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yi INSURANCE MODEL SOLVED PAPER New India Assurance Company AO EXAM 3. MASTER bapqva l =o | SECOND = abjeow Directlows (1-9) ; Shady ibe | eae chosing iniomation carefully and} = Malenwa CNM yy A Blamvws (habnes Directions 18-109 : In cach of Ih each af Ube foBowing qaes- | the fillowing qarations, there 64 a toe keywords have been writ: | certain relation betwemn two jiren a cede lenmenge ‘The letters | umber on ane side af - aed ane alert are not mec: | mumber & gives on a another skin fy ih Use samme order as letters | of while another mumber i to be key word far which dlsry | Sur trom the given alternatives, ed. Under thew a thind wooed hie | having ibe sume relation with this: paa bern writion | tuber as the numbers of tse nto lunguages in- | en bear Choose the frat alierne- eter Che iver «questions “= ag ee te BT eey | tte, ors have been weitien. Wind the | a 11: babe La: 7 eftercanve which may be the code | nu Gp ige yudeaier in Ube endef Ube hey ose tapes ada. That is Youur answer. la ames ian. | ayia (ay 138 at — | ms ip aan. B igiba7 ar Wipswq! Gipmkae me yet ao aa B 6 iBueeF 2 ao tape FATHER. = pxqwkn mare layman SCRIFF | 10 8248s ee (qe ply | a tu) 168 finakw tq eit tah eg aahw ap ele Directions (21-05) 5 Study the Mijingevt following arenngement of dayits. let. 2 DECOUR = jpalea tera and ayerbols, and answer the h | suensions given be: Fo RIN! & SDIPT @ ml ede ) JUG 2 KG @ @ HeMoes isajmre * Pi | imijebr jc Q4RSv AB foraanate | 3% Now suamny: cunsanants are | aa ‘whieh is ether * COuUMN alegre | inumediainty preceded by a | GIeTH emtes | number and or imanedhateh: | ui ie followed by a ayentbol Hote eey (iSewn Ga igs ims atwx fa Nine ty Ten | Mgrtuve 22. Three of the following four are | fp ken ree | alike fei a cetamn way Basel on | A. the above arrampenestt amd form a group. Which ts the ear that doce not belang te the group? Cae (2pepy evs 1a) #25, Inthe positions of und F are interchanged, sand bone af Mand A a changed, how mazy vowels wil be there each of which wal be bbe immediate preceded iat Immechatey tiawed by a cen sonent U0 Thee (a1 Twn One pal Bere What should come 4 place ol Ube qaeagion merrier ve doe lowing series 7 Eo Ve Peet ccm ike (KHER (a) ciem Aman pecforena three cons: utive eperetions. In fies first fom be reverace the oF der of iret 10 cheracarte trove the tet. ABier that he stare secure! upermiice and seversct the wrrter of thrwt 20 element fromm the bei. Alter that. ne per formes hia leat operation and roweinen the order of arsi 32 Gements fram the sasse etl Allee three apserationa ale element will be 4th tothe righ af the beh efemment from the wigs ened caf tise racwily bined 4 weracs* wo mK ar (aL °W went on tour on 184h Aw gust. which wae the shird Sun day of the menth and eae hack on Ath Sqpecmiber, Sen ‘whieh day of the mart dil by retra? (1) Fourth Sunday (2) Fourth Tuesday SUFI Thursday W) Turd Saturday a7, We Thureday was the day after Use dy: before Yesterday fle daya ago, what im the least number of digs ago when Sun day was three daye before the day after tomearrow ? ed 1) Three 13) Four AL Fee Six tniende Pg. BLS. Tacs UF ire fitting around a circular lable facng towards eenare. ‘The angie mado at the cemire vot the crrein by a straugh kanes from Pend Gis 180", from and Rie 120°, from Ras & IS, Tia not sitting on the arenediale left of Rwhile Bt is ‘nolo the omamodate ight of Fo On the basis of the aleve sefeemuetion which af the fd Iewing statements im defirrite- Iyurye? ke miting between P and NT in tity: beteren P and u. G2) te eating between & and o. * OT and Rage sinting oppo- saile cach other, Eo scudents acre