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Chapter 7


The harmful effect on the environment of by-products of human

activity, principally industrial and agricultural processes for

example, noise, smoke, car emissions, chemicals and radioactive

effluents in the air, seas, and rivers, pesticides, sewage and household

waste that results to pollution which contributes to the greenhouse

effect. (Catchillar, G., 2008)

Pollution control involves higher production costs for the industries

concerned, but failure to implement adequate controls may result in

irreversible environmental damage and an increase in the incidence of

diseases such as cancer.(Catchillar, G., 2008)

This chapter shows the environmental outgrowth of establishing

dance and fitness studio in Calamba. The waste that will be produced

by the business is the usual office litter like plastic and papers. Proper

disposal and management of these waste will be carry out to avoid

further harm to the employees, customers and the surrounding

businesses. Garbage bins will be provided for disposing of these waste

materials. Proper waste segregation will also be observed by the


business. The garbage bins will be emptied twice a week by the

garbage collector.

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