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E.-C,e- v
Paul Claverie

/} , AS _ ., \ / 4 f /

Electricite de France - PARIS

Abstract-As a part of the research program on the behavior of

polluted insulators, the mechanism of flashover due to contamination

has been analysed in a recent publication [1 ] .
Works in this field have been continued by a study of the charac-
teristics of contaminating layers deposited on the surface of insulators.
z /v",

R (X)
0 .-.e
Yves Porcheron
Member 1lfWE
M -1 C&jP

Length of arc, in centimeters


Maximum length of arc, in centimeters


Resistance in series with the arc, in ohms (characteristic

function of the layer)
Resistivity of the contaminating electrolyte in ohms.centi-
It was shown that, making use of the salt fog test and by a proper meters
choice of the concentration of the sprayed saline solution, it was F (X) Distribution function of the contaminating layer:
possible to reproduce in laboratories artificial contaminating layers
R (X)
equivalent to any natural layers. F (X)-
Consequently, the degree of pollution in a locality can be charac- p
terized by reference to the salt fog test and expressed in terms of an Bases of the theory of flashover
equivalent salinity. This degree of contamination can be determined by
recording on the site the maximum leakage current of a standard-type It has been possible to study the development of arn arc on the
insulator. surface of a contaminated insulator by considering:
- on the one hand, the equation of the electrical circuit in-
The final result of these works is a practical method for selecting
line or post insulators in polluted areas. This method is based on salt fog cluding an arc in series with a resistance consisting of the area of the
laboratory tests and on measurements in the polluted sites for finding contaminating layer traversed by the leakage current (figure 1).
- on the other hand, a condition of reignition of the arc in
out the degree of the local contamination severity.
alternating current.
tEs S S3
The overhead lines and the substations of a transmission network
situated in areas subject to high levels of atmospheric contamination
are susceptible to troubles due to flashovers of polluted insulator
strings or post insulators. Several solutions can be considered to pre-
vent these difficulties. It is possible, for example:
- To increase the length of the insulator strings or post insulators,
- To replace the conventional insulators by anti-fog insulators,
- To cover the insulator surfaces with mineral or silicon grease to
delay the formation of the conductive layer,
- To wash the insulators periodically, etc....
In order to choose from among the various types of insulators and
to properly adapt the insulation of a line or a substation to the severity
of the local pollution, it was first of all essential to determine the
factors which really influence flashover and the conditions under which
it occurs.
As a first step, a theoretical study of the flashover mechanism was
carried out using a simple experimental model permitting easy ob-
servations of the phenomena [1]. The results of this study were then LAYER
applied to insulators subjected to natural pollution or artificially con-
taminated in the laboratory. It was found possible to work out a prac-
tical method for the determination of insulation in polluted areas.


The following notations are used: Fig. 1. Discharge on the surface of a contaminated insulator.
V Alternating voltage applied to the insulator, in volts (peak
Vc Flashover voltage (peak value) Experimental measurements have shown that the arc voltage was
I Leakage current, in amperes (peak value) quite well represented by the expression:
IM Maximum leakage current, in amperes (peak value) 100 X
Varc =
Paper T 72 5544, recommended and approved by the Transmission and Dis-
tribution Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at The resistance R, in series with the arc, obviously depends on the
the IEEE PES Summer Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., July 9-14, 1972. Manu-
script submitted February 16, 1972; made available for printing May 23, 1972. position of the arc roots on the surface of the insulator. When on a cap
d pin insulator, for example the arc is established between the pin With Xc solution of the equation:
d a point on the contaminating layer, the series resistance is reduced
/hen the arc stretches out in the direction of the cap. This resistance d[X2 R (X)] 0
depends on: dX (7)
- the shape of the insulator,
- the distribution of the contamination on the surface of the If R (X) = p * F (X), equations (5) and (7) may be written:
insulator, 1 2
- the length of the arc X. V = 90 p3 X3 F (XC ) 3 (5')
For a given insulator, this variable resistance will therefore be
represented by the function R (X), here called the characteristic func- and
tion of the contaminating layer.
d [X F (X)]
When the pollution consists of an electrolyte layer of uniform = 0 (7')
resistivity p, the function R (X) may be written:
With these fundamental relationships, the flashover voltage and
R (X) = p * F (X) the critical leakage current of a contaminated insulator can be deter-
F (X) is called the distribution function of the contaminating layer. mined if the function R (X) is known.
Using the notations previously indicated, the expression of the

