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Ladies and Gentlemen !

Peace !,,, Do you know why does the symbol of peace shows by two fingers ?
because the one finger is means the peace for all of peoplle, and the other one is
means the peace for our own heart, we dont care how the broken situation outside,
our own heart should be feel peacefulness.

If you looked up the definition of peace in the dictionary, chances are it would say
something about tranqulity, and non-violence. Yea, many people know its definition,
but only a few understands. Peace is the mother of progress. Without peace, a
nation cannot make any progress, so peace is ever desirable.

There are a lot of points that I want to share to you :

1. The peace of the world

2. The peace of our own country, Indonesia

3. The peace of interfaith or religious

4. The peace of cross cultural

5. The peace of our own heart

I. So, lets talk about the first point, world peace is an ideal of freedom, peace and
happiness among and within all nations and people. World War II (1939-1945) has
been end sixty nine years ago, but is the world free from violence nowdays ? its
exactly not yet.

According to the, there are five nations getting conflict with the
nearest-neighbouring country, they are :

a. Indonesia Malaysia, we all already know that Malaysia claim the culture of
Indonesia was the ancestral of Malaysia, and Indonesia had denied and against it

b. Palestina Israel, its the longest conflict that ever happened. Its about the land
struggle in Gaza line

c. China Japan, its also about thhe land struggle (Senkaku Island)
d. North Korea South Korea, its come to be known as Proxy War, North Korea
supported by Uni Soviet while South Korea supported by U.S.A

e. Pakistan India, more its also about the land strugle (Kashmir)

II. Next point is talk about Indonesian peace. Beside the bothering from Malaysia,
Internal trouble have been a hot issue since the president election a few months
ago and to be continue until today, and we dont know what will happens tomorrow
until the years to come. Hope this country will found a peacefulness as soon as

Im sure you often see the posting link on the internet about the pros and cons
about the interregnum that has been winned by Joko Widodo as Indonesian
president, and Jusuf Kalla as the vice president. The supporter of the ex-candidate
Prabowo Subianto feat Hatta Radjasa cannot accept the result of the pollingday

When the president elected, Joko Widodo made a final decision obout the mark-up
of the gasoline, the haters barracked by demonstration action to appeal against the
decisison in many places like in front of the house of representative office, on the
street such in the sirclle of HI (Hotel Indonesia).

Not only by the real action, the haters also barracked on the social medias like
facebook, twitter, youtube, instagram, account of google, broadcasting of
Blackberry messenger, etc. With many unproper commments.

I think there is no best solution can found if we do not open our mind, think the
benefit of that decision, then try to understand while we look lively the change will
happen in the future. Lets help the government done ones stuff developing our
beloved country, while we work harder to improve our own income.

III / IV, Lets move to the next point, both point 3 and 4, interfaith and cross cultural
have the same common issue that often seems in the world, even have been the
big problems for a long time, and may be the word peace will neven happen
realized as long as the human being have nothing such the positive thinking and
the peace deep in our heart.
Lets live in our convictionand the other religion live in their conictiion, too. Dont
bothering one to another, morever humiliate or another actions that not proper to
do or to be said. Dont ever distinguished the position in the government just
because the different of conviction, ethnic and race, not only because our nation is
democration country, but it is also about humanism and by that way I do believe
we will be found a peacefulness

V, The last point is our own peace, Peace begins with a smile,I absolutely agree !
its said that a smile can light up a room, so imagine what a world of smile can do. If
every day, someone does something kind for someone, it will create a ripple effect.
Think of when you drop a stone in a pond. It generates a small ripple at first, but
after a while, that little ripple has spread throughout the entire pond. Now, think of
world peace. If someone apologizes to someone else, and they do the same,
imagine what we can achieve !

Peace is the feeling that alls right with the world. How do I feel it ? when every one
around me in my family, my circle of friends and my neighborhood is happy, eager
to love, accept and relate...I feel at peace. Also, to me it means following what my
heart says and sharing mutual trust and respect for people around me.

Ladies and gentlemen !

In closing, let us all resolve to be better students in the school of peace, so that our
homes and neighborhoods, our countries, and our 21st century can radiate peace.

I wish you all a very meaningful and inspiring by my speech, Those are what I can
deliver to you at this moment, thank a lot for your great attention and I ask
forgiveness for my mistakes, and the last I say:

Wasalamualaikum Wr. Wb !
Essay on Peace: Need and Importance of Peace

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Essay on Peace: Need and Importance of Peace!

