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APIs for
Datacenter Extension

Version 12-09-2016
Copyright 2014-2016 Aviatrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

The APIs for Aviatrix CloudN can be alternatively used for the tasks that are done through the Web UI.
The following is an example to utilize the APIs to create a VPC/VNet under Datacenter Extension.
Datacenter Extension capability manages your cloud address range. It creates VPC/VNet, subnets, routing
tables and create a IPSec tunnel to the virtual appliance (Aviatrix CloudN), so that on-premise VMs and
servers can communicate with instances in created VPC with packet encryption and private IP addresses.

Workflow for Datacenter Extension

Make sure the latest version of Aviatrix software is installed or upgraded before you start. You should see the
alert for software upgrade on the menu bar of the controller if a newer version is available. Click Upgrade
and wait for the upgrade to complete.
Here are the steps to successfully use the APIs to achieve the same result without the Web UI.

1. Log in to get the session ID
2. Enter the license (customer ID)
3. Set up the maximum number of VPC/VNet
4. Create a user account
5. Create a VPC/VNet for Datacenter Extension

Use the APIs to Create a VPC/VNet
The APIs in this section are to demonstrate how to use them to accomplish the steps described above.
The data used here is for the purpose of demonstration only. Replace the values in your case.

For more information, refer to Cloud Services Gateway Controller API reference for details. You can retain a
copy of this document under ?Help > API Reference on the menu bar after you log on the Web console.

1. Log in to get the session ID

Replace IP_Address_of_CloudN with your own IP address of CloudN.
Replace the values of username and password with the credentials you use to log in the Web

It should return a CID upon successful login.

"return": true,
"results": "User login:admin in account:admin has been authorized
successfully - Please check email confirmation.",
"CID": "584b4b57a42f2"

Note the value of CID for the API calls hereafter.

2. Enter the license
Obtain a valid license (customer ID) from Aviatrix in advance then enter the value in the API

Replace the value of CID with the one in step 1.
Replace the value of customer_id with your license.

Make sure the license is successfully entered and it returns the license information correctly.
"return": true,
"results": {
"license_list": [
"Lic-1436678987.59": {
"Verified": 0,
"Type": "c4.4xlarge",
"Expiration": "2017-12-09",
"Allocated": 0,
"IssueDate": "2016-12-09",
"Quantity": 20
"CustomerID": "carmelodev-1234567898.64"

3. Set up the maximum number of VPC/VNet

Replace the value of CID with the one in step 1.
Replace the value of vpc_num with the number you desire to set up.

"return": true,
"result": {
"cidr_list": [

4. Create a User Account
Before calling the API to set up an account that enables CloudN to access the cloud, gather the
account information from the cloud provider.

AWS ( cloud_type = 1 ): Account Number, Access key and Secret Key
Azure ( cloud_type = 2 ): Azure Subscription ID
Azure RM ( cloud_type = 8 ): Azure Subscription ID, Application Endpoint, Application Client ID and
Application Client Secret

This API needs to use POST method of HTTP to send the account information. Use any tool of your
preference to send the POST HTTP request:

"CID": "584b4b57a42f2",
"action": "setup_account_profile",
"account_name": "user2",
"account_password": "12345",
"account_email": "",
"cloud_type": "1",
"aws_account_number": "982805288348",
"aws_access_key": "AKIAIQDAABCPKKKWQA",
"aws_secret_key": "9ttSESnQvb\/OlWZKCjyPsbcdYgamthksK2+1G"

The above example is to set up an AWS account (cloud_type is 1 ).
The others are the account information from AWS.

"return": true,
"results": "An email with instructions has been sent to"

5. Create a VPC/VNet for Datacenter Extension
Currently, two cloud types are available for Datacenter Extension.
They are AWS and Azure ARM. Hence, it either to create a VPC or VNet.

The CIDR of this VPC/VNet can only be one of the available CIDRs you set up in step 3.
Enter the CIDR as the value of vpc_net in this API.
"CID": "584b4b57a42f2",
"action": "create_container",
"cloud_type": "1",
"account_name": "user2",
"vpc_name": "dc-us-west-1",
"vpc_reg": "us-west-2",
"vpc_size": "t2.micro",
"vpc_net": "\/19"

The result is expected to return after a while.

There are other options you can specify when you use this API to create a VPC/VNet.
Refer to the reference document for more details about the options.

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