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9, SEPTEMBER 2013 4419

A Study of Low-Profile, Broadside Radiation,

Efficient, Electrically Small Antennas Based on
Complementary Split Ring Resonators
Ming-Chun Tang, Member, IEEE, and Richard W. Ziolkowski, Fellow, IEEE

AbstractThe designs and performance characteristics of sev- studied and applied extensively because of their many attrac-
eral electrically small antennas based on complementary split ring tive performance characteristics [1][3]. One of the important
resonators (CSRRs) are reported. A coaxial-fed monopole is first applications of SRRs and CSRRs has been in the design of
integrated with a CSRR that is cut from a grounded finite copper
disc. The presence of the electrically small CSRR element facili- microwave circuits [4]. Another has been for the design of
tates a nearly complete impedance match to the source, a nearly small antennas, mainly due to the advantage of their sub-wave-
broadside radiation pattern, and a high radiation efficiency. The length resonances [5][15]. They have been used for artificial
addition of a circular top-hat to the monopole then achieves an magnetic conductors (AMCs) to achieve low-profile antennas
ultra-low profile design and an improved broadside [5] and as magnetic loadings to achieve larger bandwidths [6],
pattern, while maintaining all other desirable features. Finally, to
enrich their potential usefulness, two additional enhancements of [9]. They have been used to obtain electrically small antenna
these designs were accomplished. One is a further miniaturization designs [7] and the miniaturization of known designs [8], [13].
that is achieved by introducing a more complex They have been used to realize notched filters in UWB antennas
CSRR element, while maintaining a high, 82%, radiation effi- [12], [15], to increase the number of resonance frequencies in a
ciency. The second is a further enhancement of the directivity and single antenna [10], [13], and to achieve impedance matching
front-to-back ratio through the introduction of a slot-modified
parasitic disc, while maintaining the original impedance matching, [11].
low-profile and electrically small properties. These designs were While the SRR and CSRR strategies have provided for an-
consummated and their performance characteristics evaluated tenna miniaturization, one witnesses certain drawbacks in the
with the frequency domain ANSYS-ANSOFT High Frequency resulting designs, which restricts their widespread engineering
Structure Simulator (HFSS) and were confirmed independently application. For instance, the radiation efficiency within the
using the time domain CST Microwave Studio (MWS) simulator.
A prototype of the basic system was fabricated and tested; the 10 dB impedance bandwidth may be quite low, leading to
agreement between the simulated and measured results validates small realized gain values [9]. Their fabrication may become
the design principles. quite cumbersome [6], [8], their inclusion may limit the actual
Index TermsAntenna directivity, antennas, complementary reduction in size [10], [13], or their materials may decrease the
split ring resonator, electrically small antennas, metamaterials. overall radiation efficiency [14].
In this paper, a CSRR element is introduced in a fi-
nite grounded disc and is then integrated with a traditional
I. INTRODUCTION monopole antenna in Section II. The performance character-
istics of the resulting electrically small antenna (ESA, i.e.,
, being the radius of the smallest sphere that com-

F OR nearly a decade, the split ring resonator (SRR) and

its counterpart, the complementary split ring resonator
(CSRR), have been considered as unit cells in metamaterial
pletely encloses the antenna at the operational frequency, ,
and is the free space wave number) are
investigated. It is shown how this combination can produce
designs. They have attracted much attention and have been a radiation pattern whose maximum is along the axis of the
monopole rather than broadside to it. Next, in Section III, an
Manuscript received August 06, 2012; revised May 08, 2013; accepted June ultra-low profile version of this ESA is accomplished
03, 2013. Date of publication July 09, 2013; date of current version August 30,
by loading the monopole with a circular top-hat. The perfor-
2013. This work was supported in part by the Graduate School of the University
of Electronic Science and Technology of China and in part by NSF contract mance characteristics of this design are parametrically studied
number ECCS-1126572. in a comprehensive manner in Section IV. It is demonstrated
M.-C. Tang was with the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Elec-
that these miniaturized antennas have high radiation efficien-
tronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China and also with
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Ari- cies while being impedance matched to the source without any
zona, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA. He is now with the College of Communication matching network. Efforts to enhance the usefulness of these
Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044, China (e-mail: tang-
designs for wireless applications are presented in Section V.
R. W. Ziolkowski is with the Department of Electrical and Computer In particular, a more complex CSRR element is introduced to
Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA (e-mail: zi- further miniaturize the antenna , while maintaining
its radiation efficiency around 82%. Additionally, a slot-mod-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at ified parasitic conducting disc is introduced to enhance the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2013.2267711 directivity of the resulting ESA while significantly

0018-926X 2013 IEEE


increasing its front-to-back ratio (FTBR), increasing its radi-

ation efficiency above 90%, and maintaining its low-profile
nature . As described in Section VI, a prototype
antenna was fabricated and experiments were performed to
validate the basic design principles reported in the previous
sections. It will be demonstrated that the measured results are
in good agreement with their simulated values. Finally, some
conclusions are drawn in Section VII.
We note that in this paper, all of the metallic elements in the
antenna designs are chosen to be copper with its known mate-
rial parameters: , and bulk conduc-
tivity . The numerical simulations
and their optimizations were carried out first using the frequency
domain ANSYS/ANSOFT High Frequency Structure Simulator
(HFSS) [16] and then confirmed with the time domain CST Mi-
crowave Simulator (MWS) tool set [17]. The design frequency
was targeted at 300 MHz, i.e., a 1000 mm free-space wave-
length, simply to facilitate the discussion.


