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Number 999 January 2015

The Effects of Wind Turbines on Wildlife

n Wind power can reduce dependence on
fossil fuels and the negative effects of
climate change for wildlife and the
n National interest groups and public opinion
are largely in favour of wind turbines,
providing vulnerable species and areas of
natural beauty remain protected.
n Site selection is important, particularly for
onshore wind turbines, to minimise habitat
loss and collisional deaths.
n The long-term effects of wind turbines on
wildlife are difficult to establish, due to the
As a consequence of its geographical lack of before and after studies.
location, the UK has great potential for wind n Technologies to mitigate negative effects
power. At a time of increasing emphasis on during operation exist, but their efficacy
wind power to meet renewable energy largely remains unestablished.
targets, this POSTnote summarises the Offshore wind sites are typically higher
capacity and can enhance local populations
effects of wind turbines on wildlife and of economically important species.
biodiversity, highlighting ways any negative
impacts can be mitigated against.

Wind turbines perception

Background National interest groups and public opinion remain largely
Wind turbines are a renewable, low-carbon technology for positive towards wind turbines, with ~70% of the public in
energy production. They harness the kinetic energy of wind 4
favour of developments near them. Opposition to new wind
using rotating blades, and convert this into electrical energy turbine sites arises when particularly vulnerable species are
via an electricity-generating turbine. Wind turbines can be likely to be affected or the proposed site is in an area of
sited on or off-shore, each raising unique concerns over the natural beauty.

different ecosystems upon which they impose.

Wildlife and biodiversity
Renewable energy sources, including wind power, will help Wind turbines can affect both local and migrating wildlife
reduce the impact of climate change, predicted to threaten and while the immediate effects from habitat loss and
biodiversity worldwide. Assuming mid-range forecasts for disruption during construction are largely negative, the long-
global warming, it is estimated that 15-37% of species will term effects on wildlife are less clear. The number of before
be committed to extinction worldwide by 2050. Although a and after studies monitoring wildlife is small in comparison
collective shift towards renewable energy is seen as to the number of wind turbine sites across the UK. Whilst
necessary and globally positive, implementing the there are many short term, species focused studies, little
technology can have damaging effects on local wildlife attention has been paid to the long-term consequences for
which should be considered. biodiversity.

The UK fell short of its first Europe 2020 target in obtaining

4% of its total energy consumption from renewable sources
Onshore Wind Turbines
by 2012. (Box 1) Since then the UKs total energy The majority of wind energy sites across the UK are
contribution from renewables has increased to 5.2% in onshore (667 from a total of 690). Onshore wind sites
2013, 31% of which came from wind power. Electrical generally have lower capacity than offshore. They are often
energy from wind in 2014 equated to 434 million, enough restricted in size by their location and comprised of smaller
to power around 7 million homes.
3 turbines that are logistically easier to construct. Many sites
that would provide good energy output may already be

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA; Tel: 020 7219 2840; email:
POSTnote 999 January 2015 The Effects of Wind Turbines on Wildlife Page 2

protected land areas due to the presence of endangered or m separation distance, whereas Eurobats recommends 200
at risk species (see box 2 for wildlife relevant planning m. Computer models have been developed to aid
procedure). decision making in site selection for bats.