standing in a horizontal row from let to igh, Wall the od-esaribered studestta ia row arn shilted 80 the successive odd-muim- ered positions, what will be he posinion ofa boyy, whe ma serecth tn the row initially 7 (HY Ah trom tet (QUAM team righé Edbeigheh frome bef (4) rusts from right IM students are standing in ferme free left te rigiht- After interchanging ther pondtions, first student gore at 141m Place. second ques at 13th Place, third goes at 22th and eon. BIA’ was at ninth jrost- Soni bedions change, than after | changing he would beat wach place? (Path from right (Bp ath trom right GH Fath from left (a):Sixch from lett ‘Directions (24-20) ' In ques Uons given below, a atutenent ts Followed by reasons Land 1 Apply tee Fedetti ta the taken and mack your answer as under 1 (1) Oniy 1 ts righ Only tl is eget (GR eee Tene H wre right (4 Neither F rvor is right ‘The Present sometinies patr- dota the vielima who awe fen dist tirand ttn wert ts aes chamber, 1, The President is unere bua! ‘hearted thar Eve judges. EL The Pregident ts commtant mere ent be + After thee ocr away, the ert mens oF Mumba declared Una hey were nut albitel of terror ba ati, L They know that ail the per- sone invelved in auch di wmeefull activity would be caught by the palice. Ih They are a brave lot ana do net believe im giving up or desing confidence if anti- | acetal elements try to inghtes then, olunteers often clfer their ser tote for selenite and medi nents pro ie evn fal. L They do mot give impor funee to their life where advartement of science ad help te humanity i soncemod Wh Thay axe confident than the scientists would sammchow ave thee, Some of tints are on Ube verge of extinction, They are being censtactly | funibed, Ih Pobbation and destraction of foreats have these brreding, Prstickdes are responsible far Mh Poteone ame harrful to bu- mary beings: too. Dérectinna [26-04 ; in rach queration below are gives Fre «ur eerie fultowed by fear conclu fumbered 1. 1, ME and 1. Ye tale the bw given atmbene r= be trae even if they sem 1 be ut varuenee fren cemmenty kim facts. Read all the conclusions a shen dlecsie wich af thie green clustona Iogicalty fofhows,/faliow from the tao giver stabeinenis da egardling commonly knawn fares, 26, Statements : Sie sta are heree-mudiern Ssume ihoose- maicers are woEn en Comehusions : 1. Some men are women IL. Some werner: are men, TA women are Thom-maiy - VAL home-maibers are ren 1) AlN Sotho 2) None: follarws FR Ondy Pond MM feller 4) Gedy IW are FV Feo Statements 1 All sefialars sire traction ‘Some teachers art researchers ‘Conclusions : 1. All scholars are research om. 11, Somme scholaraare reseeect- rs. ULSemne researchers sre teachers, 1V. Some teachers are seholts a} Pear follron 2) Ondy UT ant 1¥ ettow (Bp AML fallow () Only 1 follows, Statements + ‘Some men are boye, No bey és a wore ‘Conchuicos 1. Ne rman is woman” | Me hoy te man 11, Some men are women IV. Sore boys are men. All intow 2) Nene follows (Only W and eather | or a fonow (Only tan I fallow 20. Statements = ‘No Manager isu teacher All teachers ane reacarchor, ‘Conclusions + 1, Noresearebor is attach er, TL No rescarcher o a manag: ea TEL Some teachers sen research V.Some resenreers are bashers U1 Sane fottowes (2). sellow [S} Gedy 1 fattoare 14) Coeviy 11 anne TY Botton ‘Statements: All houses re races, Al rece: are windows. ‘Cometuatons + 1, Albwitutres. are reams. 