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install chrome/chromium

terminal on ctrl-alt-t
install emacs

close window = alt-f3

maximize window = ctrl-alt-up
maximize window horizontally = ctrl-alt-left
maximize window vertically = ctrl-alt-down
autimatically raise windows when they receive focus
snap to other windows
disable switch workspace with dragged window
hide contents when moving
hide contents when resizing
keyboard repeat delay = 250 repeat speed = 45 blinking = 1000
disable touchpad while typing - 0.2s delay
disable tap to click

terminal off bottom bar

netsurf off bottom bar
file-system-thing of bottom bar
chromium on bottom bar
emacs on bottom barf
screenshot on bottom bar

get texlive iso

install texlive:
untu && chmod +x ./install-tl-ubuntu
sudo ./install-tl-ubuntu --iso [iso file]
add to ~/.profile

set xmodmap
set .emacs.d/init.el
get latex style files
install okular -- invert colors -- uncheck all "show ___bar" options in settings
uninstall netsurf-gtk
uninstall mousepad
install ipython

TO SYNC: Downloads, .emacs.d, texmf, ~/.profile

Install go and drive?

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