The function R (X) completely defines the behavior of a con-

taminated insulator since it permits, the calculation of its flashover
V 100 X + R (X) I() voltage. So this function effectively characterizes the degree of pollu-
'IT tion of the insulator and therefore the study of contaminating layers is
or, actually reduced to the study of the function, R (X).
100 X Method for the experimental determination of the function R (X)
V =- +?F (X) I (1')
VT Two methods can be used to determine R (X), the characteristic
The fundamental condition for arc reignition, experimentally function of an insulator contaminating layer: either a method of direct
established by means of a great number of measurements carried out on measurement in which the arc root is represented by an auxiliary elec-
all types of insulators artificially or naturally polluted is expressed by: trode, or an indirect method based on the interpretation of the leakage
current measurements.
800 X The principle of the method of direct measurement which was
briefly described in the paper [1], is illustrated on figure 2. This
method which is difficult to use is mainly of theoretical interest. It has
(This expression is slightly different from the one given in the
proved that R (X) represents the resistance in series with the arc and
preceding paper which was deduced from measurements on the experi-
and that the basic formulas describe the real physical phenomena.
mental model).
Maximum arc length as a function of applied voltage
Based on the relationships (1) and (2), it is shown that if the volt-
age applied to the insulator is V, the arc will not exceed a length XM
such that:
V = 90 Xi R (XQ) 3 (3)

The maximum leakage current will then be:

800 ) (4)

If the severity of the pollution does not increase (even if arcs

appeared on the surface of the insulator and a leakage current existed),
a flashover cannot occur. Fig. 2. Device for the measurements of the contaminating layer charac-
teristic functions (R (X)).
Flashover voltage
The indirect method is based on the use of the relationships:
If the voltage applied to a contaminated insulator is progressively
increased, a continuous increase in arc length XM is observed in
accordance with relationship (3). But there exists a critical voltage Vc 800
which cannot be exceeded without causing a flashover of the insulator V
through instantaneous extension of the arc. Corresponding to this
and R (X ) = 0. 88
critical voltage, or flashover voltage, there is a critical arc length Xc and
a critical current IC. defined by the following equations: (These relationships are derived from the relationships (3) and
2 1 (4)).
V =90 X3 . R (X )3 (5) Thus, to determine the function R (X), it is only necessary to
(800 Xc)2 measure the maximum leakage current IM under several voltages V.
This method of measurement, easier to use than the first method can
c \'
V6) be utilized "on site" as well as in the laboratory. It should also be


X ( cm)
X (cm) Fig. 6. Repartition function of the contaminating layer for various
Fig. 5. Repartition function of the contaminating layer for various pollution types
pollution types * Martigues-Ponteau (marine pollution)
* Martigues-Ponteau (marine pollution) + Gosnay (industrial pollution)
+ Carling (industrial pollution) o Saint-Hubert (industrial pollution)
Saint-Hubert (industrial pollution) O Artificial salt fog
O artificial salt fog.

Table 2
(see t.) (ee .1)works
t.1) (see tel) coking- (see t. 1)

17 19,5 16 13

1 23 25 21 17

17 ~~~~17 14

Flashover voltage (kV, peak value) of three types of insulators from

four polluted areas.
X (cm)
Table 2 gives the flashover voltages of three types of con- Fig. 7. Repartition function of the contaminating layer for various
taminated insulators from four different sites. Using the results shown pollution types
in this table it is possible to verify the equality of the above ratios. In * Martigues-Ponteau (marine pollution)
+ Carling (ind. pol.) 0 artificial salt fog
fact, it appears that most natural contaminating layers do possess the
properties set forth in the paragraph "Properties of natural con-
taminating layers".
compare this classification with that obtained under natural con-
tamination. [41 . This very long and inaccurate method cannot by itself
guarantee the validity of the artificial test.
It would be highly preferable and faster to compare the character-
istic functions R (X) corresponding to natural and artificial pollution.
Conditions of validity of an artificial pollution test
To set up these comparisons, the R (X) functions will be deter-
To establish the validity of an artificial pollution test, it is usual to mined by the method of indirect measurement based on leakage current
place in order of merit a few insulators tested in the laboratory and to measurements made at different voltages.

pointed out that wlhichever method is used, in order to make measure- Table 1
ments in the laboratory on naturally polluted insulators, the deposit
must be moistened. This can be done by condensation or by spraying Flashover voltage
tapwater directly on the insulator. Insulator Polluted locality in kV (peak value)
type Calculated Measured
The characteristic curves R (X) obtained by either method on value value
some insulators taken from severely polluted localities are shown in
figures 3 and 4. MARTIGUES-PONTEAU 11,5 13

(Metal works, 16 15,5
chemical works)
(Metal works) 19 19,5
(marine pollution) 16 17
ltm. IL
(Chemical works, 22 23
Flashover voltages calculated from the functions R (X) and measured in
the laboratory for naturally contaminated insulators.
5C. %% 40
N< 0 +
taken from different localities suggest that natural contaminating layers
0 0 0
have the following properties:
- The characteristic function of the layer R (X) can be split up

5 10 15
into a product of two factors R (X) = p * F (X)
X (cm ) - The distribution function F (X) is independent of the locality

