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Determining how best to structure development programs and projects based
on analysis of gender relationships so that there will be equal access to, control
and benefits to resources for both women and men.
A systematic gathering and examination of information on gender differences
and social relations in order to identify, understand and redress inequities based
on gender.
assists with the development of actions to ensure that both women and men
benefit from an activity, event or policy
Strategic (Gender) Interests.
Focus on fundamental issues related to womens (or, less often, mens)
subordination and gender inequities.
the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned
action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all
Gender-responsive objectives
are programme and project objectives that are nondiscriminatory, equally
benefit women and men and aim at correcting gender imbalances.
Literacy Gender Parity Index (GPI)
is the ratio of the female to male adult literacy rates which measures progress
towards gender equity in literacy and the level of learning opportunities
available for women in relation to those available to men.
refers to the biological category of female and male. Culture has no influence in
ones sex.
refers to the social categories of male and female.

These categories are distinguished from one another by a set of psychological

features and role attributes that society has assigned to the biological category
of sex.
Gender role
a term that captures societys influence on the biologically based categories of
female and male.
a social position accompanied by a set of norms or expectations.
Intrarole Conflict
there are incompatible components within the same role.
Interrole Conflict
when expectations to one role conflict with another role
Gender-role Identity
Our perception of the self as psychologically female or male. You have probably
heard of people who are biologically male but feel as if they are female and wish
they were female, or vice versa
Sexual Orientation
refers to whether people prefer to have other-sex or same-sex person as
partners for love, affection, and sex.
Sex Typing
the process by which sex appropriate preferences , behaviors, skills, and self-
concept are acquired.

a male who thinks, feels, and behaves in masculine ways and a female who
thinks, feels, and behaves in a feminine ways.
a male who acts feminine and a female who acts masculine.
someone who incorporates both masculine and feminine qualities
prejudice toward people base on their sex
our beliefs about the features of the biological or psychological categories of
male and female.
Sex Discrimination
involves the differential treatment of people based on their biological sex.
societys understanding of what is possible, proper, and perverse in gender-
linked behavior.
a term that was institutionalized among the Lakota Indians, who currently reside
in South Dakota. The male berdache and female berdache are the third and
fourth genders.
Multiple genders
Male Berdache
is biologically male but takes on characteristics of both women and men in
appearance and manner.
Female Berdache
is biologically female but takes on characteristics of both women and men in
appearance and manner.

these women assume a male social identity and perform the work of men. They
are not allowed to marry and are sworn to virginity.
biological males who dress like females and take on womens role in the

also known as sex equality, gender egalitarianism, sexual equality, or equality of
the genders, is the view that everyone should receive equal treatment and not
be discriminated against based on their gender
is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities
across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision-
making, and when the different behaviours, aspirations and needs of women
and men are equally valued and favoured.

is the process of allocating resources, programs, and decision making fairly to
both males and females without any discrimination on the basis of sexand
addressing any imbalances in the benefits available to males and females.
Gender equity requires that girls and women be provided with a full range of
activity and program choices that meet their needs, interests and experiences,
also requires an examination of organizational practices and policies that may
hinder the participation of girls and women.
focuses on creating the same starting line for everyone.
has the goal of providing everyone with the full range of opportunities and
benefits the same finish line.
is about people -both women and men- taking control over their lives: setting
their own agendas, gaining skills, building self-confidence, solving problems and
developing self-reliance.
the empowerment of people of any gender. While conventionally being reduced
to its aspect of empowerment of women, the concept stresses
thedistinction between biological sex and gender as a role, also referring to
other marginalized genders in a particular political or social context.

Gender Empowerment Measure

used to measure Gender empowerment.

shows women's participation in a given nation, both politically and economically.


refers to the biological characteristics that categorize someone as either female

or male. It refers to a natural or biological feature.


refers to the socially determined ideas and practices of what it is to be female or

male. It also refers to cultural or learned significance of sex. (masculine or

Reproductive organ is mostly outside Reproductive organ is mostly internal
of the body

Robust and Muscular Delicate, soft

Passionate; easily aroused because Romantic; takes time to get aroused

his sex organ is mostly external because her sex organs are internal

View intercourse as a physical act View intercourse as an emotional


Have more body hair Have less body hair

Most males identify as men. Most females identify as women but this is not
always the case. If a man decides that he wants to appear and feel as a woman
his sexual orientation changes.

Sexual orientation is an emotional, physical and sexual attraction to another


Violations on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and homosexuality

have persistently been widespread in the Philippines. Mockery, harassment and
discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people
continue to take place elsewhere in the country.

Gender is the way one behaves and identifies with people.

Gendering or Socialization of persons into a given gender begins when the

child is born or even before the child is born.

Gender roles are dynamic and they change over time. Definitions of masculine
and feminine often vary from one race and culture to another; these are due to
specific economic, political and social conditions of each class, culture or area.


