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Courrse Syllabu


Course Informatiion
MAS 6V01.PI1 48 862
Legall Consideratio
ons in Projectt Management
Fall 2010

Profeessor Contactt Information

Jamess Szot (innstructor of reecord)
Rick Joosten
Larry Bassuk

Course Pre-requisites, Co-req

quisites, and/or Other Resstrictions

Course Descriptio on
This course
c provid
des an overvieew of legal isssues encounteered during thhe life of a prooject. Includeed
are diiscussions of civil
c and crim
minal law; inteellectual propperty considerrations; and O
OSHA, safetyy,
enviroonmental and d real estate laaw.

Delivery is via threee online learrning moduless with accomppanying onlinne quizzes suppplemented bby
an on-campus mod dule during thhe project man
nagement corre phase endinng retreat.

Studeent Learning g Objectives/O Outcomes

Studeents will demo
onstrate the abbility to recalll and apply kkey concepts rrelated to legaal issues
encouuntered during
g the life of a project.

Requuired Textboo oks and Materials

All materials
m needeed to prepare for the quizzzes are deliverred via the onnline learning managementt

101.PI1 Fall 201
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Assignmentss & Academic Ca

Title/Date Overview Objectives

s Assignments
odule 1: This module provides a generall The student will
w be able to discus ss the key aspects  Review the e online materials
Ovverview of Legal discussion off legal issues of  Listen to th
he recorded presen ntation
ystem including commmon law, statutes s,  Torts, including intentional acts,
a negligence,  Complete o online quiz with a sscore of 70% or
civil law, court organization, and strict//products liability greater
commissions s and authorities,  Contracts s, including formatio on, consideration,
regulations, constitutional
c law, third-partyy agreement, assig gnment, conditions,
civil and crim
minal litigation, and dama ages for breach
reporter system, Statute of  Property, including real, pers sonal, purchase
Limitations, and
a Statute of and sale, leasing, secured trransactions, and
Frauds. gifts
 Uniform Commercial
C Code, including sales,
leases of personal property, negotiable
instrumen nts, bank deposits, fund transfers,
letters of credit, bulk sales, warehouse
receipts, investment securities, and secured
Moodule 2: This module discusses property
y The student will
w be able to descrribe the intellectual  Review the e online materials
Inttellectual Property
y rights, focusing on patents, property consiiderations and key actions required too  Listen to th
he recorded presen ntation
Coonsiderations trademarks, copyrights, and protect the rights of intellectual property
p owners  Complete o online quiz with a sscore of 70% or
trade secretss. including: greater
 Setting upp and maintaining physical
p security
 Obtaining g agreements with employees
e to
maintain secrets
 Marking documents
d propriettary
 Providing education on rules s and procedures
odule 3: This module provides project The student will
w be able to discus ss the key aspects  Review the e online materials
eal Estate, managers wiith a basic of  Listen to th
he recorded presen ntation
nvironmental, Safe
ety, understandin ng of those aspects s  Real estaate law, including th he basics of  Complete o online quiz with a sscore of 70% or
and OSHA of real estate
e, safety, and transactioons such as the purrchase or sale of greater
environmenta al laws and property and
a facilities; the le easing or
regulations most
m likely to impac
ct subleasinng of facilities; easeement and license
their assignmments. rights; and some of the primary issues in
construction contracting
 OSHA/sa afety law, including an overview of
certain keey OSHA standards s and the General
Duty Clau use; and a review of o what to expect
and how to t be prepared for an a OSHA
 Environm mental law, including g a brief review of
the ADA; Superfund and cle eanup liability;
environmental permits and operating
requireme ents; and spills, lawwsuits and potentiall
criminal liability.

MAS6101.PI1 Fall
F 2010 11 July
J 2010 Page 2
Title/Date Overview Objectives
s Assignments
upplemental topics
s This session is held as part of
the project management
m core
arry Bassuk
La phase ending g retreat to provide
ck Joosten supplementa al content and the
opportunity fo
or live Q&A with thee
ebruary 2 AM faculty.