Consider first a monopole antenna oriented perpendicular to
a grounded circular copper disc (finite ground plane) and coax-
ially-fed through it. This configuration is shown Fig. 1(a). It is
well known that this type antenna can operate in its fundamental
dipole mode when the monopole length is around one-quarter
wavelength [18]. At this fundamental resonance fre-
quency, the current distributions driven on the monopole and
induced on the top of the disc are shown in Figs. 1(a) and (b),
respectively. In Fig. 1(b), the current distribution on the disc,
which is taken to lie in the xy-plane, is pointing radially out-
ward from the monopole, which is taken to be along the -axis.
In Fig. 1(a), the current on the monopole is along the -axis.
Because it is grounded, the currents on the bottom side of the
disc will be pointing radially inward, leading to a return cur-
rent in the direction along the outer wall of the coax. These
current contributions lead to the well-known dipole (doughnut)
radiation pattern that has its maximum (minimum) orthogonal
(parallel) to the monopole direction [18], [19].
In our original attempt to produce a lower resonance fre-
quency and to miniaturize the antenna, different types of CSRR Fig. 1. Coaxially-fed monopole augmented with a finite, grounded, CSRR-
structures were cut from the disc. By effectively loading the modified circular copper disc. (a) Three dimensional (3D) view when the disc
grounded disc with these CSRRs, a lower frequency resonance is not modified, and (b) two dimensional (2D) views of the current distribu-
tion induced by the monopole on the disc when it incorporates: (I) No CSRR;
can be introduced that has the monopole-induced current on the (II) a single CSRR; and (III) two, (IV) three, (V) four, and (VI) five symmetric
disc concentrated along the edges of the CSRR element. Sev- CSRRs.
eral of these CSRR-modified discs and the current distributions
induced on them by the monopole are illustrated in Fig. 1(b). It
was found unexpectedly that the currents on the disc dominate the upper surface of the disc. The center conductor of the coax
the radiation performance at the lower resonance frequency. was itself extended above the disc to form the monopole. The
To explain the radiation mechanisms of this class of CSRR- grounded disc was taken to be 0.5 mm thick. The dimensions of
based antennas, we emphasize the single-CSRR design shown the 300 MHz design are given in Fig. 2. They were adjusted
in Fig. 2. The grounded disc and the CSRR structure have the to achieve nearly complete impedance matching to the 50
same center. A 50 coax feed-line is assumed and was included source, i.e., a zero input reactance and an input resistance equal
in the HFSS model beneath the disc as can be seen in Fig. 2. The to 50 at 300 MHz.
coax design included a Teflon sleeve with a relative permittivity, The HFSS-simulated performance characteristics of this
, and a loss tangent, tan , i.e., Teflon filled the CSRR-based antenna are given in Figs. 3 and 4. For
space between the inner and outer copper walls of the coax and comparison, the corresponding results for the same sized
extended all the way along the center conductor to end flush with disc-loaded monopole antenna shown in Fig. 1(a) are also

Fig. 4. The E- (zx-plane) and H-plane (yz-plane) directivity patterns for the
CSRR-based antenna at 300 MHz exhibit an asymmetrical dipole behavior (a).
Fig. 2. 3D view of the coax-fed monopole antenna augmented with the single The corresponding zx-plane and yz-plane directivity patterns at 628.3 MHz
CSRR-modified grounded circular disc designed to operate near 300 MHz. for the CSRR-based monopole and at 671.4 MHz for the reference monopole
Its design dimensions have the values in mm: , , having no CSRR in its grounded disc (b).
, , , and .

with horizontal polarization along the x-axis [19]. We note that

the edge-length from the middle point of the inside edge of the
CSRR element to the middle point of the outside edge at 300
MHz is , where