The issue of war and peace has always been a focal issue in all periods of history
and at all levels relations among nations. The concern of the humankind for peace
can be assessed by taking into account the fact that all religions, all religious
scriptures and several religious ceremonies are committed to the cause of peace
and all these advocate an elimination of war. The Shanti Path recited by the Hindus,
the sermons of Pope and the commands of all the holy scriptures of the Christians,
Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and all other communities hold out a sacred commitment to

Yet the international community fully realized the supreme importance of the virtue
of peace against the evil of war only after having suffered the most unfortunate and
highly destructive two World Wars in the first half of the 20th century. The blood
soaked shreds of humanity that lay scattered in several hundred battle grounds,
particularly on the soils of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, cried for peace, peace and
peace on the earth.

The UN Charter and International Peace and Security:

The human consciousness then rallied in the Charter of the United Nations to affirm.
We the people of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations
from the scourge of war, which twice in our life time has brought untold sorrow to
humankind. and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and
security.. have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims.
Since 1945, the United Nations and its specialized agencies, several international
associations and institutions, international peace movements, global and national
level human rights movements and in fact all members of the international
community have been consistently and strongly advocating the need for the
preservation and promotion of peace against war.

In contemporary times, the most urgent and important international objective has
been to preserve protect and defend peace against terrorism and terrorist
organizations like A1 Qacda, Talibans, and other enemies of peace.

How International Community has been trying to secure peace:

Through international peace keeping under the aegis of the United Nations through
the development and use of international law; creation of more international and
regional institutions committed to promote peace, promotion of friendly cooperation
for development among the member countries; popularization of peaceful means of
conflict-resolution, institutionalization of relations among nations; integration of
international community through strengthening of human consciousness in favour
of peace against war; and by enhancing the ability for crisis-management, the
humankind has been trying to secure peace against war.

Currently, through:

(i) Globalization i.e. by encouraging the free flow of people goods, information
services and knowledge;

(ii) Establishment of non-official people to people socio-economic-cultural relations;

(iii) Organisation of international peace movements against nuclear weapons,

armament race, militarisation, and environmental pollution;

(iv) Launching of special drives for elimination of such evils as apartheid, poverty,
illiteracy; ill-health, hunger, disease, inequalities, tyranny and terrorism; and

(v) organised attempts at environment protection and protection of Human Rights of

all, the international community has been making meaningful attempts to limit the
chances of war.

What is Peace?

One elementary way of defining peace has been to say that peace is absence of
war. This is, however, a very narrow view of peace. No doubt absence of war is the
first condition of peace, yet peace is not merely an absence of war. It is in reality a
condition characterised by peaceful, cooperative and harmonious conduct of
international relations with a view to secure all-round sustainable development of
the people of the world.

Nevertheless, since absence of war is the first condition of peace, one of the major
concerns of all scholars and statesmen has been to formulate and follow the
principles and devices needed for securing this primary objective. The cold war that
kept the world preoccupied during 1945-90, indirectly secured this objective in a
negative way by developing a balance of terror in international relations.

While it was successful in preventing a global war, it failed to prevent local wars and
in fact gave rise to several tensions, stresses, strains and crises in international
relations. The international community had to work very hard for keeping the
conflicts and wars limited. It, however, successfully exhibited a welcome and
positive ability in the sphere of crisis-management.

In fact, till today there have been present several hindrances in way of securing a
stable, healthy and enduring peace. Fortunately, the final end of cold war came in
the last decade of the 20th century and the world found herself living is an
environment characterised by a new faith and commitment to peace, peaceful co-
existence, peaceful conflict-resolution, liberalisation, cooperation for development
and attempts at sustainable development.

The people began focusing their attention on the need for the protection of human
rights of all, protection of environment and securing of a real and meaningful
international integration. However several negative factors, ethnic conflict, ethnic
violence, ethnic wars, terrorism in its several dimensions, neo-colonialism,
hegemony n-hegemony and the like kept on acting as big hindrances.

The need to secure peace by controlling these evils continues to be a primary aim
of international community. Crises have been repeatedly coming and these are
bound to keep coming. This makes it very urgent for the humankind to prepare and
act for managing crises through collective efforts and by the use of several devices.
would begin this article with a story of an ancient Indian King who was
obsessed with the desire to find the meaning of peace. What is peace and
how can we get it and when we find it what should we do with it were some of
the issues that bothered him. Intellectuals in his kingdom were invited to
answer the King's questions for a handsome reward. Many tried but none
could explain how to find peace and what to do with it. At last someone said
the King ought to consult the sage who lived just outside the borders of his

"He is an old man and very wise," the King was told. "If anyone can answer
your questions he can."

The King went to the sage and posed the eternal question. Without a word the
sage went into the kitchen and brought a grain of wheat to the King.

"In this you will find the answer to your question," the Sage said as he placed
the grain of wheat in the King's outstretched palm.
Puzzled but unwilling to admit his ignorance the King clutched the grain of
wheat and returned to his palace. He locked the precious grain in a tiny gold
box and placed the box in his safe. Each morning, upon waking, the King
would open the box and look at the grain to seek an answer but could find
Weeks later another sage, passing through, stopped to meet the King who
eagerly invited him to resolve his dilemma. The King explained how he had
asked the eternal question and this sage gave him a grain of wheat instead. "I
have been looking for an answer every morning but I find nothing."

