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Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika

Greeshma Rhutu - April - May 2012

Rhutu Description
Many a times, ideas which may not be correct, get easily imbibed in
the minds of people. For example, whenever the name of Ayurved
comes across it is said that, Ayurved is very hard to understand as it
is written in Sanskrit. However, what needs to be understood as the
unique aspect or the speciality of Ayurved Shastra is that every word
used in the Ayurvedic texts is meaningful & capable of explaining its
use in the appropriate manner.

When it comes to the environmental changes occuring during

Greeshma Rhutu, the heat starts getting severe & due to the sunrays
getting perpendicular on the surface of the earth, it leads to body
fluid loss. These adverse climatic conditions result in depletion of
Sharirik Bala which can be very commonly seen. In such conditions,
it is the responsibility of an Ayurvedic physician to use medicines
01 Chandraprabha which are known to nullify the ill effects of the diseases caused
due to excessive heat. The medicines commonly used during such
02 Punarnavasava conditions along with their detailed usage in different conditions or
03 Chandanasava diseases is being discussed in this issue of Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika.
It is hoped that all of you the respected Ayurvedic Physicians will
04 Gokshuradi Guggul appreciate it.

05 Kumari Asava No.1 Chandraprabha (With Loha - Shilajit) S.D.S. Monograph No. 0500014
06 Punarnavadi Guggul '' Chandraprabha '' is the
synonym of the herb known
07 Punarnava Mandoora
as Shati & since it is
08 Mouktik (Mukta) Bhasma the first ingredient of this
formulation, hence the name
09 Amrutarishta Chandraprabha. But apart
10 Avipattikar Choorna from this, it should also be
understood that, the name
11 Kamadugha (Mouktikyukta) ''Chandraprabha'' has been
12 Suvarna (Svarna) Bhasma given to this formulation due
to its Dahashamak (calming)
13 Pushyanuga Choorna effect over the body constituents like that of the moonlight.
14 Arogyavardhani
Due to this Dahashamak effect, many Vaidya use Chandraprabha in
the disorders of Mootravaha Srotas like Mootradaha, Mootrakrucchra
Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 1
etc. to reduce the burning sensation experienced provides strength to Mootravaha & Shukravaha
during such conditions. Chandraprabha is also used Srotas.
in various other diseases as per specific conditions.
cet$eme keuesoJeenveced Kledavahan is a natural
ebeYesefle efJeKeelee meJe&jesieeCeeMeveer, i.e. Chandraprabha function of the Mootra as per the Ayurvedic texts.
is known to cure multiple types of diseases. Chandraprabha proves effective in all those diseases
or conditions which occur due to deposition of Kleda
Mootrashmari (Urinary Calculi), Mootrasharkara in the body constituents. In Skin diseases, especially
(Crystalluria) & Oozing type like Sravee Vicharchika, Chandraprabha
Mootraghat (Anuria) helps in expelling excessive Kleda through the
are some of the painful Mootramarga & thereby, reduces the quantity of
disorders of Mootravaha discharge through the skin.
Srotas in which
Chandraprabha is considered a potent medicine in
symptoms like Urine
the treatment of Female as well as Male Infertility.
with blood (Haematuria),
Urine with presence
Disorders of the Uterus, Vandhyatva, various
of Pus cells (Pyuria)
disorders related to Menstruation, Leucorrhoea etc.
& Painful micturition
in females can be treated effectively with the use of
(Dysuria) are commonly
seen. Chandraprabha
is effective in In males, a very important disorder usually occurring
Disintegrating Urinary in old age is Benign Prostate Hypertrophy, in which
Calculi & flushing out the the flow of urine is improper due to swelling of
broken particles of the the prostate gland. In such a condition, the person
calculi. It is also useful in has to pass urine several times a day. Sometimes
reducing complaints of burning & painful micturition is experienced. Urge to
Crystalluria. urinate frequently, but only a small quantity actually
getting out is a situation that is very common at
Mootraghat or Anuria is a condition in which such a stage. Chandraprabha is extremely beneficial
the production of urine itself is low. Mootraghat in such a condition due to the presence of Shilajit &
developed due to improper functioning of Guggul, which reduces the complaints arisen during
kidneys can be treated very well with the help of micturition.
Chandraprabha alongwith Punarnavasava. This
combination helps in increasing production of urine While explaining Shilajit, Acharya Charak has
& is helpful in improving the function of kidneys, mentioned, ve meesefmle jesiees YegefJe meeOehe: efMeueeJneb eb
which further is useful in expelling out unwanted
substances through the urinary system. This inturn ve peesled emee~
helps in reducing condition of Vrukkavikrutijanya i.e. there is
Shotha. no disease
which cannot
Chandraprabha is an excellent Rasayan Kalpa. be treated
Shilajit is an important content of this medicine & through the
being an excellent Rasayan itself is useful in all the administration
types of Prameha Vyadhi. Chandraprabha is all the of Shilajit
more effective in Madhumeha in which it improves or in simple
the Kledavahan function of Mootra & is useful in words, Shilajit
reducing Dhatukshaya. if used appropriately can successfully treat various
diseases. Shilajit is not only used for treatment, but
also is helpful as a Rasayan in avoiding recurrence
Being Vajeekar alongwith being Rasayan, it also of the disease.

