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Management of the Elderly With Vertebral

Compression Fractures
Christina L. Goldstein, MD, Vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) are the most common type of fracture sec-
FRCSC* ondary to osteoporosis. These fractures are associated with significant rates of mor-
Norman B. Chutkan, MD bidity and mortality and annual direct medical expenditures of more than $1 billion in
Theodore J. Choma, MD* the United States. Although many patients will respond favorably to nonsurgical care of
R. Douglas Orr, MD, FRCSC their VCF, contemporary natural history data suggest that more than 40% of patients
may fail to achieve significant pain relief within 12 months of symptom onset. As
*Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, a result, percutaneous vertebral augmentation is often used to hasten symptom reso-
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri; lution and return of function. However, controversy regarding the role of kyphoplasty
The Center for Orthopedic Research and
Education, Phoenix, Arizona; Cleveland and vertebroplasty in the treatment of symptomatic VCFs exists. The purposes of this
Clinic, Richard E. Jacobs Health Center, review are (1) to outline the epidemiology of VCFs as well as the physical morbidity and
Cleveland, Ohio economic impact of these injuries, (2) to familiarize the reader with the best available
evidence surrounding the operative and nonoperative treatment of VCFs, and (3) to
Christina L. Goldstein, MD, FRCSC, examine the literature pertaining to the cost-effectiveness of surgical management of
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, VCFs with the overarching goal of helping physicians make informed decisions
Missouri Orthopaedic Institute,
regarding symptomatic VCF treatment.
University of Missouri,
1100 Virginia Ave., KEY WORDS: Elderly, Kyphoplasty, Nonoperative management, Osteoporosis, Vertebral compression fracture,
Columbia, MO 65212. Vertebroplasty
Neurosurgery 77:S33S45, 2015 DOI: 10.1227/NEU.0000000000000947
Copyright 2015 by the
Congress of Neurological Surgeons.

Epidemiology between the time periods of 1989 to 1991 and

ertebral compression fractures (VCFs) are 2009 to 2011.2 Recent estimates have placed the
the most common type of osteoporotic American annual incidence of VCFs close to 1.5
fracture, accounting for almost as many million.6
fractures as hip and distal radius fractures com- Although not all patients with a VCF will
bined.1 Prevalence is both sex and age specific, seek medical attention, these fractures result in
with VCFs affecting 25% of postmenopausal 150 000 hospital admissions7 and more than
women older than 50 years of age and 40% by 160 000 outpatient physician visits per year in
80 years of age.2-4 Worldwide, a new VCF the United States.8 More than 40% of patients
occurs every 22 seconds.5 In a 2010 study, the will fail to achieve significant pain relief by
prevalence of VCFs ranged between 30% and 12 months.9 Reflective of the well-recognized
50% in adults older than 50 years of age,5 with complications associated with nonsurgical
a 47% increase in vertebral fractures occurring management of VCFs, between 1993 and
2004, the rates of percutaneous treatment of
VCFs increased 12 900%, from 182 in 1993
ABBREVIATIONS: AE, adverse event; CI, confi-
dence interval; KP, kyphoplasty; HRQOL, health-
to more than 23 000 in 2004.10 Use of percu-
related quality of life; INVEST, Investigational taneous vertebral augmentation declined after
Vertebroplasty Safety and Efficacy Trial; MD, mean the publication of 2 double-blind, randomized,
difference; ODI, Oswestry Disability Index; QUALEFFO, controlled trials (RCTs) in 2009,11,12 but
Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foun- annual rates of vertebroplasty (VP) and kypho-
dation for Osteoporosis; RCT, randomized, controlled plasty (KP) remain high13,14 and will likely
trial; RMDQ, Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire;
continue to do so as the number of patients
SF-36, Short Form 36; VCF, vertebral compression
fracture; VP, vertebroplasty
with symptomatic VCFs continues to increase
in coming decades.


