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Campinas 2008
Paper presented to the course pedagogy UNOPAR - University of Northern Parana, t
o discipline Supervised Internship - Module V Advisor: prof. Sandra Rampazzo Ele
ctronic Tutor: Tutor Suzelei Araujo Vendrame room: Clarisvaldo britto da Silva.
School Name: Body maintainer: Federal () State (X) Municipal () private () Hours
: AM (X) pm (X) night () Series offered: Elementary early years (1st to 4th grad
es). Special education. (1st to 4th The series). Number of students:
2. Physical Structure and Material of School
Physical Environments: Classrooms (how many): Secretary (1) Internal Courtyard (
1) Outside patio (1) Indoor Indoor (1) block open (x) Canteen (1) Kitchen (1) Sa
nitary female infant (2) Men Health Child (2) Teacher Health (1) Library (1) caf
e video and tv (1) reading room (1) Laboratory (do not) specify: Other (specify)
: Classes for special, special students.
Furniture: type and quantity to desks and chairs: 900 chairs 900 portfolios. 50
special seats. Blackboard (15) Drinking (6) mimeograph (3) Copier (Xerox) (1) Te
levision (3) How much: Video (1) How many: 1 1Dvd (1) how many: a home stereo (1
) How many: 1 Computer with access for students (10) How many: 10 Internet Acces
s: () yes (x) Collection bibliographic suitable to children (for the initial ser
ies) - volume (x) yes () does not specify Other (novels, research, teaching othe
rs) Ziraldo, geography, mathematics, Portuguese, etc.. Videoteca suitable to chi
ldren (for lower grades) - amount of vhs tapes or dvd: Yes, the material is adeq
uate but limited. Other videos or DVDs - specifying textbooks, school television
, etc.) Castelo Ra-tim-bum-, desnhos disney and Materials for the practice of ph
ysical education: What: temporarily place, bars, ropes, balls, nets, etc.. Mater
ials for the practice of art education: What: Scrap, wood, cardboard, magazines,
glue, paints, crayons pens. Artistic molds etc.. (Novels, research, teaching, a
nd tables adapted for students
3. Professionals
Number of principals: 1 time acting director of this institution: 8 years. Atrib
ições concerning the role of director in the institution: It is the legal guardi
an by the school, coordinates the teachers because the school does not have an a
cademic advisor. Receive summonses to the police station reiuniões education etc
.. Number of Educators: 22, which basically gives lessons. And two are deputy di
rectors. The school has no pedagogical coordinator Response time at this institu
tion: Most works in the School for three years activities developed by educators
in the institution: Basically education teachers of early grades. Secretary (a)
: () Yes (x) Number of administrative staff: 5 Tasks of administrative officials
: Secretary, give Marei, for the teachers, review the entrga of lunch, replace t
he director in his absence. Number of general service employees: 7 Tasks of Gene
ral Services officials: Cup, kitchen, janitorial, cleaning, maintenance, monitor
ing students Parents Teachers Association and officials - APMF: (x) yes () no ot
her form of relationship is in Masters officials that the community be involved
to improve, within the school. School Council: (x) yes () no Portfolio: The scho
ol board investigates what the school needs and what are the most important issu
es that should focus escolla. The school board advises the quality of life and e
ducational environment and
financial needs of the school. The school board advises the director on matters,
such as whether the school is using the best means of informing parents about s
tudent achievement or well-being of students in school. Student Association: ()
yes (x) Other: () Yes (x). Faculty - numbers of teachers: Effective February 30
and special education. Training: The school is 80% for teaching, pedagogy or upp
er normal, 20% are studying pedagogy. 35% are postgraduate broadest sense. Suppo
rt professionals (nutritionists, psychologists, dentists, speech therapist, nurs
e,€Social worker or other): these professionals are not part of a school staff m
ember, and has rarely uito school.
The Political Project (PPP) or Proposed Pedagogical features consistent with the
LDB, Guidelines, PCN, etc.. But he lacks the participation of the community thi
s is the complaint of teachers and school board. The purpose of the PPP, has cle
arly and objectively. Ma the implementation is difficult, students are very aggr
essive, and countries in participating in projects and school meetings. School t
oo far away. 3. Check for feasibility of implementing the proposal. Morning hour
s of the School is from 08:00 / 12:00 and afternoon from 13:00 / 17:00 The first
and second grades make the playground 14:300 and the series Tuesday and Wednesd
ay 14:45 and the students of special education 15:00 They use socio-educational
measures and the time is maira particament imnpossivel teach parents in their gr
eat maira seem not connect, but there are a few who know the value of school and
are partners. Projects developed by the school or teachers. Are through interdi
sciplinary projects and content trabvalhar hygiene
food, all dengue through the flipchart and outos means. Students espcial educati
on, are very well cared for, and the teachers, besides being educators are exper
ts in special education. Students live in harmony with the special students, as
they used to. Experience gives this awareness. School philosophy is to keep stud
ents in class. The school is situão and lived on the outskirts of london. It's v
ery off-center. For many vezs a lesson or a project being disadvantaged because
of lack of typing paper. Organisation of the curriculum: by discipline, by modul
e, by theme, area of expertise, projects or other forms, use of textbooks; inter
disciplinary proposals. The community does not participate in school activities.
