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Institutions, Organisations and Processes of Change


Why are some countries rich and others poor? Why are some governed well and others badly? Why
are some societies able to move onto virtuous cycles of rising living standards, rising productivity
and spreading freedom, while others descend into poverty, chaos and war? How can development
managers lead countries onto stable paths of development? This course approaches key
comparative statics (i.e. the distribution of wealth and poverty across countries) and comparative
dynamics (i.e. development as contingent processes over time) of international development
through the economic, political and sociological analysis of institutions. We use institutional and
organisational theory to help students answer these questions by critically evaluating the
mechanisms that govern the operation of the different kinds of agency that are being used in
developing countries to promote progressive change. These mechanisms are expected to provide
managers of state, private and civic organisations with incentives that reward successful
performance, and to make them more accountable to their clients, customers or beneficiaries. We
review ongoing debates about the most effective ways of designing state agencies, private firms and
NGOs in order to maximise the quality of their performance and contribution to development,
emphasising the problems generated by attempts to introduce new practices and processes into late
developing countries. The course provides an analytical basis for making practical judgements about
institutional reform programmes by showing how different kinds of institutions and organisations,
centralised bureaucracies, markets, participatory and solidaristic agencies operate to provide
essential services.


The course is divided into five parts. Part I sets out the institutional approach employed throughout
the rest of the course, and assesses its ability to explain developmental transitions. Parts II and IV
analyse different forms of governance in developing countries, and how these contribute to, or
hinder, economic and human development. Part III examines the role of market actors and the
market as institutions, both theoretically and as they really occur in LDCs focusing on structural
impediments to rapid growth in late developing countries. Formal and informal markets are
considered. Part V turns to the relationship between civil society and development, focusing on the
household, community organisations, and NGOs. This is the core course for the MSc in Development
Management, the MSc in Anthropology and Development Management, and the MSc in African
Development. The course will be taught through lectures, seminars and workshops. There will be 19
lectures accompanied by 19 weekly seminars, special sessions focused on the consultancy project,
and other events such as workshops, a debate, and project presentations, the dates of which will be
confirmed in due course. Lectures will review key theoretical debates; seminars will discuss the topic
covered in the previous lecture, and will be conducted on the basis either of a student presentation
or a class exercise. Seminars and workshops will concentrate more on the practical problems
associated with implementation, drawing on case studies and the personal experience of
participants. We have developed an extensive list of case studies and complementary readings to
further enrich these discussions.
All students are required to do two seminar presentations and one essay, and to take part in a live
consulting exercise for a real development agency, the latter in groups of 3-5 students. Groups will
present their consultancy project results early in the Summer Term and will be expected to submit a
collective report of no more than 10,000 words. These will be evaluated towards the 'research
methods' component of the course. All Development Management students will participate in a
special session during the induction week prior to the start of term, as well as in all of the other
activities organised for ID students.


Course Director (Michaelmas Term): Professor Teddy Brett

Course Director (Lent Term): Dr. Mayling Birney

Consultancy Projects Director: Dr. Stuart Gordon

Guest Lecturers: Professor Kathryn Hochstetler

Professor Jude Howell

Professor Naila Kabeer

Dr. Mahvish Shami


There is no general textbook for the course, which attempts to bring together insights from a range
of disciplines dealing with problems of management and institutional reform. The weekly reading
lists identify a small number of key texts which students should read, and provide a range of further
readings for those particularly interested in the topic. There are, however, several texts from which
the course draws heavily, which students should buy:


Acemoglu, D. and J. Robinson. 2012. Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty.
New York: Crown.

Brett, E.A. 2009. Reconstructing Development Theory. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Diamond, J. 1997. Guns Germs and Steel. London: Vintage. See also the 3-part documentary based
on the book here:

Faguet, J.P. 2012. Decentralization and Popular Democracy: Governance from Below in Bolivia. Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

North, D.C., J.J. Wallis and B.R. Weingast. 2009. Violence and Social Orders. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

Rodrik, D. (Ed.). 2003. In Search of Prosperity: Analytical Narratives on Economic Growth. Princeton:
Princeton University Press.

These are generally available as networked e-books via the LSE Library catalogue.

Boix, C. 2015. Political Order and Inequality: Their Foundations and their Consequences for Human
Welfare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Collier, Paul (2007). The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be
Done About It. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Fukuyama, F. 2012. The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution.
London: Profile Books.

Kohli, A. 2004. State-directed development: political power and industrialization in the global
periphery, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Olson, M. & S. Kahkonen. 2000. A Not-so-Dismal Science: A Broader View of Economies and
Societies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Putnam, R. D. 1993. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton: Princeton
University Press.

Tilly, C. 2007. Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Acemoglu, D. and J.A. Robinson. 2006. Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Bannerjee, A.V. and E. Duflo. 2011. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global
Poverty. New York: Public Affairs

Chambers, R., 1997. Whose reality counts? Putting the first last, London: Intermediate Technology.

Chang, H.J. 2002. Kicking Away the Ladder Development Strategy in Historical Perspective. London:
Anthem Press.

Chang, H.J. 2003. Rethinking development economics. London: Anthem Press.

Clague, C. 1997. Institutions and economic development, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Easterly, W. 2001. The elusive quest for growth: Economists' adventures and misadventures in the
tropics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Greif, A. 2006. Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Kirkpatrick, C. & others. 2002. Handbook on development policy and management.

Landes, D. 1999. The wealth and poverty of nations: Why some are so rich and some are so poor.
London: Abacus Books.

Linz, J. & A. Stepan. 1996. Problems of democratic transition and consolidation. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press.

North, D. 1990. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

Mueller, D. 2003. Public Choice III. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Olson, M. 2000. Power and Prosperity: Outgrowing Communist and Capitalist Dictatorships. New
York: Basic Books.

Ostrom, E & others, Institutional Incentives and Sustainable Development: infrastructure policies in
perspective. Boulder: Westview, 1993.

Sen. A., 1999 Development as Freedom. Oxford University Press.

Tendler, J. Good Government in the Tropics. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995

World Bank. 2004. World Development Report 2004: Making services work for poor people.
Washington, DC: World Bank.




1 Explaining Developmental Transitions: Institutional Change, Social Progress

and Reversals (TB)

2 Reforming Institutional Systems: Creating Accountable Markets and States (TB)

3 Designing Accountable Organisational Systems: Institutional Pluralism and Development

Management (TB)

4 Overcoming Barriers to Development (MB)

~4* The Development Management Project (SG & REM)

5 Global Institutions & National Sovereignty: Explaining Donor Recipient

Relationships (TB)


6 Old and New Forms of Public Administration (TB)

7 Shaping a Responsive State: Democracy, Decentralisation and Effective

Governance (TB)


8 Hierarchy, Co-operation and Devolution in Capitalist Firms (TB)

9 The Contribution and Contested Role of Informal Enterprises (TB)

10 Community Based Organisations and Informal Service Delivery Systems (MS)

11 The Development Management Project Workshops



1 Gender and Labour Markets in a Global Economy (NK)

2 States and Markets in Development: Neoclassical & Dependency Theories (MB)

3 States and Markets in Development: State-Directed Approaches (MB)


4 Democracy, Authoritarianism, and Development (MB)

~4* The Development Debate [A special evening session, tbc]

5 Democratization, Authoritarian Resilience and Regime Change (MB)

6 Anti-Corruption and Rule of Law (MB)


7 Household Structure, Gender Relations and Developmental Outcomes (NK)

8 NGOs Accountability, Legitimacy and Representation (JH)

9 Collective Action, Public Goods, and Common Resources (KH)

10-11 The Development Management Project Workshops




M1 Explaining Developmental Transitions: Institutional Change, Social Progress and Reversals (TB)

Topic: Do some kinds of institutions really produce superior developmental outcomes than others?

Lecture Readings
North, D., J. Wallis & B. Weingast, (2009) Violence and social orders: a conceptual framework for
interpreting recorded human history, Cambridge University Press, 1-29.

World Bank, World Development Report 2006, Equity and development, Chapter 6. Equity,
institutions and the development process, Washington, World Bank

Seminar Readings

Brett, E.A., Reconstructing development theory, Chs.9 & 10 175-215

Castells, M. (2000) The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, 2nd, ed. Vol. III, End of
millennium, Conclusion: Making sense of our world, 366-91.

Fukuyama, F. (1995) Trust: the social virtues and the creation of prosperity, Part V Combining
Traditional Culture and Modern Institutions in the Twenty-First Century pp. 325-62.

Further Readings

Acemoglu, D. and J. Robinson. 2012. Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty.
New York: Crown./

Almond, G. (1960) Introduction: a functional approach to comparative politics, in The politics of the
developing areas, edited by G. Almond & J. Coleman, Princeton, Princeton University Press, pp. 3-64.

Bardhan, P. The Nature of Institutional Impediments to Economic Development, in M. Olson & S.

Kahkonen, A Not-so-Dismal Science: a Broader View of Economies and Societies, 2000.

Bates, Robert, (1995) Social dilemmas and rational individuals: an assessment of the new
institutionalism, in John Harriss & others, eds. The new institutional economics and third world
development, London, Routledge.

Chang, H-J. (2003) Institutional development in historical perspective, in H-J Chang, ed. Rethinking
development economics, London, Anthem Press.

Cowan, M. & R. Shenton, (1996) Doctrines of development, London, Routledge.

Diamond, J. 2005. Collapse: How Societies Choose or Fail to Survive. London: Allen Lane.

Eisenstadt, S. (1966) Modernization, protest and change, Englewood-Cliffs, Prentice Hall.

Foucault, M. (1980) Power/Knowledge, Chapter 5, pp. 78-108

Glaeser, E., R. La Porta, F. Lopez de Silanes and A. Shleifer. 2004. Do Institutions Cause Growth?
Journal of Economic Growth, 9: 271-303.

Harriss, J. & others, (1995) The new institutional economics and third world development, London,

Hilton, R. ed., (1976) The transition from feudalism to capitalism, London, New Left Books.

Hoogvelt, Ankie, (2001) Globalization and the postcolonial world: the new political economy of
development, Basingstoke, Palgrave.
Huntingdon, Samuel (1968) Political order in changing societies, New Haven, Yale University Press.

Landes, D. (1999) The wealth and poverty of nations: why some are so rich and some so poor,
London, Abacus.

Lewis, A. (1955) The theory of economic growth, London, Allen & Unwin.

Leys, C. (1996) The rise and fall of development theory, London, Currey.

List, F. (1841/1904) The national system of political economy, London, Longman, Green.

Little, I. (1982) Economic development: theory, policy and international relations, New York, Basic

Moore, Barrington, (1967) Social origins of democracy and dictatorship: Lord and peasant in the
making of the modern world, Harmondsworth, Penguin.

Myrdal, G. (1956/1976) Development and underdevelopment, in G.M. Meier, Leading issues in

economic development, 3rd. ed., New York, Oxford University Press.

North, D. (1981) Structure and change in economic history, Norton

Polanyi, K. (1944/2001) The great transformation: the political and social origins of our time, 2nd ed.,
Boston, Beacon Press.

Pomeranz, K. (2000) The great divergence: China, Europe, and the making of the modern world
economy, Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Rodrik, D. (2007) One Economics Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, & Economic Growth,
Chapters 5 & 6; pp. 153-194 HF1359 R69

Rostow, W. (1971) The stages of economic growth: a non-Communist manifesto, 2nd ed.,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Sen, A. (1999) Development as freedom, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Todaro, M. (1997) Economic development, 6th edition, London, Longman.

Thomas, A. & Tim Allen, Agencies of development, Ch 9 in Allen & Thomas, Poverty and
development into the 21st century, Oxford, OUP, 2000. cc HC59.72.P6 P87

Toye, J. NIE and development theory, in J. Harriss, et al. The New Institutional Economics and Third
World Development, [cc HB99.5 N53] Critical Voices

Amin, S. (1976) Unequal development, Hassocks: Harvester Press.

Escobar A. (1995) Encountering development: the making and unmaking of the third world.

Fanon, F. (1967) The wretched of the earth, Penguin, Harmondsworth.

Frank, A. (1969) Sociology of development and the underdevelopment of sociology, in Latin
America: Reform or Revolution, NY, Monthly Review.

Marx, K. & F. Engels, (1848/1968) Manifesto of the Communist Party, in Selected Works, London,
Lawrence & Wishart.

Rahnema, M. (1997) Towards Post-Development: Searching for Signposts, a New Language and new
Paradigms, In Rahnema & Bawtree, The Post-Development Reader, London, Zed.

Sachs, W. (1992) The development dictionary: a guide to knowledge and power, London, Zed.

Wallerstein, I. (1974) The rise and future demise of the world capitalist system: concepts for
contemporary analysis, Comparative studies in society and history, XVI, Oct. 387-415.

Fundamental Analytical Assumptions

Bordieu, Pierre, (1992) The logic of practice, Cambridge, Polity. Chs. 2,3,5,7-9 cc GN345 B76

Brett, E. (2008) Evolutionary theory and Institutional Change & Competing Models and
Developmental Transitions in Reconstructing Development Chs. 3 & 9.

Douglas, Mary, (1986) How institutions think, New York, Syracuse University Press. Cc HM131 D73

Gerschenkron, A (1962) Economic backwardness in historical perspective, Cambridge HUP HC335


Kant, I. (1784/1991a) Idea for a universal history with a cosmopolitical purpose, in Kant: Political
writings, edited by Hanss Reiss, 2nd. Ed., Cambridge University Press.

Knight, J. Institutions and social conflict, Cambridge, CUP, 1992, Ch. 1, 2 & 4.[cc HM131 K61] ISBN

Malinowsky, B., (1945/1961) The dynamics of culture change, Chapters 1 & 2.

Rawls, J. A Theory of justice, Ch. 2, The principles of justice, London, OUP, 1972.

Wednesday 2-6 Special Afternoon Session The Development Management Workshop (TB)

M2 Reforming Institutional Systems: Creating Accountable Markets and States (TB)

Topic: Are capitalist markets the best way to optimise incentives and accountability?

Lecture Readings

World Bank, Making markets work better for poor people, in World Development Report: Attacking
Poverty, 2000/1, ch. 4.