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Morbidity and Mortality of VCFs health care costs due to the loss of independence and to
VCFs are associated with progressive loss of height, spinal complications. In a review of the Medicare population, 2006 total
kyphosis, pain, reduced mobility and independence, and psycho- mean charges to Medicare for inpatient treatment of VCFs was
logical distress.15 Not surprisingly, these impacts lead to more than $1.8 billion, 45% of which was for nonoperative care.20
a significant decrease in patient-reported health-related quality Similar results were found in the 2005 Nationwide Inpatient
of life (HRQOL) and loss of quality-adjusted life years.16-18 Sample; during that period alone, US$98 223 030 were spent on
Having had a VCF also places a patient at increased risk of nonoperative management of VCFs, almost 75% of the total
experiencing another osteoporotic fracture, both in the spine and costs observed in this study.19
elsewhere. One of every 5 women with a VCF will experience As rates of osteoporosis in the United States are expected to
a second VCF in the next 12 months, while the risk of increase by 50% by the year 2025,1 there is no doubt that the
nonvertebral osteoporotic fractures, including those of the hip, psychological, physical, and economic burden associated with
increases 2 to 3 times.5 Of even greater concern is the observation osteoporotic VCFs will continue to grow.
that long-term mortality in patients with a history of VCF is
significantly higher than that observed in the general population, TREATMENT OF VCFs
paralleling mortality rates associated with osteoporotic hip
Nonoperative Treatment
Multiple studies published over the past decade have provided Osteoporotic VCFs manifest a wide range of symptoms, with
insight into the population-level morbidity associated with VCFs some patients remaining asymptomatic, whereas others report
in the United States (Table 1), including large reviews of the severe, incapacitating pain. Of the symptomatic patients, a subset
Nationwide Inpatient Sample,13,19 reviews of data from the will report significant improvement in pain and function within
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,20,21 and data from days to weeks with supportive, conservative management, whereas
the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality others will remain symptomatic for a prolonged period of time.
Improvement Program database.22 These investigations have The goals of nonoperative management are pain control, early
identified significant rates of deep vein thrombosis (0.7%-6.6%), mobilization, prevention of deformity, and functional restoration.
pulmonary embolism (0.4%-1.9%), pneumonia (3.1%-13.0%), Initial management usually begins with narcotic analgesics as
cardiac complications (0.4%-0.5%), decubitus ulcers (1.1%- tolerated, immobilization with an external orthosis, and the
4.4%), and postoperative infections (0.1%-0.15%), regardless of administration of nasal calcitonin, which, in addition to its
treatment type. Discharge to a skilled nursing or other facility antiresorptive effect, has an analgesic effect as well. Narcotic
occurs in 33.5% to 60% of patients, and 30-day readmission medication, although useful in controlling pain, may have signif-
rates after VCF irrespective of treatment method range from icant side effects in the elderly, including constipation, confusion,
10.8% to 61.9%. Finally, in-hospital mortality rates for patients and respiratory depression. The external orthosis most commonly
with a VCF range from 0.3% to 1.7%, with rates increasing at 1 used to prevent kyphotic deformity is a Jewitt-type hyperextension
year to 5.2% to 26.9%. Mortality rates were consistently shown brace. These braces are often poorly tolerated in the elderly, and
to be lower in the augmented patients than in those receiving their utility may be limited by body habitus. In a comparative study
nonoperative treatment,19-21 with KP demonstrating lower of patients managed with a soft brace, a rigid brace, or no brace, no
mortality rates than VP.13,20 This latter phenomenon may be significant difference in outcome was seen between the 3 groups.25
partially explained by higher rates of major medical comorbidities Nonoperative treatment is usually continued until the acute pain
in patients undergoing VP vs KP.13 has subsided, adequate mobilization is achieved, and absence of
progressive deformity is confirmed. Despite the large number of
osteoporotic VCFs that occur each year, there is a paucity of data
Economic Burden of VCFs and studies evaluating nonoperative management of these patients.
In addition to the significant medical morbidity and mortality In a meta-analysis of studies related to conservative management of
associated with VCFs, the financial burden of these fractures is osteoporotic compression fractures, the quality of data was rated as
also a major public health concern. In 2002, Tosteson and low to very low.26
Hammond23 estimated the annual direct medical costs of In addition to the lack of data related to the clinical outcome of
osteoporotic fractures in the United States to be $12.2 billion nonoperative management of osteoporotic VCFs, there is also
to $17.9 billion. Costs attributable specifically to VCFs have been a lack of data regarding the cost-effectiveness of nonoperative
appraised at more than $1.07 billion.1 In addition, the indirect management. In a retrospective, propensity-matched comparison
costs due to patient and caregiver loss of productivity have been of VP, KP, and nonsurgical management for the treatment of
estimated at $6 billion annually.24 VCFs in patients aged 18 years if age and older using data from the
Although some may argue that these enormous health care costs Thomson Reuters MarketScan database including Commercial,
are associated with expensive, clinically unproven surgical inter- Medicare Supplemental, and Medicaid data from 2005 to 2009,
vention, this is not necessarily the case, as nonoperative manage- VP and KP were found to be significantly more costly at 1 year, but
ment of VCFs is also associated with significant direct and indirect at 2 and 4 years, no significant difference in cost was seen.27


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TABLE 1. Summary of Population-Level Studies Examining Morbidity and Mortality Associated With Vertebral Compression Fracturesa
No. of Patient Demographic Discharge
Study Database Queried Time Period Patients Characteristics Treatment (%) Destination (%) Morbidity (%) Mortality (%)
Zampini et al, NIS 2005 5766 Mean age, y, 81.1 71.3% Nonop: 84.7 Home: 23.7 Infection (all): 0.1 In-hospital
2010 female CCI, % KP: 15.3 Home with Pneumonia: 3.1-3.4 Nonop: 1.6
0: 36.7 HC: 12.2 DVT: 0.2 KP: 0.3
1: 29.5 SNF: 33.5 Decubitus ulcer: 1-1.1
2: 19.8 Other facility:
31: 14.0 45.3
Chen et al,20 Medicare provider 2006 68 752 Mean age, y: 81.9 76.8% Nonop: 55.6 Home: 37.9 Infection (postop): 0.1 In-hospital
2013 analysis and female CCI, % VP: 11.2 Home with Pneumonia: 3.14 Nonop: 1.72
review file 0: 31.8 KP: 33.2 HC: 14.8 DVT: 2.66 VP: 0.53
database 1: 28.2 SNF: 32.7 PE: 0.29 KP: 0.35
2: 17.0 Other facility: Decubitus ulcer: 0.95 1-y
31: 23.0 14.6 Nonop: 26.9
VP: 21.2
KP: 14.8
VP: 50.3
KP: 40.1
Goz et al,13 NIS 2005-2010 307 050 (VP/KP) VP: 26.7 Not reported (% VP/KP) In-hospital
2013 Mean age, y: 77.8/76.7 KPL 73.3 Infection (postop): VP: 0.93
Female: 74.5/73.2% 0.14/0.11 KP: 0.6
Diabetes: 8.13/18.0 Respiratory: 0.29/0.38
Lung disease: 25.5/24.7 DVT: 1.04/0.71
CAD: 20.2/20.2 PE: 0.72/0.42

