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Exposure to the HAZARD

Description Estimated exposure

Continuous Continuous

Regular A few days a week

Frequent A few hours per week

Sometimes A few days a year

Rare A few hours a year

Very Rare No estimate of exposure possible

Frequency of the HAZARD

Likelihood Frequency

A few a year
High Known to have occurred at Implats

1/ 5 years
Moderate/High Known to have occurred elsewhere

Could happen and suspect has occurred 1/10 years

Moderate at some time.

1/20 years
Low/Moderate Has not happened yet but could

1/50 years
Low Conceivable

1/100 years
Very Low Extreme circumstances only

Risk/Impact Categories







400 CATASTROPHIC > 2000 m

300 VERY CRITICAL 1200 m

100 CRITICAL 180 m

40 MAJOR 60 m

15 MEDIUM 30 m




More than 10 fatalities Critical - Complete breakdown

Up to 10 fatalities Very significant

More than one fatality Major

One fatality Moderate

Lost Time Injuries but no fatals Low

Medical treatment / Restricted Minimal

workday case

First Aid / No injury None


Irreversible Impact at Global National Prolonged international condemnation

scale (international press)

Serious National reversible Impact International multi NGO and media

(national press) condemnation

Very serious long term reversible impact Serious public or media outcry
at Regional level

Serious but reversible short term Impact Significant adverse media / NGO/ public
at Regional level attention

Moderate reversible short term Impact at Local attention from media / NGO/ public
Local level (local press)

Minor effects extending beyond Minor adverse local / public / media

boundaries of installation (no press) attention and complaints

Limited Impact within Plant boundaries Public concern restricted to local


Significant business interruption Strike action affecting all of IMPLATS


Loss of Plant operating permit Strikes at several facilities

Provisional loss of Plant operating Strike at one facility


Several legal fines Disputes / Marches / Organised


Legal fines Grievances

Reportable incident Complaints / Dissatisfaction

amongst the workforce

None Issues raised at branch meetings


Total Group Impact BI of > 60 days

Future operations untenable. BI > 30


Future operations at site seriously

affected. Loss of production > 20 days

Major damage to facility. Loss of

production 10 Days

Moderate damage to equipment and/or

facility. Loss of production 5 days

Minor / superficial damage to

equipment. 3 days loss of production

Easily addressed or rectified, 1 day



Type of Register: Baseline Risk Assessment Record Number : 01

Revision Number: 02 Date : 04 /09/2015

Inherent Risk

Residual Risk




Ref. No.

Legal and Other

Activity/Product/Service Hazard/ Aspect Risk/Impact Description Current Controls Proposed Additional Controls (Control Tasks) Responsibility

Ore Processing Major Equipment Failure: Failure of the following equipment which have identified FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 100 10000 1. Robust condition monitoring regime of all key (highlighted) equipment 10 10 40 4000 1.Instal silo bypass facility and reline the 15kt silo Snr Concentrator Manager
15000ton Silo Failure issues; 15kt silo, with the following impacts: 2. Correct approval and proper
1. Long down times of up to ... months release procedure after modifications and maintenance by OEM of major
2. Injury to one or 2 employees, 3. equipment. 5.
Increse in operating costs of up to ??? Per month. Scheduled preventive and predictive maintenance. 6. Support
(maintenance contracts) with OEM of all major equipment
7. Training and awareness of all technical
(operating and maintenance) staff major on equipment
General structure integrity audits

Ore Processing Major Equipment Failure: Failure of the following equipment which have identified FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 100 10000 1. Robust condition monitoring regime of all key (highlighted) equipment 10 10 40 4000 1.Instal silo bypass facility and reline the 15kt silo Snr Concentrator Manager
Phase 1&2 600 ton Silo | issues; 15kt silo, with the following impacts: 2. Correct approval and proper
Failures 1. Long down times of up to ... months release procedure after modifications and maintenance by OEM of major
2. Injury to one or 2 employees, 3. equipment. 5.
Increse in operating costs of up to ??? Per month. Scheduled preventive and predictive maintenance. 6. Support
(maintenance contracts) with OEM of all major equipment
7. Training and awareness of all technical
(operating and maintenance) staff major on equipment
General structure integrity audits

