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Reading Comprehension Test

Submitted By: Aticha Anupunswang (Bam)

(Line 1) Many investors know that they are supposed to request a companys
annual report to understand the business but they dont really know what it is or
why it is important. I want to take some time to explain it to you, as well as
explain how you can get your hands on the annual report of a business in which
you are interested in making an investment, whether that interest falls more toward
becoming an owner by purchasing stock or lending money to the company by
purchasing bonds.
(Line 7) The annual report is a document prepared by a companys
management to the shareholders and stakeholders, including employees, unions,
vendors, and regulators, explaining what happened in the business for the year.
There are no real rules for what an annual report contains and some companies
dont even prepare one. Often, though, a lot of time and effort is put into this
special document resulting in valuable information that you can't discover easily
anywhere else.
(Line 13) Most annual reports begin with a shareholder letter from the Chief
Executive Officer. While some businesses use this as little more than an
opportunity to have a ghost-written marketing message pushed to a large audience,
many CEOs work long and hard on their letter, using it as a chance to provide
insight into the state of the sectors or industries in which the company operates,
the nature of the competition faced by the firm, challenges or opportunities that
have presented themselves, an explanation of some of the causes behind the
figures found in the financial section, insight into the future of leadership at the
business (especially in cases where the CEO plans on retiring), modifications in
dividend payout policies, and much more.

1. The word regulators from line 9 is closest in meaning to

a) device used to control the speed or temperature
b) people who take care of a business
c) people who do things normally
d) people who work accurately

2. The phrase dividend payout in line 21 is closest in meaning to

a) the money you get from the share
b) to separate into two parts
c) something you get as a reward
d) a share or anything divided

3. The word they in line 2 refers to

a) investors
b) annual reports
c) companys managers
d) Chief Executive Officer

4. Why is the annual report important in doing a business?

a) it explains how the CEOs work in the company
b) it describes why the investor fail in doing business
c) it contains what happened in the company over one year
d) it contains what happened in the company over a month

5. Who will prepare the annual report for the company?

a) companys managers
b) shareholder and stakeholder
c) CEO
d) companys unions, vendors, and regulators

6. According to the passage, which of these might NOT be in the annual report?
a) how company is operating
b) what challenges the company is facing
c) financial report
d) the goal of the company

7. Why does the business company might want to write an annual report?
a) the reputation of the CEO
b) marketing purpose for the business
c) to show the companys competitor that they are operating well
d) to share the challenges the company faced

8. Why a retiring CEO would want to do an annual report?

a) so they can gain a reputation
b) people will know who will be the future leader of the company
c) people will know what the CEO will do after his retirement
d) a company will make more profits

9. What can be inferred in paragraph 3?

a) many of businesses do the annual report in order to promote their company.
b) only the CEO that will be retired will concern about the annual report
c) the CEO will be the writer of the annual report
d) the business do the annual report to discuss challenges and competition
with others

10. What does the passage mainly talk about?

a) How to write an annual report
b) How a companys management should be done
c) The job of the Chief Executive Officer
d) What is the annual report and why is it important
Reading Comprehension Test
Submitted By: Aticha Anupunswang (Bam)

(Line 1) If a person is deprived of sleep, it can lead to "tremendous emotional

problems," said Dr. Steven Feinsilver, the director of the Center for Sleep Medicine at
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. "Sleep deprivation has been
used as a form of torture," he said. But still, research over the years has shown that
people can be physically and psychologically damaged from not getting enough sleep,
said David Dinges, a professor of psychology and the director of the Unit for
Experimental Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania.

(Line 8) "Clearly, your brain doesn't work very well when you're sleep-deprived,"
Feinsilver said. Even a low level of sleep deprivation has an impact on cognitive and
emotional function, he said. Dinges explained that some of the first emotional impacts of
sleep deprivation involve positive emotions. "When people get sleep-deprived, they don't
show positive emotion in their faces," Dinges said. A sleep-deprived person may say
they're happy, but they still have a neutral face, he said. And they won't recognize other
people as happy, either. A positive look on someone's face can appear neutral to a sleep-
deprived person, and neutral look is often interpreted as a negative look, Dinges said. The
sleep-deprived brain may not be as capable of detecting positive emotions as a more
rested brain, he said.

(Line 18) In fact, the damage is so apparent that it is unethical to coercively deprive
someone of sleep, Dinges said. In the studies of sleep deprivation that Dinges and his
colleagues conduct in their lab, healthy volunteers are placed in medically safe
environments and constantly monitored. But studying sleep deprivation is important,
according to these researchers and others who study the condition. They say that learning
what happens in people who are deprived of sleep can help researchers better understand
the function of sleep and its importance for both physical and emotional health.



1. The word deprived in line 1 is closest in meaning to

a) removed
b) not enough
c) prevented
d) robbed

2. The word cognitive in line 9 is closest in meaning to

a) physical
b) recognition
c) attention
d) mental
3. The word he in line 13 refers to
a) David Dinges
b) Steven Feinsilver
c) sleep-deprived person
d) other people

4. According to the passage, who mentioned that sleep deprivation is a form of torturing
a) David Dinges
b) the author
c) Stephen Feinsilver
d) researchers

5. Which of the following does the author mention in the first paragraph about the
a) sleep deprivation could lead to cancer
b) sleep deprivation cause by people who want to torture themselves
c) sleep deprivation can cause people to be physically and psychologically damaged
d) sleep deprivation will lead to tremendous social problems

6. According to the passage, which of the following is wrong about the impact of sleep
a) it has an effect on the persons emotion
b) the sleep-deprived person would have a negative emotions during the first
emotional impacts
c) the sleep-deprived person will still has a neutral face
d) the sleep-deprived person cannot recognize other people as happy

7. According to the passage, what was the challenge in conducting a sleep deprivation
a) there is not enough volunteers
b) the setting for the research was not available
c) information was not accessible
d) it is illegal to force someone to sleep deprive in order to do a research

8. According to the passage, what did Dr. Feinsilver mention about sleep deprivation?
a) people with sleep deprivation dont show positive emotions on their faces
b) people with sleep deprivation see people with positive look as a neutral look
c) people with sleep deprivation see people with neutral look as a negative look
d) low-level of sleep deprivation could cause the brain not working properly

9. What might be the reason for the researchers in conducting the research?
a) help them to learn more about the function of sleep
b) learn more about peoples psychology
c) as a reputation to the university and the medicine school
d) to understand how to cure sleep deprivation
10. What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?
a) the cause of sleep deprivation
b) how a research of sleep deprivation was conducted
c) the symptom and impact of sleep deprivation
d) the purpose of doing a research

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