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Features of Islamic Society

Q: Are the features of Islamic society prevailing in

these days in Muslim States. Explain with examples.
10 marks
Ans: At the time of the birth of Holy Prophet and before Islam came into this
world, Arabia was stepped in the worst form of idolatry. They were called the
Idol-worshipers. The Holy Kaaba was full of idols and every house hold its own
idols. Women were looked upon as property without having any right to
inheritance. A man could marry and keep as many women as he could afford.
There was no settled government and no law in the land. The affairs of each tribe
were governed by its own chief. There were rivalries among them side by side
Arabs had the qualities of heroism, love for liberty, hospitality and eloquence.
This period is known as age of ignorance in Arabs history.
Islam is the word taken from Salem which means peace, justice, equality,
fraternity and brotherhood. Islamic society is based on the belief in the unity of
Allah, His worship, and belief in the articles of faith and practices of the pillars of
Islam. Muslim society is that society which worships one Allah and denies idol-
worshipping of Gods and goddesses. Quran says, Say He is Allah the one and
only; Allah, the eternal, absolute; He does not beget, nor is he
begotten, and there is none like Him (112:1-4)
Islamic society is based the belief in Articles of Faith. They are the form of
Ibadahs done after being Muslim. These Ibadahs are also called Haquq-ul-Ibad,
for example Fasting. Fasting is not only for Allah but it also teaches man
tolerance, patience when the person gets the feeling of hunger. Prayer offers and
shows the sign of one Muslim ummah in muslin society which makes the believer
not only to help but also to guide him on right path. Allah says, And be
steadfast in prayers, practice charity (2:43)
Another feature of Muslim society is respect for women. Islam elevated the
position of women as a mother, daughter and wife and conferred rights to them.
Prophet (PBUH) declared, The best among you is the one who is best
toward his wife. (Tirmizi)
Muslim society guarantees protection of life, property and honour of a person
irrespective of class, colour or creed. The Prophet (SAW) on the occasion of the
last pilgrimage said, Most surely your life, property and honour are
sacred on this day of pilgrimage (Sahih Bukhari) On another occasion,
whoever is living in the society should have respect and honour
irrespective of class, race or creed (Sahih)
Every member of the Islamic society is free to practise nay faith or religion. The
Holy Prophet (SAW) guaranteed complete freedom of faith o the Jews by signing
peace treaty of Madinah and Christians of Najran. Allah says, There is no
compulsion in religion (2:250)
Islamic society also provides rights to basic needs. Every individual is entitled to
have the minimum basic requirements of his family, for e.g. food, water, clothes.
Islamic society shoulders the responsibility of providing the basic needs of those
families whose needs are not fulfilled by the system of Zakat and Sadqat. Zakat
is only for Muslims whereas Sadqah is for non-Muslims. Quran says, And their
wealth and possessions (was remembered) the right of the (needy) him
who asked and him who (for some reason) was prevented (from
asking) (54:19)
Islamic society is based on fraternity and brotherhood. Muslims are genuinely
interested in the welfare of fellow beings. Muslim brotherhood is a unifying factor
of different races, colour and nationality. Holy Prophet said, The believers are
like a single man; if his eye is affected he is affected and if his head is
affected he is all affected. (Sahih Bukhari)
Islamic society is based on piety and righteousness. Vices are prohibited.
Drinking, stealing, adultery and gambling are declared unlawful. Acquiring wealth
through unlawful means was declared illegal while lawful means of earning was
encouraged. Quran says, Allah has allowed trading and forbidden usury
The community setup by Muhammad (SAW) was based on equality and justice
irrespective of cast, colour, creed etc. Non-muslims are also enjoyed equal civil
rights along with the Muslims and the same laws applied on both. Once Hazrat
Usman (RA) tried to intercede regarding one of the punishments prescribed by
Muhammad (SAW); He became angry and said, I swear by God that even if
Fatima, daughter of Muhammad should steal, I would have her hands
cut off. (Nasai)
If these features are followed not only the society will be in peace and harmony
even Allah will bless the inhabitants.

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