Ore Processing Major Equipment Failure: Mill Failure of the following equipment which have identified FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 100 10000 1. Robust condition monitoring regime of all key (highlighted) equipment 10 10 40 4000 1.Instal silo bypass facility and reline the 15kt silo Snr Concentrator Manager
Motors (grouting), mill 2 (new issues; mill motors , and inching drive with the following 2. Correct approval and proper 2. Replace the grade M
gear), mill inching drive impacts: 1. Excessively high repair costst release procedure after modifications and maintenance by OEM of major conveyors with grade FR as replacements become due
(previous experience) 2. Long down times of up to ... months 3. Injury equipment. 4. Insurance and 3. Re-grout the mill motors
to one or 2 employees, 3. Increse in strategic running spares. 5. Scheduled preventive and 4. Chase delivery of spare mill heads 5.
operating costs of up to ??? Per month. predictive maintenance. 6. Support (maintenance contracts) with Chase delivery of correct mill pinion 6. Replace
OEM of all major equipment and re-calibrate the mill LRS to produce the correct mill start
7. Training and awareness of all technical (operating and up torques 7. Monitor mill 2 girth
8. General structure gear as per warranty agreement 8. Chase
integrity audits delivery of modified mill inching drive gearbox
9. Implement the renewal of the Larox filter

Ore Processing Major Equipment Failure: Mill Failure of the following equipment which have identified FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 100 10000 1. Robust condition monitoring regime of all key (highlighted) equipment 10 10 40 4000 1. Re-grout the mill motors 2. Snr Concentrator Manager
pinion (correct spares), mill issues; mill pinion (correct spares), mill heads (no spare) 2. Correct approval and proper Chase delivery of spare mill heads 3. Chase delivery
heads (no spare) with the following impacts: release procedure after modifications and maintenance by OEM of major of correct mill pinion 4. Replace and re-calibrate
1. Excessively high repair costst 2. Long equipment. 4. Insurance and the mill LRS to produce the correct mill start up torques
down times of up to ... months 3. Injury to one or strategic running spares. 5. Scheduled preventive and 5. Monitor mill 2 girth gear as per
2 employees, 3. Increse in operating costs predictive maintenance. 6. Support (maintenance contracts) with warranty agreement 6.
of up to ??? Per month. OEM of all major equipment Chase delivery of modified mill inching drive gearbox
7. Training and awareness of all technical (operating and maintenance) staff
major on equipment

Ore Processing Major Equipment Failure: Failure of the following equipment Concentrate thickener FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 100 10000 1. Robust condition monitoring regime of all key (highlighted) equipment 10 10 40 4000 Monitor thickenner movements. Snr Concentrator Manager
Concentrate thickener foundation with the following impacts: 2. Correct approval and proper
foundation (movement), 1. Excessively high repair costst release procedure after modifications and maintenance by OEM of major
2. Long down times of up to ... months 3. Injury to equipment. 4. Insurance and
one or 2 employees, 3. Increse in strategic running spares. 5. Scheduled preventive and
operating costs of up to ??? Per month. predictive maintenance. 6. Support (maintenance contracts) with
OEM of all major equipment
7. Training and awareness of all technical (operating and maintenance) staff
major on equipment
8. Thickener movement 9. General
structure integrity audits

Ore Processing Major Equipment Failure of the following equipment which have identified FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 100 10000 1. Robust condition monitoring regime of key 10 10 40 4000 1 Snr Concentrator Manager
Failurecrushers (both issues; opportunistic failure of single line equipment such 2. Correct approval and proper release procedure after
secondary and primary) as crushers (both secondary and primary), modifications and maintenance by OEM of major equipment.
3. Insurance and strategic running spares.
4. Scheduled preventive and predictive maintenance. 5.
Support (maintenance contracts) with OEM of all major equipment
6. Training and awareness of all
technical (operating and maintenance) staff major on equipment
7. Pipe replacement strategy
8. General structure integrity audits

Ore Processing Major Equipment Failure: Ball Failure of the following equipment which have identified FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 100 10000 1. Robust condition monitoring regime of all key (highlighted) equipment 10 10 40 4000 1. Re-grout the mill motors 2. Snr Concentrator Manager
mills issues; ball mills, 2. Correct approval and proper Chase delivery of spare mill heads 3 Chase
release procedure after modifications and maintenance by OEM of major delivery of correct mill pinion 4. Replace and re-
equipment. 3. Insurance and calibrate the mill LRS to produce the correct mill start up
strategic running spares. 4 Scheduled preventive and torques 5. Monitor mill 2 girth gear
predictive maintenance. 5. Support (maintenance contracts) with as per warranty agreement
OEM of all major equipment 6. Chase delivery of modified mill inching drive gearbox
6. Training and awareness of all technical (operating and maintenance) staff
major on equipment 7. General structure integrity