MAS6101.PI1 Fall
F 2010 11 July
J 2010 Page 3
ding Policy
All qu
uizzes must be completed on BlackBoard
B Assignments by midnight of thhe due date listted. You must
pass each quiz with a minimum sco
ore of 70%. Mu ultiple attemptts are permittedd. Your grade w
will be
mined by a weighted combinaation of the quiiz scores:
90 <= A
80 <= B < 90
70 <= C < 80
00 <= F < 70

If you do not find a link,

l e-mail Daave Wurmstein
n [], Debbbie Samac
[debbiie@utdallas.eddu] and Jim Szo ot [].

As Module Perce
entage Type Due Date
Overrview of Legaal
Quiz 1 3%
33 Ind
dividual F
February 1
Sy ystem (#1)
ectual Propertty
Quiz 2 34
4% Ind
dividual F
February 1
Considerations (#22)
Real Estate,
Quiz 3 Environnmental, Safe
ety, 33
3% Ind
dividual F
February 1
andd OSHA (#3)

nical Supporrt

For assistan
nce with BlackB
Board, Ellumin
nate, and otherr Project Manaagement Prograam technology
issues, e-maail Dave Wurm
mstein [] and Debbie Saamac [debbie@].

If you experience any prob blems with you

ur UTD accounnt you may sennd an email to or calll the UTD Commputer Helpdeesk at 972-883--2911. Do nott contact the
UTD Comp puter Helpdessk for question ns about or prroblems with BBlackboard or Elluminate.
They cannoot help you – thhese products are
a supported bby the Project M
Management P Program.

101.PI1 Fall 201
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1 July 2010 Pagee 4
Univeersity Policiees

Studeent Conduct & Disciplinee

The Univerrsity of Texas System

S and The University off Texas at Dalllas have rules aand regulationss
for the ordeerly and efficien
nt conduct of their
t business. It is the respoonsibility of eacch student and
each studennt organization to be knowled dgeable about tthe rules and reegulations whicch govern
student connduct and activiities. General information
i onn student conduuct and discipliine is containedd
in the UTD printed publiccation, A to Z Guide,
G which iss provided to aall registered stuudents each
academic year.

The Univerrsity of Texas at

a Dallas admin nisters student discipline withhin the proceduures of
recognized and established due process. Procedures aree defined and ddescribed in thhe Rules and
Regulationss, Series 50000
0, Board of Reg gents, The Univversity of Texaas System, and in Title V,
Rules on Sttudent Servicess and Activitiess of the universsity’s Handboook of Operatingg
Proceduress. Copies of these rules and regulations are available to stuudents in the OOffice of the
Dean of Stuudents, where staff
s members are available too assist studennts in interpretinng the rules annd
regulations (SU 1.602, 972/883-6391) an nd online at

A student at the universityy neither loses the rights nor eescapes the ressponsibilities oof
citizenship. He or she is expected
e to obeey federal, statte, and local law
ws as well as th
the Regents’
Rules, university regulatioons, and admin nistrative rules.. Students are subject to disccipline for
violating thhe standards of conduct wheth her such conduuct takes place on or off camppus, or whetherr
civil or crim
minal penalties are also impossed for such coonduct.

Academic Integrity

The faculty
y expects from its students a high
h level of reesponsibility annd academic hoonesty. Because
the value off an academic degree
d depends upon the absoolute integrity of the work doone by the
student for that degree, it is imperative th
hat a student ddemonstrate a hhigh standard oof individual
honor in hiss or her scholasstic work.

Scholastic Dishonesty,
D anny student who commits an acct of scholasticc dishonesty is subject to
discipline. Scholastic
S dish
honesty includees but is not lim
mited to cheatinng, plagiarism,, collusion, thee
submission for credit of anny work or maaterials that aree attributable inn whole or in part to another
person, takiing an examinaation for anotheer person, any act designed too give unfair aadvantage to a
student or th
he attempt to commit
c such accts.