Cassidy, J. 2010 How markets fail: the logic of economic calamities, Introduction, Chs 9 & 10,111-138

Seminar Readings
Brett, E. Reconstructing development Chs 4.

Polanyi, K. 2001, The Great Transformation, 2nd ed. Introduction by Fred Block, xviii-xxxviii, Boston:
Beacon Press [cc HC53 P76],

Sen, A. Markets, state and social opportunity, in Development as freedom, Oxford, 1999, p. 111-45
(esp.p.111-29) 0192893300

Further Readings

S. Amin, S. Capitalism in the age of global polarisation, Ch. 1, The future of global polarisation. Mc
HB501 A51

Breitenbach, H. & others, Socialism, planning and the market, in Thompson, G., Markets,
hierarchies and networks, Sage. Pp. 48-52. 978-0803985902 cc HM131 M34

Brett, E.A The world economy since the war, Ch. 1 & 4 CC HC59 B84

Callaghy, T. (1988) The state and the development of capitalism in Africa: theoretical, historical and
comparative reflections, in D. Rothchild and N. Chazan, The precarious balance: state and society in
Africa, Westview.

Chang, H-J (2002) Kicking away the ladder: development strategy in historical perspective, London,
Anthem, HD82 C45

Chataway, J. The private sector and competitive markets in development, in D. Robinson & others,
Managing development, London, Sage, 2000, p. 67-88.

Clague, C. (ed.) Institutions and economic development: growth and governance in less developed
and post-socialist countries, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press, 1997. [HC59.7 151].

Colclough, C. & J. Manor, States or markets? Neo-liberalism and the development policy debate, Ch
1, p. 1-25 cc HD73 S79 de Soto, H. (2001) The mystery of capital: why capitalism triumphs in the west
and fails everywhere else, Chapters 1 & 2

Easterley, W. 2006 The white mans burden: why the wests efforts to aid the rest have done so
much harm and so little good, OUP

Fine, B. & others, eds., Development policy in the twenty-first century: beyond the post Washington
consensus, London, Routledge

Hayek, F. von. The road to serfdom.

Harriss-White, B. On understanding markets as social and political institutions in developing

economies, in H.-J. Chang, Rethinking development economics, Anthem Press 2003, pp. 481-98. cc
HD75 R45

Hunt, D., Economic theories of development: an analysis of competing paradigms, HD 75 H93

Johnson, H. 'The market HB171.5 mechanism as an instrument of development', in Money, trade

and economic growth. J61 London : George Allen and Unwin, 1962. oop
N. Kabeer & J. Humphrey, 'Neo-liberalism, gender and the limits of the market', in Colclough &
Manor, States or markets? : neo-liberalism and the development policy debate Ch. 4 p. 78-100 cc
HD73 S79

Khan, M. 2005 The capitalist transformation, in Jomo KS & E. Reinert, The origins of development

Khan, M. (2000) Rents, efficiency and growth, in M. Khan, & J. Sundaram, Rents, rent seeking and
economic development, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 21- 69.

Krueger, A. 'The political economy of the rent seeking society', American Economic Review, June
1974 HB1

Lal, D. The poverty of development economics, Chs. 1, 5, 6, p. 5-16, 88-109. cc HD82 L19

Little, I. Economic development, chs. 3-6, 9. CC HD82 L77

Lindblom, C. Politics and markets, Ch 2, 3, 12, p. 17-51, 161-9 cc HD82 L74

Mackintosh, M. 'Questioning the state', in M. Wuyts & others, Development policy and public action,
HC60 D48

Mitchell, W. & R. Simmonds, Pathological politics: the anatomy of state failure, in M. Zwolinski,
Arguing about political philosophy, Routledge

North, D. 'Markets and other allocation systems in history: the challenge of Karl Polanyi', Jnl. of
European Ec. History, 6(3) 1977 p. 703-16 HC240.A1

Olson, M. & S. Kahkonen, A Not-so-Dismal Science: a Broader View of Economies and Societies,

Polanyi, K. 'Our obsolete market mentality', in K. Polanyi, Primitive, archaic, and modern economies,
Boston, Beacon Press ch 4 pp 59-77 cc HB71 P78 0807047937

Schumpeter, J. Capitalism, socialism and democracy, Ch. 6-9 CC HX86 S39

Sklair, L. Capitalism and development, London; New York: Routledge, 1994. Ch. 9. 0415075475

White, G. 'Toward a political analysis of markets', IDS Bulletin, 24(3) 1993 (and other articles in that
issue) HD82

Williamson, O. Organisation theory: from Chester Barnard to the present, 1995, Oxford, OUP.

Wolf, C. Market failure, in M. Zwolinski, Arguing about political philosophy, Routeledge

Wuyts, M. & others, Development Policy and Public Action, Introduction and Conclusion, Oxford,
OUP/OU, 1992, pp 1-12 and pp 279 285, [cc HC60 D48] ISBN 0198773374

M3 Designing Accountable Organisational Systems: Institutional Pluralism and

Development Management (TB)

Topic: Should we use different kinds of organisations to provide different kinds of services?

Lecture Readings

World Bank, (2004) World Development Report, Making services work for poor people, Chapter 3 p.
46-61 Washington, World Bank.

Paul, S. (1992) Accountability in public services: exit, voice and control, World Development, 20(7)
pp. 1047-1060.

Seminar Readings

Brett, E.A. (2009) Reconstructing development theory, Palgrave Macmillan, Chs. 5.

Ostrom, E., & others, 'Polycentric institutional arrangements', in Institutional incentives and
sustainable development, Boulder, Westview, Ch. 9 [cc HC59.72.C3 O81] 177-212

Picciotto, R, 1997 Putting institutional economics to work: from participation to governance, in C

Clague, Institutions and economic development, ch 16 [HC59.7 I51] Baltimore : 343- 367

Further Readings

Allen, T. & A. Thomas, Poverty and development in the 1990s, Chs. 6, 8, & 15 cc HC79.

Brett, EA Understanding institutions and organisations in Robinson, D. & others, Managing

development: Understanding inter-organizational relationships, London, Sage, 1999. [cc HD75.8
M27] ISBN 0761964797 pp17-48 total 32 pages

Clague, C. (ed.) Institutions and economic development: growth and governance in less developed
and post-socialist countries, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press, 1997. [HC59.7 151].

Ebrahim, A. & E. Weisband, Global Accountabilities: Participation, Pluralism & Public Ethics.

Esman, M.J. State, Society and Development in M.J. Esman (1991) Management Dimensions of
Development: Perspectives and Strategies, Connecticut: Kumarian Press, pp 5-25, total 20 pages [cc
JF60 E71]. ISBN 0931816645

Goetz, A.M., Getting Institutions Right for Women in Development, London, Zed, 1997.[HD82]

Grindle, M.(ed.) Politics and Implementation in the Third World, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton
University Press, 1980, Introduction pp 3-39, total 36 pages cc JF60 P76

Gulrajani, N. 2010 New vistas for development management: Examining radicalreformist

possibilities and potential, Public Administration and Development, Special Issue: THE FUTURE OF

Heller P, Rao V. (eds) 2015. Deliberation and Development: Rethinking the Role of Voice and
Collective Action in Unequal Societies. Equity and Development Series. World Bank.

Hirschmann, A. (1970) Exit, voice and loyalty: responses to decline in firms, organizations and states,
Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Hirschmann, A.1981 Around Exit, Voice and Loyalty, in Essays in trespassing, Cambridge, 209-284.

Kabeer & J. Humphrey, 'Neo-liberalism, gender and the limits of the market', in Colclough & Manor,
States or markets? : neo-liberalism and the development policy debate Ch. 4 p. 78-100 cc HD73 S79

Leonard, D. Africas changing markets for health and veterinary services, London, Macmillan, 2000.
cc RA410.55.A357 A26

March, J. & J. Olsen, 'The search for appropriate institutions,' in Rediscovering institutions: the
organisational basis of politics, New York, Free Press, 1989. [cc JC249 M31]

Ostrom, V., 'Opportunity, diversity and complexity' in Ostrom, V Rethinking institutional analysis and
development, 1988 [cc HD88 R43]

Ostrom, V., Rethinking institutional analysis and development: issues and alternatives, San Francisco,
International Center for Economic Growth, 1988. [cc HD88 R43]

Ouchi, WG, Markets, bureaucracies and clans, Administrative Science Quarterly, 25(1), 1980

Pratt, J. & R. Zeckhauser, 1991 Principals and agents: the structure of business, Harvard Robinson, D.
and others, Managing Development: Understanding Inter-organizational Relations, London:
Sage/OU, 1999. [cc HD75.8 M27]

Streek & P. Schmitter, 'Community, market, state - and associations? The prospective contribution of
interest governance to social order', in Streek & Schmitter, Private interest government, Sage, 1985.
[HD3611 P96] pp1-29 0803997221

Thompson, G & others, 1991 Markets, hierarchies and networks, Sage [cc HM131 M34]

Williamson, O, 'Comparative economic organization: the analysis of discrete structural alternatives',

Administrative Science Quarterly, 36(2) 1991, 269-96 [JA1.A3]

M4. Overcoming Barriers to Development (MB)

Topic: What are some of the key barriers to development, and why do they affect some places more
than others? Can these be transformed or allayed? Why do leading theorists disagree on the
answers to these questions? Critically analyze their assumptions about how development occurs.

Lecture Readings

Collier, Paul (2007). The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be
Done About It, Oxford University Press, Part II: The Traps, pp. 17-75.

Rodrik, Dani (2008). One Economics Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions & Economic Growth.
Chapter 1: 50 Years of Growth (and Lack Thereof), pp. 13-55.

Seminar Readings

Eggertsson, T. (2005). Imperfect institutions: possibilities and limits of reform, University of Michigan
Press. Ch. 2, pp. 23-33.
Stiglitz, Joseph (2007). Making Globalization Work. W.W. Norton. Chapters 1 & 5 (Introduction &
Lifting the Resource Curse), pp. 3-25, 133-160.

Further Readings

Allen, Tim, (2000) Taking culture seriously in Allen & Thomas, Poverty and development into the
21st century. OUP pp. 443-68.

Almond, G. (1960) Introduction: a functional approach to comparative politics, in The politics of the
developing areas, edited by G. Almond & J. Coleman, Princeton, Princeton University Press, pp. 3-64

Banfield, E. (1958) The moral basis of a backward society, Chicago, Free Press.

Bardhan, P. 2004. Scarcity, Conflicts, and Cooperation: Essays in the Political and Institutional
Economics of Development. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

Bardhan, P. (2000) The nature of institutional impediments to economic development, in M Olson

& S Kahkonen, A Not-so-Dismal Science: a Broader View of Economies and Societies, Oxford, OUP, cc
HB99.5 N8 ISBN 0198294905 pp245-267

Bates, R.H. 2001. Prosperity and Violence: The Political Economy of Development. London: W.W.

Boeke, J. (1953/1976) Dualistic economics reprinted in Meier, G. (1976) Leading issues in economic
development, third edition, New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 130-1.

Brett, E.A (2005). Reconstructing Development Theory, Chs. 3 & 9.Elias, N. (1987/2001) The society
of individuals, esp. Part III, ed. By Michael Schroter, London, Continuum.

Escobar A. (1995) Encountering development: the making and unmaking of the third world.
Princeton, US.

Evans, Peter (2004). Development as Institutional Change: The Pitfalls of Monocropping and the
Potentials of Deliberation. Studies in Comparative International Development, 38:4. pp. 30-52.

Fanon, F. (1967) The wretched of the earth, Penguin, Harmondsworth.

Frank, A. (1969) Sociology of development and the underdevelopment of sociology, in Latin

America: Reform or Revolution, NY, Monthly Review.

Fukuyama, F. (1995) Trust: the social virtues and the creation of prosperity, Free Press, esp. Part V
Combining Traditional Culture and Modern Institutions in the Twenty-First Century pp. 325-62.

Geertz, C. 1973 The integrative revolution, primordial sentiments and civil politics in the new sates,,
Ch. 10 in The interpretation of cultures, Basic Books.

Hoeselitz, B. F., (1952) Non-economic barriers to economic development, in Economic

development and cultural change, 1(1) pp. 8-21.

Hoogvelt, Ankie, (2001) Globalization and the postcolonial world: the new political economy of
development, Basingstoke, Palgrave. cc HF1413 H77
Harrison, L. & S. Huntingdon, (2004) Culture matters: how values shape human progress, Basic

Keefer, Philip (2003). What Does Political Economy Tell Us About Economic Development and Vice
Versa? Annual Review of Political Science 2004.7: 247-272.

Landes, David (2000). Culture Makes Almost All the Difference. In Culture Matters: How Values
Shape Human Progress. ed. L.E. Harrison and S.P. Huntington, Basic Books.

Landes, D.S. (1998). The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Are Some So Rich and Others So Poor?
New York: W.W. Norton.

Malinowsky, B., (1945/1961) The dynamics of culture change, Chapters 1 & 2.

Marx, Karl, (1859) British rule in India in Surveys from Exile, 1973.

North, D. (1981) Structure and change in economic history, Norton

Olson, M. (1997) The new institutional economics: the collective choice approach to economic
development, in: C. Clague, Institutions and economic development: growth and governance in less-
developed and post-socialist countries, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, pp. 36-64.

Ostrom, V., & others, (1988) Institutional analysis and development: rethinking the terms of choice,
in V. Ostrom & others, Rethinking institutional analysis and development, pp. 439-66 HD88 R43 isbn

Rahnema, M. (1997) Towards Post-Development: Searching for Signposts, a New Language and new
Paradigms, In Rahnema & Bawtree, The Post-Development Reader, London, Zed.

Sachs, W. (1992) The development dictionary: a guide to knowledge and power, London, Zed.

Tomlinson, J. (1999) Globalised culture: the triumph of the west, in T. Skelton & T. Allen, Culture
and global change, Routledge.

NESCO, (2001) Universal Declaration of Cultural Diversity, Paris, UNESCO.

Wacziarg, R.T. and E. Spolaore. 2006. "The Diffusion of Development." CEPR Discussion Paper No.
5630 Available at SSRN:

Werbner, R. & T. Ranger, (1996) Postcolonial identities in Africa, London, Zed

Whyte, M.K., A Sociological Perspective on Chinas Development Record, Department of Sociology,

Harvard University, November 2007.