Renal disease: 8.25/6.33 Cardiac: 0.37/0.53

Cancer: 7.67/6.64 CNS: 0.1/0.13
McCullough CMS Outpatient 20% 126 392 (Nonop/augmented) Nonop: 91.7 Not reported Major medical (Nonop/


et al,21 2013 billing and random Mean age, y: 80.2/80.0 VP/KP: 8.3 complications (nonop/ augmented)
Medicare sample Female: 77.5/78.2% augmented) 30 d: 1.5/0.4
Provider Analysis from 2002 Quan comorbidity score 30 d: 10.4/9.3 1 y: 6.7/5.2
and Review to 2006 0: 25.3/24.4 1 y: 28.9/28.9
claims 1: 24.1/23.9
2: 18.4/18.1
31: 32.2/33.7


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Operative Treatment

modified Charlson Comorbidity Index; CMS, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services; CNS, central nervous system; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; HC, home care; KP, kyphoplasty;
MAE, minor adverse events; NIS, National Inpatient Sample; Non-op, non-operative treatment; PE, pulmonary embolism; SAE, serious adverse events; SNF, skilled nursing facility; UTI, urinary tract infection;
ACS-NSQIP, American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program; ARF, acute renal failure; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; CAD, coronary artery disease; CCI, Deyo-
Historically, surgical intervention in patients with osteoporosis
Mortality (%)

Total: 1.5 was reserved for patients with neurological deficits or gross
instability because of the significant complication rate associated
with open surgical procedures in this patient population. The
30 d

introduction of percutaneous vertebral augmentation procedures

such as KP and VP has resulted in a major paradigm shift in the
management of these patients.
In VP, cement is injected percutaneously into the fractured
Pneumonia: 0.5
Morbidity (%)

Stroke/CVA: 0.1

vertebrae without an attempt at vertebral expansion, whereas in

DVT/PE: 1.2
Sepsis: 0.2

KP, a balloon is introduced and inflated in an attempt to restore

ARF: 0.4

UTI: 1.9
MAE: 3.7

vertebral height and create a cavity that is then filled with bone
SAE: 6.6

cement (Figure). Surgical intervention has become quite common

and widespread, and there is now controversy about the
appropriate duration of nonoperative management before offer-
Treatment (%) Destination (%)

ing surgical intervention, with some surgeons advocating early

Facility: 19.8

operative intervention and others advocating an initial trial of

Home: 80.2

nonoperative management.28 However, enthusiasm for vertebral

augmentation may be dampened by concerns regarding compli-
cations such as adjacent segment fracture, venous embolization of
cement, and cement extravasation resulting in neurological
KP: 89.6
VP: 10.4

VP vs Sham
In the August 2009 issue of the New England Journal of
Patient Demographic

Medicine, 2 sham-controlled, RCTs examining the efficacy of VP

Female, 70.8% ASA

for the treatment of osteoporotic VCFs were published, the

Mean age, y: 78.9

INVEST (Investigational Vertebroplasty Safety and Efficacy

1: 2: 22.7%

Trial)12 and A Randomized Trial of Vertebroplasty for Painful

3: 66.7%
4: 10.6%

Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures.11 All patients had needles

introduced, and the periosteum was infiltrated with a local
anesthetic, with cement also being injected in the operative
group. In both studies, there was no difference in the control and

treatment groups in any primary or secondary outcome. One-

No. of


year follow-up from the INVEST demonstrated a small but

statistically significantly greater improvement in pain in the VP
group compared with the sham group (1.02 points; 95%
Time Period

confidence interval [CI]: 0.04-2.01; P = .04).29 On the surface,


the results from these sham-controlled studies suggest that

a placebo effect of an operative intervention accounts for the
difference between groups treated with surgery and those
Database Queried

managed with conventional medical therapy. However, meth-

odological flaws have been identified in both primary studies, and
the results have been called into question.30-32
Toy et al,22 2014 ACS-NSQIP

Criticisms of the trials have included the inclusion of chronic

fractures (up to 12 months), lack of clarity regarding acute
TABLE 1. Continued

fracture definitions, lack of a true sham procedure due to

injection of a local anesthetic agent, recruitment difficulty
VP, vertebroplasty.

necessitating repowering during enrollment reductions in

sample size, disproportionately high recruitment from a single
site, and refusal of randomization by more than 60% of eligible

subjects. In support of the possibility of these studies being

underpowered was the finding in the Kallmes et al12 trial of


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FIGURE. A 66-year-old woman with a bone mineral density T-score of 24.7 presented with a 6-month history of back pain after a minor trauma. Lateral radiographs
demonstrated T7 and T9 vertebral compression fractures (A). Sagittal short tau inversion recovery magnetic resonance images showed increased signal intensity at the 2 levels
indicating nonunion (B). The patient was taken for balloon kyphoplasty of both fractures using a bilateral technique (C and D). Postoperative radiographs demonstrated good
cement fill of the fractured vertebrae with no cement leakage (E). Four weeks postoperatively, the patient reported a 5-point decrease in visual analog scale back pain score and
improved functional tolerance.

