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Multicultural Lesson Plan 1

Edu 280

Multicultural Lesson Plan

Gemma Crowell

College of Southern Nevada

May 2, 2016
Multicultural Lesson Plan 2

Lesson Summary: Writing Informational Text (Social Studies). The students will learn how to

construct a paragraph using a sequence of pictures as a guide. The students will be able to

describe events or tell a story by drawing historical figures or events first and then converting the

pictures into a complete paragraph. This will teach the students history as well as how to

construct a good paragraph of facts using sequencing.

A. Standards:

Lesson Plan Standard - Language Arts Standard 5.0 Students write a variety of texts that inform,

persuade, describe, evaluate, or tell a story and are appropriate to purpose and audience.

Multicultural Standard - Social Studies Standard 5.0 Students understand the impact of the

interaction of peoples, cultures, and ideas from 1200 to 1750.


Grade Level: 3


Language Arts Objective - It is expected that students will write compositions that retell events

of a story in sequence.

Social Studies Objective - It is expected that students will create timelines that show people and

events in sequence using days, weeks, months, years, decades, and centuries.


Multicultural Objective - "Develop multiple historical perspective" (Chapter 1 PowerPoint).

Learning Styles: Visual Learners - "Minds sometimes stray during verbal activities; Observe
Multicultural Lesson Plan 3

rather than talk or act; Organized approach to tasks; Like to read; usually a good speller;

Memorize by seeing graphics and pictures; Not too distractible; Find verbal instructions difficult;

Have good handwriting; Remember faces; Use advanced planning; Doodle; Quiet by nature;

Meticulous and neat in appearance; notice details; picture words and concepts mentally; write

information for frequent visual review; visual images enhance learning: films, pictures,

demonstrations, and modeling" (Learning Styles PowerPoint).

Gardner's 8 Intelligences: Linguistic Intelligence - "everything we do with language, speech,

reading, and writing. Most of our time devoted to linguistic intelligence. Main emphases of

public education. Allows individuals to communicated and make sense of the world through

language. Used to think in words and express thoughts and understand meanings. Sensitivity to

word meaning, word order, sounds rhythms, inflections. The 4 main forms: reading the

newspaper, a novel, emails, and product labels" (Howard Gardner's 8 Intelligences PowerPoint).

B. Materials and Equipment: Interactive Smartboard, teacher laptop computer, Windows OS

8.0 or higher, visualizer or overhead projector, construction papers, student pencils, 1st

transparent example (a sequence of events of a picture of pilgrims, picture of Mayflower, and a

picture of pilgrims and Native Americans), 2nd transparent (sample paragraph, "The Pilgrims

were looking for another country to live a new life. The Pilgrims traveled a long journey on the

Mayflower ship. When the Pilgrims arrived in a new land they were happy"). An assessment

paper, teacher's grading pen.

Multicultural Lesson Plan 4

C. Procedures:

1. The teacher will start out by saying, "Today, we are going to be writing a paragraph about the

events or historical figures that we have studied in our social studies class."

2. The teacher will lay down on the visualizer the 1st transparent, point to each picture and read

the words written the picture.

3. The teacher will say, "Just like in this example, I will draw out the events from (point to

picture 1, to picture 2, to picture 3), to put together my paragraph."

4. The teacher will go around the tables, and hand out construction papers and pencils to all


5. The teacher will prompt the students to think on their own or brainstorm with each other on


6. The teacher will command the students to recall any historical figures or events that they have

learned in the previous lesson and to draw a sequence of facts in order.

7. The teacher will now lay down the second transparent, read the paragraph, and explain the

sample paragraph that described the sequence of facts from the first transparent.

8. The teacher will say, "You will now construct a paragraph using your pictures. When you

convert your pictures into words, write a topic sentence, subtopics, use supporting details, and a

conclusion for your paragraphs."

9. After the students have finished writing their paragraphs, call on a student to share what he

wrote and to read it to the class, and ask why that student chose that topic.

10. As the student is speaking, note on the Assessment paper and grade each student according to
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pronunciation, vocabulary, content, organization, and language use.

11. Continue to call on each student until each one has shared his written paragraph.

D. Closure: After every student has shared his paragraph, give each one another construction

paper, then using their first pictorial sequence, instruct students to write an edited version of their

paragraph, once again including the topic sentence, subtopics, supporting details, and conclusion.

E. Assessment: Each student will be given a maximum of 5 points in the areas of pronunciation,

vocabulary, content, organization, and language use, for a total of 25 points or the equivalent of

100 percent.
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F. References:

Christensen, C. (2010). Chapter 1 PowerPoint.

Christensen, C. (2012). Howard Gardner's Eight Intelligences PowerPoint.

Christensen, C. (2012). Learning Styles PowerPoint.

CSN Education Department. (2006). CCSD Elementary Curriculum. Retrieved at (2015). Diversity of Families. Retrieved at

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