Ore Processing Major Equipment Failure Failure of the following equipment which have identified FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 100 10000 1. Robust condition monitoring regime of all key (highlighted) equipment 10 10 40 4000 Snr Concentrator Manager
SCADA operations Control Room - SCADA issues; opportunistic failure of single line equipment such 2. Correct approval and proper
operations Control Room - SCADA operations -PLCs, release procedure after modifications and maintenance by OEM of major
equipment. 4. Insurance and
strategic running spares. 5. Scheduled preventive and
predictive maintenance. 6. Support (maintenance contracts) with
OEM of all major equipment
7. Training and awareness of all technical (operating and maintenance) staff
major on equipment 8. Back up of the PLC
Ore Processing Major Equipment Failure: Failure of the following equipment which have identified FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 100 10000 1. Robust condition monitoring regime of all key equipment 10 10 40 4000 1 Snr Concentrator Manager
SCADA operations Reagents plant (fire risk) issues; opportunistic failure of single line equipment such 2. Correct approval and proper release
as reagents plant (fire risk) procedure after modifications and maintenance by OEM of major equipment.
3. Insurance and strategic running
spares. 4. Scheduled preventive and predictive
maintenance. 5. Support (maintenance contracts) with OEM of all
major equipment 6.
Training and awareness of all technical (operating and maintenance) staff major
on equipment
7. DRP for the reagents warehouse and pumps
8. General structure integrity audits

Ore Processing Major Equipment Failure Larox Failure of the following equipment which have identified FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 100 10000 1. Robust condition monitoring regime of all key (highlighted) equipment 10 10 40 4000 1 Snr Concentrator Manager
SCADA operations filter issues; Larox filter 2. Correct approval and proper
release procedure after modifications and maintenance by OEM of major
equipment. 4. Insurance and
strategic running spares. 5. Scheduled preventive and
predictive maintenance. 6. Support (maintenance contracts) with
OEM of all major equipment
7. Training and awareness of all technical (operating and maintenance) staff
major on equipment 8.General structure integrity

Low metal prices Low metal prices to below break-even point FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 7 100 7000 1. Approval system for purchasing OPEX and CAPEX items. 10 5 100 5000 1. Cost saving initiatives 2. Budget Snr Concentrator Manager
2. Negotiation with suppliers 3. review
Cost reviews

Plant Operations Operating at above budget Failure to achieve budget cost of US$10.85 due to : above FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 40 4000 1. Costs review meetings and action plans 2. 10 10 7 700 1. Feasibility of sourcing balls from an alternative supplier Snr Concentrator Manager
costs budget unit consumptions, above budget unit costs Reservation and requisition approval framework - release strategy (Vega) 2. Achieve reduction in unit
3. Planned maintenance and condition monitoring to costs by optimising unit costs basing on the reagent brands
minimise failure in service which can have knock on effect. 3. Optimise concentrate transportation
4. Quality control checks of spares and consumables (minimise moisture and maximise volume send to the
5. Procurement procedure which ensures competitive smelter) 4. Maximise throughput to 5% above budget to
prices and quality 6.Recycling, reusing of minimise impact of overheads 5. Run a partial plant trail to
salvageable material 7. Management of assess the impact of medium chrome mill liners
efficiencies based on production 8. Partnerships
with OEMs and suppliers 9. Overtime approval before
it is worked 10. Closely manage leave liability
11. power factor management
12 Peak and off peak energy management
13. Recycling of good quality SAG Mill scats

Crushing & Milling Failure to mill as per budget. Failure to achieve set milling rates and or plant running time ? Q 10 10 40 4000 1.Management of plant and equipment as described in the risk of major 10 10 25 2500 1. Plant trial with Over Break (OB) liners for tertiary crushers Snr Concentrator Manager
resulting in failure to achieve the 4078412 tonnes budgeted equipment failure 2. Monitoring crushing rates and managing to maximise crushing rate 2. Plant trial
for this year. the mining/plant interface (ore physical quality and quantity) issues through mine with medium chrome mill liners to establish impact on liner life
to mill meetings 3. Daily and reduce frequency of future relines 3. Chase delivery pf
(departmental), weekly (divisional) and monthly (organisational) mill liner handling machine to enable the double module
operational/production review meetings with action plans reline to be done in time in December 2015
4. Automated equipment protection instruments on conveyors 4. Implement the mill relines scheduled for
(magnets, tramp metal detectors, belt rip detectors, etc), crushers and mills (oil December 2015 5. Re-design the dry
flow meters, pressure gauges, thermocouples, etc) etc plant screen under size chutes to eliminate chockages
experienced in the wet season 6. Manage the plant
availability threats and action plans discussed under the risk
of major equipment failure 7. Investigate upgrading of
belt rip detectors for run off mine ore conveyors.