Flight styles and paths

Box 1. Wind power in the UK
Concerns over climate change (POSTnote 295) have resulted in an Wind farms located next to ridges, steep slopes and similar
increased focus on energy obtained from renewable sources landscape features can pose a threat to larger birds that use
(POSTnote 315). The Europe 2020 initiative states that 20% of the EUs up-drafts for altitude gaining or soaring flight. This style of
total energy consumption must come from renewable energy sources by flight is characteristic of larger birds with reduced flight
2020 (POSTnote 315).7 maneuverability. Bats are flexible and varied in their use of
landscape, and commonly fly in open areas suitable for wind
The UKs target for 2020 is to have 15% of energy coming from farm development. They actively investigate new structures
renewable source. Currently the UK has 690 (667 onshore sites and 23 in their territories, looking for new foraging, feeding or
off short sites), accounting for 5,948 turbines and 54% of the UKs roosting areas. Although most species of bats do not
renewables electrical energy mix.
commonly fly at wind turbine heights, some are attracted to
wind turbine blades by congregating insects. Some
The number of wind farm sites is set to rise by 13%, despite this
increase set for 2015/2016, the government approval rate for wind farms already at-risk species would be considered high-risk
was the lowest it has been for 6 years in 2013/2014.8 around wind farm sites; including the Noctule and Leislers
Site selection
Avoiding areas with high avian densities, migration routes,
feeding areas and habitats of at risk/endangered species is Box 2. Relevant UK Planning Policy and considerations
the best way to ensure minimal impact from wind turbines All offshore and most onshore installations (greater than 50 MW) are
on birds, bats and other wildlife. Careful site selection can treated as nationally significant infrastructure. Decisions are made by
reduce costly minimisation factors being enforced later. democratically accountable ministers in accordance with the national
policy statements (EN-1 and EN-3) for energy infrastructure, as set out
Habitat Disturbance by The Planning Act 2008. These state that development should
avoid significant harm to biodiversity, including mitigation.
Data comparing operational and non-operational wind farm
sites suggests that disturbance causes more damage to bird Proposers are required to undertake Environmental Impact and
populations than collision deaths. Many onshore wind farms Habitat Regulations Assessments where appropriate, covering all
proposed are in upland environments because of the aspects of the infrastructure. Decision makers for offshore sites are
favourable combination of high wind resources and low bound by sections 125 & 126 of Marine and coastal access act
human settlement. This often overlaps with bird territories of 2009, requiring them to act in a manner to further the conservation
objectives of marine conservation zones. To date, the RSPB has only
high conservational importance and numerous upland
objected to around 6% of proposed developments they are consulted
dwelling birds are particularly sensitive to habitat on.5 Sites of special scientific interest (SSSI) are given high protection,
disturbance. Development can lead to a 30% reduction in with rare exception where benefits significantly outweigh any damage
expected bird densities within a 1km buffer zone. Birds done.
re-locate and use habitat away from site infra-structure,
including access tracks post construction, resulting in a 15-
An increase in human activity and new infrastructure are
53% reduction in breeding within 500 m of wind farm sites,
10,12 the main causes of disturbance to wildlife. Population
depending on the species. It is not clear for many bird
densities of red grouse, snipe and curlews at wind farm sites
species if this behaviour is due to wind turbine presence,
12 across the UK dropped by 40-53% as result of construction
wind farm noise, site traffic or human disturbance. This
work, with only the red grouse showing population recovery
puts pressure on species that may already be at risk or have 21
9 one year after completion of construction. In contrast,
a low population turnover.
skylark populations have been observed to increase at wind
turbine sites compared to reference sites. However it is
Information on bird movement can be used to establish
unclear whether wind turbines are the sole cause of these
sensitivity areas and aid site selection: monitoring of golden 21
eagles (a large raptor awarded the highest Legal Protection
status) in Scotland showed 98% of bird movement was
Operational effects
detected less than 6km from nests, with core areas at less
Avoidance behavior shown by birds during construction of
than 3km, giving obvious zones to avoid during wind farm 9
13 wind farms persists into the operational time. Birds are
site development.
known to have excellent vision, yet many still fatally collide
with wind turbines. Birds in flight look to the ground for
Site selection is considered the most important factor
hunting, foraging and navigation. Whilst wind turbines rotate
regarding maintenance of healthy bat populations. Sites
slowly, their large size means blades move at speeds of up
should be evaluated based on bats year-round use of an 9,22
to 114mph, meaning they are seen with a motion blur.
area. Guidelines published recommend safe distances to
Consequently, birds have difficulty identifying turbine blades
place turbines from habitat features, eg. hedges and tree
as an impact threat. During poor weather conditions the
lines. Natural England interim guidance recommends a 50
POSTNOTE 999 January 2015 The Effects of Wind Turbines on Wildlife Page 3

number of collisions significantly increases, presumed to be deterrent relative to the wind farm may prove to be
9,22 35
because of reduced visibility or high wind speeds. important. Laser systems have also been suggested as a
Aviation warning lights on wind turbines have not shown a deterrent, but will only work for nocturnal animals and have
23 9,36
significant effect on collision deaths however lit sites can yet to be implemented.
be distracting to migrating birds, resulting in large fatalities,
but resident birds may acclimatise. Habitat Management
Damage caused by wind farms can be compensated for by
It is thought insects congregate around wind turbines, maintaining habitat at a site away and independent from
attracted by emitted heat or blade movement, creating new, wind farms. This approach is opposed by conservationists
dangerous, feeding grounds for bats. This can result and should considered as a last resort, and many fear this
in either direct collisions or internal damage from localised approach may not reduce negative impacts to an acceptable
14,15 9,37
high wind speeds generated by turbine blades. level.