11. All rooms ape toutes. UL Ali houses are windows, INV, Some windows are: houses. (1) Nome: fleur (2) Only 1 and Et fellow (8) Onby 1 and TV faltow (4) Only 1 fellow rections (31-J5] 1 A letiery | detter combination arrargement machine when piven an ipo of let Nera/letter combinations rearrary- en thes Gallewing a parurullar ruke Rveach step. Tha tollowang is an. U- Aaniration of the input and the steam oftearreyement > Gotmg bud for crept te Ligha sar > Erept goimg but far te Vig sr (Crept going Nght but for te mir Step ME: Crepe pesrsgy Rght that to air te ‘Shepp Ti the Lat eps fer ehrie Anpaat} As per the rules followed in the abefe steps. find aut in the goven ‘questions the appropriate step for ther given Input. SE. Input : the in car as he may m ‘Which of the following the third step fie this input ? (10) car the in as he omay me (2)-car may the as in he ee iM Ibe | (3) ear ses may he the an ee #1 oar may the inns he ee I? the second step off an in pus fa ‘clever remand wirsdune salen batch uger never which af the Sllowing steps would be Laat step of Chat inpast 7 oon mv av avn fpeibe ery Bien. etic of thee fol bering will be the [¥ alep?* [i}-vets trae nuke bike we be ny (ap be may se likee enue wets emule [aD be tngy lhe me erie vets coker serugh act diene’. ‘would be tive Laat ate Sop Usa input ? mw lav a fant In how misty steps the fnllow- Anag ingest be fully arranged ?, Input : amis goea to the bar later dinner everyrlay (iN Four [2] Free (SiS ia} Seven Direetions (36-40) : fra the allowing minrmarion carefully ard anewer the questions ghecri below it | WW) PaQuneana.G iste the mht of Fat a distance of one mesne. (i) FBG means Gt to the Nort) of Fat a destunce of ane metre HP YQ meana g We 28 the bet of Fat a distance of one metre. 1¥hP 9 @ means @ bs bo the ‘South of P at a distance of tee metre Is cach of the fellowsng ‘qoortions all pentins face South. | 98. Ay By LR then Kas a whiely direction with expecs to At (1) Sewth (2) Bani iS)Morth =f) Wear [a7 Gals Ra M, then Mim which direction with respect wer i. W the input ie “trae se velo be | (20 er risk trese vec ewe ey | Inge; ‘ron fghia conte cough Which of the flkiwing steps 38. Yo By CBD, then Doom whieh directa wah reapoct in ar (0) arts a1 Souih (a1 Ea 41 wrest 99, IRBLeSaN7F, then Newin | which @irection with respect ts Lt (1) South (2) SouthWest FS) North (4) Nerth-tnne WAYE BOyTBQ, then Qos fe which direction with respect wa? (1) South-East BPSouth Weat (AP North Fas [Ap North West, Directhows (41-48) : Choos ‘the odd wamerical pair in each of he Rallentng questions 1 in (224-76 imie-02 Myr en 42 (16-10 2 a= 48 (nai -se ar-76 4% (1159-77 Si -tie (3133-6 be - 8) ”% (126-4 (226 ‘ara - a2 -8 )4B (a4 ime-8 6-18 (4)8 -32 Directions (46 ~ 80) 1 Read Une usfermation given Solow and then amewer Live questions thet fe tow 5 ‘nm fnsarance Agent mus ‘achat hie wth eh cies A B.C. D EF, 6 and & during one week, Meeday through (Priday. Me must schedule vo ap ‘peimenta far Monday, Tarscay and Wednesday each, and ore mach fer Thursday and Friday He mmunt nen & on Thursday ‘He mvust see B on aday befeot he day onwhach he sees 0 He pee E on a day before the diy he seca G, 16 He musa see an a dy before the day Sertity (3) Breer = Seocks 14] Payehiatrist TF Direettons (73-78) = In the ctlowing questions chaose the ahlernative which best expresses the meaning of the given word. 73, Clandesnine (1) Secret, (3 patial |. Grathty (devour aie ‘Credine iiworthy =) believable (3) eeuceable 4) canefual Diesplrable (1) compemepeibte (2) fathiews 13} deaperane [ab undewsratie Directions (77-80! | Chose the word which ts opposite in earring thee given ward 77, HIScroUs (0 fete (langoed (4 deteriorate (USDULATING (eae (steep (4) gradual SUPERFICIAL (hp atuallew Matadpast- (2) hearty Ha} caution (2) grant [Mj satisty Eapinsapad ups [a] deep real {4} artificial Hahiengthen (a) arather Diveations (81 ~ 84) : fn Uw sllowirgd questions the wierd at Ue op is