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acquire/get/lack (an) education/training/ (some) qualifications
receive/provide somebody with training/tuition
develop/design/plan a curriculum/ course/ program/syllabus
give/go to/attend a class/lesson/lecture/seminar
hold/run/conduct a class/seminar/workshop
sign up for/take a course/classes/lessons
go to/start preschool/kindergarten/nursery school
be in the first, second, etc. grade/ year (at school)
study/take/drop history/chemistry/German, etc.
leave/finish/drop out of/ quit school
graduate high school/college
Problems at school
be the victim/target of bullying
play truant from/ bunk off/skive off school (= not go to school when you
(both especially North American English) skip/cut class/school
cheat in/ cheat on an exam/a test
get/be given a detention (for doing something)
be expelled from/be suspended from school
Work and exams
do your homework/ revision/a project on something
work on/write/do/submit an essay/a dissertation/a thesis/an assignment/ a paper
finish/complete your dissertation/thesis/studies/coursework
hand in/ turn in your homework/essay/assignment/paper
study/prepare/ revise/ review/ cram for a test/an exam
take/ do/sit a test/an exam
mark/ grade homework/a test
do well in/ do well on/ ace a test/an exam
pass/fail/ flunk a test/an exam/a class/a course/a subject
apply to/get into/go to/start college/ university
leave/graduate from law school/college/ university (with a degree in computer
study for/take/ do/complete a law degree/a degree in physics
major/minor in biology/philosophy
earn/receive/be awarded/get/have/hold a masters degree/a bachelors degree/a
PhD in economics
Getting a job
look for work
look for/apply for/go for a job
get/pick up/complete/fill out/ (British English) fill in an application (form)
send/email your (British English) CV/(North American English)
rsum/application/application form/covering letter
be called for/have/attend an interview
offer somebody a job/work/employment/promotion
find/get/land a job
employ/ (especially North American English) hire/recruit/ (especially British
English) take on staff/workers/trainees
recruit/appoint a manager
Doing a job
arrive at/get to/leave work/the office/the factory
start/finish work/your shift
do/put in/work overtime
have/gain/get/lack/need experience/qualifications
do/get/have/receive training
learn/pick up/improve/develop (your) skills
cope with/manage/share/spread the workload
improve your/achieve a better work-life balance
have (no) job satisfaction/job security
Building a career
have a job/work/a career/a vocation
find/follow/pursue/ (especially North American English) live (out) your vocation
enter/go into/join a profession
choose/embark on/start/begin/pursue a career
change jobs/profession/career
be/ (both especially British English) work/go freelance
do/take on temp work/freelance work
do/be engaged in/be involved in voluntary work
Leaving your job
leave/ (especially North American English) quit/resign from your job
give up work/your job/your career
hand in your notice/resignation
plan to/be due to retire in June/next year, etc.
take early retirement
Losing your job
lose your job
(British English) become/be made redundant
be offered/take voluntary redundancy/early retirement
face/be threatened with dismissal/(British English) the sack/(British English)
compulsory redundancy
dismiss/fire/ (especially British English) sack an employee/a worker/a manager
lay off staff/workers/employees
(Australian English, New Zealand English, South African English) retrench
cut/reduce/downsize/slash the workforce
(British English) make staff/workers/employees redundant
Being unemployed
be unemployed/out of work/out of a job
seek/look for work/employment
be on/collect/draw/get/receive (both British English) unemployment benefit/
jobseekers allowance
be/go/live/sign (British English, informal) on the dole
claim/draw/get (British English, informal) the dole
be on/qualify for (North American English) unemployment (compensation)
be/go/live/depend (North American English) on welfare
collect/receive (North American English) welfare
combat/tackle/cut/reduce unemployment

Breaking the law
break/violate/obey/uphold the law
be investigated/arrested/tried for a crime/a robbery/fraud
be arrested/ (especially North American English) indicted/convicted on charges
of rape/fraud/(especially US English) felony charges
be arrested on suspicion of arson/robbery/shoplifting
be accused of/be charged with murder/(especially North American English)
homicide/four counts of fraud
face two charges of indecent assault
admit your guilt/liability/responsibility (for something)
deny the allegations/claims/charges
confess to a crime
grant/be refused/be released on/skip/jump bail