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 2

According to the Sootra, ' ieescet$eievOee: meJex meJe&kece&meg Important ingredient & properties :-
eesefiekee:~', all types of Shilajit contain the odour Shweta Purnarnava Shothaghna, Mootral, Hrudya
or smell of Gomootra. In proportion with all other
Shotha Vyadhi is developed due to deposition of
contents of Chandraprabha, Shilajit is more in
Apachit Jala in the body tissues, which can arise due
quantity, hence Chandraprabha too has Gomootra
to various reasons. This deposition usually occurs
Gandha or odour of Gomootra.
especially due to Apadhatu Vikruti or malfunction
of Heart, Liver & Kidney. Bilateral pedal oedema is
Chandraprabha Vati of Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd. noticed due to Hruday Vikruti. Puffiness of face or
contains not only the best quality Shilajit, but is also oedema over face is noted due to Vrukka Vikruti &
standardised as per Ayurvedic & Modern Parameters. Swelling over abdomen is noted in Yakrut & Pleeha
Vikruti. Punarnavasava proves beneficial in all kinds
The Guggul used in Chandraprabha Vati of Shree of Shotha due to its Shothaghna & Mootral Karya.
Dhootapapeshwar Ltd. is Dashamool Vishesh
Shodhit, which is more potent & effective in Due to laxity of the cardiac muscles or improper
comparison with Samanya Shodhit Guggul. pumping of the heart, Shotha is seen over the lower
limbs. This accumulation of excessive fluid in the
Chandraprabha Vati of Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd. body imparts pressure on the heart. Punarnavasava
is also extremely useful in Streeroga of different helps expel out the unwanted & accumulated
types. Dashamool Vishesh Shodhit Guggul in Drava Dhatu or fluid from the body & improves the
Chandraprabha is able to deliver better & faster circulation of the heart by easing the pressure due
results in treating Streeroga, as the Sanskars of to fluid overload.
Dashamool on the Shodhit Guggul are able to deliver
Udara Vyadhi or Ascitis occurs due to Agnimandya
the results better & faster.
which primarily is the outcome of improper
functioning of the Liver. Fluid accumulation takes
Punarnavasava S.D.S. Monograph No. 100018
place in the abdominal cavity due to a process
called as Osmosis
which occurs due
Punarnava - hegve: to Srotorodha or
vetleveb FJe kegles obstruction of Ama
the one with & Kleda. Due to
a quality of presence of contents
regeneration i.e. like Guduchi,
Chaturjata etc.
alongwith Punarnava,
this Asava improves
functions of liver,
increases appetite
& most importantly
clears the obstruction
or Srotorodha of
being Rasayan & Vayasthapak various Srotas.
in nature is the main ingredient
of Punarnavasava which is As per 'cet$eme keuesoJeenveced', the deposited Kleda is
effective especially in reducing expelled out of the body through Mootra or Urine.
Shotha. This Asava is extremely Punarnavasava is very effective in disorders of
beneficial in Shotha developed Mootravaha Srotas. In condition of Mootraghat, the
due to improper functioning production of urine in the kidney gets hampered &
or disorders of Heart, Kidney, less quantity of urine is produced. Punarnavasava
Liver & Spleen. stimulates & corrects the mechanism of production