wiped Art four aliffere=at wags Choose the option in whieh Lhe rage of the woed is Incorrert oF appropriate 81, PUSH The manufacturers are really puabing this mew shugo (2) He has difficwky pushing hes feeings fen wc | We alsould be able to nave thie table if we push tt together (41 She pushed throweh the crowtt maying thal she was a docker. . LINE 11) Qurtiephone line ts dines duc te the Inewey rain bast ‘nigh (2) The stusdents were tare ina fine far the moenina prayer, (2) He co be avert wt lle (AN The teacher oun off hie mare fron tive ose wf schholarabap avarciees FAR {11 Sie bm chew acid integer et [21 We went far a drive Bul we coma fr. (V1 ean nema warhol far ier a lang time [APSo lar everythong has gee well with our theatre MASTER (1) She could not master Ue sourage to tell her frend abotat bier Lenn, [2)5he quickly maxiernd the art of inerwiewing prope (8) The terrorat wa a master of disguise [apie im the ma house. Directions (85 ~ BB) 1 Fill ghe blanks with appropriatr alternative 85. Vijay ashed me. why did yp ber of Landon ? (2) whey tick go to London? ESbwhy dich tt go to Lerdern + Hiwhy you didn’ go to Lenin ? * To answer sceuraiely: 6 esre impart than. 11} a quick fimah (5 finish quickly 2) intahing. qusekty (4) you finish quickly 7. vem after repeated warnings Mr. Iaawart Pram’ oj... bo Of: fice om time, Db comes never Gh mewer comes ih is never coming (a) have mewer corse ‘This is af each atro: sinus beheriuar, (1) my diet tee of hestring, (2) the fest tome thag [ have heard (A) the fine came of any hearmg (0 the est time of the hear- ine Directions (86-1) 1 In the kidkoving questions, a sentence i igen in active voir. Find tt cor. fect pansive voice weston fron the | (ven mternattees. Someone had locked the cline room. te ae ees The clase wae being locked. (The class-reom has been locked, (ab The chase-roem bad born biked, ‘We pastly rebulved hire for act- Ing 80 sel fishy. TU Rte fam rebuked for these: (2) He was justly eebuleed by ess for acting 90 selfishly. (1 Fr has been fussy retrubed bby ts For actirg an wettahty (4 Bie haus rebuked by us. for acting 60 selflehly. ‘That remark bas weunded my feelings. i (My feehings have been teounded by that remark, (My featings has been wounded by that resmarie (EU My foetmaga wae wemcted tne ‘due remark, 141 My feniings were wounded by that remark, ‘Direetioss [82 = 8} : fo thee fotlowing sentences replace the words prinbed in leeld with the | appropriate expression trom the ehen allemnaines, WG. A committer has been estab: Admhed to eclcet the cricket eam (ect — aheet oft Bec out Ghee about ‘The cfitef quest dlatriieated the cerisBeates to the players of | he wearers tam, | Ugrveot Bigiveup (2) gee amey fa) gave an ‘ur sificr han been dieeorat- | io Boe the Che mrad Ui} done for 2) derae aver FS dane with faidone op He iy aberpe prominent i a crerwd because of his beyght. 11) stands eat EV Fekes cut (2 tks ep il ookes up Directions (96-100) | Read | tee following passage and acwwer | tine questions apvecn after iL “Throughowt the extensive ar. eae of the trapsea the tail ara! alatnty primeval forest has gen. way a0 veraded land, scrub, and Ube pemebie ‘of secondary growths. wtast, ax the ‘irgin Soresss of Europe and North: ‘America were laid low by mae’ tm- (providence, ee those of the tropics aru now vanishing = arty their de- Struction say ke mecempassed tn decades Instead of centuries. A few suthorties hold that, except fer dowermiment reserves, the earth's ovat rains forest may vartah wate: @ gencrmtion, The ecomemic ipss wall bbe tincalculatse. for the petitiaey rater forests are rich sources uf timber (mathogery, trait ane wach typo ‘ort as resting. gums, cefiulose, can