Fig. 3. Characteristic functions of the contaminating layer in various and depends only on the shape of the insulator.
polluted sites - In a given site after a long period of exposure, the resistivity p
* Martigues-Ponteau (marine pollution) of the electrolyte forming the contaminating layer, reaches a maximum
+ Carling (industrial pollution)
o Sollac (industrial pollution) value identical for all types of insulators. This maximum resistivity
varies from on locality to another.
The generalization of these properties may seem questionable for
they are not strictly verified in every case (the function F (X) can vary
from one site to another for the same type of insulator; p is not exactly
identical for all the insulators in the same substation, etc.).
However, experiments have shown that by assuming that all
natural contaminating layers possess the above properties, the practical
results obtained are close enough to reality for these approximations to
be considered as justified.

Experimental verifications of the natural contaminating layers prop-

The direct verification of the validity of the properties above
mentioned is not easy. In fact, it is impossible to deduce F (X) from the
function R (X) without knowing p. On the other hand, these properties
can be indirectly verified by using the flashover voltage, which is easily
measurable in the laboratory.
If, according to the second property, function F (X) is identical
for a given insulator and for all sites, it is shown in the Appendix that
this is also true for the function:
R (X)
X ( cm )
Fig. 4. Characteristic functions of the contaminating layer in various By referring to figures 5, 6 and 7, it can be seen that the curves:
polluted sites
* Martigues-Ponteau (marine pollution) R (X)
+ Gosnay (industrial pollution) V3Vc
Table 1 may be used to compare the flashover voltages calculated relating to the same insulator are practically identical, which confirms
from R (X) functions with flashover voltages measured in the laboratory. the exactness of the first two properties.
It is also shown in the Appendix that if the resistivity p of the
Properties of natural contaminating layers electrolyte is identical for all insulators in the locality, the ratio of the
The measurements of contaminating layers characteristic functions flashover voltages of any two insulators in a same site, must be inde-
performed in the laboratory on various types of contaminated insulators pendent of the site considered.
Table 3

Number Test Period Test Period Test Period Test Period

Insulator of 22.X3 11.X9.e70 2e10 - 1.11.70 6. 11 - 20 11 70 29.11 - 15.6.71
types units
(125kV r.m.s (mA) (g /) (mA) (g /1) (mA) (g/1) (mA) (g/.e)

14 325 14 C >28 C > 28 C > 28

16 530 40 C >40 1200 57

14 120 14 225 28 770 57 540 40

16 160 28 650 80 435 57

11 500 28 1000 40 C > 40

12 970 20

1 640 40 265 28 >1000 >40 1000 40


1 135 28 400 57 480 57

C Flashover during the test period - IM Maximum leakage current measured during the test period
S Equivalent salinity.
Determinatiion of the equivalent salinity at "Martigues" testing station

Remark: As in natural pollution testing stations the voltage can- The factor p represents the resistivity of the contaminating electro-
not be easily changed, measurements of the leakage currents will be lyte; that is to say, p is also the resistivity of the sprayed solution. The
made simultaneously on insulator strings or post insulators of the same pollution will be made more or less severe by modifying this resistivity
type, but of different lengths. The stress on each unit can thus be fixed or, in other words, by varying the concentration of the solution.
at the desired value. So it is clear that the pollution in any site can be reproduced in the
laboratory by properly choosing the salinity of the sprayed solution,
Validity of the artificial salt fog test this being valid for marine pollution as well as for industrial pollution.
The salt fog test has been used in the Electricite de France Labora-
tories for several years [2-3]. The modification of a few parameters of OF A SITE: EQUIVALENT SALINITY
the usual testing procedure has made it possible to improve its validity.
Obviously, other test procedures could have been chosen which would Principle
probably have given acceptable validity [5]
The validity of the artificial salt fog test has been checked accord- To each polluted site will correspond an "equivalent salinity" (in
ing to the principles outlined in the preceding paragraph. As an example, grams per liter) of the artificial salt fog test according to its degree of
figures 5, 6 and 7 show the functions: contamination.
R (X) Experimental determination of the pollution severity in a site
Vc3 The problem consists in finding out the concentration of the saline
solution so that the R (X) functions obtained in the laboratory are
corresponding to measurements performed in the laboratory with salt
equivalent to the R (X) functions observed in the site under considera-
solutions of resistivity varying from 6 to 60 Figures 5, 6 and 7
tion for all types of insulators. Taking into account the properties of
show that the salt fog test is valid for industrial pollution as well as for
natural contaminating layers and the validity of the salt fog test, this
marine pollution.
equivalence will be obtained when, for two identical naturally and
In the artificial test, the contaminating layer is such that:
artificially contaminated insulators, the resistances R are equal for an
R (X) = p F (X) arc length X.