Mitigation and Minimisation Offshore Wind Turbines

Shut Down of Wind Turbines The UK has great potential for offshore wind generation.
Curtailing turbine operating times during seasons and/or Despite the hostile environments giving technical challenges
powering down to fixed blades in times of bad weather can and more structural wear and tear, the higher average wind
reduce the number collision deaths with small effects to speeds make offshore sites more desirable. Although these
overall energy yields. For one at-risk owl species an sites tend to draw less public opposition, some locations are
estimated 34% reduction in death rates would be seen for 1
restricted due to fishing and shipping. Offshore wind
only a 14% reduction in power output during winter. turbines could impact the ecology of the sea bed, fish and
Manning wind farms, gives the option to shut down turbines sea birds. The London Array (one of the worlds largest
on demand if a collision risk is seen is expensive, but would offshore wind farms) with 175 turbines, was declined
offer lower energy losses than a seasonal shut down. Bird expansion permission in 2014 due to concerns about the
radar and video systems have been developed to detect negative impacts on seabirds (Box 2).

between 76-96% of birds around a wind farm and offer a

way to shut down on demand without manning a farm.
Construction Effects
Similar systems are available for monitoring bat movements,
however as bat height is not always consistent, care should
14,15,20,28,29 Pile-driving remains the most common method of offshore
be taken in the placement such systems.
wind farm installation, yet it generates violent vibrations over
a broad frequency range. Severe effects, such as death or
Wind farm layout and turbine types
hearing loss, are only a concern in acoustically sensitive
Re-modelling old wind farms to improved layouts, or 40,41
mammals and fish at close distances. The effects of pile
decommissioning problematic wind farms, decreases
driving may be felt up to 80 km away but unresolved issues
impacts on bird populations but carries large financial
9 surround noise propagation; conditions at one site will rarely
worries. Slower moving and higher wind turbine blades 42
be directly applicable to another. There is little evidence
reduce collision risks, as the impact zones are higher than
linking construction noise to large impacts on fish behaviour,
the usual flight paths of foraging birds and bats. Wind 43
e.g. in the common European species, Cod and Herring.
turbines perpendicular to a birds main line of flight are
though to increase collision risks.
The harbour porpoise (common European waters) relies
heavily on sound for orientation and foraging, and whilst
Increasing Blade Visibility
there is little overlap between pile-driving noise and the
Blade colouration (painting patterns on wind turbine blades) 41
auditory sensitivity of harbour porpoises, a decrease in
has been shown to reduce motion blur in a laboratory
acoustic activity is observed in porpoises during pile-driving
environment, also making them less attractive to
(taking hours to recover), and erratic swimming patterns
congregating insects. A widespread implementation of blade 44
were observed up to 15km away. Bottlenose dolphins
colouration is yet to be seen so effects in the field cannot yet
30,31 show similar sensitivity to piling-driving noise and are
be assessed. Some birds and bats have vision in the 45
expected to show similar behavioural changes.
ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of light and painting wind turbines
with UV-paint to aid visibility has been suggested, but has
UK waters are internationally important for the Harbour and
previously proven ineffective when used as a method to
32 Grey seals, hosting 33% and 45% of their EU populations
avoid bird strikes with windows.
respectively. During site construction at Scroby Sands
(Norfolk, UK) the number of hauled-out (on land) Harbour
Wind Farm Deterrence 46
seals decreased by 48-58%. An ~80% recovey of seal
Sound devices are used to scare-off wildlife from wind farm
numbers was seen post-construction. Similar effects on
sites, however animals may become habituated to the 47
Harbour seals in Denmark have also been recorded. In
sounds and it may only prove effective on a limited number
9 contrast, Grey seal numbers at Scroby Sands showed a
of species. Strong avoidance effects are seen when using
33 continuous increase over the same time. The causes of this
species-specific distress sounds, gun-shot sounds or ultra
sonic boom boxes for bats. The location of the sound
POSTnote 999 January 2015 The Effects of Wind Turbines on Wildlife Page 4