phor andl raltass. No one, sndeed, san compute their remources. foe the Uhausiends of species thal nomena tthe forest cower, there are onty a fest shone phywical and chemical prop- ertses Five been jneth a view te cormmerciad ue. Most lmpertant of all. dhe pee seve rain. forest is a reservar of spectmens, a dynamic centre of ee ution whence the rest of the warld’a Plant life has beer continously semehed with mew forme. These 2x tensive reserves mast be defend frees the arquisitve hand of maz, whose ruthless axe would expoar thetn Lo the rereages of wun and Fear. OG. Accoreing to thee passage. the ‘peuinary reason fer comacrva- ‘ioe of the great ran forests is ‘that they are Ui) the chee! souree of imcome of povernmeniis. a Gjareas of botanical eval ‘won. [panajor seuenes af materials ‘the chemical indussriea Wl eet ready dor sams ratty eat some, ‘The word “primeral’ in para- prnph owe mess (1) firat tn importance (2) commercial (3) gongecin 14] wetowseted The dean of the author would ‘probably be the mast strongly supported by 1} lumber company repeesen- taleves (@heonservahonists and bata nists W)ehewieal eanulactarers (ER goversemnend representitiees According tn Ube passage, the rowult of chopping dawn the ‘rotesl rain forest sx Ethan mrorease In goversanent reserves (ha surge ms plant eentution [damage bo the soil, [4)a decrease of commercial expiotlation 100, ‘Only their destruction migy tee eecdengumied in decacies in steed of centuries meas Chat the deatnaction of Sareita (11 eA usher ory fw decades (al wall happens tm tht cesit ry. 191 wit be surety by che new century. (I el aioe place in a tecade, must, which i measured in cares. AB care! damon wa broken into two pauls ame to al pariee of Uber (ure pieces Yar 1a BD, then value of jy ta tange'downatrear im 3 ane hours. Alpe the ean new the boat 2d km upaereacn i hours. ie will row the sem ERG istaree dewnstresen i -o8 thee pee af oraginal tia 1 ~ 1 ‘Then the vabor of A © 28 ie way aj at ca aio ae Avand Bare tera ows of gute hears wi? aie and copper pecpeared by maxing : ; WO6. Which aff the folimeing is the | moetale in tive ratio 7 2 ad fy ay hours (4) 4 Rous largest’? 1 respectively. if eqs ‘ = cae quantities of the adloys are | 2M. Suface area of a cabotd ww id Dene: ee | matin Go form a thir alloy C. | cont and thesum of the ena, Moo yee ithe rato of geld and copper fe of all 1g edges 8 94 om. Levit 207.4 sum of three nere-zeramum: | wall bat ofeach diagonal ef the cub Ibees in eight times the fired | is:7 wise firs ere} tm mumber, three times the see : ; d . feral number ard ps mcs the | mris ine (iT (2) Wie pro 14. The price of a dim (ated number: The-wakae ofp] TTS ional whe sgawe chin) = VE “WAS 19, An equilateral triangle and a regular Iheangem hae equal perimeters, The ratie of the area of the irtangle and thal’ of the hesagion os ty mia: 1) fap ae4 180.4 can wah a certain dlistanee fm 20 days when be reste & heures a clay. How lorg will he ike ta walk twice the din- tance, tater an fast and rests ‘twice ox long tach day ? 1 a0days (2) 80-day (31 00dare 010i | 4 person leaves a place A to | pulce Ba Gas und reaches | 0 am. Another person leaves 15 at 7.30) am, and reaches 11 a.m, They ‘wid ment each othes at O1740an, (8.20am (81 40 am, (49.20 om. 1:22, The eapin of ri ebservations ts H.W the fest observation ta meressed by 1, second bry 2, and ep-on, then thelr seam ia Ry. Thee value of Hy - 3 be ayy Ma" mage int in oy 4 = z ro) (naa eT eyo (aye | 188: The ratio of importa and «x: parts of country Bin 2007 was ‘whl per cen. Sore than that for A in. O04" (0) 28.7 43s laiso 44) E20 lea which of thee following rears was the value of exports Jes