i.e., it is nearly in length. Note that there are two distinct
features of the radiation pattern at the 300 MHz resonance fre-
quency given in Fig. 4(a). The peak radiation direction is
away from z-axis in the zx-plane (E-plane), instead of being
strictly in the direction. Concurrently, the two nulls in the
E-plane occur at 80.6 and , instead of strictly being
at and ( direction), respectively. Although the
Fig. 3. The simulated values for the antennas whose grounded discs have pattern is tilted from broadside, the broadside directivity (in
or lack a single CSRR element. The subplots show the current distributions on
the upper surface of the grounded disc for the CSRR-based antenna at its two direction) is still high at 3.60 dB.
lowest resonance frequencies. At the higher resonance frequency, 671.4 MHz, the CSRR-
based antenna operates, like the reference case at its resonance
frequency, 628.3 MHz, in a fundamental monopole mode. The
given. The appearance of the desired low frequency res- vertically polarized monopole-like radiation patterns associated
onance is clearly seen in Fig. 3 at 300 MHz where the with these resonances are given in Fig. 4(b). The radial current
minimum value . This resonance fre- distribution on the grounded disc shown in Fig. 3 further con-
quency is more than a factor of two lower than the reference firms this monopole behavior. Comparing the current distribu-
monopole fundamental resonance frequency, 671.4 MHz, tions associated with these two resonances, the CSRR structure
where . The 10 dB impedance band- clearly created a new current pathway on the grounded disc,
width at 300 MHz is 2.334 MHz, which means the fractional leading to the pattern being broadside to it.
bandwidth is 0.78%. At 300 MHz, the value of this antenna The effect of the monopole length on the impedance match
is 0.854 and its radiation efficiency is 98.11%. Despite its in the lower resonance frequency range is illustrated in Fig. 5. It
electrically small size, it radiates very efficiently and the shows that the input impedance is impacted by the length of the
values demonstrate that the CSRR-based antenna is nearly monopole. Note that the resonance frequency decreases as the
completely matched to the 50 source. We note that there is a monopole length and, hence, its inductance increases. This be-
second resonance, similar in nature to the reference case one. havior indicates, as with many other metamaterial-inspired an-
While it is located at a slightly higher frequency, it shows a tennas [20], that tuning the shape of the driven element, here the
better match to the source. height , is a simple and effective way to refine the impedance
The simulated current distributions at the frequen- match.
cies are also shown in Fig. 3. At the lower 300 MHz resonance Returning now to Fig. 1(b), one finds that the CSRR element
frequency, the majority of the current on the grounded disc is with a single gap produces the lowest resonance frequency. One
concentrated in the CSRR gap and along its edges near the gap, way to understand this behavior is to remember that the res-
as was already shown in Fig. 1(b). The resulting radiation pat- onance wavelength is closely related to the total edge length
tern is given in Fig. 4(a). Its behavior is similar to a dipole of the slot. Smaller slots lead to higher resonance frequencies.
asymmetrically positioned with respect to the origin and ori- A circuit element view would recall that each gap acts like a
ented along the x-axis, i.e., similar to an asymmetrical dipole capacitor. More cuts (gaps) lead to more capacitors in series

Fig. 5. Impact of the antenna height on the magnitude of the reflection coeffi-
cient .

and, hence, to an overall decrease in the capacitance. Since the

Fig. 6. Configuration of the top-hat loaded, CSRR-based monopole antenna.
resonance frequency of such a metamaterial resonator is given (a) 3D view, (b) top view, and (c) side view. The design parameters have the
by , where and values in mm: , , . All other
are, respectively, the effective inductance and capacitance of parameters remain unchanged from those given in Fig. 2.
the system, a decrease in leads to a higher resonance fre-
An important aspect of the current behavior is the location of driven monopole antenna. This configuration is shown in Fig. 6
the resultant dipole, i.e., the highly localized, large in-phase cur- along with its dimensions. We were able to optimize the radius
rent density in the gap. As noted this causes the tilt in the pattern. of the top-hat and the height of the monopole to maintain the
One might expect that multiple cuts could help with un-tilting impedance match. While various combinations are possible,
the pattern. However, the symmetrical placement of the gaps we report here the very low-profile, 300 MHz CSRR-based
with respect to the x-axis about the monopole causes their net antenna design, whose total height .
dipole moment to remain along the x-axis, and it is always dis- The HFSS and CST MWS simulation results for the top-
placed from the origin simply by the location of the slots. Also loaded, CSRR-based antenna are shown in Fig. 7. The HFSS
note that one can move the effective horizontal dipole closer to (CST) predicted values given in Fig. 7(a) indicate that
the origin to un-tilt the pattern by asymmetrically locating the the resonance frequency is 300.0 (299.3) MHz with
slot relative to the origin, i.e., by maintaining the slot shape but ( 28.61) dB and its 10 dB impedance bandwidth is
shifting the gap closer to the origin. We found, however, that this 2.40 (2.77) MHz. Fig. 7(b) shows the E- and H-plane directivity
caused the vertical currents on the monopole and the opposite patterns. At the resonance frequency, , the direc-
pointing currents in the gap to become too close to one another, tivity in the direction is 3.91 dB (3.63 dB), and the radiation
which in turn had a significant negative impact on the radiation efficiency is 98.03% (94.47%). Moreover, the peak radiation
efficiency. Therefore, in the remainder of this paper, all designs direction is 2.5 (2.3 ) away from the -axis in the E-plane,
will emphasize CSRR structures with a single gap and whose while two nulls appear at and 90.1 (90.1 )
centers coincide with the coax center-line. in the E-plane.
The HFSS-predicted currents on all of the horizontal sur-
faces are shown in Fig. 8. The majority of the driven current
on the top-hats top surface is concentrated on the edge above
the CSRR gap. In contrast, it is concentrated near the end of
As shown in Figs. 2 and 5, the single CSRR-based antenna the monopole, near the center of the disc, on its bottom sur-
had a reasonably long monopole length, i.e., . It face. Stronger radial currents are present on the CSRR-modified
was desired to modify the design to make it and, hence, the en- grounded disc near the coax. Nonetheless, the largest currents
tire system low profile. However, because of the behavior shown appear in the gap of the CSRR element and along its edges near
in Fig. 5, the height parameter leads only to fine tuning. While the gap. Particularly important is the observed fact that the cur-
making the monopole thinner increases the inductance which in rents on the tops (and bottoms) of both discs are in-phase. The
turn would allow for a smaller height (increases the capacitance) presence of the currents on the top of the top-hat disc aids in
to maintain the resonance frequency (net reactance being zero), un-tilting the radiation patterns. On the other hand, because the
the changes are small. impedance matching is best when the radius of the top-hat disc
In order to achieve a lower profile design, while maintaining and the inner radius of the CSRR element are nearly the same,
the resonance frequency and nearly complete impedance the currents on the bottom of the top-hat disc and those in the
matching, it was found that standard top-hat monopole tech- gap on the top of the CSRR-modified grounded disc are oppo-
niques proved useful. A copper disk was added on the top of the site to each other. Consequently, it is found that decreasing the

