually control the area
you have selected. When you get the cursor on the final cell, the mouse must be
To select a cell range with the keyboard, you should position the selection rect
angle on the cell's original track. Then, you must keep the SHIFT key while usin
g one of the arrow keys or drive to move the selection rectangle to the end of t
he track. In reaching this position, the SHIFT key must be released.
1.9.4. Clear a TRACK
To deselect a track, or remove your selection is just a click on any spreadsheet
cell that is not checked.
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EXCEL in July, you can change the size and types of letters, apply special effec
ts such as bold, italic, underline and more. Text can be aligned in a column on
the left, right or centered. You can activate one of these effects while typing
the contents of a cell, or later, simply by selecting the desired cell and press
ing the desired effect. You can apply more of an effect in the same cell.
Besides the generic format that applies to both texts as numbers, Excel 7 has sp
ecific formats to be applied to numbers. In the formatting toolbar, there are fi
ve buttons for that specific purpose.
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You can change the width of a column by increasing or decreasing their margins b
y using a dialog box or the mouse.
To change the width with the mouse, you must move the cursor to the bar letters
on top of the worksheet, as shown in next figure.
Then you must move the cursor towards the edge of the column, ie the line that s
eparates columns. Then the cursor will change shape as the next figure:
At this time you must keep the left mouse button pressed while dragging the line
of reference that came to the width that you find convenient. Upon reaching the
desired width, just release the mouse cursor.
Otherwise change the width of a column is through a dialog box that is thrown as
the menu Format / Column / Width. This command will act on the current column,
unless you select more than one column in advance before activating the command
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_________ with one or more columns selected, the command displays a dialog box w
here you should enter the column width in centimeters.
If you made a mistake and want to delete the entire contents of a cell, the simp
lest way is to position the selector over it and press the DEL key. To delete a
cell range, select the cells of the track and press DEL.
EXCEL 7 provides a graphical way to represent their data in a more illustrative.
EXCEL 7 lets you create graphs on the same page then the current worksheet or o
n another page of the folder. Now we will see the creation of a chart on the sam
e page of the worksheet. To create a chart, you must first select the data area
of the worksheet that will be represented by the graph. In our example, the seri
es will be represented is in the range B3: E7. After selecting the track, simply
press the button on the auxiliary graph in the toolbar. When this button is pre
ssed, the cursor changes shape, appearing as a small graph. You must then select
an area of the worksheet where the chart should be created.
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After releasing the mouse button, the EXCEL seven active dialog boxes Auxiliary
Graph. The first one asks to be informed about the range of cells that will be r
epresented. If cell selection is correct, press the Next button: otherwise, ente
r the correct range.
The second step asks you to select a chart type. Just give a click on the desire
d type, which in the example is 3-D columns.
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Press the Next button to advance to the next step. Depending on the basic format
chosen will be presented to the variations possible format for the chart.€In t
he case of column chart 3-D, the variations are shown on the next screen.
The fourth step shows a preview of the chart and asks to be specified or confirm
ed if the sequence of data in the chart should be done by row or by column. By d
efault, Excel will propose seven columns. In our example, we want to see how the
items of expenditure behave month to month. Therefore we chose lines.
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He further contends that confirmed what line will be used as captions for the ca
tegories, which are the months in the case, and which column will be used for su
btitles. If we wanted to put a title on the chart, simply press the next button.
For now, let the title side and press the Finish button. The chart will be moun
ted in the selected area, as shown in next figure. Any value of the track that i
s modified to change the graphic appearance instantly.
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By now you've learned at least to create a spreadsheet in EXCEL 7. Printing is e
ven easier. We will see now the easiest way to print the worksheet that is being
edited. Until now perform operations that were driven mostly by the menu bar. T
he output can also be done through an option from the File menu. However, for no
w, we will use the printer icon that is on the standard toolbar. It's the fourth
icon from left to right. Before activating the print, make sure the printer is
on, has paper and its cable is connected to the PC.
1.12. Close the worksheet CURRENT
If you're editing a spreadsheet and solve quit your job without saving changes,
you can use the command File / Close. If the spreadsheet is unchanged since it w
as charged, it will be closed. If there is any change, you will see a dialog box
asking for your confirmation.
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To start a new worksheet, you must activate the command File / New, as shown in
the next illustration.
If you prefer using the keyboard, press CTRL-O and then give a click on the butt
on again, which is the first toolbar.
To exit Excel 7, you must activate the Exit option from the File menu. If you en
able this option immediately after recording the current file, the program will
terminate immediately, returning control to the Program Manager.
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