Main providers of family Mostly dependent on
income men for financial
support of the family.

Decision-making or technical Works are assigned to

skills as higher levels are women such as
assigned to them. household chores, child
rearing, sewing,
preparing food etc.

Heavy industries engaged in Female labor is the rule

the production of capital of light industries such
goods or in the extraction and as garments, food
processing of mineral processing, handicrafts,
resources largely employ etc.

Political fields and decision- Very few women run for

making in the community and public office. Women
the larger society is also who do win elections
dominated by men. come from political
dynasties and rise to
power on the coat-tails
of their husband, father
or brother politicians.

Men often portrayed with Women are often

chivalry, as the protagonists portrayed as virgin or
in movies, love stories vamp and as sex

A man who has sired more A woman should always

offspring is considered more be a one-man-woman
virile and more macho. His or else she is
sexual activity is more condemned by society.
directed to his own pleasure. Her sexual activity is
directed by her
emotions and by her
romantic nature.
In most companies and Women are confined to
government institutions, top domestic sales and
level positions are given to clerical work.

Gender Stratification

is the unequal distribution of wealth, power and privilege between men and


male dominance in the society. It literally translates to the rule of the fathers
as a form of social organization in which males dominates females.


which is the belief that one sex (the male) is innately superior to the other (the

Sexism has always had negative consequences for women. It has caused some
women to avoid pursuing successful careers typically described as
masculine , perhaps to avoid the social impression that they are less desirable
as spouses or mothers or even less feminine

Gender issues
pertain to beliefs, ideas, attitudes, behavior, systems and other factors that block peoples capacity to
do and to be. Gender issues are deterrent to development, thus it is important to analyze and address
them in development planning.


refers to the differentiated social roles, behaviors, capacities, and intellectual, emotional and
characteristics attributed by a given culture to women and men in short, all differences besides the
strictly biological.

Gender roles

the assignment to women of the primarily responsibility for caring for children and the home, and to
men of the task of providing income on which their family lives. In most contemporary societies, this
sexual division of labor exists in the form known technically as the production-reproduction
distinction. Gender Subordination

production-reproduction divide

is the sexual division of labor that prevails within the capitalist system


an extreme illustration of the subordination of womens sexuality.

Gender Subordination and Personhood

The gender system encourages the development of different personality traits of women and men.
This stunts the personal growth of both sexes, but because the traits of developed by men are those
on which society places greater value, women are subordinate in this area as well.
A. Women: Dutiful and Dependent
*Since men are breadwinners and political mediators, in myth in not in fact, women perceived men as
essential to their own material survival. This perception generates an inordinate attachment to relationships
with men.
*For many single women, a job is temporary phase, a period of waiting for the real job of marriage and a
family. a large part of many womens self image is shaped by their ability to attract men, as well as by the
type of men they attract. And because good men are limited, women learn to see each other as competitors.
A womens commitment to a man ideally goes hand-in-hand with commitment to the family they create
*Womens tendency to defer to men even in decisions involving the household or their personal lives. This
is most noticeable in meetings or gatherings at which both women and men are present; women tend to leave
the speaking and the decisions to the men.
B. Men: Dependent too
*Men are raised to think of their lives in terms of self-fulfillment rather than relationships. Self-fulfillment is
achieved trough creative work or through the pursuits of pleasure.
*While a relationship with woman is important to Filipino male, and also a source of self-image, he is better
able to retain his autonomy from the relationship.
*The emphasis of developing emotional control also makes men less than able than women to express
affection, weakness or fear.
Gender and Socialization

A. Child-Rearing
Gendering, or socialization of persons into a given gender, begins the moment a child is born.

*This series of processes enables children to identify which gender their parents they should belong to, and
to acquire the corresponding behavior and roles.
*The rites and myths of puberty, marking the passage from learning of gender of roles to their actual
performance, also convey messages to girls and boys about gender.

Internal religious issues

are studied from the perspective of a given religion
External religious issue
can be broadly defined as an examination of a given religion from an outsiders perspective.
Gender Identity Disorder
are characterized bv strong and persistent cross-gender identification accompanied by persistent
discomfort with one's assigned sex.
Gender identity
refers to an individual's self-perception as male or female
gender dysphoria
Denotes strong and persistent feelings of discomfort with one's assigned sex.
refers to the broad spectrum of individuals who transiently or persistently
identify with a gender different from their natal gender.
Sex And Sexual
it refer to the biological indicators of male and female (understood in the
context of reproductive capacity), such as in sex chromosomes, gonads, sex
hormones, and nonambiguous internal and external genitalia.