Fig. 9. Impact of the height on several design parameters and the resulting
performance characteristics. (a) Radius values necessary to maintain the 300
MHz resonance, and (b) the corresponding values at 300 MHz and
10 dB impedance bandwidth value.

These results demonstrate that the top-hat approach has an

additional benefit, i.e., the broadside nature of the radiation
pattern is improved considerably. This improvement can be
ascribed to two reasons: (1) The length of the monopole has
been reduced significantly, which proportionately decreases
the residual vertical polarization effects. (2) As noted above,
additional in-phase horizontal currents appear on the top-hat
disc. Getting the maximum of the radiation patterns precisely
along the z-axis with this design requires a similar slight
trade-off with one of the other performance characteristics. The
following parameter studies helped optimize this final design.


Designs of the top-hat loaded CSRR-based antenna were con-
sidered in which the height was varied from 115 mm to 1.5
mm. As shown in Figs. 9(a) and 9(b) it was necessary to enlarge
Fig. 7. HFSS and CST simulation results of the top-hat loaded, CSRR-based the radius of top-hat disc from 1.0 mm to 84.0 mm to maintain
antenna shown in Fig. 6. (a) values as a function of the frequency, and the impedance match at 300 MHz as was varied. Once
(b) E- and H-plane directivity patterns at the resonance frequency: 300 MHz
(HFSS) and at 299.3 MHz (CST). was set, the R_CSRR and R_hat values were varied to obtain
a resonance at 300 MHz. Fig. 9(b) also shows that the 10 dB
impedance bandwidth remained about the same value for most
of the choices of . Furthermore, it shows that all the
values were lower than 20 dB, indicating that one can main-
tain nearly complete impedance matching for different form fac-
tors of this antenna.
Additional performance characteristic variations with
were studied. It was found that once is above 5 mm, it
has little impact on the values of the directivity, gain, and
realized gain in direction and the radiation efficiency. It
does, however, have a significant impact, as shown by Fig. 10,
on the directions of the maximum directivity and its nulls. The
directivity in the direction varies between 3.60 dB and 3.91
dB, the maximum occurring for the smallest values. The
directivity maximum does cross the z-axis, but for a height
that is about 4 times larger and at a cost of some maximum
directivity and bandwidth. When is less than 20 mm, the tilt
Fig. 8. Current distributions on the various horizontal surfaces of the top-hat
of the maximum directivity is within 3 , and the tilt of the two
loaded, CSRR-based antenna. On the (a) top and (b) bottom of the top-hat disc. dips is within 4 . In addition, the half-power beamwidths in
On the (c) top and (d) bottom of the CSRR-modified grounded disc. the E- and H-planes are as wide as 87 and 112 , respectively.
On the other hand, the radiation efficiency is nearly constant,
around 98%, for most values. Note that when is further
height further will lead to a significant decrease in the radia- decreased from 5.0 to 1.5 mm (i.e., to only 0.5 mm air gap
tion efficiency. We note that the total edge-length of the CSRR between the top-hat and the grounded discs), the top-hat radius
element along the dashed line path shown in Fig. 8(c) and cal- quickly changes from 68.5 mm to 85.5 mm and, hence, nearly
culated with (1) at 300 MHz is . completely covers the CSRR element. As noted above, the

Fig. 10. Impact of on the tilt of the radiation pattern. (a) Angle of the max-
imum directivity from the direction, and (b) angles of the minimum direc-
tivities near the x-axis.