In practice, the equivalent salinity of a site will be determined in
the following way: in the polluted site, the maximum leakage currents
are measured on two or three types of insulators supplied with a voltage
close to their normal working voltage. These same types of insulators
will be tested in the laboratory under normal working voltages. The
maximum leakage currents will be measured for several concentrations
of saline solution. The salinity equivalent to the site pollution will
correspond to the solution salinity for which the leakage currents
measured in the laboratory are similar to those measured on test site.
A large and expensive testing station such as that of MARTIGUES-
PONTEAU, with a great number of insulators under test, was necessary
for carrying out successfully all the researches relating to the behavior
of contaminated insulators (studies of layer characteristics, validation
of laboratory test, etc. ...). When the purpose is only to determine the
equivalent salinity of a site, a simpler equipment can be used. These
"simplified stations" now being developed by Electricite de France,
consist of a three-phase pole-mounted transformer, 40 kVA, 380 Volts/
33 kV, supplying three insulators. The maximum leakage currents of
these insulators are recorded directly on paper-recorders.
Fig. 8. Martigues testing station.
Classification of sites

Now, the relationships: In order to determine the insulators for a line or a substation
which is to be built in a polluted area, first it is necessary to determine
the equivalent salinity of the site. A minimum of three years will be
V VT/M = 800 X required to obtain a trustworthy value of the equivalent salinity. This
time period if often considered too long by those responsible for the
and 0.88 - = R (X
M design of the installation. In order to provide information on the
required insulation in any polluted locality, systematic measurements
and investigations on the behavior of operating lines or substations
have to be undertaken to draw, from the results thus obtained, a map
show that the equality of the arc lengths XM and the resistances R (XM) of the severity of the principal polluted localities. For the purpose of
implies the equality of the leakage currents IM for identically polluted simplification, the various degrees of contamination could be split up
insulators under the same voltage V. into four classes of severity. These classes as well as the corresponding
This method of determination of equivalent salinity is illustrated, as an salinities could be defined, for example, as shown in Table 4.
example, by the results shown in table 3.
is located on the shore of the Golfe de FOS (near MARSEILLE) and is
Determination by means of laboratory tests
subject to very high marine contamination. The photograph in figure 8
shows the test station. After having taken measurements for more than The class of severity of a site being known, the flashover voltage
three years the equivalent salinity of this site seems to be stabilized at of any type of insulator which would be installed there can quickly be
about 57 g/l as can be seen in the T.3. determined from laboratory tests. It is thus possible to define the
Table 4
Equivalent salini Vc(, | . K
Class Site characteristics ty in gy (kV/cm)* /kV*

Locality without pollution problems

1 where the standard insulation is 5 0,78 1,3
Slightly polluted locality where
2 the insulation must be 28 0,47 2,0

Severly polluted locality where an

important increase of the insulation
3 is required (coastal regions, 80 0,36 2,8
industrial regions with polluting
works, etc. *..)
Locality with a very high degree of
pollution where an exceptional
4 insulation level is required 226 0,27 3,7
(coastal and industrial regions
with numerous polluting works)
* phase to phase voltage (r.m.s.)

Example of polluted site classification.

minimum required insulation in this site according to the safety margin It must be noted that this method of determining insulators does
which is wanted. not take into account the influence of the shape or of the diameter of
To choose this safety margin, the inaccuracies of the test method, the insulators on their behaviour. It is clear that this method leads to
the uncertainties concerning the class of severity of the site, and more- an approximate dimensioning of insulators. In particular, the values of
over the possible and unexpected variations in the severity of the pollu- the product p 1/3 K given in table 4 cannot be applied to insulators of