~M4* The Development Management Project (SG)

A series of sessions will kick off to prepare students for the Development Management Project.
We will provide advice and guidance on group work, and lay out what we expect of the final product.
The recommended readings below are not provided, but many are in the course collection and the
agency reports are available on the web.

Basic Readings

Baum, W.C. (1982) The Project Cycle, Washington DC: World Bank, (Off Pubns IBRD [214]) 978-

Marsden, D., B. Pratt & P. Oakley (1994) Measuring the Process: Guidelines for Evaluating Social
Development, INTRAC, Oxford, cc HN980 M36

Marsden, D. and P. Oakley (1990) Evaluating Social Development Projects, Oxford: Oxfam, (cc HN980
E91 )

Mikkelsen, B. (1995) Methods for Development Work and Research: A Guide for Practitioners,
London: Sage, (cc HD77 M63)

World Bank, Social Assessment homepage,,contentM


Further Readings

Barrow, C.J. (2000) Social Impact Assessment: An Introduction, London: Arnold.

Chambers, R. (1994) 'The Origins and Practice of Participatory Rural Appraisal', World Development,
22 (7), July, pp. 953-969.

Choudhury, A and C. Kirkpatrick (1994) Development Policy and Planning. An Introduction to Models
and Techniques, London: Routledge, especially Chapters 5 & 7. (HD75.5 C55)

Eade, D. (1997) Capacity-Building, An Approach to People-Centred Development, Oxford: Oxfam,


Oakley, P. B. Pratt and A. Clayton (1998) Outcomes and impact: evaluating change in social
development, Oxford: Intrac, [Course Coll HC59.7].

Development Agency Guideline Documents

NORAD(1989) The Logical Framework Approach: Handbook of objectives - Orientated Project

Planning, Oslo: NORAD (Off pubns. 481 (502)

United Nations (1978) 'A Guide to Practical Project Appraisal: Social Cost Benefit Analysis in
Developing Countries', UN Project Formulation and Evaluation Series, No 3, New York: United
Nations (Off Pubns UNIDO (1/3)

ODA (1995) A Guide to Social Analysis for Projects in Developing Countries, London: HMSO, (HD75.8
Gosling, L. with M. Edwards (1995) Toolkits: A Practical Guide to Assessment, Monitoring, Review
and Evaluation, London: Save the Children, [Course Coll HN49.C6 G67].


M5 Global Institutions & National Sovereignty: Explaining Donor Recipient Relationships (TB)

Topic: Can donors implement effective aid programmes without threatening the right of local
governments to own and manage their own policies?

Lecture Readings

Brett, E. 2016. Explaining Aid (In)Effectiveness: The Political Economy of Aid Relationships, ID LSE
Working Paper.

Moyo, Dambisa. 2009. Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is Another Way for Africa.
London: Allen Lane. Read Chapters 1, 2 and 3 (45pp).

Seminar Readings

Sachs, J. 2005. The End of Poverty (London: Penguin, 2005) chapter 14, pp. 266-287. [total 22 pages]

Easterly, W. 2006. The Big Push Dj vu: A Review of Jeffrey Sachss The End of Poverty: Economic
Possibilities for Our Time, Journal of Economic Literature 44, 1 (2006), pp. 96-105. [total 10 pages]

Abuzeid, Farah (2009) Foreign Aid and the "Big Push" Theory: Lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa
Stanford Journal of International Relations, 16, Fall. Avail. Open Access at

Further Readings

Bauer, P. (1991) The Development Frontier, Chapter 4: 'Foreign Aid: Central Component of

World Development?', Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead, main & cc HB171B34 isbn

Bergensen, H.O. and L. Lunde (1999) Dinosaurs or Dynamos? The United Nations and the World
Bank at the Turn of the Century, London: Earthscan.

Booth, D. (2011) Aid effectiveness: bringing country ownership (and politics) back in, London,
Overseas Development Institute, Working Paper 336

Brett, EA. 2009. Reconstructing Development Theory. Palgrave Macmillan. Read Chapter 13.

Burnell, P. (2000) Democracy Assistance: The State of the Discourse in P. Burnell (ed.) Democracy
Assistance, International Cooperation for Democratization, London: Frank Cass pp 3-33 (total 30

Callaghy, T. Lost between state and market: the politics of economic adjustment in Ghana, Zambia
and Nigeria, in J. M. Nelson, Economic crisis and policy choice, Princeton 1990. Campbell, B. 2001.
Governance, institutional reform and the state: international financial institutions and political
transition in Africa, Review of African Political Economy,28(88) HC800

Carlsson, J., G. Somolekae and N. van de Walle, ed. Foreign Aid in Africa, Nordiska Afrikanstitutet,
Uppsala 1997 HC800 F71

Crewe, E. and E. Harrison (1998) Whose Development? An Ethnography of Aid, London: Zed Books.

Devarajan, S., D. Dollar and T. Holmgren. 2001. Aid and Reform in Africa. Washington, DC: The World

D. Elson & R. McGee Gender equality and structural adjustment, World Development, 23(2) 1995

Jamey Essex (2012) The politics of effectiveness in Canada's international development assistance,
Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'tudes du dveloppement, 33:3,
338-355, DOI: 10.1080/02255189.2012.713856 To link to this article:

Nilima Gulrajani, 2015 Dilemmas in Donor Design: Organisational Reform and the Future of Foreign
Aid Agencies, PAD 35(2)

Eyben R. 2010 Hiding relations: the irony of effective aid. European Journal of Development
Research 22(3): 382397.

German, T. and J. Randel (2002) The Reality of Aid 2002: Never Richer, Never Meaner download
from (link checked and working 20/9/02)

Goldin, I. R. Halsey & N. Stern (2002) The Role and Effectiveness of Development Assistance, A
Research Paper from the Development Economics Vice Presidency of the World Bank 2002

Haggard and R. Kaufman, The politics of economic adjustment: international constraints, distributive
conflicts and the state, 1992. cc HD87 P76 41-88

Harrison, G. Clean-ups, conditionality and adjustment: why institutions matter in Mozambique, in

Review of African Political Economy, 26(81) 1999. HC800 0305-6244 pp323-334

G. Helleiner, Structural adjustment and long term development in Africa, in F. Stewart, & others,
Alternative development strategies in sub-Saharan Africa, 1992, Macmillan, HC900 A46

Levy, B. (2014) Working with the Grain: Integrating Governance And Growth In Development
Strategies, Oxford, OUP

OECD, DAC (1996) Shaping the 21st Century: the Role of Development Cooperation, Paris, May 1996
download from

OECD Development Co-Operation Directorate; Development Assistance Committee, DAC Mandate


Mosley, P., J. Harrigan and J Toye 1991) Aid and Power: The World Bank and Policy-based Lending
Volume 1, London: Routledge.
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs,(2007) Framework for Strategic Governance And Corruption
Analysis: Designing Strategic Responses Towards Good Governance by Sue Unsworth

Pedersen, P. Engberg, Limits of adjustment in Africa, Currey, 1996 [Case Studies]

Pritchett, L., M. Woolcock, & M. Andrews, (2010) Capability Traps? The Mechanisms of Persistent
Implementation Failure, Boston, Center for Global Development WP 234

Sen, A. Just Deserts. Review of Bauers Equality, the Third World, and Economic Delusion by P.T.
Bauer, March 4, 1982. (6pp) Available at:

Stallings, B. 1992. International influence on economic policy: debt stabilization and structural
reform, in S. Haggard and R. Kaufman, The politics of economic adjustment: international
constraints, distributive conflicts and the state, cc HD87 P76 41-88

Stewart, F. Adjustment and poverty, chs. 1, 2 & 8 Routledge, 1995, HC59.7 S84

UK. DFID, (2009) Political Economy [of Aid] Analysis: How To Note, A DFID Practice Paper,

London DFID.

UN Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development
(Addis Ababa Action Agenda) A/RES/69/313 17/37

Williamson, John, What Washington means by policy reform, In J. Williamson, Latin American
adjustment, Institute for International Affairs, 1990, HC 125 L35

World Bank (2008) The Political Economy of Policy Reform: Issues and Implications for Policy
Dialogue and Development Operations Report No. 44288-GLB

M6 Old and New Forms of Public Administration (TB)

Topic: Are there really better ways of providing services to poor people than old style bureaucracy?

Lecture Readings

Brett, E. Politics, Bureaucracy and Hierarchy in Public Management Systems in Reconstructing

Development, Chapter 6:

World Bank, Making services work for poor people, World Development Report, 2004, Chs 4, & 6.
pp.64-75; 95-108. Washington, World Bank. Networked e-journal via library catalogue

Seminar Readings

Hughes, O. 'The traditional model of public administration', in Public management and

administration, Houndmills, Macmillan, 1994 ch. 2 [cc JF1351 H89] pp23-57 0333961889

Hood, C., 'A public management for all seasons?' Public Administration, 69(1) 1991 [JN101] 3-19
Brinkerhof, D. & J. Brinkerhof, 2015, Public Sector Management Reform in Developing Countries:
Perspectives Beyond NPM Orthodoxy Public Management & Development, 35,222-237

Additional Readings

Braibanti, R. Political and administrative development, Durham, Duke UP, 1969 [cc JF60 P76]

Brett, E. (1991) Rebuilding survival structures for the poor: organizational options for development
in the 1990s, in H. Hansen, & M. Twaddle, (eds.), Changing Uganda, London, Currey.

Callaghy, T. M. (1987). The state as a lame Leviathan: the patrimonial administrative state in Africa,
in Ergas, Z . (ed.), The African State in Transition. Macmillan, Basingstoke.

Cohen, N. 2016 Forgoing New Public Management and Adopting Post-New, 1, 20-34Public

Management Principles: The On-Going Civil Service Reform in Israel Public Administration and
Development, 36 1 20-34

Doriye, J. 'Public office and private gain: an interpretation of the Tanzanian experience', in

Wuyts & others, Development Policy and Public Action, Oxford, 1992, p. 91-116.

Dunleavy, P. Democracy, bureaucracy & Public Choice, 1991 Chs 6-9

Eisenstadt, S. 'Bureaucracy and political development', in J. La Palombara, Bureaucracy and political

development, Princeton, PUP, 1963 [cc JF1351 B95]

Esman, M. Management dimensions of development, ch. 3, 5 [cc JF60 E71]

Heidenheimer, A. & M. Johnston, Political corruption: concepts and contexts, (Readings 3 editions)

Hirschmann, D Development Management versus Third World Bureaucracies: A Brief History of

Conflicting Interests, in Development and Change, Vol 30, No 2 April 1999 [HD82] pp287-305

Hood C, Peters G. 2004. The middle aging of New Public Management: into the age of paradox?
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 14(3): 267282N.

Huque, A.S. & J.C. Lam, Public administration in the NICs [MC JQ 31 P97]

Hyden, G., No shortcuts to progress: African development management in perspective, Berkeley, U.

Of Cal. P., 1983,

Grindle MS. 2007. Good enough governance revisited. Development Policy Review 25(5): 533574

Kohli, A. 2004 A cohesive capitalist state reimposed [on South Korea], in State directed
development, pp. 84-101.

Larbi GA. 2006. Applying the New Public Management in developing countries. In Public Sector
Reform in Developing Countries: Capacity Challenges to Improve Services,

Bangura Y, Larbi GA (eds). Palgrave Macmillan: New York and London; 2553.
Manning, N. The new public management in developing countries, in C. Kirkpatrick & others,

Handbook on development policy and management, Cheltenham, UK, 1843764830 Edward Elgar,
c2002. p. 303-14 cc HD87

Lepennies, P.H., Exit, voice and vouchers: using vouchers to train microentrepreneurs - observations
from the Paraguayan voucher scheme, World Development, 32(4) 2004.

Manning N. 2001. The legacy of the New Public Management in developing countries. International
Review of Administrative Sciences 67(2): 297312.

Mars, T. (1992) 'Public sector organization: where next?', IDS Bulletin, 23(4)92. [HD82]

Moore, M. Competition and pluralism in public bureaucracies, IDS Bulletin 23(4) 1992

Mukanadala, Rwekeza, African public administration: a reader, Harare, AAPS Books, 2000.

Murray, R. (1992) Towards a flexible state, IDS Bulletin, New forms of public administration, 23(4)
pp. 78-88.

Ostrom, E. & others, Institutional incentives and sustainable development, ch. 7 [cc HC59.72.C3 O81]

Ostrom, V, New conceptual developments and opportunities for reform in G Caiden and H
Seidentopf, Strategies for administrative reform, Lexington, 1982 [JF1525.O73 S89]

Ostrom, E., & others, 'Polycentric institutional arrangements', in Institutional incentives and
sustainable development, Boulder, Westview, Ch. 9 [cc HC59.72.C3 O81], pp177-212

Oyugi, W. (1988). Bureaucracy and democracy in Africa, in Oyugi, W. O., Odhiambo. E. S. A., Chege,
M. and Gitonga, A. K. (eds), Democratic Theory and Practice in Africa. Heinemann.

Price, R. (1975) Society and bureaucracy in contemporary Ghana, Berkeley, University of California
Press. Intro. P. 8-21; p. 140-65.

Ranson, S. & J. Stewart, Management for the public domain, Chs. 7 & Conclusion [cc JF1351 R21]
pp153-167 & 269-273

Riggs, F. 'Agraria and industria: toward a typology of comparative administration', in Siffin, W.

Toward the comparative study of public administration, Bloomington, Indiana U.P., 1967. [JF1321

Robinson M. 2015. From old public administration to the new public service: implications for public
sector reform in developing countries. United Nations Development Programme, Global Centre for
Public Service Excellence: Singapore

Sandbrook, Richard, The politics of Africas economic stagnation, Cambridge Unviersity press, 1985.