Plant Operations Ore Quality (mineralogy) Inefficiencies resulting from inconsistencies in feed grade FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 10 40 4000 1.Regular sampling, analysis and reviewing of the results of the analysis of the 10 10 20 2000 1. Implement mineralogical diagnostic analysis at regular Snr Concentrator Manager
and mineralogy ore and slurry along the value chain 2. basis 2. Mineralogical diagnosis for future ore
Reviewing of variations at plant, divisional, mine to mill, Opco and Exco supply
Committee levels 3. Regular hot pulp checks on plant performance

Plant Operations Sub standard plant operation Failure to achieve metallurgical efficiencies due to FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 7 40 2800 1. Training on plant operation for all operators 2. Semi 10 7 20 1400 1. Implement the project for tailings scavenging Snr Concentrator Manager
substandard operating conditions automated ball mill control (ball addition, cyclone pressure management) 2. Increase mill liner angle from 30 to 40 degrees
3.Automated reagents addition 3. Investigate co-collection as a
4. Semi automated floatation (air and pulp level) control strategy to improve recovery 4. Investigate
having a hybrid of spurgers and convectional forced air
floatation as a strategy for increasing recovery

Plant Operations & support services Sub optimal use of human Substandard maintenance and substandard operation/low FY 16 Business Plan Q 10 7 40 2800 1. Training on plant operation and maintenance 2. 10 7 20 1400 Nil Snr Concentrator Manager
resources Management:- labour productivity due low motivation to lack of continuity or Succession plans 3. Performance
continuous improvement in skills. review for skilled staff

Monitoring Processes Metal Accountability Failure to account for metal along the concentrator value ZIMPLATS/Conc/ TRP/01 Q 10 10 15 1500 1. Scheduled tonnage measurement equipment calibrations 10 10 15 1500 1. Closure of met accounting audit findings Snr Concentrator Manager
chain due to inaccurate tonnage measurement, sampling 2. Analytical QC checks and procedures
and analytical processes resulting in poor feedback 3.Metal Accounting Audits 4. Comparison
information for mine planning of assays based and measurement based concentrate production
5. Procedure for treating anomalous grades and
variations in tonnage

Interactions with community Corporate affairs & Community Operational disruptions due to poor community relations . Q 10 10 15 1500 1. Community liaison meetings 2. 10 10 15 1500 Nil Snr Concentrator Manager
Relations: - Poor Community Community projects 3. Community
relationships preferential employment

Labour Management Industrial Relations:-Industrial Production loss due to industrial actions Q 10 10 15 1500 1.Liaison and works council meetings with employees representatives 10 10 15 1500 Snr Concentrator Manager
Action 2. Integration with employees (Visible
Felt Leadership). 3. Communication through
of business objectives and update of issues through interactive management

Inbound logistical activities sourcing of Procurement/In-bound Production stoppages and/or inefficient operations due to Q 10 5 15 750 1. Procurement procedure 2. 10 5 15 750 Nil Snr Concentrator Manager
services and materials. logistics:- Procurement material stock outs and substandard materials. Maintenance of minimum stock levels. 3. Strategic
inefficiencies - supply side partnership with suppliers/identify strategic suppliers
4. Use of alternative suppliers for competition.
5. Smart buying
6.Spares quality verification
Sourcing and utilisation of power Power Supply:- Power Production loss due to power failure Q 10 10 5 500 1. Emergency procedures for power outages 2.Maintenance of 10 10 5 500 Nil Snr Concentrator Manager
outages & Surges electrical reticulation systems 3. Emergency facilities.
4. Liaison meetings with ZESA
5. Partnership with ZESA

Concentrate Transportation Theft of Product Loss of revenue due to theft of concentrate Q 10 3 1 30 1. Vehicle tracking system 2. Enhance 10 3 1 30 Nil Snr Concentrator Manager
security 3. Concentrate dispatch

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