currents on the bottom of the top-hat effectively cancel those

in the CSRR gap and the radiation efficiency drops sharply to
only 21.7%. In this limit the ESA is a poor radiator, operating
Fig. 11. Impacts of the top-hat radius, the CSRR radius, the grounded disc
just like a parallel-plate capacitor or high-Q cavity. radius, the CSRR width and the CSRR gap size on the antenna performance
It was also found that the impedance matching is not affected characteristics. Geometry parameter variations (a), and corresponding changes
much when the various radii values are changed. On the other in the bandwidth and radiation efficiency at 300 MHz (b), when the CSRR width
varies. Geometry parameter variations (c), and corresponding changes in the
hand, since they impact the perimeter length of the CSRR, the bandwidth and radiation efficiency at 300 MHz (d), when the ground disc radius
width and gap sizes of the CSRR were expected to have a much varies.
larger impact. However, as those parameters were varied, it was
found that the radii values had to also be varied to maintain
the resonance frequency with a value below 20 dB.
Impedance matching was relatively straightforward for varia-
tions from 13 to 26 mm in the CSRR width and gap values along
with variations of 110 to 160 mm in the grounded disc radius.
Better than 25 dB values were obtained in all cases.
Finally, the effects the top-hat radius, the CSRR radius, the
grounded disc radius, the CSRR width and the CSRR gap size
were studied. As shown in Fig. 11(a), only small changes in the
top-hat radius, the CSRR radius, and the CSRR width were nec-
essary to tune the system. The points indicate values at which
the 300 MHz resonance frequency was achieved with a
value below 20 dB. Fig. 11(b) shows that both the 10 dB
impedance bandwidth and the radiation efficiency increase
only slightly when the CSRR width increases. Essentially the
same behaviors were obtained when the CSRR gap size was
varied. Similarly, as Fig. 11(c) shows, changing the radius of
the grounded disc requires small changes in the top-hat and Fig. 12. Configuration of the miniaturized top-hat loaded, CSRR-based an-
CSRR radii. Fig. 11(d) shows that when the grounded disc size tenna. (a) 3D view, (b) top view, and (c) side view. The design parameters in
is increased, both the 10 dB impedance bandwidth and the mm: , , , ,
, , , ,
radiation efficiency also increase. While the radiation efficiency and .
variations are small, the bandwidth is increased substantially.
We note that over this disc size variation, the value changes
from 0.66 up to 0.97. Fig. 12. Basically it allows for a doubling of the edge length
of the slot. The HFSS and CST simulated results are given
V. ENRICHING THE ULTRA-LOW PROFILE DESIGN in Figs. 13 and 14. The HFSS (CST) resonance frequency in
The design of choice given in Section II took into account Fig. 13(a) is 300.185 MHz (299.1 MHz), where
the trade-offs identified in these parameter studies. While the ( 20.28 dB). The 10 dB bandwidth is 0.452 MHz
design accomplished the desired goals, further enhancements (0.500 MHz). The radiation efficiency is 81.88% (78.19%) for
were considered. In particular, designs having and this (0.495) design. Substituting perfect electric
having a , were obtained. conductors for the copper elements, it was found that the 20%
reduction in the radiation efficiency from the de-
A. Design With sign is due to the copper losses.
To achieve a smaller value, the resonator had to be re- The E- and H-plane directivity patterns at the resonance fre-
designed to be smaller, yet produce the same resonance fre- quency are given in Fig. 13(b). The HFSS (CST) predicted peak
quency. The resulting design and its dimensions are shown in radiation direction is now only away from z-axis

Fig. 15. Top-hat loaded, CSRR-based antenna augmented with a slot-modified

parasitic copper disc with the end of its slot near the edge of the CSRR element.
The dimensions in mm: , , , ,
, , , , ,
, and . The copper parasitic disc is taken to be 2.0 mm thick.

The HFSS-predicted current distributions on the horizontal

surfaces of this miniaturized CSRR-based antenna are shown in
Fig. 14. In general, these current behaviors are very similar to
those shown in Fig. 8 for the larger design. The most important
difference, of course, is that there are now two large net x-di-
rected current densities, which are in-phase with each other. The
length of the dashed line in Fig. 14(c) is
, which explains this in-phase outcome.