Srivastava V, Larizza M. 2013. Working with the grain for reforming the public service: an example
from Sierra Leone. International Review of Administrative Sciences 79(3): 458485

Tendler, J. 1995 Good Government in the Tropics, Chs 1 & 6 Johns Hopkins UP.
Tendler, J. 'Trust in a rent seeking world: health and government transformed in NE Brazil', World
Development, 22(12) 94, Offprint P7076 [HC59.7]

The Hunger Project: 2014 State of Participatory Democracy Report

Wade R. How to make street level bureaucracies work better: India and Korea, IDS Bulletin 1992

Wolin, S. 'The age of organization', in, Wolin, Politics and vision, London, Allen & Unwin, 1961, ch. 10
[JA81 W86]

World Bank. 2012. The World Bank's approach to public sector management 20112020: better
results from public sector institutions. World Bank, Public Sector and Governance Board.

World Bank (2004) World Development Report 2004: Making services work for poor people,
Washington, World Bank.

Wunsch, James & Dele Olowu, (2000) The failure of the centralised African state, in Mukandala op.

Case Studies

Public Administration and Development, 2016 Special Issue: The politics and management of

policing reforms in newly industrialised, industrialising and developmental states, 36(2) 69168

Public Administration and Development, 2015 Special Issue: Beyond Conventional Public Sector
Management Reforms in Developing Countries 35(4).

Public Administration and Development, 2006 Non-state provision of public services, Special Issue,
26(3) 193-278. [Sectoral case studies]

Public Administration and Development, 2005 Rebuilding governance in failed states, Special Issue
25(1) 1-90.

Key Theoretical Issues

Crozier, M. 'The vicious circle of bureaucracy,' in T. Burns, Industrial man, Harmondsworth, Penguin,
1969 [cc HD6961 I41], pp. 250-62.

Mandel, E. Power and Money: A Marxist Theory of Bureaucracy, Ch. Organizaiton and the
usurpation of Power. Pp. 59-102.

Terry Moe, 'The Politics of Structural Choice: Toward a Theory of Public Bureaucracy' in

Oliver E. Williamson, Organization Theory, Oxford, OUP, 1995 ed., pp. 116-53 ISBN0195098307 cc
HD31 O61 [total 38 pages]

Schaffer, B. 'The deadlock in development administration', in C. Leys, Politics and change in

developing countries, New York, CUP., 1969 [cc JF60 L68]
Weber, M. 1978 'Bureaucracy' Ch. 11 in Economy & Society, vol 2, Berkeley, University of California,
[cc HM24 W37]

M7 Shaping a Responsive State: Democracy, Decentralisation and Effective Governance (TB)

Topic: Has decentralizations potential to improve government responsiveness, effectiveness and

efficiency been greatly exaggerated?

Lecture Readings

Faguet, J.P. 2012. Decentralization and Popular Democracy: Governance from Below in Bolivia. Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Read chapters 1, 6 and 7.

Grindle, M. 2007 Going Local: Decentralization, Democratization, and the Promise of Good
Governance, Chapter 8 The Promise of Good Governance, Princeton. Pp. 164-87.

Treisman, D. 2007. The Architecture of Government: Rethinking Political Decentralization.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Read chapter 1.

Seminar Readings

Putnam, R. D. 1993. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton: Princeton
University Press. Read chapters 2, 5 and 6.

Tarrow, S. 1996. Making Social Science Work Across Space and Time: A Critical Reflection on Robert
Putnams Making Democracy Work. American Political Science Review, 90:389-97.

Further Reading

Alfonso, H. & G. Nunez, 1997 Participation and development in Cuban municipalities, in M.

Kaufman & H. Alfonso, Community power and grassroots democracy: the transformation of social
life, pp. 55-83.

Barkan, J. & M. Chege, 1989 Decentralising the state: district focus and the politics of reallocation in
Kenya', Journal of Modern African Studies, 27(3), p. 431-453 [DT1]

Bardhan, P. and D. Mookherjee. 2006. Decentralization in West Bengal: Origins, Functioning and
Impact. Chapter 6 in P. Bardhan and D. Mookherjee (eds.). Decentralization and

Local Governance in Developing Countries: A Comparative Perspective, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
2006. pp. 203-222. 2nd main one JF60 D29

Crook, R. & J. Manor, (1999) Democratisation and decentralisation in South Asia and West Africa,

De Mello, L. 2000. Can Fiscal Decentralization Strengthen Social Capital? IMF Working Paper
WP/00/129. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.
Estache, A. and S. Sinha. 1995. Does Decentralization Increase Spending on Public Infrastructure?
Policy Research Working Paper 1457. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Faguet, J.P. and C. Pschl (eds.). 2015. Is Decentralization Good for Development? Perspectives from
Academics and Policy Makers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Faguet, J.P. 2014. Can Sub-National Autonomy Strengthen Democracy in Bolivia? Publius: The
Journal of Federalism, 44(1): 51-81; doi: 10.1093/publius/pjt020.

Faguet, J.P. 2014. Decentralization and Governance. Lead paper of a special issue on
Decentralization and Governance. World Development, 53: 2-13.

Faguet, JP. 2009. Governance From Below in Bolivia: A Theory of Local Government With Two
Empirical Tests. Latin American Politics and Society, 29(4): 29-68.

Faguet, J.P. 2009. Mejorando la educacin y la salud de los pobres: Descentralizacin y reformas de
poltica en Colombia. Perspectivas, 7: 73-88.

Faguet, JP. 2009. Decentralizations Effects on Public Investment: Evidence and Policy Lessons from
Bolivia and Colombia. Journal of Development Studies. Available here:

Faguet, JP. 2004. Does Decentralization Increase Responsiveness to Local Needs? Evidence from
Bolivia. Journal of Public Economics, 88: 867-894.

Faguet, JP. 2004. Why So Much Centralization? A Model of Primitive Centripetal Accumulation.
STICERD Development Economics Discussion Paper No. 43, 2004.

Available here:

Faguet, J.P. and F. Snchez. 2013. Decentralization and Access to Social Services in Colombia.
Public Choice. DOI 10.1007/s11127-013-0077-7.

Faguet, JP and F. Snchez. 2008. Decentralizations Effects on Educational Outcomes in Bolivia and
Colombia. World Development.

Faguet, JP. 2006 & FB, Wietzke 2006, Social funds and decentralisation: optimal institutional design,
Public Administration and Development, 26(4) 303-15

Fisman, R. and R. Gatti. 2000 . Decentralization and Corruption: Evidence across Countries.
Working Paper No. 2290. Washington, DC: World Bank.Leonard, D. & D. Marshall,

Institutions of rural development for the poor: decentralization and organizational linkages,
Berkeley, Inst. for Int. Studies, 1982 [HN17.5 I51]

Fritschel, H. 2007. Can Local Government Work for the Poor? IFPRI Forum, March 2007. Available
Giugale, M. 2012. Has Decentralization Worked? Huffington Post Blog. Available at:

Kimenyi, M. & P. Meagher, (2004) Devolution and development: the governance challenge in plural
societies, Ashgate.

Leonard, D. & D. Marshall, Institutions of rural development for the poor: decentralization and
organizational linkages, Berkeley, Inst. for Int. Studies, 1982 [HN17.5 I51]

Litvack J., J. Ahmad and R. Bird. 1998. Rethinking decentralisation in developing countries, The
World Bank Sector Studies Series, 21491

Mawhood, P. & K. Davey, 'Anglophone Africa', in D. Rowat, ed., International handbook on local
government reorganisation, Westport, Greenwood, 1980 [CC JS67 I61]

Meynen, J. & M. Doornbos, (2004) Decentralising natural resource management: a recipe for
sustainability and equity? in European Journal of Development Research, 16(1) 235- 54.

Olowu, D. & J. Wunsch, (2004) Local Governance in Africa: The challenge of democratic
decentralisation, Reinner.

Olowu, D. & J. Wunsch, 1990 J The failure of the centralized state: institutions and selfgovernment,
Ostrom, E. & others, 'Decentralized institutional arrangements', in Institutional Incentives And
Sustainable Development, Boulder, Westview, [cc HC59.72.C3 O81], ch. 8 pp163-176 ISBN

Ribot, J. & A. Larsson, 2004 Democratic decentralization through a natural resources lens, European
Journal of Development Research, 16(10).

Rondinelli, D. A. 1990. Decentralization, Territorial Power and the State: A Critical Response.
Development and Change, 21:491-500.

Rondinelli, D. A., G. S. Cheema and J. Nellis. 1983. Decentralization in Developing Countries: A

Review of Recent Experience. World Bank Staff Working Paper No.581. Washington, DC: World

Rondinelli, D. & J. Nellis, 'Assessing decentralization policies in developing countries' Development

Policy Review, 4, 1986, 3-23 [HC60]

Rubinfeld, D. 1987. The Economics of the Local Public Sector. In A. Auerbach and M. Feldstein
(eds.), Handbook of Public Economics. Oxford: North-Holland.

Slater, D. 'Debating decentralisation - a reply to Rondinelli', Development & Change, 20, 1989
[HD82], pp. 500-31 ISSN 0012-155x [N.B. This is a reply to Rondinelli (1990) above.]

Slater, D. Territory and state power in Latin America: the Peruvian case, Basingstoke, Macmillan,
1988 [HC227 S63]

World Bank, World Development Report, 1994, ch. 4, [STATS R.RM, COURSE COLL, IBRD (HA155)]
World Bank, 'Bringing the state closer to people', World Development Report, 1997, ch. 7 [STATS R
RM. IBRD (HA155): Extra set in Course Collection]

Wunsch, J. 'Institutional analysis and decentralization: developing an analytical framework for

effective Third World reform', Public Administration and Development, 11, 1991, [JF60] pp431-51

Wunsch, J. 'Sustaining third world infrastructure investments: decentralization and alternative

strategies' Public Administration & Development, 11, 1991 p. 5-23 [JF60]

Zuazo, M., J.P. Faguet, and G. Bonifaz (eds.). 2012. Descentralizacin y democratizacin en Bolivia: La
historia del Estado dbil, la sociedad rebelde y el anhelo de democracia. La Paz: Friedrich Ebert


M8 Hierarchy, Co-operation and Devolution in Capitalist Firms (TB)

Topic: Is top-down management' and private profit more effective than participation and
cooperation in running private sector firms?

Lecture Readings

Alchian, A. & H. Demsetz. 1972. 'Production, information costs and economic organization', in
American Economic Review, 62(5), [HB1] pp777-95 (19pp)

Roberts, J. 2004. The Modern Firm: Organizational Design for Performance and Growth. Oxford:
Oxford University Press. Read Chapter 3: The Nature and Purpose of the Firm

Seminar Readings

Bowles, S. & H. Gintis. 1996. 'Is the demand for workplace democracy redundant in a liberal
democracy?' in U. Pagano & R. Rowthorn, Democracy and efficiency in the economic enterprise,
London, Routledge, [HD5650 D38]

Jaques, E. 1990. In praise of hierarchy, Harvard Business Review, 68(1) pp. 127-133.

Semler, R. 1989. 'Managing without managers', Harvard Business Review, Sep/Oct [HF5001] pp76-84

Further Readings

Bonin, J. & others, 'Theoretical and empirical studies of producer cooperatives', Jnl of Economic
Literature, 31(3) 1993 [ZHB 34]

Bradley, K., & Gelb, A., Cooperation at work: the Mondragon experience, London, Heinemann
Educational Books, 1983. [cc HD3218.M6 B81]

Udo Braendle, [ND] The Theory of the firm, [Review article]
Brett, E.A. 2008 The nature and organisation of Capitalist Firms, in Reconstructing Development
Theory, Ch. 7.

Brett, E.A. 1995 'The participatory principle in development projects: the costs and benefits of co-
operation' Public administration and development, 1996. Vol 16, No 1 [JF60]

Brett, E.A., Providing for the rural poor: institutional decay and transformation in Uganda, Ch 5 & 6,
Brighton, IDS, 1992 [cc HC870.Z9.P6 B84]

Chandler, A, The visible hand, Harvard UP, 1977 [cc HF5343 C45]

R.H. Coase, "The Nature of the Firm", Economica vol 4, 1937, pages 386-405. (20pp) Espinosa, J. & A.
Zimbalist, Economic democracy: workers participation in Chilean industry, 1970-73, [HD5660.C5 E71]

Fugelsang, A. & Chandler, D. Participation as progress: What we can learn from Grameen Bank
Bangladesh? Oslo, Min. of Development Cooperation, 1986.

Jensen, M. & W. Meckling, 'Theory of the firm: managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership
structure', Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4) 1976, p. 305-60

Kanter, R. (1992) The change masters: corporate entrepreneurs at work.

Lammers, C. & J. Szell, International handbook of participation in organizations, v.1, 'Organizational

democracy: taking stock', Oxford, OUP, 1989 [cc HD5650 I61]

Marglin, 'What do bosses do? The origins and functions of hierarchy in capitalist production', Review
of Radical Political Economy, 6, 1974 p. 33-60 [in Putterman, op. cit.]

Mill, J.S. 'On the possible futurity of the labouring classes', in Principles of political economy, Book IV
Ch. VII [HB161 M64]

Miller, G. The political economy of hierarchy, Chs. 1-3 NY, CUP, 1992, HD31 M26]

Mporogomyi, Cooperatives and development in Tanzania; in H. Hedlund, Cooperatives revisited,

Uppsala, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1988 [HD3560.3.A4 C77]

Nolan, P. The political economy of collective farms, 1988 esp. ch. 2 [cc HD1492.C6 N78]

Ouchi,W (1980) Markets, bureaucracies and clans, Administrative Science Quarterly,25,(1)pp129-141

Putterman, L. The economic nature of the firm: Readings, [cc HD30.22 E11]

Vanek, J., ed., Self management: economic liberation of man, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1975 [cc
HD5650 V25]

Williamson, O. The economic institutions of capitalism, New York, Free Press, 1986, ch. 10 [cc
HB99.5 W73] pp240-272

M9 The Contribution and Contested Role of Informal Enterprises (TB)

Topic: Is the informal sector a problem or an opportunity? What should be done for or to it?
Lecture Readings: Regulating Informal Enterprises

Meagher, K. 2010 Identity Economics: Ch. 2 Rethinking African informality, 11-26 Ch. 9 Social
networks and economic development in Africa 164-78 James Currey

De Soto, H. (2000) The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails
Everywhere Else, Ch. 4 69-107 Basic Books.

Hart, K., 2006 Bureaucratic form and the informal economy, in Guha-Khasnobis, & others, Linking
the formal and informal economy: concepts and policies.