a trend toward a higher percentage of patients undergoing VP regard to visual analog scale (VAS) score for back pain or Short
achieving a clinically meaningful improvement in pain, defined Form 36 (SF-36) score. Patients undergoing VP did demon-
as a 30% decrease in baseline (64% vs 48%, P = .06). This strate better scores on the EQ-5D, although significant baseline
would suggest the possibility of a b error, rejecting the null differences in EQ-5D scores existed between the treatment
hypothesis where a true effect exists due to low numbers. arms despite randomization. Failure to observe a difference in
the treatment effects between these 2 groups may have been
due to a lack of statistical power or inclusion of patients with
VP vs Nonoperative Care acute fractures that may be more likely to improve with
Between 2007 and 2014, 6 RCTs comparing VP with conservative care.
nonoperative care were published.33-38 In the earliest trial of Subsequently, VERTOS II, a second Dutch randomized
treatment for subacute or chronic painful osteoporotic VCFs, the comparison of VP vs conservative treatment in acute (,6 weeks)
VERTOS study, Voormolen et al38 randomized 18 patients 50 osteoporotic VCFs, was published.36 VP was performed in 101
years of age or older to VP and 16 to medical management. After patients 50 years of age and older referred for spine radiographs to
2 weeks, 88% of the nonoperative cohort was permitted to cross investigate back pain, whereas another 101 received nonoperative
over to the VP arm. Two weeks after surgical treatment, there was treatment. At 1 year, the decrease in VAS score was significantly
a trend toward greater pain improvement in the VP group that greater in patients treated with VP, and they also demonstrated
was not statistically significant, and only patients undergoing VP greater and faster improvement in HRQOL on the RMDQ and
demonstrated an improvement in HRQOL as measured by the Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for
Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ). Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO).
In 2009, Rousing et al37 published a second RCT of VP vs In 2011, Farrokhi et al35 reported on 82 subjects with 4
conservative treatment in 50 Danish patients 65 years of age or months to 1 year of refractory pain from an osteoporotic VCF
older with acute (,2 weeks) or subacute (2-8 weeks) osteoporotic randomized to VP (n = 40) or optimal medical therapy (n = 42).
VCFs. At 3-month follow-up, no significant difference was At 6-month follow-up, patients in the VP group reported
observed between the operative and nonoperative cohorts with significantly less pain than those in the medical therapy group