The great works maira lnge their neighborhood is practice all day out of cas an
d of the night. It Commum children complain of the absence of their parents. Eva
luation process is done in cycles, not repetition. There are 200 school days. Ho
liday recess in July and January. Has reuoniões bimonthly, in all four meetings.
Plan continuing education for teachers. They are organized pea police education
in partnership with the school and some institutions. Action plan of the school
: goals, actions to be achieved etc.. The whole staff of professors with graduat
e until 2010. Students better prepared for life in society as well as literate a
nd illiterate. The latter the biggest challenge.
School: Professor / a: The day when they began to search: A day on which ended t
he search:
Financial education.
Rationale: Continuing the development of interpersonal human being, it is necess
ary to introduce kids into something real, through which they can seek to unders
tand the purpose of research and how best to use the money. Objectives: To make
children understand the importance of research prices before making a purchase.
Objectives Geography: notions of space (from smallest to largest and vice versa)
and social life (knowing where you live through the trade of its location and s
urroundings). Mathematics Objectives: The accounts of adding and subtracting nee
ded to research prices make the kids understand the functionality of mathematica
l operations, as well as utility tariffs, arousing greater interest in mathemati
cs. Science Objectives: To show how man has created a sense of compass direction
abeam. In order to make the child find ways to deploy world by observing the Su
n, Moon, and at the same time in your research positions in the world. (I caught
a bus north of the house. Etc). Thus through a price survey was possiivel inclu
de making a compass. is in the
Social Function of the School: The school has a social function and pedagogical-
didactic, and for this reason must work to improve the families through the chil
dren, as is well known that multipliers are small. Becoming a citizen critical,
reflective, ethical and know what to relate is one of the tasks that society wil
l require each child in the near future. The price survey offers opportunity for
the organization, and interpersonal comparison. Materials: Paper plain, pencil,
eraser, book with the story of the ant and the grasshopper, product photos, gra
phics, city map that can be viewed on google maps, dictionary of Portuguese lang
uage. Alternative materials for making a compass. Make your own compass!
By: Maria Ramos
The compass is an instrument used for centuries for guidance.€It basically consi
sts of a needle that always points north. You can even build a compass from low
accuracy. For this you will need a magnet (perhaps one in the refrigerator of th
eir home), a needle, a cork or a piece of Styrofoam, duct tape, a knife and a bo
ttle of water. Instructions: • Cut the cork or piece of Styrofoam, leaving it wi
th about an inch in height, forming a disk. • Next, magnetize the needle: pass o
ne of its ends on the side of the magnet about 20 times in one direction, taking
care not to rotate back and forth. • Using tape, attach the needle into the dis
c and place it on a water reservoir. If it works, when you move the needle, she
must return to the same position, ie indicating the direction north-south. Metho
dology: The teacher explains what should be done (how students should conduct re
search, where it will take place, exemplifies the products to be searched, etc.)
. The teacher could use the story of the Cicada and the Ant to give a notion of
work and economy and can ask questions about the text (thus avoiding a long expo
sure, since the concentration span of a child in the same subject is less than 1
5 minutes ). Search Execution time: One week. This project should start preferab
ly on a Wednesday, for three days will be used for the explanation and organizat
ion of content and process, as follows: Day 1 - History of the Cicada and the An
t. Day 2 - story building for economics concepts are introduced - the teacher ex
plains to the class to which each task will take place through a dialogue where
everyone chooses the theme of his research. Day 3 - the teacher presents an exhi
bition with photos or illustrations of charts, tables, information about the mak
ing of the compass, etc. products. Day 4 (Saturday) baseline. Day 5 - Continuati
on of research. Day 6 - Conclusion 7 days - evaluation of research.
The idea is to set aside the weekend for students to conduct research while stro
lling through your neighborhood or city with your parents or friends, and that t
his activity can be developed in a pleasant and natural. Assessment: dialogic: a
s our goal is to ascertain the level of maturity and development of children wil
l use the evaluation dialogic, and within this the prognostic assessment in whic
h we will observe the prerequisites or assessment of entry and then leave for th
e diagnostic evaluation, featuring the procedures of everyday life in order to v
erify who is entering the skills provided. And finally, the evaluation of classi
fication, which will make the final assessment of students. Thus we do not separ
ate the issues of quantitative and qualitative evolution of the student.
1 store Store Name: Product choice
(Item that all of the products must be of the same brand).
Store 2 Store Name: Price
3 store Store Name: Price
Product Name: Product Price chosen (this item observe
different brands of the same product).
Product Name: Price differences: Note the first column (products from the same b
rand) and list prices from highest to lowest ►
Note the second column (same product from different brands) and list prices from
lowest to highest. ►
Answer the following questions: Which store has the lowest price?
What store has the highest price?
Calculate the difference between the prices:
Shop for a shop 2
Shop for 2 3 Store
Shop for a third store
What type of account you used to find out the price differences? It is worth res
earching? And the same products of different brands are more expensive or cheap?