Seminar Readings: The Role of Informal Enterprises

World Bank, World Development Report 2013: Jobs, Chapter 1 C.K. Prahalad and A. Hammond,
Serving the worlds poor, profitably, Harvard Business Review 80, no.9, 2002

MacGaffey, J (1991) The Real Economy of Zaire, Oxford: James Currey (Chapters 1 and 2) pp 7-40
(total 34 pages) cc GN654 M16 0852552130.

Further Readings

Amin, Mohammad. 2010. Necessity vs. Opportunity Entrepreneurs in the Informal Sector. World
Bank Enterprise Surveys, Enterprise Note Series.

Bannerjee, A.V. and E. Duflo. 2011. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global
Poverty. New York: Public Affairs. Read chapter 9. (30pp)

Brett, E. 1993 Providing for the rural poor: institutional decay and transformation in Uganda, Chs 4 &

Beneria, L. and Kudva, N. (2009) Rethinking Informalization: Poverty, Precarious Jobs and Social
Protection, eCommons@cornell,

De Soto, H, 2002 The Other Path, Foreword, Preface, and Conclusion. pp. xi-xxviii; 231- 61 (total 48
pages) cc HD2346.P4 S71 Perseus Books Group

Feige, E. (1979) How Big is the Irregular Economy?, Challenge, November-December [HB1]

Fernandez-Kelly, P. and J. Shefner, eds. (2006) Out of the Shadows: Political Action and the Informal
Economy in Latin America, Penn State UP.

Guha-Khasnobis, B, R. Kanbur & E. Ostrom, 2006 Linking the formal and informal economy: concepts
and policies, OUP

Hansen, K. 2000 Salaula : The World of Second-hand Clothing and Zambia

Harper, M. Profit for the poor: cases in micro-finance

Hart, K. (1992) Market and State After the Cold War; the Informal Economy Reconsidered in
R.Dilley (ed) Contesting Markets, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press [cc HB95C76]
Hart, K. (1973) Informal Income Opportunities and Urban Employment in Ghana, Journal of Modern
African Studies, 11, 1; 61-89 [DT1] CUP, 0022-278x

ILO (1972) Employment, Incomes and Equality: a Strategy for Increasing Productive Employment in
Kenya, Geneva: International Labour Organisation [ILO (I.267) and HD5841.K E51

King, K. (1996) Jua Kali Kenya: Change and Development in an Informal Economy 1970-95,
London:James Currey [HD2346.K4 K51]

Maloney, W. 2003. Informality Revisited. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No.2965,
2001. Available at:

Meagher, K. and Lindell, I. (2013) Engaging with African Informal Economies: Social Inclusion or
Adverse Incorporation? Introduction African Studies Review, 56:3:57-76.

Meagher, K. 1990 The hidden economy: informal and parallel trade in Northwestern Uganda, Review
of African Political Economy, 17 (47) pp. 64-83.

Microfinance, poverty and social exclusion, 2003 IDS Bulletin, Special Issue, 34(4).

Perry et al. (2007) Informality: Exit and Exclusion, World Bank (available on Google Books)

Platteau, J.P. 'Behind the market stage Where real societies exist', Jnl of Development Studies,
30(3,4) Apr. Jly. 1994 p. 533-77

Portes, A., M. Castells and L.A. Benton (Eds.) 1989. The Informal Economy: Studies in Advanced and
Less Developed Countries. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.

Portes, A. and R. Schauffler. 1993. Competing Perspectives on the Latin American Informal Sector.
Population and Development Review, 19: 33-60.

Prahalad, C.K. 2006. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wharton
School Publishing. Read Chapters 1 & 3

Roitman, J. (2004) Fiscal Disobedience: An Anthropology of Economic Regulation in Central Africa,

Princeton UP.

Rosenbluth, G. 1994. The Informal Sector and Poverty in Latin America. CEPAL Series 52: 155-175.

Saavedra, J. and A. Chong. 1999. Structural Reform, Institutions and Earnings: Evidence from the
Formal and Informal Sector in Peru. Journal of Development Studies, 35: 95-116.

Schmitz, H. 1999 Collective efficiency and increasing returns, [Clusters and small business exports]
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 23 pp. 465-483.

Tendler, J. 2002 Small firms, the informal sector, and the devils deal, IDS Bulletin, 33(3)

Wiles, P. (1987). The second economy, its definitional problems, in Alessandrini, S. and Dallago, B.
(eds), The Unofficial Economy: Consequences and Perspectives in Different Economic Circumstances.
Gower. [On the /soviet Union].
World Bank. 2007. Informality: Exit and Exclusion. Washington, DC: The World Bank. Read Overview

M10 Community Based Organisation and Informal Service Delivery Systems (MS)

Topic: Should development practitioners make more use of informal service delivery systems than
they often do?

Lecture Readings

Guha-Khasnobis, & others, 2006 Beyond formality and informality, in Linking the formal and
informal economy: concepts and policies. pp. 1-18

Brett, E.A. 2009. Reconstructing Development Theory. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Chapters 9,
11, & 12.

Seminar Readings

Shami, M (2012). Collective Action, Clientelism, and Connectivity. American Political Science Review,
106, pp 588-606.

Guha-Khasnobis, & Ahuja 2006 Microinsurance for the informal economy workers in India, in
Linking the formal and informal economy: concepts and policies. Chapter 10.

Heald, S. (2006) State, Law, and Vigilantism in Northern Tanzania, African Affairs, 105(419), pp. 265-

Further Readings

Allen, T. 2007 The International Criminal Court and the invention of traditional justice in Uganda, in
Politique Africaine, 107 pp. 147-66.

Borges, A, 2007 From patronage politics to community deliberation: the recent experience of
democratic school management in Brazil, Public Administration and Development, VOL. 27(4) PP.

Garvey, B. (1991) Patrimonial economics and informal bureaucracies: public administration and
social reality in the least developed countries of the 1990s: a review article, Public Administration
and Development, VOL. 11, pp. 591-600.

Guha-Khasnobis, & others, 2006 in Linking the formal and informal economy: concepts and policies.
[case studies]

Granovetter, Mark, (1992) Economic Action and Social Structure: the Problem of

Embeddedness, in M. Granovetter and R. Swedberg, The sociology of economic life, Boulder,

Westview or American Journal of Sociology, 91(3) 1985.

Hansen, K. Tranberg & M. Vaa, eds. (2004) Reconsidering Informality: Perspectives from Urban
Africa, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet.
Heald, S. (2006) Making law in rural East Africa: Sungusungu in Kenya, African Affairs, 105 no. 419
pp. 265-83.

Heald, S. (1999) Controlling anger: the anatomy of Gisu violence, London, Currey. Kaboyakgosi, G. &
P.Mpule Beyond public administration? HIV/AIDS policy networks and the transformation of public
administration in Botswana, Public Administration and Development, 28(4) 301-10.

Meagher, K. (2010), Identity Economics: Social Networks and the Informal Economy in Nigeria,
Woodbridge, Suffolk: James Currey

Nugent, J. & S. Swaminathan, 2006 Voluntary contributions to informal activties producing public
goods some evidence from Indonesian posysandus in Guha-Khasnobis, & others, 2006 in Linking
the formal and informal economy: concepts and policies.

Ostrom, E. 1997 Investing in capital, institutions and incentives, in Clague, C. ed. Institutions and
economic development: growth and governance in less-developed and postsocialist countries;

Ostrom, E. 1990 Governing the commons: the evolution of institutions for collective action,
Cambridge University Press.

Ostrom, V. & others, (1988) Rethinking institutional analysis and development: issues, alternatives
and choices, San Francisco, Institute for Contemporary Studies Press.

Putzel, J. 1997 Accounting for the Dark Side of social capital: Reading Robert Putnam on
democracy, Journal of International Development, 9(7) pp. 71-96.

Ribot, J. & A. Larson, (2004) Democratic decentralization through a natural resource management
lens, European Journal of Development Research, Special Issue 16(1).

Sayer, A. 2006 Social capital and survival strategies, and their potential for post-conflict governance
in Liberia, in in Guha-Khasnobis, & others, 2006 in Linking the formal and informal economy:
concepts and policies.

Polanyi, K. Trade and market in the early empires cc HC31 P76

Torstensen, A & others, 2001 Chapter 1. The urban crisis, governance and associational life, in
Associational life in African cities: popular responses to the urban crisis, HN 773.5 A84

Torstensen, A & others, 2001 Associational life in African cities: popular responses to the urban
crisis, HN 773.5 A84 [Case studies]

Tyler, S. 2006 Communities, livelihoods and natural resources: action research and policy change in

Uphof, N. 1992 Learning from Gal Oya: Possibilities for participatory development and
postNewtonian social science, Ithiaca, Cornell.

Wade, R. 1988 Village republics: Economic conditions for collective action in South India, CUP.

M11 The Development Management Project Workshops

Topic: This session will further prepare students for the Development Management Project.

We will provide advice and guidance on group work, and lay out what we expect of the final product.
We will answer questions about your ongoing projects and discuss issues relating to relationships
with your agencies. There will be no seminars on this topic. Here are some useful readings that are
not provided, but many are in the course collection and the agency reports are available on the web.

Basic Readings

Baum, W.C. (1982) The Project Cycle, Washington DC: World Bank, (Off Pubns IBRD [214]) 978-

Marsden, D., B. Pratt & P. Oakley (1994) Measuring the Process: Guidelines for Evaluating Social
Development, INTRAC, Oxford, cc HN980 M36

Marsden, D. and P. Oakley (1990) Evaluating Social Development Projects, Oxford: Oxfam, (cc HN980
E91 )

Mikkelsen, B. (1995) Methods for Development Work and Research: A Guide for Practitioners,
London: Sage, (cc HD77 M63)

World Bank, Social Assessment homepage,,contentMDK:21200383~pa

Further Readings

Barrow, C.J. (2000) Social Impact Assessment: An Introduction, London: Arnold.

Chambers, R. (1994) 'The Origins and Practice of Participatory Rural Appraisal', World

Development, 22 (7), July, pp. 953-969.

Choudhury, A and C. Kirkpatrick (1994) Development Policy and Planning. An Introduction to

Models and Techniques, London: Routledge, especially Chapters 5 & 7. (HD75.5 C55)

Eade, D. (1997) Capacity-Building, An Approach to People-Centred Development, Oxford: Oxfam,


Oakley, P. B. Pratt and A. Clayton (1998) Outcomes and impact: evaluating change in social
development, Oxford: Intrac, [Course Coll HC59.7].

Development Agency Guideline Documents

NORAD(1989) The Logical Framework Approach: Handbook of objectives - Orientated Project

Planning, Oslo: NORAD (Off pubns. 481 (502)

United Nations (1978) 'A Guide to Practical Project Appraisal: Social Cost Benefit Analysis in
Developing Countries', UN Project Formulation and Evaluation Series, No 3, New York: United
Nations (Off Pubns UNIDO (1/3)
ODA (1995) A Guide to Social Analysis for Projects in Developing Countries, London: HMSO, (HD75.8

Gosling, L. with M. Edwards (1995) Toolkits: A Practical Guide to Assessment, Monitoring, Review
and Evaluation, London: Save the Children, [Course Coll HN49.C6 G67].



L1 Gender and Labour Markets in a Global Economy (NK)

Question: Have gender inequalities in the labour market been intensified or diminished as a result of

Lecture Readings

Beneria, L., G, Berik and M.S. Floro (2016) Gender, development and globalization. Economics as if
people mattered Chapter 3: pp. 93-130

Pyle, J.L. and K.B.Ward (2003) Recasting our understandings of gender and work during global
restructuring International Sociology Vol 18 (3): 461-489

Yeates, N. (2004) Global care chains. Critical reflections and lines of enquiry International Feminist
Journal of Politics Vol 6 (3): 369-391

Seminar Readings

Patel-Campillo, A. (2012). The Gendered Production-Consumption Relation: Accounting for

Employment and Socioeconomic Hierarchies in the Colombian Cut flower Global Commodity Chain.
Sociologia Ruralis 52 (3) 272-293

Parreas, R.S. (2001) Contradictory class mobility: the politics of domestic work in globalization
Chapter 6 in Servants of globalization. Women, migration and domestic work Stanford, CA :
Standford University Press

Miet Maertens & Johan F.M. Swinnen (2012) Gender and Modern Supply Chains in Developing
Countries Journal of Development Studies Vol. 48 (10); pp. 1412-1430,

Further Readings

Acker, J. (2004) Gender, Capitalism and Globalisation, Critical Sociology, 30 (1):17-41.

Anker, R., H. Malkas, and A. Korten (2003) Gender-Based Occupational Segregation in the 1990s.
Declaration Working Paper WP/16/2003: Geneva: ILO.

Armbruster-Sandoval, Ralph. 2005. Workers of the world unite? The contemporary antisweatshop
movement and the struggle for social justice in the Americas. Work and Occupation, Vol. 32, No. 4,
pp. 464-485

Bair, Jennifer and Florence Palpacuer. 2012. From Varieties of Capitalism to Varieties of Activism:
The Anti-sweatshop Movement in Comparative Perspective. Institutions Program Working Paper
Series, University of Boulder at Colarado.

Bandy, Joe and Jennifer Bekham Mendez. A place of their own? Women organizers in the maquilas
of Nicaragua and Mexico. Mobilization: An International Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 173-188

Barrientos, S. (2013) Corporate purchasing practices in global production networks: A socially

contested terrain, Geoforum 44, 4451

Barrientos, Stephanie. 2008. Contract labour: the achilles heel of corporate codes in commercial
value chains Development and Change, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 977-990

Barrientos, Stephanie and Sally Smith. 2007. Do workers benefit from ethical trade? Asssessing
codes of labour practice in global production systems. Third World Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp.

Basok, Tanya and Nicola Piper, 2012. Management versus rights: womens migration and global
governance in Latin America and the Caribbean Feminist Economics Vo. 18, No. 2: 35-62

Berik, G., Rodgers, Y. and Zveglich Jr, J. (2004) International trade and gender wage discrimination:
evidence from East Asia, Review of Development Economics, 8(2):237254.