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(VAS back pain score, 2.2 6 2.1 vs 4.1 6 1.5, P , .02); (95% CI: 0.3-1.5, P = .003). These differences in back pain and
however, similar to other studies, this difference was not HRQOL favoring KP have subsequently been shown to be
maintained at 12-, 24- or 36-month follow-up. In contrast, maintained at 24 months.40
HRQOL as measured by the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI)
was significantly better in the VP group immediately after surgery VP vs KP
and at the final 36-month follow-up compared with the medically Two RCTs comparing VP with KP for the symptomatic
treated group (30.1 6 3.0 vs 44.0 6 2.5, P , .03 and 8.0 6 1.7 treatment of VCFs and reporting pain or HRQOL outcomes
vs 22.0 6 1.2, P , .01, respectively). have been published since 2010, with the long-term results of 1
The next year, Blasco et al33 reported on their prospective, RCT having been recently reported.41 In the first head-to-head
single-center RCT of 125 patients comparing VP (n = 64) with comparison of the 2 techniques, Liu et al42 randomized 100
conservative treatment (n = 61). Included patients had to have patients with an acute osteoporotic VCF of the thoracolumbar
had symptoms for less than 12 months with a radiographically junction (T12-L1) to VP (n = 50) or KP (n = 50). Although
confirmed VCF demonstrating edema on magnetic resonance both groups demonstrated improvement from baseline to the
short tau inversion recovery images or increased activity on bone final follow-up at 6 months (KP = 25.4, VP = 25.6), no
scanning. Significantly greater improvement in VAS scores at significant differences in VAS score for back pain improvement
2-month follow-up in the VP group (42% vs 25%) with earlier were observed between the treatment arms. Disability and
improvement in QUALEFFO scores was observed. However, HRQOL were not measured in this trial. These improvements
residual back pain was similar in the 2 treatment groups at in back pain were subsequently reported as being durable at
12-month follow-up, with no significant differences in total 5-year follow-up.41
QUALEFFO score or analgesic use at this time point. More recently, Dohm et al43 performed a randomized trial of
Most recently, Chen et al34 published the results of their single- patients with osteoporosis and 1 to 3 acute VCFs treated with KP
center, randomized study of VP (n = 46) vs nonoperative (n = 191) or VP (n = 190). Patients had to have concordant
treatment (n = 50) in patients with 1 or more osteoporotic clinical findings and either new (,6 months) vertebral height loss
compression fractures identified by high signal on T2-weighted on computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or
magnetic resonance imaging and at least 3 months of unremitting radiography; edema on magnetic resonance imaging scans; or
pain. Patients were allowed to cross over into the VP arm after 3 increased uptake on a bone scan. Patients in both treatment arms
months of conservative care, with 4 patients selecting this demonstrated statistically significant improvements in back pain,
treatment option. At the final 1-year follow-up, both groups SF-36 Physical Component Summary, EQ-5D, and ODI scores
had demonstrated improvements in VAS score for back pain and at 24 months, with concomitant decreases in opioid use.
disability and HRQOL as measured by the ODI and RMDQ. However, no significant difference in treatment outcome was
However, significantly greater improvements were observed in observed between KP and VP on any clinical outcome measure.
the VP group compared with the nonoperative group (VAS score
for back pain, 4.0 vs 2.3). This divergence of treatment effects SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS AND META-ANALYSES
was observed as early as 1 week after treatment initiation and was OF RCTs
maintained throughout the study period.
As the rates of use of VP and KP for the management of
symptomatic VCFs have increased and as more RCTs examining
KP vs Nonoperative Care VCF treatment have been published, multiple investigators have
The FREE (Fracture Reduction Evaluation) trial is the only attempted to synthesize the literature regarding nonoperative and
large-scale RCT of percutaneous balloon KP (n = 149) vs operative management of VCFs by performing systematic reviews
nonoperative treatment (151) for acute symptomatic VCFs, and meta-analyses.44-53 As would be expected, the findings and
although 2 patients with multiple myeloma or metastatic conclusions of the publications vary depending on the year of
osteolytic lesions were included in each group.39 Fractures were publication, intervention, and control groups included and
a mean of 5.6 weeks and 6.4 weeks old in the KP and nonsurgical methods of statistical analysis. A summary of selected findings
groups, respectively. At 1-month follow-up, the mean SF-36 of published systematic reviews of RCTs examining the treatment
Physical Component Summary score improvement was 5.2 of osteoporotic VCFs and presenting at least 1 clinical outcome
points greater in the KP group than in the nonsurgical group (VAS score for back pain, disability, or HRQOL) is presented in
(95% CI: 2.9-7.4, P , .0001). This difference decreased to 1.5 Table 2. For a comprehensive list of all trials included in each of
points (95% CI: 20.8 to 3.9, P = .21) at 12-month follow-up. the meta-analyses, readers are directed to the primary references.
The KP group also demonstrated greater improvements in EQ-
5D quality of life scores at 1 and 12 months (0.18, P = .0003 and Impact on Back Pain
0.12, P = .03, respectively). VAS back pain scores showed a 2.2- Four different meta-analyses compared improvements in back
point greater decrease in the KP group at 1 week (95% CI: 1.6- pain between VP and nonoperative treatment.49,52-54 At 12
2.8, P , .0001) and a 0.9-point greater decrease at 12 months months, 3 studies reported mean differences between the 2


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TABLE 2. Summary of Meta-Analyses of RCTs of Treatment of Vertebral Compression Fracturesa

Databases Study Type and Patient
Study Queried Time Period Number Comparisons No. of Subjects Demographics Outcomes
Anderson MEDLINE January 1980 RCTs VP 1 KP vs VA = 538 Mean age, y: NR Pain reduction
et al,55 CDSR to 8 (6 included sham 1 nonop Nonop = 437 % Female: NR VP/KP vs nonop (MD 6 95% CI)
2013 CENTRAL July 2011 in meta- Early (2-12 wk): 0.73 6 0.38 (P , .001)
CINAHL analysis) Late (.12 wk): 0.58 6 0.39 (P , .001)
Embase Functional outcome (RMDQ or ODI)
VP/KP vs nonop (SMD 6 95% CI)
Early (2-12 wk): 1.08 6 0.75 (P , .05)
Late (.12 wk): 1.16 6 1.02 (P , .05)
VP/KP vs nonop (SMD 6 95% CI)
Early (2-12 wk): 0.39 6 0.23 (P , .05)
Late (.12 wk): 0.33 6 0.17 (P , .05)
Liu et al,49 MEDLINE January 1980 RCTs VP vs sham 1 VP = 291 Mean age, y Pain reduction
2013 CDSR to 5 nonop Nonop = 286 VP: 72-80 Total (MD 6 95% CI)
CCRCT December Nonop: 74-80 2 wk: 21.192 6 1.593 (P = .14)
CINAHL 2012 Female: 69.3%-80.3% 2-3 mo: 21.72 6 0.54 (P , .00001)
Embase .6 mo: 21.59 6 0.55 (P , .00001)
Buchbinder CENTRAL Database RCTs and quasi- VP vs sham VP vs sham = 209 Mean age, y Pain reduction (12 mo MD [95% CI])
et al,52 MEDLINE inception to RCTs VP vs nonop VP vs nonop = 566 VP vs sham VP vs sham: 20.5 (21.82 to 0.82)
2015 EMBASE November 12 (11 RCTs and VP vs KP VP vs KP = 545 VP: 73.4-74.2 VP vs nonop: 20.83 (21.55 to 20.11)
2014 1 quasi-RCT) Sham: 74.3-78.9 VP vs KP: 0.30 (20.40 to 1.00)
VP vs nonop Functional Outcome (RMDQ or ODI, MD [95% CI])
VP: 64.6-80 VP vs sham (1 mo RMDQ): 21.09 (22.94 to 0.76)
Nonop: 66.5-80 VP vs nonop (12 mo either): 21.26 (22.61 to 0.08)