Testicular feminization syndrome/complete androgen insensitivity syndrome,

this is a genetic disorder that makes XY fetuses insensitive (unresponsive) to
androgens (male hormones). Instead, they are born looking externally like
normal girls.
Gender identity
is a category of social identity and refers to an individual's identification as
male, female, or, occasionally, some category other than male or female.
Gender Expression
refers to the way a person communicates gender identity to others through
behavior, clothing, hairstyles, voice or body characteristics.
denotes an individual who seeks, or has undergone, a social transition from
male to female or female to male, which in many, but not all, cases also
involves a somatic transition by cross-sex hormone treatment and genital
surgery (sex reassignment surgery).
Gender assignment
refers to the initial assignment as male or female. This occurs usually at birth
and, thereby, yields the "natal gender."
Gender reassignment
denotes an official (and usually legal) change of gender.
Cross-sex hormone treatment
denotes the use of feminizing hormones in an individual assigned male at birth
based on traditional biological indicators or the use of masculinizing hormones in an
individual assigned female at birth.
Transsexual Men Or Transmen (also known as female-to-male or FTM)
People who were assigned female, but identify and live as male and alter or
wish to alter their bodies through medical intervention to more closely resemble
their gender identity
Transsexual Women Or Transwomen (also known as male-to-female or MTF)
Conversely, people who were assigned male, but identify and live as female and
alter or wish to alter their bodies through medical intervention to more closely
resemble their gender identity.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)

a professional organization devoted to the treatment of transgender people,
publishes The Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders, which offers
recommendations for the provision of gender affirmation procedures and

Drag Queens
generally refers to men who dress as women for the purpose of entertaining
others at bars, clubs, or other events.
Drag Kings
refers to women who dress as men for the purpose of entertaining others at
bars, clubs, or other events.
is a term that some people use who identify their gender as falling outside the
binary constructs of male and female. They may define their gender as
falling somewhere on a continuum between male and female, or they may
define it as wholly different from these terms. They may also request that
pronouns be used to refer to them that are neither masculine nor feminine, such
as zie instead of he or she, or hir instead of his or her. Some
genderqueer people do not identify as transgender.

Sexual orientation
refers to an individuals enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction
to another person, whereas
gender identity
refers to ones internal sense of being male, female, or something else.

Refers to the preference of one gender over the other or belief that one is
better. The unequal

The process which forces women out
- Economic and Social life
- Decision-making process
One sex is inferior to the other; gender subordination is the institutionalized
domination by men of women.

Involvement of women in the three spheres of work; reproductive, productive
and community work.
Gender Division of Labor
it is the assignment of tasks and roles to men and women on account sex.
It is the process of attributing a set of characteristics, roles and traits, favorable
or unfavorable, to all members of a social group based on sex.
Gender Streotypes
Fixed, unquestioned beliefs or images we perceive and carry in the back of our
minds about mens and womens roles, traits, activities transmitted from
generation to generation.
Act of instilling fear and inflicting pain with the aim to injure, or abuse a person
usually women.

Gender discrimination
which is defined as the adverse action against another person that would not
have not occurred has the person been of another sex. It is the practice of
letting a persons sex unfairly become a factor when deciding who receives the
job , promotion , or other employment benefit. It most often affect women who
feel they have been unfairly discriminated against in favor of a man.

is a form of discrimination which inhibits womens ability to enjoy rights and
freedoms on a basis of equality with men. (CEDAW,1980)
Violence against women
It is defined as any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to
result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including
threats or such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation.

What is Development?
It is about attaining a full and satisfying life.

Refers to the act or process of developing; growth; progress.

is a development approach which reflects a change in outlook recognizing the

equal contribution of women and men in all aspects and sectors of


GABRIELA is a Filipino organization that advocates for women's issues. It is a

nationwide network of grassroots organizations, institutions, and programs that
address issues such
as humanrights, poverty, globalization, militarism, violence, rape
culture, health, sex trafficking, censorship. And other issues affecting women. Its
name is an acronym of General Assembly Binding Women
for Reforms, Integrity, Equality, Leadership and Action.
Gender mainstreaming
is the public policy concept of assessing the different implications for women
and men of any planned policy action, including legislation and programmes, in
all areas and levels.
essentially offers a pluralistic approach that values the diversity among both
men and women
GAD Focal Point System
is a mechanism tasked to catalyse, coordinate, provide direction to, monitor and
serve as technical adviser for programs or projects on women/gender and
development concerns within its agency.

Social Protection
refers to the policies and programs that seek to reduce poverty and vulnerability
to risk and enhance the social status and rights of women.

The R.A 3710 which is the Magna Carta of Women

has strong provisions for the social protection of women. Compliance to
such provisions are now in effect as enumerated in the sub-list below:
R.A No. 9262: The Violence against women and their Children Act of 2004 or
the Anti-VAWC Law is an act
defining violence against women and their children proving for protective
measures for victims. It provides for services for the violence against
women and children victimsPenal Law: is an act of the legislature that
defines crimes and provides for their penalties.
Protection Order
is an order issued either by a barangay official or by court for the purpose
of preventing further acts of violence against women or her child.

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