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 3

of urine in the kidneys, which helps in condition of due to its combination with the other ingredients of
Shotha developed due to malfunction of kidney. The Chandanasava.
Shotha or swelling reduces when the accumulated
fluid gets expelled out through urine. Important ingredients & properties -
Chandan Tikta, Kashay Rasatmak, Sheeta Veerya,
Pandu is one such disease, in which all the Dhatus of Pitta Vata Shamak
the body from Rasa Dhatu to Shukra Dhatu become Mrudvika Madhur Rasatmak, Sheeta Veerya,
Shithil or laxity is observed in them. The condition Pittashamak, Anulomak
of Pandujanya Shotha can be treated effectively if a
combination of Punarnavasava, Punarnava Mandoora Chandanasava is an extremely beneficial Asava
& Arogyavardhani which consist Shothanashak in disorders of Mootravaha Srotas, especially
property are used. Mootradaha, Mootrakrucchra & Mootraghat.
Chandanasava with its Sheetal Gunadharma &
Galaganda or disorder of Thyroid Gland exhibits
Mootral Karya helps reduce Dosha Dushti of
swelling not only in the Galapradesh, but also
Mootramarga instantly.
over the whole body. Punarnavasava alongwith
Kanchanar Guggul prove effective in reducing the
Puyameha or Gonorrhoea is characterized with
Shotha developed due to Nikanthamani Vikruti.
Urethral Inflammation, Burning sensation, Wound
Urahkshata is usually considered as a serious formation & Pus formation. Being Dahashamak &
symptom or complication of Vataj Kasa, in which Puyanashak, Chandanasava is extremely effective
a wound is formed in the lung due to aggravated in such a condition. In
Vata Dosha which further leads to accumulation of situations where recurrent
fluid in the Pleural cavity, termed as Pleurisy. This Urethral inflammation is noted,
symptom is also noted in Rajayakshma. In this Chandanasava proves to be
condition Suvarna Vasant Malati & Punarnavasava extremely effective if used
are effective. alongwith Chandraprabha
(With Loha Shilajatu).
Punarnavasava can be given in Shotha caused due
to Hruday Vikruti along with Bruhat Vata Chintamani Raktapitta is one such disease,
Rasa, in Shotha caused due to Vrukka Vikruti in which the Ushna & Teekshna
alongwith Chandraprabha (With Loha Shilajatu) or Guna of Pitta aggravate &
Sheetaprabha & in Shotha caused due to Yakrut vitiate Rakta Dhatu leading
Pleeha Vikruti along with Arogyavardhani. to Raktasrava. Chandanasava
is beneficial in this disorder
Sthoulya Vyadhi is characterized by the increase due to its Sheeta Veerya,
in size of the body or puffiness of the body due to Pittashaman & Stambhan
excessive deposition of Apachit Meda Dhatu, Apachit properties, which not only
Jala or Kleda. In this condition, Punarnavasava can be helps in Raktastambhan,
given for a longer duration alongwith Chandraprabha but also facilitates Raktaprasadan & clears Rakta
(With Loha Shilajatu) & Medohar Guggul which helps Dushti. In severe conditions, Chandanasava if given
to expel excessive Kleda through urine. This helps alongwith Pravala Pishti, Chandrakala Rasa etc.
not only to reduce the weight, but also helps to gives best results.
reduce Dhatushaithilya.
Raktapradar & Shwetapradar, especially caused due
Chandanasava S.D.S. Monograph No. 100004
to Pitta vitiation can be treated very well with the use
of Chandanasava. Cervical & Vaginal inflammation
The Asava which is prepared with contents initiated is commonly seen in Shwetapradar, in which this
by Chandan is Chandanasava. The other ingredients local inflammation is reduced spontaneously due to
in Chandanasava enhance the Sheetal Guna of the Tikta, Kashay Rasa & Pittashamak properties of
Chandan. Renowned by its Sheetal Gunadharma, Chandan. These properties also help to reduce the
the effect of Chandan becomes even more potent occurrence of white discharge.