Bickham-Mendez, Jennifer. 2002. Gender and citizenship in a global context: the struggle for
maquila workers rights in Nicaragua Identities: Global studies in culture and power Vol. 9, No. 1,
pp. 7-38

Brooks, Ethel, C. 2002. The ideal sweatshop? Gender and transnational protest.

International Labour and Working Class History, No. 61, Spring, pp. 91-111

Brooks, Ethel C. 2007. Unravelling the garment industry. Transnational organizing and womens
work. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press

Deere, C. D. (2009) The feminization of agriculture? The impact of economic restructuring in rural
Latin America in S. Razavi (ed) The gendered impacts of liberalization: towards embedded
liberalism? Oxford: Routledge pp. 99-130

Dolan, C. and K. Sorby (2003) Gender and employment in high-value agriculture industries

Agriculture and Rural Development Working Paper No. 7. Washington : World Bank downloaded July
10th 2016:
Elson, Diane and Pearson, Ruth, 1981,'The Subordination of Women and the Internationalization of
Factory Production' in Young Of Marriage and the Market

Fraser, Nancy. 2005. Reframing justice in a globalizing world. New Left Review Vol. 36, pp. 1-19

Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan. 2009. The making of a transnational grassroots migrant movement Critical
Asian Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 113-141

Jackson, C. and N. Rao (2009) Gender inequality and agrarian change in liberalizing India in S. Razavi
(ed) The gendered impacts of liberalization: towards embedded liberalism? Oxford: Routledge: pp.

Kabeer, N. (2004) Globalization, labour standards, and women's rights: dilemmas of collective
(in)action in an interdependent world, Feminist Economics, 10(1): 3-35.

Kim, Hyun Mee, 2002, "Power, Media Representation, and Labor Dispute: The Case of Women
Workers in South Korea." Chapter 5 in Esther Ngan-ling Chow (ed) Transforming Gender and
Development in East Asia. London: Routledge.

Mills, M. B. (2005). From Nimble Fingers to Raised Fists: Women and Labour Activism in Globalizing
Thailand. Signs, 31(1), 117144.

Mohanty, C. Women workers and capitalist scripts: ideologies of domination, common interests and
the politics of solidarity in Alexander, M.J. and C. Mohanty (eds.)

Feminist Genealogies, Colonial Legacies, Democratic Futures, New York, London: Routledge (1997),
pp. 3-29

Perrons, D. (2004) The Global Division of Labour and the Feminization of Employment Ch4 in D.
Perrons Globalization and Social Change Routledge.

Prugl, E. (2008) Gender and the making of global markets. An exploration of the agricultural sector
in S.M.Rai and G.Waylen (eds) Global Governance. Feminist Perspective London: Palgrave Macmillan

Standing, Guy. 1999. Global feminization through flexible labour: a theme revisited World
Development Vol. 27 (3): 583-682

Verschuur, Christine (2013) Theoretical debates on social reproduction and care: the articulation
between the domestic and global economy Chapter 6 in International Handbook on Gender,
Migration and Transnationalism: Global and Development perspectives edited by Laura Oso and
Natalia Ribas-Mateos; Edward Elgar: pp. 145-164

Whitehead, A. (2009) The gendered impacts of liberalization on African agricultural economies and
livelihoods, in Razavi, S. (ed) The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization. Towards Embedded
Liberalism? Oxford: Routledge: pp. 37-62

World Bank (2011) WDR 2012 Gender equality and development Washington: World Bank Chapters
4 and 5
Yeates, N. (2009) Globalizing, care economies and migrant workers: explorations in global care
chains Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan

Young, I.M. (2004) Responsibility and global labour justice The Journal of Political Philosophy:
Volume 12, Number 4, 2004, pp. 365388

L2 States and Markets in Development: Neoclassical & Dependency Theories (MB)

Topic: What roles do states and markets have in development under neoclassical and dependency
theories? Defend and critique these theories, with reference to evidence.

Lecture Readings

Lindauer, D. & L. Pritchett (2002). Whats the big idea? The third generation of policies for

economic growth, in Economia 3.1,1-39. Be sure to read the Comments.

Haggard, Stephen (1990). Chapter 1: The Neoclassical and Dependency Perspectives.

Pathways from the Periphery: The Politics of Growth in the Newly Industrializing

Countries, Cornell University Press, pp. 9-22.

Seminar Readings

Parker, David & Colin Kirkpatrick (2005). Privatisation in Developing Countries: A Review of

the Evidence and the Policy Lessons, Journal of Development Studies (May 2005), pp.


Williamson, John. (2008). A Short History of the Washington Consensus. In The

Washington Consensus Reconsidered: Towards a New Global Governance. ed.

Narcis Serra & Joseph E. Stiglitz. Oxford University Press, pp. 14-30.

Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2008). Is there a Post-Washington Consensus Consensus? In The

Washington Consensus Reconsidered: Towards a New Global Governance. ed.

Narcis Serra & Joseph E. Stiglitz. Oxford University Press, pp. 41-56.

Further Readings

Bates, Robert, ed., (1988) Towards a political economy of development, U. Cal Press

Bauer, P. (1984) Market order and state planning in development, in Of reality and rhetoric.

Brett, E.A. Reconstructing Development Theory, Chapter 10.

Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, and Enzo Faletto (2000). Chapters 13 and Chapter 6 in

Dependency and Development in Latin America. University of California, 1979.Castells,

Manuel, (2000) The rise of the fourth world, in David Held and Anthony McGrew, The

global transformations reader, Cambridge, Polity 348-54.

Colclough, C. & J. Manor (1992). States or markets: neo-liberalism and the development

policy debate. Clarendon Press Oxford.

Corbridge, S., & J Harriss, (2001) The dialectics of reform: the state and economicliberalisation, in
Corbridge & Harriss, Reinventing India, Ch. 7 DS480 C79 Cambridge, UK : Polity ; Oxford ; Malden,
MA : In association with Blackwell Publishers, 2000 isbn0745620779 pp143-172 and 259-263

de Soto, H. (2001) The mystery of capital: why capitalism triumphs in the west and failseverywhere
else, Chapters 1 & 2.

Evans, Peter, "Class, State, and Dependence in East Asia: Lessons for Latin Americanists,"from F.
Deyo, ed., The Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism (Cornell University Press, 1987), pp.

Evans, P., (1992) The state as problem and solution: predation, embedded autonomy and structural
change, in S. Haggard & R. Kaufman, The politics of economic adjustment. pp. 143-81. Princeton, N.J
: Princeton University Press, 1992. cc HD87 P76 isbn 0691003947

Hausmann, R. 2003. Venezuelas growth implosion: A neoclassical story? Chapter 9 in D. Rodrik

(Ed.). 2003. In Search of Prosperity: Analytical Narratives on Economic Growth. Princeton: Princeton
University Press. pp. 244-270.

Hayek,F. (1945) The use of knowledge in society, American Economic Review, 35(4) 1945, 519-30.

Khan, M. (2000) Rents, efficiency and growth, in M. Khan, & J. Sundaram, Rents, rent seeking and
economic development, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 21- 69.

Kikeri, Sunita & Aishetu Fatima Kolo (2005). Privatization: Trends and Recent Developments. World
Bank Policy Research Paper 3765, November 2005.

Kikeri, Sunita and John Nellis, (2004). An Assessment of Privatization. World Bank Research
Observer Vol. 19, No. 1

Krugman, P. (1995) The rise and fall of development economics, in Krugman, P.

Development, geography and economic theory, Cambridge, MIT Press 1-29

Hirschman, Albert (1968). Political Economy of Import Substituting Industrialization in Latin

America. Quarterly Journal of Economics 82:1 (February) 1-32.

Lake, David A. (2008). Chapter 42: International Political Economy: A Maturing Interdiscipline.

The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, ed. Barry R. Weingast & Donald Wittman.

Mohan, Giles, Ed Brown, Bob Milward and Alfred B. Zack-Williams (2000). Structural
Adjustment: Theory, Practice and Impacts. London: Routledge.

Murphy, K.M., A. Shleifer and R.W. Vishny. 1989. Industrialization and the Big Push, The Journal of
Political Economy, 97: 1003-1026.

Polanyi, Karl, The great transformation, esp. Part II. Robinson, M. and G. White, eds. The democratic
developmental state: politics and institutional design, Oxford University Press, 1998.

Rodrik, D. Good-Bye Washington Consensus, Hello Washington Confusion? Journal of Economic

Literature, Vol. XLIV (December 2006), pp. 973987.

Sachs, J. (2005). The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time. New York: Penguin Press.

Sen, Amartya (1999). Markets, state and social opportunity, in Sen, Development as freedom,
Oxford University Press.

Shirley, M. M. and P. Walsh (2001), Public versus Private Ownership: The Current State of the

Stiglitz, Joseph (2009). Regulation and the Theory of Market and Government Failure." In New
Perspectives on Regulation. Edited by David Moss and John Cisternino. The Tobin Project.

Thirlwell, A.P. (1999) Growth and development, London, Macmillan, HC59.7 T44.

L3 States and Markets in Development: State-Directed Approaches (MB)

Topic: What roles do states and markets have in economic transition in state-directed approaches?
Distinguish different approaches. Defend and critique them, with reference to evidence.

Lecture Readings

Evans, Peter & Patrick Heller (2015). Human Development, State Transformation and the Politics of
the Developmental State. In The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State, ed. Leibfried et.
al. Oxford University Press, Chapter 37.

Kohli, A., (2004) State-Directed Development: Political Power & Industrialization in the Global
Periphery. Introduction & Chapter 3, pp. 1 24, 84-126. isbn 0521545250 Cambridge ; New York :
Cambridge University Press, 2004 HD3616.D452 K71

Seminar Readings

Huang, Yasheng (2011). Rethinking the Beijing Consensus, Asia Policy, No. 11, pp. 1-26.

Chang, H-J. (2003) The market, the state and institutions in economic development, in

Chang, Rethinking development economics, cc HD75 R45. London : Anthem Press, isbn 1843311100,
pp. 41-60.

Further Readings
Amsden, A.H. 2003. Rise of "The Rest," (networked e-book) New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Chapter 1 cc HC59.7 A52, pp. 1-30.

Amsden, Alice H. (2007). Chapter 5 ("Gift of the Gods") and Chapter 6 (The Light of the Moon, on
import substitution) in Escape from Empire: The Developing World's Journey Through Heaven and
Hell. MIT Press.

Casson, Mark, et al. "Formal and Informal Institutions and Development." World Development 38,
no. 2 (2010): 13741.

Chang, H-J (2002) Kicking away the ladder: development strategy in historical perspective, London,
Anthem, HD82 C45

Chang, H-J (2008). Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism.

Clague, Christopher K. (1997). "The New Institutional Economics and Economic Development." In
Institutions and Economic Development: Growth and Governance in LessDeveloped and Post
Socialist Countries. Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 1336.

Evans, P. (2007). "Extending the Institutional Turn: Property, Politics and Development

Trajectories." In Institutional Change and Economic Development. Edited by HaJoon Chang. Anthem

Frye, Timothy (2009). Economic Transformation and Comparative Politics. In The Oxford Handbook
of Comparative Politics, Carles Boix & Susan Stokes, editors. Chapter 38.

Huang, Yasheng (2008). Synopsis and selections from Chapter 4: What Is Wrong With Shanghai?
Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State. (Cambridge University
Press), pp xiii-xviii, 175-178, 226-232

Krugman, Paul (1994). The Myth of Asia's Miracle. Foreign Affairs 73, (Nov/Dec 1994): 62-78.

Naughton, Barry (2007). The Chinese Economy: Transitions and Growth (MIT Press). Read the
Introduction, Section 3.4 - Legacies of the Socialist Period, and Chapter 4 Market Transition, pp. 3-
12, 79-83, 85-110.

Scott, James C. (1998). "The High Modernist City: An Experiment and a Critique." In Seeing Like a
State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed. Yale University Press, pp.

Stiglitz, Joseph (2003). Globalization and Its Discontents. Norton & Company.

Stiglitz, Joseph (2009). "The Current Economic Crisis and Lessons for Economic Theory." Eastern
Economic Journal 35, no. 3: 28196.

Wade, Robert, (1990) States, markets and industrial policy, in Governing the market, Ch. 1,
Princeton University Press.

L4 Democracy, Authoritarianism, and Development (MB)

Topic: What accountability mechanisms exist in democratic contexts and in authoritarian contexts,
who do they serve, and what are their advantages and limitations? How do these affect
development in various types of democratic and authoritarian regimes?

Lecture Readings

Dahl, R.A. (1971). Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition, Yale University Press, 1-32.

Sen, A. 1999. Democracy as a Universal Value. Journal of Democracy 10.3 (1999) 3-17

Olson, M. 'Dictatorship, democracy and development', in M. Olson & S Kahkonen, A Not-soD ismal
Science: a Broader View of Economies and Societies, OUP, 2000, p. 119-38. ISBN 0198294905 cc
HB99.5 N89

Seminar Readings

Stokes, Susan (2009). Political Clientelism In The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics, Carles
Boix & Susan Stokes, editors. Chapter 25.

Bardhan, Pranab (2010). Awakening Giants: Feet of Clay. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Chapters 1 & 10, pp. 1-18, 125-160.

Further Readings

Ake, Claude, Rethinking African democracy, in Diamond & Plattner, The global resurgence of
democracy, 2 nd ed., John Hopkins University Press. 2000

Almond, G. Comparative Politics Today, ch. 4, 'Interest Articulation', ch 5, 'Interest Aggregation and
political parties', 7th ed. 2000. cc JF51 C73

Bardhan, Pranab (1999). "Democracy and Development: A Complex Relationship", in I. Shapiro and
C. Hacker-Cordon (eds.), Democracy's Value, Cambridge University

Press, Cambridge. [A related supplement: Bardhans brief piece on The Authoritarian Moment in
the Financial Times blog at

Besley, T. and S. Coate. 1997. An Economic Model of Representative Democracy. Quarterly Journal
of Economics, 112:85-114.

Besley, Tim and Robin Burgess. (2002). The Political Economy of Government Responsiveness:
Theory and Evidence from India, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117(4).

Besley, Timothy and Masayuki Kudamatsu. (2007). Making Autocracy Work. London School of
Boix, Carles. 2015. Democracy & Redistribution. Cambridge University Press.