The legal process

stand/await/bring somebody to/come to/be on trial
take somebody to/come to/settle something out of court
face/avoid/escape prosecution
seek/retain/have the right to/be denied access to legal counsel
hold/conduct/attend/adjourn a hearing/trial
sit on/influence/persuade/convince the jury
sit/stand/appear/be put/place somebody in the dock
plead guilty/not guilty to a crime
be called to/enter (British English) the witness box
take/put somebody on the stand/(North American English) the witness stand
call/subpoena/question/cross-examine a witness
give/hear the evidence against/on behalf of somebody
raise/withdraw/overrule an objection
reach a unanimous/majority verdict
return/deliver/record a verdict of not guilty/unlawful killing/accidental death
convict/acquit the defendant of the crime
secure a conviction/your acquittal
lodge/file an appeal
appeal (against)/challenge/uphold/overturn a conviction/verdict
Sentencing and punishment
pass sentence on somebody
carry/face/serve a seven-year/life sentence
receive/be given the death penalty
be sentenced to ten years (in prison/jail)
carry/impose/pay a fine (of $3000)/a penalty (of 14 years imprisonment)
be imprisoned/jailed for drug possession/fraud/murder
do/serve time/ten years
be sent to/put somebody in/be released from jail/prison
be/put somebody/spend X years on death row
be granted/be denied/break (your) parole
Starting a war
declare/make/wage war (on somebody/something)
go to war (against/with somebody)
cause/spark/provoke/foment/quell unrest
incite/lead/crush/suppress a revolt/rebellion
launch/mount/carry out a surprise/terrorist attack
prevent/halt/represent an escalation of the conflict
be torn apart by/be on the brink of civil war
enter/invade/occupy somebodys territory
lead/launch/resist/repel an invasion
Military operations
adopt/develop/implement/pursue a military strategy
carry out/execute/perform military operations/manoeuvres/(especially US
English) maneuvers
send/deploy/station/pull back/withdraw troops
go on/fly/carry out a reconnaissance/rescue mission
train/equip/deploy army/military/combat units
lead/launch/conduct a raid/a surprise attack/an (air/airborne/amphibious) assault
(on somebody)
employ/use guerrilla tactics
conduct/wage biological/guerrilla warfare
fight/crush/defeat the rebels/the insurgency
suffer/inflict a crushing defeat
achieve/win a decisive victory
halt/stop the British/German/Russian advance
order/force a retreat
join/serve in the army/navy/air force
be/go/remain/serve on active duty
serve/complete/return from a tour of duty
be sent to the front (line)
attack/strike/engage/defeat/kill/destroy the enemy
see/report/be engaged in heavy fighting
call for/be met with armed resistance
come under heavy/machine-gun/mortar fire
fire a machine-gun/mortar shells/rockets (at somebody/something)
shoot a rifle/a pistol/bullets/missiles
launch/fire a cruise/ballistic/anti-tank missile
use biological/chemical/nuclear weapons
inflict/suffer/sustain heavy losses/casualties
be hit/killed by enemy/friendly/artillery fire
become/be held as a prisoner of war
Civilians in war
harm/kill/target/protect innocent/unarmed civilians
cause/avoid/limit/minimize civilian casualties/collateral damage
impose/enforce/lift a curfew
engage in/be a victim of ethnic cleansing
be sent to an internment/a concentration camp
accept/house/resettle refugees fleeing from war
fear/threaten military/violent reprisals
commit/be accused of war crimes/crimes against humanity/genocide
Making peace
make/bring/win/achieve/maintain/promote peace
call for/negotiate/broker/declare a ceasefire/a temporary truce
sign a ceasefire agreement
call for/bring/put an end to hostilities
demand/negotiate/accept the surrender of somebody/something
establish/send (in) a peacekeeping force
negotiate/conclude/ratify/sign/accept/reject/break/violate a peace treaty


put on/gain/lose weight/a few pounds
watch/control/struggle with your weight
be/become seriously overweight/underweight
be/become clinically/morbidly obese
achieve/facilitate/promote/stimulate weight loss
slim down to 160 pounds
combat/prevent/tackle/treat obesity
develop/have/suffer from/struggle with/recover from anorexia/bulimia/an eating
be on/go on/follow a crash/strict diet
have/suffer from a negative/distorted body image
have/develop a positive/healthy/realistic body image
Healthy Eating
eat a balanced diet/healthily/well
get/provide/receive adequate/proper nutrition
contain/get/provide essential nutrients/vitamins/minerals
be high/low in calories/fat/fiber/protein/vitamin D/Omega-3 fatty acids/trans-fats
contain (no)/use/be full of/be free from additives/chemical preservatives/artificial
sweeteners/high-fructose corn syrup
avoid/cut down on/cut out alcohol/caffeine/fatty foods
stop/quit smoking
get regular exercise
do moderate/strenuous/vigorous exercise
play football/hockey/tennis/soccer
go jogging/running
go to/visit/hit/work out at the gym
strengthen/tone/train your stomach muscles
contract/relax/stretch/use/work your lower-body muscles
build (up)/gain muscle
improve/increase your stamina/energy levels/physical fitness
burn/consume/expend calories
staying healthy
be/get/keep/stay healthy/in shape
lower your cholesterol/blood pressure
boost/stimulate/strengthen your immune system
prevent/reduce the risk of heart disease/high blood
reduce/relieve/manage/combat stress
enhance/promote relaxation/physical and mental well-being
Becoming ill
catch a cold/an infectious disease/the flu/(British English) flu/pneumonia/a virus/
(informal) a bug
get (British English) ill/(North American English) sick/a disease/AIDS/breast
cancer/a cold/the flu/(British English) flu/a migraine
come down with a cold/the flu/(British English) flu
contract a deadly disease/a serious illness/HIV/AIDS
be infected with a virus/a parasite/HIV
develop cancer/diabetes/a rash/an ulcer/symptoms of hepatitis
have a heart attack/a stroke
provoke/trigger/produce an allergic reaction
block/burst/rupture a blood vessel
damage/sever a nerve/an artery/a tendon

Being ill
feel (British English) ill/sick/nauseous/queasy
be running (British English) a temperature/(North American English) a fever
have a head cold/diabetes/heart disease/lung cancer/a headache/(British
English) a high temperature/(North American English) a fever
suffer from asthma/malnutrition/frequent headaches/bouts of depression/a
mental disorder
be laid up with/ (British English) be in bed with a cold/the flu/(British English) flu/
a migraine
nurse a cold/a headache/a hangover
battle/fight cancer/depression/addiction/alcoholism
examine a patient
diagnose a condition/disease/disorder
be diagnosed with cancer/diabetes/schizophrenia
prescribe/be given/be on/take drugs/medicine/medication/pills/painkillers/
treat somebody for cancer/depression/shock
have/undergo an examination/an operation/surgery/a kidney transplant/therapy/
chemotherapy/treatment for cancer
have/be given an injection/(British English) a flu jab/(North American English) a
flu shot/a blood transfusion/a scan/an X-ray
cure a disease/an ailment/cancer/a headache/a patient
prevent the spread of disease/further outbreaks/damage to the lungs
be vaccinated against the flu/(British English) flu/the measles/(British English)
enhance/boost/confer/build immunity to a disease

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