tion must be taken into account. large diameter or to certain types of long rod insulators. In fact experi-
In this connection it is important to point out that the salinities ments show that the equation (8) applies quite well to most cap and pin
of the artificial salt-fog test and, consequently the equivalent salinities insulators, long rod and post insulators the diameters of which do not
of the site pollutions, are selected from among the series of values: exceed about 40 centimeters. For large diameter bushings or for long
2.5 - 3.5 - 5 - 7 . . . etc. [2]. A variation of one "step" of salinity rod insulators with very closely spaced sheds, the flashover voltage is
leads to a change of about 10% in the flashover voltage of an insulator distinctly lower than equation (8) would lead us to believe. In the case
(the relationship (5) shows that: of large diameter insulators, the resistance in series with the arc is, in
fact, smaller than that of post insulators of small diameter (<40cm).
AV l Ap
For insulators with closely spaced sheds, the reduction in flashover
V 3 p voltage is due to the fact that the arc does not remain in contact with
Ap varies about 30% for one step of salinity). From a designing point porcelain surface as it grows [1], [ 6] .
of view this leads to a change of about 10% in the length of the
insulator strings or post insulators. CONTINUOUS MEASUREMENT OF THE DEGREE
As a first approximation, experience acquired during previous OF CONTAMINATION OF INSULATORS
tests can be used and then it is no longer necessary, as we shall see, to
make new tests in order to specify insulator lengths. In order to avoid flashovers in some transmission lines or sub-
stations in polluted areas, the insulators must be washed periodically.
Simplified method for specifying insulation in polluted areas In order to perform the washing at the proper time, the degree of con-
The length of the leakage path is a rather frequently used tamination of the insulators must be permanently known. To solve this
criterion in the choice of insulators. Although implicitly included in problem a method for finding out the "safety coefficient" of polluted
the function R (X), the part played by the leakage path does not appear insulators has been proposed.
clearly until now. It is possible, with a few approximations, to bring it This method is based on the evaluation of the ration V/Vc (voltage
to light. applied to the insulator/flashover voltage), from leakage current meas-
Let us call L the length of the total leakage path of an insulator, urements, or more exactly from the value of the product P = V
and let us suppose that in the range: To estimate the degree of contamination of the insulators in a sub-
station, for example, this method may be used in the following manner:
L 3 The curve V/Vc, as a function of P, will be determined for one
X=- X=-L
4' 4 type of insulator by laboratory tests, using, for example, the salt fog
the function R (X) is quite well represented by the expression C (L - X), method. For this purpose the following measurements will be carried
in which C is a constant which mainly depends on the thickness of the out for increasing values of the solution salinity.
- The maximum leakage current IM at the working voltage V of
contaminating layer. Furthermore, let us assume that the constant C is
identical for all types of insulators (that is to say that for very short the insulator,
- The flashover voltage Vc.
arcs X 2 0, the series resistance is proportional to the length of the
leakage path). Under these conditions, for all the contaminated in- The curve V/Vc as a function of P = V /1m will be drawn, point

sulators of a site (the equivalent salinity of which corresponds to a by point.

resistivity p of the electrolyte) the function R (X) will be represented By continuously recording the leakage current of an identical
by the expression: insulator in operation in the substation concerned, it will be possible to
know at any time the safety margin of all the polluted insulators by
R (X) .C (L - X) referring to the above curve. So, the washing of these insulators will be
performed at the right time.
Using equations (5) and (7), it is easy to show that the critical arc This method of measurement might be used for insulators treated
length Xc is then equal to: with silicon or mineral grease in order to determine the moment when
the dirty grease which has become inefficient should be renewed.
3 Studies are being made on this subject, but they are not far enough
advanced to draw conclusions.
and that the flashover voltage Vc can be written:


K is a constant which can be determined by site test or more 1. Analysis of the flashover mechanism of insulators subjected to
easily by flashover voltage measurements in the laboratory. atmospheric pollution has shown that the behavior of an insulator
The above equation shows that for the same area (severity p), the (flashover voltage, leakage current, etc. ...) is entirely determined by
flashover voltage is proportional to the length of the leakage path for the characteristic function of the contaminating layer R (X) which
all types of insulators. Under these conditions, the method of dimen- represents the resistance in series with the arc of length X at each
sioning insulators for any contaminated site is very simple. When the point of insulating surface covered with the contaminating deposit.
constant K or more exactly when the product p 1/3 K is known, the This function may be determined experimentally by measurements of
choice only consists in selecting insulators having a leakage path L long the leakage current.
enough so that their flashover voltages, Vc = pl/3 K L, are greater
2. Study of the characteristics of contaminating layers deposited
than the maximum working voltage Vm. As an example the values of on the surface of insulators in severely polluted localities (marine con-
the product p 113 * K (and of the ratio Vc/L) for the different classes of tamination, or industrial contamination), has shown that the function
pollution severities are given in table 4. R (X) may be split up into a product of two factors p and F (X).

- F (X) is a function of the distribution of the contaminating Assuming (third property) that:
iayer which only depends on the shape of the insulator.
- p represents the resistivity of the contaminating electrolyte e = pn,C
Fn,A =n,B ..
which is independent of the type of insulator and varies only with the [ Vc = 3 .GN
locality. n,Nn
3. It is possible, under certain conditions, to artificially reproduce
contaminating layers equivalent to natural layers. In particular, it has and:
been possible to prove the validity of the artificial salt fog test.
4. The severity of the contamination of a site can be characterized [Vc] 1,AA =
by referring to the equivalent salt fog test. This severity will then be
expressed by the same number as the concentration of the salt sprayed
solution (i.e. grams of sodium chloride per liter).
[Vi =
2,A 2
5. It is proposed to classify the polluted localities into four
classes of severity to which correspond the minimum lengths of leakage 1= P3GB
paths to be respected for the insulators in service at these sites. [V] 1,B 1
6. Study of the flashover process under contamination has also
led to proposing a method for permanently measuring the contamina-
tion degree of the insulators in polluted substations.
[V2]2 P2B
Let us consider a certain number of insulators A, B, C, . . . N, ...
exposed to the contamination at different sites 1, 2, ..., n, ... H IBA C 2A = GA
[v 3n,N [R]nN [ F (X) ]
n,N etc. ........ [V]l 1,B IV12, . . G