differing behaviour remain unclear, but piling noise effects Deterrents such as seal scarers and bubble walls may be
on seal prey is a leading hypothesis. used to induce avoidance behaviour during construction
periods to prevent hearing impairment in marine
Other Consequences mammals. It should be noted that displacement of
Physical constructions occupy less than one percent of the these individuals may have further consequences,
space at a wind farm site, meaning direct habitat loss is especially if the wind farm site is ecologically important, as a
usually insignificant unless placed atop the habitat of foraging or reproductive ground.
sensitive species. In rare circumstances, poor site
selection has lead to a negative impact on species by Efficient Space Use
limiting foraging grounds. There are increasing conflicts with marine space use,
particularly between fishing and biodiversity conservation,
Ship traffic increases markedly during construction and as necessitating efficient space use both for the benefit of
hauled-out Harbour seals are known to enter the water as a wildlife and for social and economic reasons. Wind farms
response to ships passing within 500 m this poses a may therefore function as multi-use areas, providing good
threat. Additional time spent in cold water can disrupt space for aquaculture, especially given the expected
energy balances and cause thermal stress in seal pups. increases in abundance in economically important species
such as mussels, crabs and lobster. Co-location of
Operational Effects economically beneficial activities such as these may allow
Habitat Changes other areas to be reserved for wildlife as Marine Protected
Due to safety concerns and risk of entanglement, certain Areas (MPAs). Alternatively, given that the long-term
types of fishing are often banned within wind farms. The impacts appear to be minimal for most species, some
absence of destructive fishing methods, such as bottom offshore wind farms themselves could be designated as
52,53 52,67
trawling, could be beneficial for the surrounding seabed. MPAs.
Wind turbines may also provide additional artificial habitat,
leading to local increases in the density of species such as Structure and Design
the blue mussel that attach to hard surfaces. This has led As with onshore, turbines designs can be adjusted to
to aggregations of some fish species at wind farms, likely minimise risk of seabird and migrating bird collisions.
due to an increase in prey sources, as well as shelter Although not fully understood, there may be effects on
provided by the turbines and fishing bans at sites. It is not wildlife from electromagnetic fields emitted by cables
clear whether these local increases in density are due to transmitting electricity to shore. Fish using electromagnetic
changes in distribution, or an overall increase in fish fields for migration may be affected but this can be
56 68,69
populations over a wider area. If fishing is allowed within minimised by insulation or burial of cables. The impact
these areas it may lead to higher catch rates without an of noise from operational turbines and the effects of this on
actual increase in fish stocks, and could therefore have a wildlife is expected to be minimal, but this is not proven.
negative impact on fish populations overall.
Bird Collision Risk
Utilising wind power is important for reducing carbon
Adult mortality through collisions may have larger effects on
emissions and limiting the effects of climate change, which
seabird populations than terrestrial birds, as lifespan tends
57,58 are beneficial to global wildlife and biodiversity. However, as
to be longer and breeding slower. There is little data
with any manmade structure, wind turbines have local
available on collision rates given the difficulty of measuring
59 implications for wildlife. Effects differ between sites and
this at sea. It is possible that some species may use wind
depend on the habitat and species present, so prospective
farms as feeding grounds due to the aggregations of fish in
9 sites must be carefully assessed to determine potential
these areas, increasing the likelihood of collisions.
impacts on wildlife. Cost-effective mitigation measures are
Alternatively some bird species may show avoidance
available, and when combined with appropriate site
behaviours similar to that at onshore wind farms and
57,58 selection, disruption to wildlife can be minimised. Site
redirect their flight paths to avoid the turbines. This can
assessments will add to baseline data, necessary to further
affect their energetic demands, with possible negative
57 study the long-term effects of wind turbines on wildlife. Wind
consequences on survival and reproduction.
power is at a crucial stage of development in the UK; it is
vital we understand the implications for wildlife so
Mitigation and Minimisation progression may follow a sustainable path.
During Construction
The effects associated with construction may be minimised Endnotes
by avoiding construction during vulnerable times of year for 1 th
Wind Power, House of Commons Research Paper 99/55, 26 May 1999.
endangered or economically important species, for example 2
60 Thomas, C.D, et al., 2004. Nature , 427, 145-148.
during the reproductive period for cod. 24-hour working 3
Renewable UK, Wind Energy in the UK, State of the Industry Report 2014.
policies are recommended to shorten the construction
61 Available from:

POST is an office of both Houses of Parliament, charged with providing independent and balanced analysis of policy issues that have a basis in science and technology.
POST is grateful to Elizabeth Baggaley, Caitlin Brumby, Bethan Hindle, Amy Jowett and Christopher Rosslowe for researching this briefing and to all contributors and
reviewers. For further information on this subject, please contact the co-author, Caitlin Brumby. Parliamentary Copyright 2015 Image copyright: creative commons licence.
POSTNOTE 999 January 2015 The Effects of Wind Turbines on Wildlife Page 5

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