B. Design With Higher Directivity

Even though the top-loaded, CSRR-based antenna exhibits a
relatively high directivity despite its electrically small size, it
generates nearly equal lobes in both the and directions.
This is undesirable for many wireless applications in general.
A CSRR-based design, which has a high broadside directivity
Fig. 13. HFSS and CST simulation results for the miniaturized top-loaded, and a large FTBR, while maintaining its electrically small size
CSRR-based antenna. (a) values versus frequency, and (b) E- and H-plane and low profile, was desired. We note that a conventional patch
directivity patterns at the resonance frequency: 300.185 MHz (HFSS) and
299.10 MHz (CST). antenna has a reasonable FTBR because its ground plane size is
electrically large. On the other hand, it would be possible to aug-
ment the ESA with a structured ground plane to remove the back
lobe [21]. Unfortunately, this is a complex solution. We decided
to introduce, as was done for another type of metamaterial-in-
spired antenna in [22], a slot-modified, parasitic conducting disc
to achieve the same effects.
Following the design philosophy introduced in [22], a para-
sitic copper disc, centered onbut not connected tothe coax
feedline was introduced below the original antenna. Initial sim-
ulations indicated that some care in the design would have to
be exercised to prevent the currents on the parasitic disc from
shorting-out those on the original antenna. Radiation efficiency
was impacted by the size of the circular hole in the center of the
disc. With it being large, one could maintain a high radiation
efficiency, but then without much impact on the FTBR. Then,
abiding by the original design principles to increase the FTBR
value [22], a pair of meander-line slots were cut into this par-
asitic disc starting from the outside edges, proceeding inwards
Fig. 14. Current distributions on all of the horizontal surfaces of the top-hat
loaded, CSRR-based antenna. On the (a) top and (b) bottom of the top-hat. On towards the inner edge, and centered along the y-axis (i.e., in
the (c) top and (d) bottom of the CSRR-modified grounded disc. the H-plane). To maximize its impact on the current produced
on the top of the parasitic disc, the head of the meander-line
slot was placed approximately halfway between the outer and
in the E-plane, and the two E-plane nulls appear at inside edges of the parasitic disc, just under the outer edge of
and 89.4 (89.2 ). The directivity in the direction the CSRR element. This configuration is shown in Fig. 15.
is 3.69 dB (3.40 dB). While the radiation efficiency has been To enhance the directivity and FTBR value, the length of
reduced, this design exhibits an excellent broadside radiation one edge of the slot is set on the order of one-quarter wave-
result while maintaining its ultra-low profile . length (around ). Subsequently, the ground size had to be

increased slightly to accommodate two slots of this size. The

distance between the top face of the parasitic disc and the top
face of the CSRR element is .
The optimized antenna system is presented in Fig. 15. The coax
feedline extends from the base of the CSRR element above
to below the parasitic disc. As for the top-hat loaded, CSRR-
based antenna itself, only two of its dimensions had to be ad-
justed from those given in Fig. 6, i.e., and
, to compensate for the presence of the
parasitic disc in the impedance matching.
The HFSS and CST simulation results for this antenna
are shown in Figs. 16 and 17. The HFSS (CST) results
in Fig. 16(a) demonstrate that the antenna is nearly com-
pletely matched to the source at 299.98 MHz (299.2 MHz),
with ( 23.24 dB) and the 10 dB
impedance bandwidth is 0.675 MHz (0.708 MHz). The pres-
ence of the parasitic disc further decreases an already small
bandwidth. On the other hand, the E- and H-plane directivity
patterns given at the resonance frequencies in Fig. 19(b) show
that the directivity in the direction is 7.25 dB (7.47 dB) and
the (27.33 dB). The radiation efficiency
is 92.70% (89.05%) for this design. The E-plane
directivity pattern at the resonance frequency in Fig. 16(b)
is asymmetric because of the asymmetric CSRR structure
itself. The current distribution on the top of the parasitic disc
is shown in Fig. 17. It exhibits the same behaviors as those
observed in the original study [22]. In particular, the large
in-phase x-directed currents along the inside edges of the slots
are responsible for cancelling the back lobe and reinforcing the
front lobe. The net result of these x-directed edge currents and
the image current of the CSRR structure is that the parasitic Fig. 16. HFSS and CST simulation results of the top-hat loaded, CSRR-based
disc acts like a dipole in-phase with the CSRR structure, i.e., antenna shown in Fig. 15. (a) values as a function of the frequency, and
the overall system is an effective two element end-fire array (b) E- and H-plane directivity patterns at the resonance frequency: 299.98 MHz
(HFSS) and at 299.2 MHz (CST).
with closely spaced elements which produces the observed
high directivity, as asserted in [23].
At the HFSS-predicted resonance frequency, one has
, which is not electrically small because of the requisite
radius of the parasitic disc. Nonetheless, in comparison with
a standard half-wavelength patch antenna whose ground plane
size is twice its patch size, as reported in [14], the patch an-
tennas directivity is slightly larger, 7.34 dB, but its FTBR, 17
dB, is lower. We also note that, while effective, this method
increased the overall diameter of the entire system to ,
which is near to the size of the radiating element of the patch an-
tenna. Thus a reduction in size of this configuration was sought.
We found that by reversing the direction of the slot and its
origin, the size of the parasitic disc could be reduced. This con- Fig. 17. HFSS-predicted current distribution on the upper surface of the slot-
figuration is shown in Fig. 18. In particular, it radius was de- modified parasitic copper disc of the antenna shown in Fig. 15 at the resonance
creased 34%. The R_hat and R_CSRR values again had to be frequency, 300.2 MHz.
tuned to 56.0 mm and 83.65 mm, respectively, to achieve a
nearly complete impedance match at 300 MHz.
The HFSS and CST simulation results for this antenna in Fig. 19(b) show that the directivity in the direction is
are shown in Figs. 19 and 20. The HFSS (CST) results 7.11 dB (7.37 dB) and the (9.84 dB). The
in Fig. 19(a) demonstrate that the antenna is nearly com- radiation efficiency is 94.68% (91.04%) for this
pletely matched to the source at 300.02 MHz (300.6 MHz), design.
with ( 21.22 dB) and the 10 dB Fig. 20 shows the HFSS-predicted current distribution on the
impedance bandwidth is 1.07 MHz (1.01 MHz). The E- and top surface of the parasitic disc. Strong in-phase x-directed cur-
H-plane directivity patterns given at the resonance frequencies rents again are concentrated on the heads of the meander-line

Fig. 18. Top-hat loaded, CSRR-based antenna augmented with a slot-modified

parasitic copper disc with the end of its slot near the edge of the parasitic disc.
The dimensions are in mm: , , , , Fig. 20. HFSS-predicted current distribution on the upper surface of the slot-
, , , , , modified parasitic copper disc of the antenna shown in Fig. 18 at the resonance
, and . frequency, 300.02 MHz.