Brett, E. 2009. Reconstructing Development Theory. Chapter 5b.

Buchanan J. 'Foreword' in Tullock, G., The politics of bureaucracy, New York, University Press of
America, 1987, [JF1351 T92]

Campante, Felipe R. & Ferreira, Francisco G.H., 2004. "Inefficient lobbying, populism and

oligarchy," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3240, The World Bank [NonEconomists ignore
econometrics focus on early and later sections]

Carboni, G. (2008) No-Party Democracy? Ugandan Politics in Comparative Perspective, esp. Ch. 1,
Boulder, Lynne Rienner. Dahl, R. (1998)_. On democracy

Downs, A. 1957. An Economic Theory of Democracy. New York: Harper and Row.

Dunleavy, P, and B. O'Leary, Theories of the State, Section 3, 'Input Politics' in each Chapter, 1987 cc
JC325 D92

Faguet, J.P. and Z Ali. 2007. A Tale of Two Upazilas: Local Governance and Social Development in
Bangladesh. LSE Development Studies Institute Working Paper No. 07-82, 2007.

Gerring, Bond, Bardht & Moreno (2005). Democracy and Economic Growth: A Historical
Perspective, World Politics, Volume 57, Number 3, April 2005, pp. 323-364

Habermas, J. 'The scientization of politics and public opinion', in Toward a rational society, London,
Heinemann, 1971; reprinted in A. Pizzorno, Political sociology, 1971 [cc JA76P69]

Held, D. Models of democracy, pp. 105-20; 143-64; 186-205. cc JC423 H47

Huang, Yasheng (2011). Does Democracy Stifle Development? TED Global talk:

Keefer, Philip (2007). Clientelism, Credibility and the Policy Choices of Young Democracies.
American Journal of Political Science, Volume 51, Issue 4, pp. 804-821.

Keefer, Phillip (2009). The Poor Performance of Poor Democracies. The Oxford Handbook of
Comparative Politics, Carles Boix & Susan Stokes, editors. Chapter 36.

Kohli, A & V. Shue, 'State power and social forces: on political contention and accommodation in the
third world', in J. Migdal & others, State Power and social forces: Domination and Transformation in
the Third World, Cambridge, 1994, ch. 11. ISBN 0521467349 cc JF60 S79

Hagopian, Frances (2009). Parties and Voters in Emerging Democracies. In The Oxford Handbook
of Comparative Politics, Carles Boix & Susan Stokes, editors, Chapter 24.
Levitsky, S. and L. Way. 2010. Competitive authoritarianism: Hybrid regimes after the Cold War

Lust-Okar, Ellen (2004). Divided They Rule: The Management and Manipulation of Political
Opposition. Comparative Politics. 36(2): 159-179.

Madison, James. The Federalist No. 10 & The Federalist No. 14. In The Democracy Sourcebook
(2003), 118-125.

Moe, T. 'The Politics of Structural Choice: toward a theory of Public Bureaucracy' in O.E. Williamson,
Organization Theory, Oxford, OUP, 1995 ed., p. 116-53 ISBN 0195098307 cc HD31 O61

Mueller, D. 1989. Public Choice II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapters 10-12, 18.

Nussbaum, Martha (2011). Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach. Belknap Press
of Harvard University Press. You may also be interested in the related lecture at

Olekoshi, A. Bourgeois social movements and the struggle for democracy in Africa', in M. Mamdani,
& others, African Studies in Social Movements and Democracy, Codesria, 1995, ch. 6. mc JQ1872 A25

Przeworski, A. (with Commentaries by P. Chhibber, R. Robowdki, W.P. Shively). Democracy and

Economic Development . In Edward D. Mansfield and Richard Sisson (eds.), The Evolution of
Political Knowledge (Columbus: Ohio State University Press). pp. 300-304, 312-338

Robinson, J.A.. Economic Development and Democracy. Annual Review of Political Science. 2006:
9: 503-527.

Rowbotham, S. (1992). Women in Movement: Feminism and Social Action, pp. 16-26; 257-70; 293-
308 cc HQ1154 R87

Saez, L. & J. Gallagher (2009). Authoritarianism and Development in the Third World. The Brown
Journal of World Affairs; Spring 2009; 15, 2, p. 87.

Schamis, H, 'Distributional Coalitions and the Politics of Economic Reform in Latin America', World
Politics, 52(2) 1999.

Schattschneider, E.E. 1983 [1960]. The Semisovereign People: A Realists View of America. Chicago:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Read pp. 1-3, 12-17, 60-65, 71, 76-79 and Chapter 7.

Schedler, Andreas (2002). Elections Without Democracy: The Menu of Manipulation Journal of
Democracy 13.2: 36-50.

Scott, James C. (1998). Seeing Like a State, Yale University Press, pp. 309-319, 328-341 and 342-358

Sen, A. "Freedom Favors Development." New Perspectives Quarterly 13 (1996) 4: 23-27.

Snyder, Richard (2006). Beyond Electoral Authoritarianism: The Spectrum of NonDemocratic

Regimes, in Schedler (ed.), Electoral Authoritarianism: The Dynamics of Unfree Competition, Lynne
Rienner, pp. 219-231.

Zakaria, Fareed. The Rise of Illiberal Democracy, Foreign Affairs 76 (NovemberDecember 1997):

L5 Democratization, Authoritarian Resilience and Regime Change (MB)

Topic: Why do authoritarian regimes at times democratize, liberalize, collapse, or stabilize? Do

limited governance and institutional reforms tend to strengthen or weaken them? What role, if any,
does development play? How about culture and society?

Lecture Readings

Larry Diamond. Chapters 4-6: What Drives Democracy: The Internal Factors, What Drives
Democracy: The External Factors, and What Drives Democracy: The Regional Influence. In The
Spirit of Democracy: The Struggle to Build Free Societies Throughout the World. Henry Holt &
Company, 2008. pp. 88-152.

North, D.C., J.J. Wallis and B.R. Weingast. 2009. Violence and Social Orders. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, Chapter 6 (part), pp. 210-250.

Bueno de Mesquita, B. & George Downs. Development and Democracy. Foreign Affairs, Sep/Oct
2005, Vol. 84, Issue 5.

Seminar Readings

Brownlee, Jason; Tarek Masoud; and Andrew Reynolds (2015). The Arab Spring: Pathways of
Repression and Reform. Chapters 1, 6.

Magaloni, B. 2006. Voting for Autocracy: Hegemonic Party Survival and its Demise in Mexico.
Cambridge University Press, Introduction, 1-43.

Further Readings

Beissinger, Mark R. A New Look at Ethnicity and Democratization. Journal of Democracy. July 2008,
Vol. 19 Issue 3, 85-97.

Beissinger, Mark. "Structure and Example in Modular Political Phenomena: The Diffusion of the
Bulldozer/Rose/Orange/Tulip Revolutions," Perspectives on Politics, 2007, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 259-276.

Boix, C. & Susan C. Stokes. Endogenous Democratization. World Politics 55 (July 2003), 517545.

Bunce, Valerie J. and Sharon L. Wolchik. Favorable Conditions and Electoral Revolutions. Journal of
Democracy 17:4 (October 2006), 5-18.

Carothers, T. 2007. The Sequencing Fallacy. Journal of Democracy, 18(1):12-27

Collier, Paul. 2010. Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places. Harper Collins. Chapter
1, pp. 15-50.
Geddes, Barbara. What Causes Democratization? In The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics,
Carles Boix & Susan Stokes, editors. Chapter 14.

Giliomee, H. & C. Simkins, 1999 The awkward embrace: One-party domination and democracy,
Amsterdam, Harwood.

Goodwin, Jeff. No Other Way Out: States and Revolutionary Movements, 19451991.

Series: Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics (2001), 35-50.

Haggard, S. & R. Kaufman, The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions, Ch. 2,

Economic crisis and authoritarian withdrawal, Princeton, 1995, pp. 45-74. cc JC423H14

Haggard, S. & R. Kaufman, The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions, Ch. 10, 'Institutions,
Democratic consolidation and Sustainable Growth', Princeton, 1995. ISBN 0691027757 cc JC423 H14

Hawthorne, G. (1993) Sub-Saharan Africa, in D. Held, Prospects for democracy: North South, East
and West. pp. 330-354. cc JC423 P96 isbn 0745609899 Cambridge : Polity Press.

Huntington, Samuel (1991) The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century.

Inglehart, Ronald and Christian Welzel (2009). How Development Leads to Democracy: What We
Know about Modernization, Foreign Affairs, March-April, pp. 33-48.

Inglehart, Ronald and Christian Welzel (2005). Modernization, cultural change, and democracy: the
human development sequence.

Levitsky, Steven & Lucan A. Way. 2005. International Linkage and Democratization. Journal of
Democracy 16.3, 20-34.

Linz, J.J., & A. Stepan, (1996) Stateness, Nationalism and democratisation & Modern nondemocratic
regimes, in Linz & Stepan, Problems of democratic transition and consolidation, Chs 2 & 3, pp. 16-
54. isbn 0801851580 Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. cc JC421 L76

Linz, J. & A. Stepan (1996). Toward Consolidated Democracy. Journal of Democracy 7.2 (1996) 14-

Lipjhart, Arend. The Puzzle of Indian Democracy: A Consociational Interpretation. American

Political Science Review. 90:2 (June 1996), 258-268.

Lipset, Seymour Martin. George Washington and the Founding of Democracy, Journal of
Democracy, October 1998, 9:4, 24-38.

Lipset, S.M. "Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy",
American Political Science Review, 1959, Vol. 53.

Moore, B. (1967) Social origins of democracy and dictatorship: Lord and peasant in the making of the
modern world, Harmondsworth, Penguin.
Ottaway, Marina. Democracy Challenged: The Rise of Semi-Authoritarianism. Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace, 2003.

Potter, D. (2000) Democratization, Good Governance and Development, in Allen & Thomas,
Poverty and development into the 21st century, OUP pp. 365-82.

Przeworski, A. et al, 2000 Democracy and development: political institutions and well-being in the
world, 1950-1990, CUP.

Przeworski, Adam. Democracy and Economic Development. In Edward D. Mansfield and Richard
Sisson (eds.), Political Science and the Public Interest.

Robinson, James A. Economic Development and Democracy. Annual Review of Political Science.
2006: 9: 503-527.

Rodrik, D and R. Wacziarg (2005) Do Democratic Transitions Produce Bad Economic Outcomes? ,
The American Economic Review, 95(2): 50-55.

Rueschemeyer, D. Capitalist development and democracy, Polity Press, 1992.

Sandbrook, R. (2000) Closing the circle: Democratisation and development in Africa, esp. Ch 6
London, Zed.JQ1879 A15 S21

Teorell, Jan (2010). Determinants of Democratization: Explaining regime change in the world, 1972-
2006. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Tilly, C. (2000) Processes and mechanisms of democratisation, Sociological theory, 18(1) pp. 1-16.

Tilly, C. (1972/1997) The Modernization of Political Conflict in France, in Roads from past to

future, Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield.

Weingast, Barry (1997). The Political Foundations of Democracy and the Rule of Law. American
Political Science Review, 91:2.

L6 Anti-Corruption and Rule of Law (MB)

Topic: Why do some places have more rule of law than others? Why do some places have less
corruption than others? When do anti-corruption and rule of law reforms succeed?

Lecture Readings

Svensson, Jakob (2005). Eight Questions About Corruption. Journal of Economic Perspectives.
Volume 9, Number 3. Summer 2005, pp. 19-42.

Rose-Ackerman, S. (1999). Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform.

Chapters 2 & 11 (Economic Impact of Corruption, Domestic Conditions for Reform), pp. 9-26, 198-
224. Cambridge University Press.

Seminar Readings
Manion, Melanie (2004). Corruption By Design: Building Clean Government in Mainland China and
Hong Kong. Harvard University Press. Chapter 1 (on comparative perspectives and theory), Chapter
2- part (on Hong Kong), pp. 1-26, 27-52.

Birney, Mayling (2014). Decentralization and veiled corruption under China's "rule of mandates".
World Development, 53, pp. 55-67.

Further Readings

Bayart, J-F. & others, (1999) The criminalisation of the state in Africa, JQ1875 A55 C92

Brett, E.A. (2008) State failure and success in Zimbabwe and Uganda: The logic of political decay and
reconstruction in Africa, in Journal of Development Studies, 44(3) pp. 339-67

Carothers, Thomas (2003). Promoting the Rule of Law Abroad: The Problem of Knowledge.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Democracy and Rule of Law Project. No. 34.

Chabal, P. & Daloz, J-P. (1999) Africa works: disorder as a political instrument, Oxford, James Currey.

Collier, Paul (2003). How to Reduce Corruption. African Development Review 12.

Dixit, Avinash K. Lawlessness and Economics: Alternative Modes of Governance. Princeton University
Press, 2004, Part I, pp. 124.

Gibbons, P. 1992. Authoritarianism, democracy and adjustment: the politics of economic reform in
Africa, SIAS Upsalla.

Grindle, M.(ed.) Politics and Implementation in the Third World, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton
University Press, 1980, Introduction pp 3-39, total 36 pages cc JF60 P76

Jain, Arvind K. (2001). Corruption: A Review. Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1.

Khan, M.H. (2004) State failure in developing countries and institutional reform strategies, in

B. Tungodden, & others, Towards pro-poor policies: aid institutions and governance, pp.165-95.

Leftwich A., Governance, the state and the politics of development, [in East Asia] Development and
change, 25(2) 1994.

Marks, S. (2004). "The Human Right to Development: Between Rhetoric and Reality." Harvard
Human Rights Journal 17: 13768.

O'Brien, K. & Lianjiang Li. 2006. Rightful Resistance in Rural China (Cambridge University Press).
Chapter 1, pp. 1-24.

Peerenboom (2010). Political Economy of Rule of Law in Middle-Income Countries: A Comparison of

Eastern Europe and China. Available at SSRN.
Politorbis 42(1) Special Issue The Fragile State Debate: Considering ways and means to achieve
stronger statehood, esp. Krause,K. & O. Juteronke, (2007) Seeking out the state: fragile states and
international governance, Contains additional case studies. Accessible on the Web.

Rigobon, R. and D. Rodrik. 2005. Rule of law, democracy, openness, and income. Estimating the
interrelationships. Economics of Transition, 13: 533564.