VP vs KP VP vs KP (12-mo ODI): 20.0 (0.0-0.0)

VP: 71.3-75.7 HRQOL (EQ-5D, MD [95% CI])


KP: 63.3-80 VP vs sham (1 mo): 0.05 (0.01 to 0.11)
% Female VP vs nonop (12 mo): 0.07 (20.00 to 0.14)
VP vs sham VP vs KP: 20.0 (0.0-0.0)
VP: 77.9-81.6
Sham: 73.0-77.5
VP vs nonop
VP: 69.3-77.8
Nonop: 69.3-87.5
VP vs KP
VP: 60.0-76.0
KP: 70.0-87.5


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TABLE 2. Continued
Databases Study Type and Patient
Study Queried Time Period Number Comparisons No. of Subjects Demographics Outcomes
Chen et al,53 Amed Database RCTs VP vs nonop Nonop = 337 Mean age, y: NR Pain reduction (12 mo, MD [95% CI])
2015 BNI inception to 5 KP vs nonop VP = 241 % female: NR VP vs nonop: 21.81 (23.1 to 0.47)
Embase July 2014 VP vs KP KP = 199 KP vs nonop: 21.1 (21.4 to 0.89)
Ubmed VP vs KP: 0.15 (20.25 to 0.54)
Guo et al,54 CENTRAL Database RCTs VP vs sham 1 VP or KP = 701 Mean age, y Pain reduction ($12 mo, MD 6 95% CI)
2015 PubMed inception to 11 nonop Sham or nonop = VP/KP: 64.8-80 VP vs nonop: 21.38 (22.64 to 20.12)
Embase June 2014 KP vs sham 1 700 Sham/nonop: 63-80 KP vs nonop: 20.69 (21.34 to 20.04)
Web of nonop % female: NR VP/KP vs sham/nonop: 21.24 (22.20 to 20.29)
Science HRQOL
CBMD RMDQ (,3 mo, MD 6 95% CI)
CNKI VP vs sham/nonop: 22.90 (24.34 to 21.45)
Wangfang KP vs sham/nonop: 25.99 (210.6 to 21.38)
VP/KP vs sham/nonop: 24.97 (28.71 to 21.23)
SF-36 ($12 mo, MD 6 95% CI)
VP vs sham/nonop: 1.20 (21.33 to 3.72)

BNI, British Nursing Index; CBMD, China Biology Medicine disc; CCTD, Current Controlled Trials Database; CDSR, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; CENTRAL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
Trials; CI, confidence interval; CNKI, China National Knowledge Infrastructure; HRQOL, Health-Related Quality of Life; KP, kyphoplasty; MD, mean difference; NR, not reported; NRR(UK), National Research Register
(UK); NTIS, National Technical Information Service; ODI, Oswestry Disability Index; QUALEFFO, Quality of life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis; RCTs, randomized, controlled trials;
RMDQ, Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire; SMD, standardized mean difference; VA, vertebral augmentation; VP, vertebroplasty.