(The teacher has to give an explanation of what he wants).
After more than 50 hours of observations from space is at school. We see the cha
nge in early childhood education before the play was part of the teaching / lear
ning. Now we see this feature becoming more distant. Reduction of recreation, st
orytelling is rare, evidence reviews, and basically comunição between educators
and students is done so rough with some exceptions. Many new teachers feel that
the difference in the skin of the college and its teaching and the reality of a
school on the outskirts. Who taught these teachers and the management direction
or management in a classroom. Teachers being humiliated by children and teachers
raping students psicologicamento most defenseless. The lack of basic resources
such as sulfite established role for extra activities or other compromises the e
ducational process. No wonder that many writers talk about, the evaluation of ev
idence, the contents,€of continuing education, the paradigm shift etc.. Do not j
ust make m pedagogy courses must have a vocation and love what they do, we've se
en this minority of educators makes us believe even in education. Another point
is the routine of school very different daqula semstre staged the 1st and 2nd ha
lf of 2007 in early childhood education. In most schools parents attended the sc
hool. Now it is rare in the periphery participation, this distance puts them sho
ulder a burden for teachers which are not realizing. Computer room with new comp
uters shut. The street is attracting more than school. Many potential teachers,
others do not know how to make the student learn. Are waiting for the whistle fr
om 1700 hours to close down their shifts. The head can not think straight a lot
of noise in the classroom. Now the same parents who do not participate in school
, decor and sautéed know the complete address of the station staff. This is to m
ake a complaint about teachers. They conehcem to the ECA, but their children kno
w nothing. For this reason I understand why many teachers have asked for trnasfe
rência education. Did ium days we will see the undergraduate courses are the mos
t competitive university entrance exams? Education became a land of all and mast
er of few. in which
The curricula of our schools have been proposed to meet the expansion of educati
on. There are plans for each student, but for many classes of students in a hier
archy of sets, for ages but hopefully in a class with 30 or more than 40 student
s, a single right answer. school citizens? Where are the experts in education? P
ublic schools that are located in major cities periiferias need urgent public po
licy. There are educators and teachers. There is a huge difference between these
two words.
"You can not remake this country, democratize it, humanize it, make it serious,
with teenagers playing at killing people, offending life, destroying the dream,
making it impossible to love. If education alone can not transform society witho
ut she nor the society changes. " (Paulo Freire)
In short where is the
constructivist pedagogy? Where is the planning of the curriculum? Where is the
REFERENCES http://www.invivo.fio BRAZIL. Primary Education
Department. National Curriculum: Volume 1 - Introduction to the National Curricu
lum Parameters. Brasília: MEC, 1997 BRAZIL. Primary Education Department. Nation
al Curriculum: Volume - 10.1 Cross-cutting Themes Cultural Plurality. Brasília:
MEC, 1997. DEMO, Pedro. Ironies of Education: changes and short stories about ch
ange. Rio de Janeiro: DP & A, 2000. ROMÃO, J. E. Dialogical evaluation: challeng
es and prospects. São Paulo: Cortez, 1998.
Prof Nascimento
In a small village, a man who had learned to make keys. And did so well that he
soon appeared several potential apprentice. A key attached to a cord was the cer
tificate of completion of learning successfully. The craftsman was increasingly
happy with their art. Actually, I was so happy that barely noticed the disappoin
tment of his former disciples. These, after having traveled around the world, re
turned discouraged, throwing his keys at the foot of the old master. Behold, aft
er a long time, began to be troubled with what he called ingratitude. Looking fo
r advice, climbed the mountain and sought the wise hermit. I wonder why people a
re so ungrateful to one who does everything for them. He told the case for retur
n of keys. The hermit listened attentively, and when the speaker finished his pr
esentation, said nothing for a few seconds that seemed an eternity to the crafts
man. - Good man - began the hermit, stroking his long beard and graying - vanity
is the great sin of those who think teaching. What you gave to his disciples wa
s not teaching, but an exhibition of art and power. You loved the title of Maste
r Keys. The craftsman could hear everything without anything to refute, head bow
ed, his hands nervously clutching an old leather hat. The words of the sage said
nothing back, hitting him in full. The old mountaineer knew things of life. He
seemed to read people's souls. - But I did a good job. Why do not they recognize
it? - Good man, you never stopped to evaluate your work from one point of view
important, when teaching, the most important is the learner. You, at some point,
questioned the validity of his teachings to the growth of its learners? I assum
e not. The craftsman made a gesture of discouragement, and the ancient mountain
continued: - His disciples trusted you and you betrayed them. Wherever they walk
€Always carry a key around his neck. This key does not lead anywhere important.
They can not, with it, change the reality in which they live, opening new paths
and more promising. You have not taught them what to do with the keys. You shoul
d not even know why and what makes keys. Learn which keys should be used to open
doors, or become useless objects. The artisan and thanked the old hermit, thoug
htful, down the mountain slowly. Took off your key, it looked flat and hard, in
a gesture almost solemnly, and murmured: --- I have a lot to learn about you, be
fore returning to train new artisans.

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