Rock, Michael and Heidi Bonnett (2004). The Comparative Politics of Corruption: Accounting for the
East Asian Paradox in Empirical Studies of Corruption, Growth and Investment. In World Politics,
Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 999-1017.

Ruskola, Teemu (2002-3). Legal Orientalism. 101 Mich. L. Rev 179.

Schleifer, Andrei & R.W. Vishny (1993). Corruption. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Aug 1993.

Tilly, C. (1985) War making and state making as organized crime, in P. Evans, & others, Bringing the
state back in, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Van de Walle, N. (2001) African economies and the politics of permanent crisis, HC 800 V21

Wedeman, Andrew (2012). Double Paradox: Rapid Growth and Rising Corruption in China. Cornell
University Press, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 7.

World Bank (2002). "Legal and Judicial Reform: Observations, Experiences, and Approach of the
Legal Vice Presidency / Legal Vice Presidency, the World Bank.

World Bank (2017). World Development Report 2017: Governance and the Law.

Yang, Dali (2003) "State Capacity on the Rebound, Journal of Democracy, 14, no. 1, 43-50.


L7 Household Structure, Gender Relations and Developmental Outcomes (NK)

Topic: How do intra-household gender relations, and their variations across contexts, influence
development outcomes?

Set Readings

Alderman, H & others, Unitary vs. collective models of the household: is it time to shift the burden of
proof', The World Bank Research Observer, 10/1 1995 . [IBRD (R39)]

Sen, A. Gender and cooperative conflicts, [Offprint p6914 a & b], in Tinker, I. Persistent inequalities,
women and world development, 1990 [cc HQ1240 P46]

Kabeer, N. Reversed realities: gender hierarchies in development thought, 1994, ch. 5 [cc HQ1240

Required Readings
Quisumbing, A.R. (2003) What have we learned from research on intra-household allocation? In
A.R. Quisumbing (ed) Household decisions, gender and development: a synthesis of recent research
Washington: IFPRI (pp. 1-16)

Francis, E. (2000) Making a living Chapter 4 London: Routledge

Sylvia Chant (1997) Women-Headed Households: Poorest of the Poor?: Perspectives from Mexico,
Costa Rica and the Philippines1 IDS Bulletin Vol. 28 (3): pp.26-48

Additional Readings

Agarwal,B. (1997) Bargaining and Gender Relations: Within and Beyond the Household, Feminist
Economics Vol.3 (1): 1:51.

Becker, G. 'A theory of marriage', Journal of Political Economy, 81(4) 1973 [HB1]

Becker, G. A treatise on the family, Cambridge, HUP., 1981 [MC HQ518 B39]

Benedict, B. 'Family firms and firm families: a comparison of Indian, Chinese and Creole Firms in
Seychelles', S.M. Greenfield, A.Strickon and R.T. Aubreu (eds) Entrepreneurs in cultural context
HB615 E61, pp305-326

Dwyer, D. & H. Bruce, A home divided: women and income in the third world, Stanford, SUP, 1988
[cc HQ1870.9 H76]

Doepke, Mathhias and Michle Tertilt. 2011. Does Female Empowerment Promote Economic
Development? Policy Research Working Paper 5714, Washington, DC: World Bank.

Folbre, N. Who pays for the kids? Gender and the structure of constraint, London, Routledge, 1994
[cc HD6053 F66]

Goetz, A.M., Getting the institutions right for gender in development, Zed, 1997.

Goetz, A. M., & R. Gupta, 'Who takes the credit? Gender power and control over loan use in rural
credit programmes' in Bangladesh', World Development, 24 1996 45-63 [HC59.7]

Handa S, Peterman A, Davis B, Stampini M (2009) Opening up Pandora's box: the effect of gender
targeting and conditionality on household spending behavior in Mexico's Progresa programme.
World Development 37(6): 11291142.

Hart, G. (1997) From rotten wives to good mothers: household models and the limits of
economism IDS Bulletin Vol 28 (3): 14-25

Heald, S. (1991) Tobacco, Time, and the Household Economy in Two Kenyan Societies: The Teso and
the Kuria Comparative Studies in Society and History / Volume 33 / Issue 01 / January 1991, pp 130-

Katz, E. (1997) The intrahousehold economics of voice and exit, Feminist Economics, 3(3): 25-46.

Kabeer, N. (2001) Conflicts over credit: re-evaluating the empowerment potential of loans to women
in rural Bangladesh' World Development, Vol. 29 (10).
Kabeer, N. (2003) Mainstreaming gender and poverty eradication in the Millennium Development
Goals Chapter 5 (Commonwealth Secretariat/IDRC)


Pollak, R., 'A transaction cost approach to families and households', Journal. of Economic Literature,
23(2) 1985 [ZHB 34]

Rubalcava, L., Teruel, G. & Thomas, D. 2009. Investments, Time Preferences, and Public Transfers
Paid to Women. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 57, 507-538.

Young, K. Of marriage and the market, esp. V. Maher, 'Work, consumption and authority within the
household: a Moroccan case', [cc HQ1154 O31]

UNDP Human Development Report, 1995 [UN (HA155), off pubns UN (R237)]

L8 NGOs Accountability, Legitimacy and Representation (JH)

Topic: International non-governmental organisations must become more accountable if they are to
retain their influence and position of trust. Discuss.

Lecture Reading:

Callamard, Agnes, 2007, `NGO Accountability and the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership:
Towards a Transformative Agenda, chapter 11, pp 183-184 in Lisa Jordan and Peter Van Tuil, NGO
Accountability. Politics, Principles and Innovations, Earthscan, London

Howell, Jude and Jeremy Lind, 2010, `Theorising the securitization of aid and effects on civil
societies, chapter 2, pp 17-45 in Jude Howell and Jeremy Lind, Counter-terrorism, aid and civil
society. Before and after the War on Terror, Palgrave, Basingstoke

Kilby, P. (2006) Accountability for Empowerment: Dilemmas Facing Non-Governmental

Organizations, World Development, 34(6) pp. 951-963.

Spiro, P. (2002) Accounting for NGOs, Chicago Journal of International Law, 3(1) pp. 161-169. and
scroll to p161

Keohane, R. (2002) Commentary on the Democratic Accountability of Non-Governmental

Organizations, Chicago Journal of International Law, 3(2) pp. 477-479. and scroll to p 477

Class Reading:

Ebrahim, A. (2003) Accountability in Practice: Mechanisms for NGOs, World Development, 31(5)
pp. 813-829.

Smillie, Ian, 2007, `Not accountable to anyone? Collective action and the role of NGOs in the
campaign to ban blood diamonds, chapter 6, pp 112-130 in Alnoor Ebrahim and
Edward Weisband, (eds), 2007, Global Accountabilities. Participation, Pluralism and Public Ethics,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Further Reading:

Abrami, R., Malesky, E. and Yu Zheng, 2008, Accountability and Inequality in Single-Party regimes: A
comparative analysis of Vietnam and China, Harvard Business School Working Paper

Baig, Q. (1999) NGO Governing Bodies and Beyond: A Southern Perspective on Third Sector
Governance Issues in D. Lewis (ed.) International Perspectives on Voluntary Action: Reshaping the
Third Sector, London: Earthscan

Marc Bovens, 2007,`Analysing and Assessing Accountability: A Conceptual Framework, European

Law Journal, volume 13, no 4, July, pp 447-468

Brett, E.A. (1993) Voluntary Agencies as Development Organisations: Theorising the Problem of
Efficiency and Accountability Development and Change, Vol. 24, pp. 269- 303. 0012-155X)

Brett, E (2009) Incentives and Accountability in Solidaristic Organisations in Reconstructing

Development Theory Chapter 8

Edwards, M. and Hulme, D. (eds, 1995) Beyond the Magic Bullet: NGO Performance and
Accountability in the Post Cold War World. London: Macmillan. HD2769.15 B57

Fowler, A. (1996), Assessing NGO Performance: Difficulties, Dilemmas, and A Way Ahead. Beyond
the Magic Bullet: NGO Performance and Accountability in the Post Cold War World. Ed. M. Edwards
and D. Hulme. London: Macmillan. Chapter 13, pp, 169 186. HD2769.15 B57 1565490517

Fowler, A. (1997) Striking a Balance: A Guide to Enhancing the Effectiveness of NGOs in International
Development. London: Earthscan. HD58.9F78

Fry, R. (1995) Accountability in Organisational Life: Problem or Opportunity? Nonprofit

Management and Leadership, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 181-195.

Goetz, Anne-Marie and Rob Jenkins, 2007, `Citizen Activism and public accountability: lessons from
case-studies in India, chapter 4, pp 65-86 in Alnoor Ebrahim and Edward Weisband, (eds), 2007,
Global Accountabilities. Participation, Pluralism and Public Ethics, Cambridge University Press,

Howell, Jude and Jeremy Lind, 2009, `Civil society, security and aid post-9/11: Afghanistan, chapter
4, pp 76-105 in Jude Howell and Jeremy Lind, Counter-terrorism, aid and civil society. Before and
after the War on Terror, Palgrave, Basingstoke

Hudson, A. (2000) Making the Connection: Legitimacy Claims, Legitimacy Chains and Northern
NGOs International Advocacy in D. Lewis and T. Wallace (eds) New Roles and Relevance,
Development NGOs and the Challenge of Change, Bloomfield Connecticut: Kumarian Press, pp. 89-
98. 1565491203
Hulme, D. and Edwards, M. (eds, 1995) Too Close for Comfort? NGOs, States and Donors. London:
Macmillan. HC60 N81.

Howell, J. (1997) NGO-State Relations in Post-Mao China in D. Hulme and M. Edwards (eds) NGOs,
States and Donors, Too Close for Comfort? Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd. With Save the
Children, pp. 202-215.

Kilby, Patrick, 2011, NGOs in India: The challenges of womens empowerment and accountability,
Routledge, London.

Lee, A.C.K., 2008, `Local perspectives on humanitarian aid in Sri Lanka after the tsunami, Public
Health, 112.12: pp 1410-1417

Lewis, D. (2007) Bringing in Society, Culture and Politics: Values and Accountability in a Bangladeshi
NGO, in Ebrahim & Weisband, Global Accountabilities: Participation, Pluralism, and Public Ethics, pp.
131-148. JZ4841 G56

Lewis, D. (2002) Non-governmental Organisations: Questions of Performance and Accountability in

V. Desai and R. Potter (eds) The Companion to Development Studies, London: Arnold, pp. 519-522.

Maitland, Alison, Accountability 'Vital' if NGOs Are to Retain Trust,

Najam, A. (1996) NGO Accountability: A Conceptual Framework. Development Policy Review, Vol 14,
pp336-353. HC60

Norris, Jesse, J., 2014, `Rethinking accountability in new governance, The European Journal of Social
Science Research, vol. 27, no. 3, 199-219

Peruzzotti, Enrique, 2007, `Civil Society, Representation and Accountability: Restating Current
Debates on the Representativeness and Accountability of Civic Associations, chapter 3, pp 43-60 in
Lisa Jordan and Peter Van Tuil, NGO Accountability. Politics, Principles and Innovations, Earthscan,

Scholte, Jan A., 2004, `Civil Society and Democratically Accountable Global Governance,
Government and Opposition, vol. 39, pp 211-230

Ryfman, P., 2007, `NGOs: an indispensable player of humanitarian aid, International Review of Red
Cross, 89.865: 21-46

Wanigaratne, R. (1997) The State-NGO Relationship in Sri Lanka: Rights, Interests and
Accountability in D. Hulme and M. Edwards (eds) NGOs, States and Donors, Too Close for Comfort?
Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd with Save the Children., pp. 216-231.

Willems, Tom and Van Dooren, Wouter, 2007, `Coming to Terms with Accountability. Combining
Multiple Forums and Functions, Public Management Review, volume 14, issue 7, pp 1011-1036

L9 Collective Action, Public Goods, and Common Resources (KH)

Lecture Readings
Mansuri, G. and V. Rao (2004). "Community-Based and -Driven Development: A Critical Review."
World Bank Res Obs 19(1): 1-39.

Ostrom, E. Governing the commons, Cambridge, CUP, 1990, chs. 1 & 6 and notes [ccHD1286 O81]
ISBN 0521405998 pp1-28 plus notes 217-220 and pp 182-216 plus notes 242-244

Stern, N. 2006. The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Read Executive Summary (long version).

Seminar Readings

Krishna, A. (2002). Active Social Capital: Tracing the Roots of Development and Democracy. New
York, Columbia University Press. Chapters 1, 3, 8

Wade, R. Village republics: economic conditions for collective action in South India, Cambridge, CUP,
1988, chp. 10 [cc HD1491 F42 K8 W12] pp179-198 total 20 pages

Further Readings

Bromley, D. Essays on the commons, Madison, U of Wisconsin, 1990 ((oop))

Cheung, S. 'The structure of a contract and the theory of a non-exclusive resource', Journal of Law
and Economics, 13, 1970, 49-70 [HB1]

Cleaver, F (2000) Moral Ecological Rationality, Institutions and the Management of Common
Property Resources Development and Change, Vol. 31, Issue 2, March, pp 361-383

Coase, R. 'The problem of social cost', Journal of Law and Economics, 3, 1960, p. 1-44 [HB1]
Eggertsson, T. Economic behavior and institutions, Cambridge, CUP, 1990, ch. 4 [cc HB99.5E21]

Heilbronner, R.L. 1974. An Inquiry Into Human Prospect. New York: Norton.

Hardin, G. The tragedy of the commons, Science, (American Association for the Advancement of
Science) 162, 1968, 1243-8

And Hardin's follow-up:

Hardin, G. & J. Baden, Managing the commons, San Francisco, Freeman, 1977 [HC79.E5M26]

McCay B. & J. Acheson, The question of the commons: the culture and ecology of communal
resources, Tucson, U of Arizona, 1987 [GF49 Q5]

Ostrom, E. and T. K. Ahn (2009). The Meaning of Social Capital and Its Link to Collective Action. In G.
T. Svendsen and G. L. Svendsen (Eds.). Handbook of Social Capital: The Troika of Sociology, Political
Science and Economics. Northampton, MA Edward Elgar.

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