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treatment arms ranging from 0.69 to 1.75 in favor of VP.49,52,54 A Adverse Events
single study reported a standardized mean difference of 21.81 The most thorough examination of adverse events (AEs) related
(95% CI: 23.1 to 0.47), also in favor of VP.53 Comparing VP to the surgical treatment of VCFs using percutaneous techniques
with sham surgery, 2 meta-analyses failed to identify a difference was a health technology assessment by Stevenson et al50 published
in pain control at 12 months.49,52 This is possibly due to the in 2014. Their systematic review and meta-analysis included both
infiltration of local anesthetic at the time of the sham surgery or RCTs as well as large observational studies enrolling $200
a placebo effect of the sham surgical intervention. subjects and case reports of rare events. In defense of this
Similar to the comparisons of VP with nonoperative treatment, methodology, the authors argued that RCTs are underpowered to
KP has also been shown to improve pain to a greater extent than detect AEs, and included populations may not be representative
nonoperative modalities. At 12 months, Chen et al53 reported of the target population.
a 1.1-point standard mean difference (MD) between KP and Seven studies examining rates of image-identified cement
nonoperative treatment in favor of surgery, whereas Guo et al54 leakage were identified. Rates of cement leakage were found to
reported a small, but statistically significant greater improvement be 27% in 2 studies using KP and to range from 0% to 72% in 5
in VAS back pain score favoring KP (MD, 20.69; 95% studies in which VP was performed. In total, cement leakage
CI: 21.34 to 20.04).54 Only a single meta-analysis has directly occurred in 458 subjects. Only 2 cases of intracanal cement
compared back pain scores in VP vs KP patients, in which no extravasation were reported (0.004%), with only 1 requiring
significant difference in outcomes pain scores was identified.52 reoperation for a radiculopathy. Asymptomatic pulmonary em-
Two meta-analyses examined pooled comparisons of VP and KP bolism of cement was identified in 16 subjects (0.035%), 14 of
vs a combination of sham surgery and nonoperative treatment. In whom were identified in a cohort of 54 patients, all of whom
2013, a pooled analysis performed by Anderson et al55 revealed underwent routine postoperative computed tomography scans of
a mean difference in back pain VAS score of 0.73 (95% CI: 0.35- the chest.
1.10) for early and 0.58 (95% CI: 0.19-0.97) for late time points, Incident radiographic vertebral fractures were studied in 3
both of which favored surgical intervention over nonoperative studies. At 12 months post-intervention, new fractures occurred
management (P , .001). More recently, Guo et al54 also identified in 13.1% to 25% of control patients (n = 241), 16.5% to 26.6%
significantly greater improvement in VAS back pain score in of patients undergoing VP (n = 155), and 33% of patients
patients undergoing surgical intervention compared with sham or undergoing KP (n = 115). At 2-year follow-up, these rates had
nonoperative treatment (MD, 21.24; 95% CI: 22.20 to 20.29). increased to 44.1% in 102 control patients and 47.5% in 118
subjects undergoing KP. Although new fractures are one of the
most common AEs after operative and nonoperative treatment
Disability and HRQOL
of VCFs, meta-analysis in multiple systematic reviews has
Significant variability exists in the measures used to report identified no significant difference in incident fracture rates
disability and HRQOL outcomes in RCTs of surgical vs non- after surgical (VP or KP) vs nonoperative treatment of
operative treatment of VCFs as well as the time points at which VCFs.34,49,54,55 A single comparison of new fracture rates in
these measures were performed.50 In a more inclusive meta- 2 studies comparing VP with sham surgery or conservative care
analysis comparing VP and KP with sham and nonoperative also demonstrated no difference in incident fracture rates
treatment, functional outcome measured by the RMDQ and (relative risk, 0.54; 95% CI: 0.09-3.38; P = .51).
ODI demonstrated significantly greater improvements in the VP In their meta-analysis of AE rates from 7 trials enrolling 855
and KP group at both early and late time points (MD, 1.08; 95% patients, Guo et al54 identified no significant difference between
CI: 0.33-1.82 and MD, 1.16; 95% CI: 0.14-1.18, respectively), surgical treatment (VP/KP) vs sham and nonoperative treatment
although publication bias was identified in the studies. After (relative risk, 1.10; 95% CI: 0.85-1.43; P = .46). Similarly,
exclusion of a single outlying study,35 the mean differences Buchbinder et al52 found no significant difference in serious AE
decreased, but the results remained statistically significant. Guo rates between VP and sham surgery (relative risk, 1.01; 95% CI:
et al54 also observed significantly better disability outcomes as 0.21-4.85). Finally, a meta-analysis of 12-month mortality rates
measured by the RMDQ in surgically treated patients at less than from 3 studies demonstrated a trend toward improved mortality
3 months (MD, 24.97; 95% CI: 28.71 to 21.23]). However, outcomes in patients undergoing VP compared with nonoper-
at 12-month or longer follow-up, HRQOL, as measured by the ative treatment (MD, 0.68; 95% CI: 0.30-1.57).49,55
SF-36, failed to demonstrate a difference between the treatment
arms (MD, 1.20; 95% CI: 21.33 to 3.72).
More focused comparisons of VP with either nonoperative ECONOMIC EFFECTIVENESS OF VERTEBRAL
treatment or sham surgery failed to demonstrate improvements in AUGMENTATION FOR VCFs
disability or HRQOL as measured on the RMDQ, QUALEFFO,
or EQ-5D at any time point.52 Comparisons between KP and As the number of patients who are potential candidates for
nonoperative treatment using a meta-analysis of patient-reported vertebral augmentation for painful VCFs increases, rates of
outcome measure scores has not been performed. osteoporosis increase, and the population ages, an understanding


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TABLE 3. Summary of Cost Analysis Studies of Vertebral Augmentation vs Nonoperative Treatment for Vertebral Compression Fracturesa
Base Case Patient Treatment QOL Data
Study Country Group Comparisons Study Characteristics Source QOL Instrument Cost Data
Edidin et al, USA N/A KP or VP vs Cost/LYG Weibull survival model N/A N/A KP
2010 Inclusion criteria: Medicare nonop Lifetime time horizon Medicare Females: $1863-
enrollees $65 y of age with an perspective 2010 costing 3%/y $3751/LYG
index VCF discounting Males: $2318-
Females: $2452-
Males: $6621-
$13 543/LYG
Klazen et al,36 Netherlands Men and women 75 years of VP vs nonop Cost/QALY Within trial 1-y time VERTOS II EQ-5D (Dutch 22 685/QALY
2010 age with prevalent VCF horizon Health care perspective tariff)
and back pain ,6 wk) 2008 costing No discounting
Strom et al,58 UK Men and women 70 years of KP vs nonop Cost/QALY Markov cohort model FREE trial EQ-5D (UK tariff) 10 900/QALY
2010 age with T-score #22.5 Lifetime time horizon Health
and $1 VCF care perspective 2008 costing
3.5%/y discounting
Fritzell et al,57 Sweden Similar to Swedish patients KP vs nonop Cost/QALY Within trial 2-y time FREE trial EQ-5D (UK tariff) 101 626/QALY
2011 in FREE trial (mean age 72 horizon Societal perspective
y in KP and 75 y in control 2008 costing No discounting
arms, respectively)
Svedbom UK Females 70 years of age KP vs VP nonop Cost/QALY Markov cohort model FREE Trial, EQ-5D (UK tariff) KP vs nonop
et al,59 2012 with a prevalent VCF and Lifetime time horizon Health VERTOS II 3337/QALY KP
T-score #23.0 care perspective 2009 costing vs VP
3.5%/y discounting 19 706/QALY
Flug et al,61 USA N/A Inclusion criteria: VA (KP or VP) vs Cost (total for admission and N/A N/A Total cost
2013 patients admitted with nonop cost/d) Health care perspective VA: $26 074
a VCF Nonop: $15 507
VA: $2040
Nonop: $2069
Stevenson UK Women 70 years of age KP or VP or OPLA Cost/QALY Markov cohort model Multiple Multiple KP vs nonop
et al,50 2014 with a T-score of #23.0 vs nonop Lifetime time horizon Health 10 433/QALY