Fig. 21. Impact of the design parameter H_disc on the FTBR values of the
antenna given in Fig. 18.

dotted line; it has little to do with the radiation processes. This

was confirmed by simulating the configuration in which two 5.0
mm wide slots, centered along the vertical dotted red line, were
cut. Consequently, the large currents near the ends of the mean-
derline slots, which occur near the y-axis edges of the parasitic
disc, are responsible for increasing the FTBR.
Thus, this electrically small design with the reversed slot in
the parasitic disc increased the bandwidth, decreased the asym-
metry in the pattern, increased the radiation efficiency, but de-
creased the FTBR value, all while remaining low profile and
maintaining about the same maximum directivity. It was found
that the FTBR ratio could be increased at the cost of the low
profile characteristic. By increasing H_disc, the height of the
Fig. 19. HFSS and CST simulation results of the top-hat loaded, CSRR-based original antenna above the parasitic disc, the FTBR near 300
antenna shown in Fig. 18. (a) values as a function of the frequency, and
(b) E- and H-plane directivity patterns at the resonance frequency: 300.02 MHz
MHz was found to increase, as illustrated in Fig. 21. This curve
(HFSS) and at 300.6 MHz (CST). was obtained by optimizing the total length of meander-line slot
to operate with its maximum FTBR value near 300 MHz. Note
that when H_disc increases to 50 mm , the FTBR value
slots. Here, they are located on the outside edges of the par- is improved to 10.7 dB; when it increases to 115 mm ,
asitic disc. The total length of one edge of the slot, as mea- the FTBR value reaches 20.5 dB. Changing this height param-
sured along the black dashed line on the right side of center-cut eter changes the magnitudes and phases of the currents at the
disc, is , slightly larger than one-quarter ends of the slots, which leads to a more effective cancellation of
wavelength. Because the slots are now connected to the interior the back lobe and, hence, to the improved FTBR values.
cut-out disc, their lengths could be made this requisite distance
without substantially increasing the size of the parasitic disc. It VI. MEASUREMENTS
is noted that the current induced near the x-axis is very weak on An experiment was carried out to validate the basic design
the surface of the parasitic disc. This area is labeled by the red principles in support of the reported simulation results. We se-

Fig. 23. Comparison of the electric field distributions in the z0x-cut plane sim-
ulated for different phase angles at the resonance frequencies of the CSRR-based
antennas that are fed with a 100 mm long coaxial cable. (a) AUT without the
sleeve balun, ; and (b) AUT with sleeve balun,

Fig. 22. Configuration of the coaxially-fed, top-hat loaded, CSRR-based an-

tenna with a sleeve balun introduced to mitigate any cable currents. (a) 3D
view, (b) top view, (c) side view, and (d) the fabricated antenna. The design
parameters in mm: , , ,
, , , ,
, , , , , ,
, , and .

lected the ESA design illustrated in Fig. 6 as the proof-of-con-

cept example; it represents the basic antenna concepts in our Fig. 24. Input impedance reflection coefficient for various configura-
studies. However, because the lowest possible frequency for an tions of the CSRR-based antenna illustrated in Fig. 22.
antenna under test (AUT) in the UESTC anechoic chamber is
800 MHz, the basic design was rescaled for operation near 1.0
GHz. The indispensability of the sleeve balun to the success of the
The antenna design and dimensions are shown in Fig. 22. experiments is emphasized in Figs. 23 and 24. It is readily ob-
After the first test, which was based on the original design, it was served from the simulation results in Fig. 23 that the presence
determined that the top loading required mechanical stability of a properly designed sleeve balun prevents the presence of
to maintain its height above the CSRR element. Three posts, the leakage currents on the outer wall/shield of the feedline and
which were each combinations of Teflon-based screws, blind- cable. It is also apparent in comparing Figs. 23(a) and 23(b),
nuts and pads, were installed symmetrically around the -axis as expected [27], that these stray currents have a significant
and, hence, the coax-feed, as well as with respect to the tab in the negative impact on the impedance matching and the near- and
CSRR slot. According to our simulation studies, these posts had far-field radiation pattern characteristics of the AUT.
little effect on the antenna performance because, as positioned, As demonstrated in Fig. 24, when a coax cable having a small
they had essentially no impact on the current pathways on the length, 5.0 mm, is employed in the design of the fabricated pro-
central portion of the CSRR element. totype CSRR-based antenna, which is similar to the idealized
Because of the presence of the slot, the fields radiated by the designs given in Figs. 2, 6, 15, and 18, it can be well matched
AUT couple significantly to the coax feedline and, hence, to to the 50 source at 1.002 GHz with
the vector network analyzer (VNA) cable. Consequently, the and a 10 dB impedance bandwidth equal to 9.25 MHz. Also,
cable effects in the initial measurements were very large and its radiation pattern is similar to the corresponding one given
had a negative impact on them. In order to reduce these leakage in Fig. 7(b). However, when the length of the coaxial cable is
currents on the cable, a sleeve balun was designed and placed increased, it is found that the resonance frequency shifts to a
directly beneath the AUT to act as a choke and to isolate the higher value, 1.115 GHz; the impedance match becomes poor,
AUT and the VNA cable. The parameters of the sleeve balun, ; and the radiation pattern is deteriorated.
which are also given in Fig. 22, were generated from known As shown in Fig. 23(a), these deteriorated performance charac-
designs and HFSS simulations [24][26]. teristics are a result of the leakage current on the feedline.