Plagiarism, especially from m the web, from portions of ppapers for otheer classes, and from any other
source is un
nacceptable and d will be dealt with under thee university’s ppolicy on plagiiarism (see
general cataalog for detailss). This coursee will use the reesources of turn, whiich searches thhe
web for posssible plagiarism and is over 90%9 effective..

yright Notice

The copyrig ght law of the United

U States (Title
( 17, Uniteed States Codee) governs the mmaking of
photocopiess or other repro oductions of co opyrighted matterials, includinng music and ssoftware.
Copying, diisplaying, repro oducing, or disstributing copyyrighted works may infringe tthe copyright
owner’s rig
ghts and such in nfringement is subject to apprropriate disciplinary action aas well as
criminal pen nalties provideed by federal laaw. Usage of suuch material iss only appropriiate when that
usage consttitutes “fair usee” under the Co opyright Act. AAs a UT Dallass student, you aare required to
follow the institution’s
i copyright policy (Policy Memoorandum 84-I.33-46). For more information
about the faair use exemptiion, see http://wwww.utsystem m

101.PI1 Fall 201
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Emaiil Use

The Univerrsity of Texas ata Dallas recogn nizes the valuee and efficiencyy of communiccation betweenn
ff and students through electro onic mail. At thhe same time, email raises soome issues
concerning security and th he identity of each
e individuall in an email exxchange. The uuniversity
encourages all official stuudent email corrrespondence bbe sent only to a student’s U.T T. Dallas emaill
address andd that faculty annd staff consid
der email from students officiial only if it oriiginates from a
UTD studen nt account. Thiis allows the un niversity to maaintain a high ddegree of confiidence in the
identity of all
a individual corresponding
c and
a the securitty of the transmmitted informattion. UTD
furnishes eaach student witth a free email account that iss to be used in all communicaation with
university personnel.
p The Department off Information R Resources at UU.T. Dallas provvides a methodd
for studentss to have their U.T.
U Dallas maail forwarded tto other accounnts.

Withdrawal from
m Class

The administration of thiss institution hass set deadlines for withdrawaal of any collegge-level coursees.
These datess and times are published in th hat semester's course catalogg. Administratioon procedures
must be folllowed. It is thee student's resp
ponsibility to haandle withdraw
wal requiremennts from any
class. In oth
her words, I can nnot drop or withdraw
w any sttudent. You muust do the propper paperwork
to ensure th
hat you will nott receive a finaal grade of "F" in a course if yyou choose nott to attend the
class once you
y are enrolleed.

Studeent Grievancce Procedurees

Procedures for student griievances are fo

ound in Title V
V, Rules on Studdent Services aand Activities,
of the univeersity’s Handboook of Operatiing Proceduress.

In attemptin ng to resolve anny student grieevance regardinng grades, evalluations, or othher fulfillmentss
of academicc responsibility y, it is the oblig
gation of the sttudent first to m
make a serious effort to
resolve the matter with thee instructor, su upervisor, admiinistrator, or coommittee with whom the
grievance originates
o (hereeafter called “thhe respondent””). Individual ffaculty membeers retain
primary responsibility for assigning grad des and evaluaations. If the m matter cannot bee resolved at
that level, th
he grievance must
m be submittted in writing tto the respondeent with a copyy of the
respondent’’s School Dean n. If the matterr is not resolveed by the writteen response proovided by the
respondent,, the student may submit a wrritten appeal too the School Deean. If the grieevance is not
resolved by y the School Deean’s decision, the student maay make a writtten appeal to tthe Dean of
Graduate orr Undergraduatte Education, and a the deal wiill appoint and convene an Accademic
Appeals Pan nel. The decission of the Acaademic Appealss Panel is finall. The results oof the academicc
appeals process will be distributed to alll involved partiies.