represent the flashover voltage, the characteristic function and, the dis- The ratio of the flashover voltages of two insulators exposed to the
tribution function of the layer etc. ..of the insulator N, exposed to contamination at the same site is independent of the site.
the contamination at the site n.
According to equation (5'), the flashover voltage of the insulator
12 1 [1] P. CLAVERIE, "Predetermination of the Behaviour of polluted
vCLc g 3 [X ]3 F (Xc)]3 insulators" - IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and systems;
c c Vol PAS 90, N 4, July/August 197 1, p. 1902
n,N n,N n,N n,N
with: [R (X)] = [F (X)] Y. PORCHERON, M. SFORZINI, "The salt fog artificial pollution
n,N n,N n,N test" - CIGRE, 1968, Paper n 25-08
whence: Y. PORCHERON, P. CLAVERIE, "International Research on pol-
I V3c I nt luted insulators" CIGRE, 1970, Paper n 33-02.
[R (X)] = [F (X)] [4] H. BAATZ, G. BOLL, 0. BRENNECKE, G. NIEHAGE, G.
n,N 903 [JX2 . [F (X)] n,N REVEREY and Th. VOGELSANG, "New field experience with
n,N n,N outdoor insulators in pollution areas and methods of assessing the
performance of insulation under conditions of pollution", CIGRE
If the property [F (X)31 N [F (x)]2N [F ] 1964, report 212.
[5] P. J. LAMBETH, "Effect of pollution on high-voltage outdoor
insulators", IEE Reviews, volume 1 18, n 9 R, September 197 1.
is verified; that is to say, if the distribution function F (X) is, for the tional studies of insulator pollution problems", CIGRE 1970,
same insulator, identical for all site (second property): paper n 33-12.
Xc] I ,N
N [Xc] 2 ,N =[Xc33 ,N O [Xc]N Rosario Cortina and Mario Sforzini (ENEL, Milan, Italy): The
and it is deduced from this: Authors of this paper are to be complemented for their interesting
work, which certainly represents an important contribution to the
[R](X) n,N 1 practical solution of the problem of insulator selection for polluted
. [ F (X)] areas.
903[X] 2 We should like to make a few comments on this work.
[Vcj 3 n,N N
[ F (Xc)]
First comment - It can be seen from the paper that, in order to estab-
lish the validity of an artificial pollution test method in respect of
given natural ambient conditions, the following basic condition must be
That is to say that the functions: verified, namely: the layer distribution function F(X) of any insulator
type must be equal in the natural site and in the laboratory. Indeed, if
R (X) the above condition holds, then it will always be possible to find an
Vc3 appropriate value Peq of the severity of the artificial pollution test
method, such that the product Peq * F(X) equalizes the resistance
relatinig to the same insulator are identical for all sites. function R(X) as measured in the natural site on the same insulator
type (Peq represents the "equivalent" severity of the site with respect
If the property relating to the distribution functions is verified, to the artificial test method in question).
one can write: Consequently, if we assume, for instance, that the salt-fog test
1 1 1 method is valid for a given locality, then the distribution function
= I3
n ,N
[X 3
[F (X )13
= Jn,.NGN Manuscript received September 5, 1972.
Fl (X) of a given insulator type, as determined in the artificial salt-fog, 100 000
must also apply to the natural pollution of the locality. In particular,
the value of this function for X = 0, i.e. the value corresponding to the * 9 ANTIFOG UNITS 10
total resistance Rl (o) of the insulator, also applies to the locality. It (W.S.160 kg/mr)
comes out that the simple measurement of the maximum resistance mA ko2794
Rl (o) of the insulator in natural conditions enables one to determine A UNITS
the maximum equivalent severity of the site in terms of the fog + 9 ANTIFOG UNITS j> 145
resistivity: ~
Rl(o) e 2 >10000
Peq = W * 10 STANDARD UNITS l i 130
(W.S. 10 kg/Mr)
with R I(o) measured in natural conditions and Fl (o) determined in the u k025
laboratory (of course, the equivalent severity could also be expressed in
terms of fog salinity). w - * 1 LONG-ROD UNIT
If measurements of maximum resistance are also taken for other < (W.S.14 kg/rn)
types of insulators (2, 3, etc.) and provided that the equivalent severity < 1000 127M -
turns out to be the same in all cases, i.e. W - - _-
Rl(o) R2(o) R3(o) ----- i--
Fl (o) F2(o) F3(o) eq
then one has a confirmation that the initial assumption of validity was x _
At* 1~~~~~~ -- 4-
correct, i.e. that the salt-fog test method is actually valid for the natural -*1 -
site. _ _
Another way of using the same criterion is illustrated in fig. 1. _ * ___ _ _
We would like to know the opinion of the Authors on this criterion v _
of measuring the total resistance of insulators, which is presently -- -- -
considered by Enel and which, in our own opinion, is very well in line *
with the work presented by the Authors. Incidentally, we should like
to point out that special care must be taken when measuring the total i
resistances of insulators. For instance, the measurements must be made 10I
at a voltage not much lower than service voltage, supplying this voltage 1.25 2.5 5 10 20 40
for only 2 cycles to avoid formation of dry bands. When this is done,
consistent results can be obtained from resistance measurements.
Second comment - Fig. 2 shows the results of measurements of maxi- Fig. 2.
mum leakage currents performed by Enel, some time ago, in the salt-fog
chamber of CESI. More precisely, the figure gives, for different types of
insulator, the maximum leakage currents, as recorded during two-hour
tests, versus the salinity of the fog. It can be seen that the correlation
between maximum leakage currents and salinity is quite satisfactory.
This confirms the validity of the approach followed by the Authors.
100 _' -..-u-A.
Insulator A S' V