Fig. 25. Simulated and measured radiation patterns of the ESA with balun; (a)
E-plane (z0x-plane), (b) H-plane (z0y-plane). were confirmed with two computational electromagnetics
solvers, one in the frequency domain (HFSS) and one in the
time domain (CST). The inclusion of the CSRRs in the designs
With the presence of the sleeve balun, which still perturbs the led to several interesting properties, particularly their directivity
fields and currents of the AUT, the resonance frequency shift is patterns with their maxima nearly orthogonal to the CSRR ele-
much smaller and the impedance match remains quite good. Ac- ment, rather than orthogonal to their driven monopole element.
cording to our HFSS simulation results, also shown in Fig. 24, The addition of a copper hat to the monopole facilitated an
an acceptable matching level is obtained at ultra-low profile design. This design was modified to enhance
with and a 10 dB impedance band- its properties further for potential applications. One was an
width equal to 6.15 MHz when the sleeve balun is optimized. antenna that was miniaturized further; the other was an antenna
The corresponding measured results, also shown in Fig. 24, with higher directivity and a high FTBR value.
are in very reasonable agreement, i.e., with We note that the bandwidths of all of the presented CSRR-
and a 10 dB impedance bandwidth based ESAs are quite narrow. Their corresponding values
equal to 5.25 MHz. The difference between the simulated and are compared with the electric-based lower bound [28][30]:
measured resonance frequency is thus only 0.98%. Given this , where , and
outcome, the 3.2% difference between the base design without , in Table I. Nonetheless, given their low-pro-
the balun and the measured results with the balun, which it- file, electrically small and high radiation efficiency properties,
self is quite reasonable, could be alleviated, if desired, with a these types of ESAs are simple and may be attractive for a
straightforward retuning of the design parameters. The reason variety of narrow bandwidth wireless applications, including
for the reduction of the impedance bandwidth from the smaller precise transponders (e.g., friend-foe identification); sensor de-
coax length case is that the sleeve balun is also a narrow-band vices; and GPS, RFID and wireless power transfer (WPT) sys-
resonator [24], [25]. In addition, the simulation studies also re- tems. Moreover, given the NFRP nature of the CSRR antenna
vealed that the input impedance and the radiation patterns of design, we anticipate that we will be able to extend it with both
the AUT with the sleeve balun remained basically unchanged frequency agile and non-Foster augmentations to enhance its
regardless of the length of the feed line. operational frequency range and instantaneous bandwidth, re-
Fig. 25 gives the simulated and measured E- and H-plane di- spectively, for other applications. These possibilities are cur-
rectivity patterns. The measured values show very good agree- rently under investigation.
ment with the simulated results. They are both similar to those A prototype system based on the basic design was fabricated
given in Fig. 7(b) for the idealized case. We also note that the and tested near 1.0 GHz to coincide with the measurement setup
cross-polarizations (especially in the H-plane) are a little higher capabilities. Reasonable agreement between the simulated and
than those associated with the idealized design. One finds that measured performance characteristics was obtained, confirming
the peak gain around the -axis is 3.48 dB, which is a little the design principles reported.
lower than the idealized case value, 3.82 dB. The measured
value was 2.76 dB. Notice that in Fig. 25 the measured peak REFERENCES
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[20] R. W. Ziolkowski, P. Jin, and C.-C. Lin, Metamaterial-inspired engi- He was a member of the Engineering Research
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[21] P. Jin and R. W. Ziolkowski, High directivity, electrically small, low- from 1981 to 1990 and served as the Leader of the Computational Electronics
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[22] M.-C. Tang and R. W. Ziolkowski, Efficient, high directivity, large in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
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[24] C. Icheln, M. Popov, P. Vainikainen, and S. He, Optimal reduction Prof. Ziolkowski is an IEEE Fellow and an OSA Fellow. He was the President
of the influence of RF feed cables in small antenna measurements, of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society in 2005. He continues to be very
Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 194196, May 2000. active in the IEEE, OSA, and APS professional societies.

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