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s. No.

H . No, 4116

~"l' ublir llftllr 1I qilippineg

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c#Relrll c!iUtnilll

~ixteentll <1111 nllregg

Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, tt1e twenty-seventh

day of July, two thousand fifteen .

I REpUBLIC ACT No. 108841

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

Philippines in Congress assembled:

SECfION 1. S ho rt Title. - This Act shall be kn own as

the "Ba la nced Hou sing Developm en t Progr am Amendments".

S EC. 2 . Am endatory Pro vi sion s. - The following

provisions of Republic Act No. 7279, entitle d "An Act to Provide
for a Compre he ns ive and Contin uing Urba n Developm ent and
H ou sin g Program , Establish th e Me chanism for its
Impl ementation, and for other Purposes", are hereby amended:
2 3

(a) Sect ion 3 of Republic Act No. 72 79 is her eby "(b) J oint -venture projects for socialized housing
ame nde d by re defining par agraph (r) to re ad as follows: with eithe r the local govern ment units or any of the
housin g age ncies or with an other private developer ,
"(r ) 'Soc ia li zed h ou sin g' re fe rs t o hou sin g or with a nongovernmental organization en gaged in
pr ogram s and pr ojects covering house s and lots or the provision of socialized housing and duly accre dited
homelots only, or re sid enti al condomi nium units by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board , but
undertaken by the govern me nt or the private sector if t he d evel op er h a s fail ed t o comp lete th e
for the underprivileged and homeless citizens which devel opm ent of the project, t he owne r andlo r
s ha ll include site s a n d services development, developer of th e main subdivision or condominium
long-term financing, liberalized terms on inter est project sha ll be solidarily liable only to the ext ent
payments, and such other benefits in accordance with of complia nce to the balanced housing requirement
the pr ovisions of this Act ." regardless of the provisions of th eir joint venture
agreement; or
(b) Secti on 18 of Republic Act No. 7279 is hereby
am ended to read as follows: "(c) Participation in a new pr oject und er the
community mortgage program.
"SEC. 18. Balanced Hou sing Development. -
The Program shall include a syste m to be specified "The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
in th e Framework plan wh ereby owners andlor is hereby mandated to submit to Congress an annual
developers of pr oposed subdivision and condominium rep ort on the compliance hereof by the owne rs
projects sha ll be requ ired to develop an area for andlor developers of subdivision and condo minium
socialize d housing equival ent to at lea st fift een proj ects . .
per cent (15%) of the t otal subdivision are a or total
subdivision project cost and at least five per cent (5%) "Any person violat ing a ny pr OVISIOn of this
of condominium area or pr oject cost, at the option section' sha ll be imposed a fine of not less than five
of the developer , in accordance with the standa rds hundred thousand pesos (P 500,OOO.OO), for the first
as provid ed by law : Pr ovided , That p ropo sed offen se; sus pe ns ion of license to do business for a
socialized subdivision projects and pr oposed socialized period of t hree (3) to six (6) month s and a fine of
condominium pr ojects sha ll be exempt from this not le s s than fiv e hundred th ou s and pe so s
requirement. For this purp ose, the Hou sing an d (P500,OOO.OO), for the second offense; and cancellation
Urban Development Coordina ting Council and th e of license to do bu siness for the third offense ."
National Economic and Development Authority sha ll
jointly determ ine and set separate socialized housin g (c) Section 20 of Republic Act No. 7279 is h ereby
price ceilings for socialized subdivision and socialized a men ded to read as follows:
condomini um pr oject s which shall be mand atorily
reviewed or revised every two (2) years. The balanced "S EC . 20. I n cen t i ves fo r Pri vat e Sect or
housing development as herein required may also be Participating in Socialized Housing. - To encourage
complied with by the owne rs a ndlo r developers greate r private sector participation in socia lize d
housing and further redu ce the cost of housing units
concerne d in any of th e followin g manner :

"(a) Development of socialized housing in a new

, for t he ben efit of the underprivileged and homeless,
the following in centi ves sha ll be exte nded to the
settlement; private sector:
4 5

"(a) Reduction and simplification of qualification

a nd accreditation re quire me nts for participating "x x x."
private developers; SEC. 3. Implem ent ing R ules a nd R egu lations. - Within
nin ety (90) da ys from th e effectivity of this Act, th e Housing
"(b) Creation of one-stop offices in th e different
and Land Use Regulatory Board shall promulgate a new
regions of th e country for th e processing , approval set of implem enting rules and regulations for th e amended
and issuance of clearances, permits and licen ses: Sections 3, 18 and 20 of Republi c Act No. 7279, consistent
Provided, That clearances, permits and licenses shall with th e parameters and standar ds set forth in said sections.
be issu ed within ninety (90) days from the date of ] Nongovernment organizations and people's organizations
submission of all requirements by the participating inv olved in housing rights and urban poor advocacy, as well
private developers; I as the private sector, shall be consulted in th e pr ocess of
drafting these implem enting rul es and regulations.
"(c) Simplification of financing procedures; and
SEC. 4. Reporting to Congress. - The Chief Executi ve
"(d) Exemption fr om the payment of the Officer of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board shall
following: 'kubmit an evaluation report to Congress ever y tw o (2) years
afte r the effectivity of this Act.
"(1) Project-related income taxes;
SEC. 5. Separability Cla use. - If a ny pr ovision or part
"(2) Capita l gains tax on raw land s used for hereof is held invalid or unconstitutional , th e remaind er of the
th e project; law or the provision not otherwise affected sha ll remain valid
and subsisting.
"(3) Value-added tax for the project contractor
concerned; SEC. 6,( Repealing Cla use. - Any law , presidential decree
or issu ance , ex ec u t i ve or der , letter of in struction ,
"(4) Tr ansfer tax for both ra w complete d admini str ative order, rule or regulation contrary to, or
pr ojects; and inconsistent with, the provisions of this Act is hereby repealed,
modified or am ended accordingly.
"(5) Donor's ta x for land s cer tified by the local
government units to have been donated for socialized SEC. 7. Effectivity. - This Act shall take effect fifteen
housing purposes. (15) days afte r th e completion of its publication in the Official
Gazett e or in a newspaper of general circulation.
"Provid ed , That a soci alize d h ou sing
certification issued by th e Housing and Land Use Approved,
Regulator y Board sha ll be sufficient for th e purp ose
of ava ilment of tax exemption: Provided , fur the r,
That upon application for exemp tion, a lien on the I
title of th e land shall be annota te d by th e Register
of Deeds: Provided, fur thermore, That the socialized ~L ','~~.
housing development plan has already been approved ~ YEI:;CIANO BELMONTE JR.
by th e appropria te government agencies concerned: Speaker ofthe House
.' Provided, fin ally, That all the savings realized by ofRepresentatives
virt ue of this provision shall accr ue in favor of the
beneficiaries subject to the impl ementing guidelines

to be issued by th e Housing and Urban Development
Coordinating Council."

This Act which is a con so lidat ion of Sena te Bill No. 2947
a n d H ouse Bill No . 4116 wa s finally pa ssed by t he Se nate
a n d the H ouse of Representatives on February 3. 2016 a n d
Ma y 23, 201 6. resp ectively .

)~ ~ L-;Jr
Secretary Genera l
AP ~s
Secretary ofthe Senate
House ofRepresentatives


President of the Philipp ines

Lapsed ,nt,) law on 'JUL 1 7 2016
Wlth," ,! '"l! signature of the Pre sident,
In accordance with Article VI, Section
27 (1) of the Constitution.

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