The Sage said: "It is quite simple, your honor. Just as this grain represents
nourishment for the body, peace represents nourishment for the soul. Now, if
you keep this grain locked up in a gold box it will eventually perish without
providing nourishment or multiplying. However, if it is allowed to interact with
the elements - light, water, air, soil - it will flourish, multiply and soon you
would have a whole field of wheat which will nourish not only you but so many
others. This is the meaning of peace. It must nourish your soul and the souls
of others, it must multiply by interacting with the elements."

Peace-a small word with a deeper meaning attached to it......different

interpretations, different perspectives and different understandings yet the
meaning is one but for one's own self. Setting a yardstick about what peace
means to you is your own way of looking at it. When I hear this pure, magical
word the first thing I see is a satisfied soul and not just a quiet that has
prevailed. But when quiet prevails, it maybe for mourning a death or even
remembering someone great or just a quiet night sleep. And as Oscar Romero

Peace is not the product of terror or fear.

Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.

So peace implies as something quiet yet good-from within and for something

Stillness is one of the most important attribute of peace and not just it leads to
a quiet environment around but makes us quiet from inside. To obtain this
peace is not easy.

There is a constant fight going on inside you.. White versus Black, Good
versus Evil and when we obtain control over our ourselves we can win this
war. Consequently, when good prevails over evil within us, can we spread
peace to our external elements. Peace comes from living in the moment and
looking for the good in others. Peacefulness comes from facing our fears and
letting them - trust that things will turn out all right.

While it is true that the world has become so complex and so technologically
oriented that individuals no longer believe that they count or that they can do
anything to affect world events, it is precisely the opposite. For only when
individuals take total responsibility for their own lives, find within themselves
calm and power of good and live in peace with their neighbors and
environment, only then will forces be set in motion that will eventually bring
about world peace.

Nations go to war, often quoting peace as the reason. We must realize peace
is a journey, not an end. Yet, in our efforts to obtain peace, we often do the
most unpeaceful things. Instead of seeking inner peace, we seek to enforce
peace on others. And that just doesn't work. Peace is a gift you can give to
others and to yourself. If you seek peace with a sincere heart, you can find it.

Peace has the power to move mountains. Mahatma Gandhi had spread peace
to the world and this was his power or else how could a frail man like him get
India its freedom and Indians their rights.

The quality of life depends not upon external development or material

progress, but upon the inner development of peace and happiness. We all
wish for world peace, but world peace will never be achieved unless we first
establish peace within our own minds. Without inner peace, outer peace is
impossible. We can send so-called peacekeeping forces into areas of
conflict, but peace cannot be imposed from the outside with guns. Only by
creating peace within our own mind and helping others do the same can we
hope to achieve peace in this world.

We can see from this that if we want true, lasting happiness we need to
develop and maintain a special experience of inner peace. The only way to do
this is by gradually reducing and eliminating our negative, disturbed states of
mind and replacing them with positive, peaceful states. Eventually, through
continuing to improve our inner peace we will experience permanent inner
peace, or nirvana. Once we have attained nirvana we will be happy
throughout our life, and in life after life.

When a baby is born, he is innocent and believed to be the purest form of god
in this materialistic world and when he dies he Rests in Peace. The
unpeacefulness is in between these two stages of human life as he gets
trapped in the materialistic trap of this world
So, look for peace in you and not when no two nations are at war, or when
you are relaxed because you are your biggest challenge and once you win
over the evil inside you, no matter whatever happens outside you, you will
surely be peaceful.
by Mani Makkar of Class-9

"There is no way to peace; peace is the way." - MAHATMA GANDHI

Peace is a term that most commonly refers to an absence of aggression,

violence or hostility.peace such a beautiful word. A word that makes us feel
relaxed thinking about those beautiful white doves.When we come to imagine
it we see the best of both worlds.A place close to nature and a place where
happiness i sthe environment.But that world seems to remain a dream now!

We talk about global peace and hold terrorism as the culprit.But think. when
we cannot even keep peace with our ownselves , how can we talk about
peace at such huge levels? We fight with people , our loved ones for reasons
completely unnecessary. It takes less than a second to burst out in anger,
doesn't it? There the irony lies.