Insulator B~~ W~-


10 units of 130

RD.- = ( 9' units of T


.~~~~~~~~~~~~s ds.

\ 01 +sK RA,RB,Rc,RD -N.
-- - * ____ _____ _____ ~
____. a,b.c,d CURVES OF TOTAL
RA - . - ____.____ ___.
_______~ _N< > * INSULATORS A, B,



0.01 ,1 I! ISALINIT.
2.5 5 10 20 40 80 160 kgftm3
Fig. 1.
As a consequence of the above results, recording of maximum polluted surfaces in the laboratory and in the field are radically
leakage currents was started in Italy at Enel natural pollution testing different3.
stations. The second basic expression in the authors' analysis, i.e. criterion
Third comment - At a certain point in their paper, the Authors state (2), is claimed to express the arc reignition condition on all types of
that the distribution function F(X) may be considered independent of insulators artificially or naturally polluted. Empirical relations as such
the locality. This concept, which would of course greatly simplify the and also expression (3), which has been obtained in a slightly different
whole approach to the problem, is difficult to accept, however, since form in an earlier investigation4, represent only simplified approxima-
the function F(X) should by its own nature be considerably dependent, tions. For example, it is not always possible to have a definite corre-
for the same insulator type, on the way in which pollutant and moisture spondence between the arc length x and the length of bridged insula-
are locally deposited on the insulator surface. As an example, fig. 3 tion during arc motion, which introduces considerable uncertainty as to
shows a comparison between the functions F(X) as found by the the proper value of x to be used in such expressions. Moreover, the
Authors, on a certain insulator type, at two different natural sites (see possibility of having multiple arcs seems to be excluded in the analysis.
fig. 4 of the paper under discussion) and the function F(X) as deter- It is interesting to note that the authors use the "maximum" leak-
mined by us, for an insulator of similar characteristics, considering age current as the link between natural and artificial tests. Flashover
uniform layer and wetting on the insulator surface (given the nature of probability, which is obviously a more fundamental term, is believed to
the comparison, the functions are expressed in p.u.). It can be seen that have only a rough correlation with leakage current, and that is the
the first two curves have approximately the same shape while the shape reason why leakage current records have been treated hitherto only as
of the third one, which may be taken as an example of considerably valuable supplementary information5,6. In dealing with such random
different conditions of pollution, is significantly different. phenomena, it will be interesting to know the proper statistical pro-
Within what limits can - in the opinion of the Authors - function cedure which the authors may propose for the determination of the
F(X) be considered independent of the locality? Is their statement ''maximum" leakage current and also of the exposure period to natural
"independent of the locality" to be considered applicable to any pollution which they consider necessary to yield reliable information
locality, i.e. to any type of natural pollution? If so, could this be due on this quantity.
to the fact that function F(X) tends to become "practically" equal in
different ambients for X higher than a certain value, i.e. for the more
external and less protected areas of the insulator surface, for which the
layer characteristics may be considered less affected by the mechanism REFERENCES
of deposit? We should appreciate the Authors' comments on this point,
which we believe is of considerable theoretical and practical importance. 1. J. S. Forrest, P. J. Lambeth, A. Colombo, J. Kucera, J. J. Hurley,
G. J. Limbourn, "International Studies of Insulator Pollution
Problems", CIGRE Paper No. 33-12,1970.
2. W. Rieder, "Plasma und Lichtbogen", Vieweg, Braunschweig
1967,p. 132.
3. H. Boehfme, F. Obenaus, "Pollution Flashover Tests on Insulators
in the Laboratory and in Systems and the Model Concept of
Creepage Path Flashover", CIGRE Paper No. 407, 1966.
4. J. J. Hurley, G. J. Limbourn, "Correlation of Service Performance
of Insulators and Lightning Arresters under Pollution Conditions
with Test Results etc.", Report submitted to CIGRE Study
Committee No. 33, September 1969.
5. J. S. Forrest, "The Performance of High Voltage Insulators in
Polluted Atmospheres", IEEE Conference Paper No. 69 CP 7 -
PWR, presented at the IEEE Winter Power Meeting, New York,
January 1969.
6. P. Lambeth, "Effect of Pollution on High Voltage Outdoor Insu-
lators", Proc. IEE, IEE Reviews, Vol. 118, No. 9R, September
1971,pp. 1107-1130.