thas tha wton of tpt te the case of country BT (amo ~ iene Sy lone ear Hf the exports of country Ain {POOF and imports of B in 2008 were fa. 15 mien and 10 snuifounl respectiecty, thes Ehe rabe of imparts of Ain 2007 toexports of Bi 2008 was e:@ wee (H2sa (aya? GENERAL AWARENESS a a = 7 = 2 eee ls ‘Directions [L27=1I0) ; The | fotowting graph shows the rate of | importa ta 6 of ten omar | Aandi Bin dd ib year. te. 199. The total musber (in lakh of Ue liberates in etties A act F i» (ee mie tao ian PPA Total Uliterates in elty Els ap prommately what percesd of otal erates tn city CF (re mie saa 1 198, Ratio of total muamber of emalen in cilics A and B te the total Fusiber of femaies in citses C, | DF and Gis tijars40 AO aT qyeasaT | aT san 196, What tx the vatie of iliterates in city Dio iterates ineity G? | 127. 0f the imports of coumtry At aie ie:3 ae a mcperis of ahen | = fess em and Ra. 8 rrailian respee: | unely, dhe dmgarta of fis 2010 was what per cenl stare Uhar the exports of Aum 2008 7 cal Urban Riernesral Misses ty soet ay 2006 fa 2007 iajaan0 192. When is National Energy Con sereation Day celebewtest? (1) 16th Augeast 14) Lath Deremnber 138. Which of the Cup Tropica ix ausceiated ‘wilh the game of Football ? (t)AFF Cup Fa) Deodbaar Tropty Eiindira Gandhi Gehl Cop GN Wimbiedor Trophy 14. According te: Trunsparancy be ternational Corruption Percep tion Index, 2041, what oe Be. iia's rank amongst LOhooan trie 7 (ug ene i aor 30), Mary times we read a teres DT in VariaR newepapers tn CoM nection with 3G Spectram ‘What tx ois Bull form ? 11) Dhrectorate of Fechnology (2) Direetorate of Tele Sernces (31 Departenent of Transport (Departament ef Telecom | 19m Whicts of the following Bootes iis written by Sun Cavasiiar ? (A Boel Hinvory of Time (214 Senne of Time (3) Sunny Days [al Geeak Expectations Which af whe following inter Navona events is associated ‘wiih the game sd Car React 7 [L}Stngapore Grandtpres (2) Dubai Open [ah Twenty-20 [AN PIFA World Cup 138, For training troops in counter Rerrorial operalion ae for en: hating defence cooperation and military relations, whith country held Joint- Military ‘Training Kxercien, SMAKT DOT) with kedia? (Se Lanka (21 U5 (France = 4) UR 136. Which country has teat fired nuclear capatile Matf-7 ongise mises 7 UhJapes (China [Reet A) Palit which year Dudesahel Phathe Award was inedtitated (a) 1968 (a) 1889 i) ora (aj 1S | 1A fron Lady roe Chars Shar a’ belongs to (1) Arunactiad Prasesh (21 Nagntarct (3) Meghalaya HI Manipur 14. Which state has topped tn in. ddia's Chale! Faght Index. 2001 7 11) Karnataka (2) Kerala (3) Gujarat (4) Mahariahera 143. india celebrated its - | public Day on January, 28, 2012 (ute rinane 51 Ge (ayaa 144 The coors weight in There vised whale salp price inde plemented frets September, 2010 is given to which of the folowing theme? (1) Peed itera * (2) Manafactered meres: (Fuel (a) Pracary articice 445, Which blosd veseet um human | body. normally carries ine wat | C1) Hepatic Veen (a) Portal Vein - (2) Doran Aarwte (4) Renal Yew 146. The Directive Prtneiples of State Policy were adopeed from the (1) Birltinh Comatetation (2) trish Conatttutesn. U.S. Censucuten (4) Saree Conatcttition: 247. Where wae electricity first ime imoduced ona commercial scale on Benda (i) Kotkata =a) Mearibai fbChenma {4} Daxjerting 148. Yang in Yin’ formed the basis: of Chinese + [ip Medicine (2) Philosophy Religen (4) Awtronermy 1488, Virgin Forrets arr tocated an (Aes Cugjarat (Kerala (4) Mizorars: 1590. This Seete comaributes 70M of India’s coffee and silk. Name this sqarte: | (1) Karnataka [2] Assam (3) Rajasthan 4) Pamjab

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