What we must learn as the first step towards peace is SELF PEACE..
inner peace refers to a state of mind, body and mostly soul, a peace within
ourselves. People that experience inner peace say that the feeling is not
dependent on time, people, place, or any external object or situation.When we
learn to remain at peace with ourselves we will be at peace with the rest of the

Now talking about peace at international levels.. We all know how terrorism
threatens the very roots of peace. but that does not sem to be the only culprit.
since the time nuclear weapons have arrived thw world has not seen peacve
and never will unles we make a conscious effort to stop threatening the world
with our nuclear power.
The most important thing to remember when we talk about peace is love.Love
and peace are inseparable.We cannot have one without the other.With love
achieving peace becomes a cakewalk. Whether it is inner peace or peace
anywhere across the globe, love is the basis. love yourself and you shall
attian inner peace. love others and you shall be at peace with all.

To achieve peace at the global level, we also give NOBEL PEACE PRIZE.The
prize has often met with controversy, as it is occasionally awarded to people
who have formerly sponsored war and violence but who have, through
exceptional concessions, helped achieve peace.
With the basic ideas of peace in mind and conscious efforts towards achieving
it in our daily life ,I hope we achieve our aim of global peace one day.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power , the world will know
by Ashima Gujral Class- 10

Peace is something which is vastly misinterpreted and misrepresented in

todays world. Everyone has their own perceptions about it...out of which only
a small portion actually come near in addressing 'peace. In my personal
opinion peace isnt just a cleaver way of showcasing your imposed superficial
friendliness while brewing up violent tendencies from within !As is highlighted
by Indias relations with Pakistanin formal terms we are at peace since
the kargil war of 1999....but reality rests in a completely different sphere.

I believe peace is not just stopping wars...its something more....its the victory
of reality over virtual superiority, the realization that everyone in the world is
nothing but equal. It means to give the due share of respect to everyone's
opinion and thinking before putting your ideas into action.

It means forgetting all what happened in the past... hoping and believing that a
better day, a better future is possible.
This world has seen so many of the traumatizing atrocities in its lifetime ,as
we become aware of our mistakes in the past it becomes the duty of each of
us as individuals and as youth to change all this and create a better place for
our succeeding generations ...and yes we can do it!

Kshitij jhamb

In recent times, there is an increase in violence at

local, state and national levels. All kinds of
violence plagues many communities, leaving some
people wallowing in darkness and despair. The
solution belongs to the entire community . Each
one of us, regardless of age, condition, class,
culture or religious affiliation must be part of the
As we prepare for the International Day of Peace, it
is a good time to reflect on the issue and plan to do
our part to create a peaceful community, nation
and world. To accomplish this task successfully, we
must spend time each day in prayer and
contemplation and invite God to direct our path,
show us how to remove the obstacles, and allow
Divine Light to replace the darkness.
The United Nations Education Program UNESCO-
provides excellent ideas to help us to create a
culture of peace and non-violence.( For the full
report go to
strategic-planning/them) . We are reminded that
wars begin in the minds and hearts of people. It is
in the same place that the defense of peace must
be constructed. The peace we build must be built
on a secure foundation, not just on political and
economic arrangements , but upon an intellectual
and moral solidarity with all of mankind. This has
been a long-time endeavor of UNESCO o
promoter of mutual understanding while working to
eliminate discrimination, intolerance and violence.
We are called to learn to live together by fully
participating in the infinite wealth of the cultures of
the world and by averting the fear reflex when
confronted with otherness. This calls for a
genuine and lasting dialogue, to rethink the values
of cultural diversity and to bridge cultural and
religious barriers as well as to break stereotypes
and to turn people away from violence . We must
also rethink our relationship to the economy , to
society, and the environment, because the future
challenges of humankind do require collective
response. This kind of solidarity can result in a
culture of peace and non-violence. Sustainable
development will help people live their lives with
dignity, peace and hope.
What can we do to create a culture of peace?
Adults must model for children and youth what it
means to live in peace. Show them there are other
ways to solve disputes besides engaging in
violence. They can be taught peace -making skills,
and conflict resolution can be taught in schools and
other groups to help people create peace in hearts,
homes and communities. Often our nation uses
war and conflict as a way of solving problems.
Write to legislators and urge them to find peaceful
ways of solving problems and diverting some of our
resources toward peace-making and justice issues.
We need to learn from people of other cultures and
respect and use their gifts in our communities.
Review and reshape the ways we relate to them.
Work toward respect and peace in our homes, in
our interactions and relationships with them. May
Gods peace fill our hearts, our homes, our nation
and our world.
Faith communities can reach out to people, those
standing on street corners or belonging to gangs
and give them soul food to meet their needs and
help them redirect their lives. Dont be afraid to
challenge their behavior and show them ways to
practice peace.
We must believe peace is possible and continue
the peace-making endeavor in all its forms. Involve
the whole community in coming up with solutions.
Think of a pebble cast into the water. It will create
ripples. Each ripple joined with others can create a
force for good and made a big difference. May we
continue our journey with peace, faith, hope and
love. No effort is too small to make a difference.
With Gods help we can transform our communities
and world from one of violence and war to one of
peace and dignity for all.

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