Copies of th
hese rules and regulations aree available to sstudents in the Office of the D
Dean of
Students, where
w mbers are available to assist sstudents in interpreting the ruules and
staff mem

mplete Gradee Policy

As per univversity policy, incomplete

i graades will be graanted only for w
work unavoidaably missed at
the semesteer’s end and on nly if 70% of th
he course workk has been com mpleted. An inccomplete gradee
must be resolved within eight (8) weeks from the first day of the subsequent long ssemester. If thee
required woork to completee the course an nd to remove thhe incomplete ggrade is not subbmitted by thee
specified deeadline, the inccomplete gradee is changed auutomatically to a grade of F.

101.PI1 Fall 201
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1 July 2010 Pagee 6
bility Servicees

The goal off Disability Serrvices is to prov

vide students w
with disabilitiees educational oopportunities
equal to tho
ose of their non
n-disabled peerrs. Disability SServices is locaated in room 1..610 in the
Student Union. Office ho ours are Mondaay and Thursdaay, 8:30 a.m. too 6:30 p.m.; Tuuesday and
Wednesday y, 8:30 a.m. to 7:30
7 p.m.; and Friday, 8:30 aa.m. to 5:30 p.m m.

The contactt information for

fo the Office of
o Disability Seervices is:
The Univerrsity of Texas at
a Dallas, SU 22
PO Box 830 0688
Richardson, Texas 75083--0688
(972) 883-22098 (voice or TTY)

If you anticcipate issues rellated to the forrmat or requireements of this ccourse, please mmeet with the
Coordinatorr of Disability Services. The Coordinator iss available to ddiscuss ways too ensure your
full particip
pation in the coourse. If you deetermine that foormal, disabilitty-related accoommodations
are necessarry, it is very im
mportant that you be registereed with Disabillity Services too notify them oof
your eligibiility for reasonable accommodations. Disabbility Services can then plan how best to
coordinate your
y accommo odations.

It is the stud y his or her proofessors of the need for such aan
dent’s responsiibility to notify
accommodaation. Disability Services pro ovides studentss with letters too present to facculty members
to verify thaat the student has
h a disability y and needs acccommodations.. Individuals rrequiring speciaal
accommodaation should co ontact the profeessor after classs or during offfice hours.

Religious Holy Da

The Univerrsity of Texas at

a Dallas will excuse
e a studeent from class or other requirred activities fo
the travel to and observaance of a religiious holy day for a religionn whose placess of worship aare
exempt fromm property tax under Sectionn 11.20, Tax Coode, Texas Codde Annotated.

The studentt is encouragedd to notify the instructor or acctivity sponsorr as soon as poossible regardinng
the absencee, preferably in
n advance of thhe assignment. The student, so excused, wiill be allowed to
take the exxam or compleete the assignm ment within a reasonable tim me after the abbsence: a periood
equal to thee length of thee absence, up to a maximum m of one weekk. A student w who notifies thhe
instructor and completes any
a missed exaam or assignm ment may not be penalized forr the absence. A
student who plete the exam or assignmentt within the prrescribed period may receivee a
o fails to comp
failing grad
de for that exam
m or assignmen nt.

If a studentt or an instrucctor disagrees about the natuure of the abssence [i.e., forr the purpose oof
observing a religious holy y day] or if there is similar ddisagreement aabout whetherr the student haas
been given a reasonable time to comp plete any miss ed assignmentts or examinattions, either thhe
student or the
t instructor may
m request a ruling
r from thee chief executivve officer of thhe institution, oor
his or her designee.
d The chief
c executivee officer or dessignee must taake into accounnt the legislativve
intent of TEEC 51.911(b),, and the studeent and instrucctor will abidee by the decision of the chief
executive officer or designnee.

hese descriptiions and timeelines are sub
bject to changge at the disccretion of the Professor.

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