Paul Claverie and Yves Porcheron: The authors wish to express their
appreciation for the comments and the questions raised by the
The method proposed by Mr. M. SFORZINI and Mr. R. CORTINA
Fig. 3. in their first comment can effectively be used in order to find out the
equivalent salinity of the pollution in a site. Nevertheless measurements
of the total resistance of polluted insulators are always difficult to be
Farouk A. M. Rizk (Hydro-Quebec Institute of Research, Varennes, P.Q., carried out, for it is necessary to avoid the formation of dry bands. So,
Canada): The authors are to be commended for attempting to establish during measurements, the leakage current must not exceed about 10
a correlation between natural pollution conditions of transmission line mA. Meanwhile the current wave shape must be permanently con-
insulators and those conditions prevailing under salt fog test on the trolled; distortions of this wave shape correspond to the formation of
basis of the flashover mechanism. dry zones bridged by discharges on the insulator surface and then the
The subject is quite complex and it is obvious that many simplified measured resistance does not correspond to the actual resistance of the
assumptions must be introduced. In several instances however such polluted layer of the insulator.
simplifications and accordingly, limitations of the analysis are not Let us point out that the function R (X) is not well defined for
clearly stated in the paper. X = 0. Measurements of the insulator total resistance does not give the
Fundamentally, equation (1) should refer to a long, static, small exact value of R (0), for, the arc root resistance due to the concentra-
current arc of length x burning in series with a resistance R(x) fed from tion of current lines is not taken into account (there is no arc on the
an infinite direct current source. The static arc characteristic involved insulator surface). Nevertheless this method seems quite valid for the
however may, as a first approximation, be used to characterize the arc determination of the severity of pollution in a site.
voltage-current relationship in the vicinity of the current peak of a Concerning the second and third comments we fully agree with
power frequency sinusoidal current when the current variations are slow Mr. M. SFORZINI and Mr. R. CORTINA's statements: "The function
so as to justify the quasi-stationary analysis. A fact against the applica- F (X) tends to become practically equal in different ambients for X
tion of this expression in connection with salt-fog tests is that it has higher than a certain value". In fact the natural layer properties stated
been found earlier1 that salt fog leakage current shows practically no in the Paper, concern severely polluted insulators which have been
power frequency quasi-stationary component and that on the con- exposed in a site for a rather long period. These properties of natural
trary the current consists of groups of pulses of greatly distorted polluting layers have been verified for most of the insulators used by
sinusoidal wave form. Another point is that a rapidly elongating arc, EdF. Moreover, these properties concern the different types of pollu-
due to the necessary energy expenditure for creating the arc plasma, tion which are to be found in France. For special types of insulators or
has a higher burning voltage than a corresponding stationary arc2. A other kinds of pollution (such as desert conditions) we are not sure that
further complication in this respect is that arc propagation velocities on these properties will be verified.

Manuscript received July 31, 1972. Manuscript received September 15, 1972.
As stated by Dr. F. A. M. RZK :these comparisons are derived from a few scattered results and thus it is
many simplified assumptions have difficult to come to conclusions. Comparisons are easier to be made
been introduced in order to manage when using the leakage current measurements, in fact, they are estab-
the study of the flashover mechan- lished from a large number of data and so, conclusions are much more
ism. The main approximations are reliable. Moreover the leakage current method is cheaper than the flash-
effectively pointed out in Dr. over method for which large natural testing stations are necessary. The
RIZK's comments, but other as- photograph shows a "simplified station" used as explained in the
sumptions were necessary to get Paper to determine the severity of contamination from leakage current
through the study. We think that it measurements.
would be too long to discuss here Concerning the definition of "maximum leakage current": this
the validity of these simplified as- point raises an important question. Up to now we have defined the
sumptions. But experiments have maximum leakage current of an insulator during a period of test as the
shown that even with those assump- maximum value of the peaks of the leakage current recorded during
tions the theoretical calculations this period. We agree that a statistical analysis would be useful to im-
were in good agreement with the prove the determination of this maximum leakage current.
experimental results.
With regard to the establish-
ment of correlation between natural
and artificial tests, it is effectively
possible to compare the. flashover
voltages of insulators. But, as a rule,


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