care perspective 2010-2011 VP vs nonop

costing 3.5%/y discounting 7448/QALY
OPLA vs nonop

KP, kyphoplasty; LYG, life-year gained; OPLA, operative placebo with local anesthesia; QALY, quality-adjusted life year; VA, vertebral augmentation; QOL, quality of life; VCF, vertebral compression fracture;
VP, vertebroplasty.

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of only the clinical effectiveness of operative and nonoperative treatments cannot be estimated or compared with the European
treatment options is no longer sufficient for todays spine care literature or the results of Edinin et al60
provider. All treatment strategies are associated with significant
health care costs, so it is also necessary for physicians to be CONCLUSION
familiar with the evidence regarding the cost-effectiveness of VP
and KP as applied to VCF management. Osteoporotic VCFs are a common cause of pain, dysfunction,
Recognizing this, Borgstrm et al56 performed a systematic review and loss of mobility and independence in the elderly population.
of Embase, PubMed, EconLit, and National Health Service Although many patients with symptomatic VCFs will respond
Economic Evaluation Database to identify peer-reviewed published favorably to nonoperative management in the form of activity
investigations on the cost-effectiveness of vertebral augmentation in modification, analgesics, and brace therapy, a high proportion will
patients with osteoporosis. Table 3 outlines the results of the 5 studies fail to have adequate pain relief with this nonsurgical regimen.
identified by this review. Vertebral augmentation was found to be Changes in rates of vertebral augmentation for treatment of
cost-effective compared with nonsurgical management in the base symptomatic VCFs and treatment recommendations demon-
case results of 3 of the 5 studies, with incremental cost-effectiveness strates that the therapeutic pendulum has swung from initial
ratios ranging from 3337 to 92 154 in 4 of the 5 studies.36,57-59 enthusiasm for VP and KP, to reservations regarding the
The authors reported that variations in cost-effectiveness were most effectiveness of these interventions, to an objective, evidence-
significantly influenced by the time horizon of the study, the effect of based approach to VCF management.
treatment on quality of life, the time to realization of the treatment Meta-analysis of contemporary RCTs has demonstrated small,
effect, and reductions in length of stay, and mortality after vertebral but consistent greater improvements in back pain in patients
augmentation. treated with either VP or KP compared with nonoperative
In addition to the European studies identified by Borgstrm treatment at mid-term follow-up, although no difference has been
et al,56 2 North American cost analyses have also been identified between VP and sham surgery. Current data would also
performed (Table 3). Using Medicare claims data from January suggest that these improvements in back pain are accompanied by
2005 to December 2008 and including relevant payments for significant, although clinically questionable, improvements in self-
each patient up to 3 years after their VCF diagnosis, Edidin reported disability. Further, no significant difference exists
et al60 observed that the difference in cumulative median costs between VP and KP with regard to complication rates, including
for VP and KP compared with nonoperative treatment ranged asymptomatic cement extravasation, and rates of incident VCFs
from $8300 to $28 820 for VP and $12 580 to $18 500 for KP after treatment for a symptomatic fracture do not differ between
depending on the age and sex of the groups examined. patients treated with VP, KP, or nonoperative means.
Comparing KP with nonsurgical treatment, the cost per life- Given the high rates of morbidity and mortality associated with
year gained ranged from $1863 to $6687, whereas it was $2452 nonoperative management and in light of the results from
to $13 543 for VP compared with nonoperative treatment. contemporary cost-effectiveness investigations as well as multiple
Finally, when KP was compared with VP, the cost per life-year systematic reviews and meta-analyses, it is possible that the
gained was 2$284 (cost saving) to $2399 for female patients primary benefit associated with surgical treatment of VCFs may
and 2$4878 (cost saving) to $2763 for males. Based on these be realized in the short term with shorter hospital stays, decreased
results, the authors concluded that surgical management of rates of complications, more rapid return of functional indepen-
VCFs is cost-effective in the Medicare population compared dence, decreased rates of readmission, and fewer admissions to
with nonoperative treatment, and for patients in whom surgical skilled nursing or long-term care facilities. However, further trials
treatment is indicated, KP may even be cost-saving compared involving rigorous collection of clinical outcome, complication,
with VP. and both direct and indirect cost data are necessary to make this
Subsequently, in 2013, Flug et al61 retrospectively reported determination.
mean treatment costs of vertebral augmentation (n = 61 levels in
39 patients; KP = 40, VP = 21) vs nonoperative management (n = Disclosure
209) in patients emergently admitted with vertebral compression The authors have no personal, financial, or institutional interest in any of the
deformities. The mean total costs in the augmentation group drugs, materials, or devices described in this article.
were $26 074 vs $15 507 in the nonsurgical cohort (P , .01).
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