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The Lesser of Two Evils

Just not Donald Trump is what so many voters are saying for this upcoming election.

With not many people knowing who Gary Johnson is (the candidate for the Libertarian Party)

Hillary Clinton becomes the only option. Making voters chose who they believe is the lesser of

two evils. Jazmin Turner senior at Hampton University said, I didnt want Donald Trump or

Hillary Clinton. I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries for numerous reasons. I feel as if

both Trump and Clinton are habitual liars that say what the people want to hear. With Trump

being so much worse than Clinton I have no other chose, but to cast my vote for her.

Trump has lost an abundance of supporters over his campaign, but a lot of his supporters

are saying that they are worried about voting for Clinton as well. Devin Williams, Hampton

University senior, kinesiology major from Long Island, New York said, I have no chose Trump

is not an option I dont agree with what Hillary Clinton says either, but with my future on the line

I have to vote for Clinton.

First time voters are pressured to make a decision on who they want to be president from

their family and friends. Multiple first time voters feel as if it is not them making the decision on

who will be their selection, but rather the decision of the people they are surrounded by. Kweku

Hopkins, fourth-year, five-year MBA major from Petersburg, Virginia and undecided voter said,

I feel that my father and mother are pressuring me to make a decision. I get a call from my dad

every week talking to me about politics and suggesting for me to vote for Hillary. On top of that

going to an HBCU doesnt help with all the racist remarks that Trump has said everyone is deaf

to the many lies Clinton tells.

At this point in the election, no one knows who could win. Each candidate has their

problems and many concerns that arise from their following. TJ Oneal, senior, marketing major

from North Carolina said, The presidential debates have been a joke, if not casting my vote

wasnt a vote thats what I would do. I have no choice, but to make a decision thats best for me,

my family, and the future. I truly dislike both candidates, but I know when it comes down to it

they are the only two options. One has to win.

The question still remains of who will win. No matter who wins many voters believe they

are selecting the lesser of two evils and feel as if neither option is fit for the title of President of

the United States of America. We just have to come together and make the best decision for all

of our futures this is all we have, said Turner.

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