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 4

The contents of Chandanasava like Chandan, According to the Sootra 'cet$eme keuesoJeenveced', elimination
Mocharasa, Usheer, Lodhra etc. with their Stambhan of Kleda is the main function of Mootra. Gokshuradi
property are beneficial in condition of Raktapradar. Guggul when used in disorders of Mootravaha Srotas
Pradar Vyadhi is characterized by Vaginal discharge, like Mootrakrucchra, Mootraghat, Mootradaha helps
Mootradaha, Mootrakrucchra & Katishoola, in which in elimination of excessive Kleda accumulated in
Chandanasava if given alongwith Chandraprabha the body through the urinary system & reduces
Vati proves effective. the symptoms of these disorders. By the use of
Gokshuradi Guggul, the quantity of urine is increased
Sheetapitta & Twachavikar caused mainly due to
& relief is noted in the burning sensation of urine.
vitiated Pitta, appears with redness of skin, burning
sensation of skin, boils, pus discharge, abscess In condition of Mootrashmari or Urinary Calculi,
formation etc. The administration of Chandanasava Gokshuradi Guggul helps in disintegration of the
is fruitful in such conditions. calculi & relieves pain & burning sensation caused due
to the calculi. Gokshuradi Guggul helps in improving
The Niramavastha of Amlapitta is characterized with
urine production & reduces the inflammation of
symptoms like dryness of mouth, excessive thirst,
urinary tract.
burning sensation of chest & abdomen, abdominal
pain, which are caused due to increase in Ushna
Gokshuradi Guggul is an effective formulation in
- Teekshna Guna of Pitta. In such a condition,
the treatment of Jeerna Amavata or Niramavastha
Chandanasava if given alongwith Kamadugha
of Amavata. Symptoms like Teevra Shoola,
(Mouktikyukta) is extremely effective.
Sandhigraha, Jwara etc. are not seen in Niramavastha
Pittadushti is observed in the body due to the of Amavata. Gokshuradi Guggul helps in the Pachan
excessive heat in the environment during Greeshma of the residual Ama & causes Vatashaman. Hence
Rhutu. This causes burning sensation throughout the Gokshuradi Guggul is extremely beneficial as a
body, dryness of mouth, Shirodaha, Shirahshoola, Rasayan in Niramavastha of Amavata & Sandhigata
Dourbalya etc. Chandan due to its Shramahar, Vata.
Shothahar, Trushnahar properties provides relief
Being effective in Apana Vayu Kshetra, Gokshuradi
from the excessive heat in the body.
Guggul is useful in disorders caused due to
Chandanasava is also effective in Jwara Vyadhi with Shukradosha. Specifically in conditions like Erectile
symptoms of Daha etc. caused due to vitiated Pitta. Dysfunction, Gokshuradi Guggul is used alongwith
medicines containing Shilajatu.
Gokshuradi Guggul S.D.S. Monograph No. 0400024 Prameha is included
in the category of
'Gokshur' is the main ingredient of this Guggulkalpa, Santarpanjanya Vyadhi.
hence the name. Gokshuradi Guggul consists of Various Hetus or
Triphala Vishesh Shodhit Guggul & is extremely causes are noted in the
effective in Niramavastha of Amavata & disorders of occurrence of Prameha,
Mootravaha Srotas. but Kleda is considered
Important ingredients & properties - as the most important
cause of Prameha.
Gokshur cet$eke=^efveuenjeCeeced~ Mootral, In the treatment of
Vatahar, Mootra- Prameha, Gokshuradi
krucchranashak, Guggul if given alongwith
Ashmarinashak Chandraprabha (With
Loha Shilajatu) proves to
Triphala Vishesh be more effective.
Shodhit Guggul
Va t a s h a m a k , Gokshuradi Guggul is
Ve d a n a s h a m a k , prepared from 'Gokshur',
Amapachak which is considered as

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 5

the 'Agrya' or the best Mootrakrucchrahar & Vatahar Haritaki Rasayan,
Dravya. While explaining the functions of Gokshur, Tridoshanashak especially
Bhavaprakash has mentioned its function of Basti Vatakaphanashak, Pureesha
Vishodhan. Due to its Vishodhan Karma or cleansing Sarak
effect over Basti or Urinary Bladder, Gokshuradi Madhu Kaphanashak
Guggul is effective in disorders like Mootradaha, Somanathi Tamra Bhasma
Mootrakrucchra, Sapooya Mootrapravrutti etc. It Yakrutottejak, Pittasravak
improves the quantity of urine & helps to eliminate Loha Bhasma Raktavardhak
unwanted substances out of the body alongwith the
urine. Indications -
Kumari Asava No. 1 with
Gokshuradi Guggul is useful in disorders like contents having Gamitva
Mootrasharkara (Crystalluria) & Mootrashmari towards Yakrut & Pleeha,
(Urinary calculi). It not only disintegrates the is extremely effective in
calculi, but also facilitates proper elimination of the all the disorders related to
Mootrasharkara. Due to its Shamak Karya, it is useful these two organs. Especially
in the inflammation of Urinary tract. conditions like Hepatomegaly
& Splenomegaly, may it be in
There is a specific set of muscles near the mouth the form of a symptom or a disorder itself, can be
of the Urinary bladder (Basti) called as the Urinary treated very well with the use of Kumari Asava No. 1.
sphincter, which play the role of controlling the exit If given alongwith Punarnava Mandoora, the results
of urine & eliminating the urine at the right time. This are seen even faster.
function is also carried out by the nerves supplying the
urinary bladder. If there is any improper functioning Kamala (Jaundice) is a disease caused due to Vikruti
of the nerves and / or the urinary sphincter, it leads in Yakrut & Pleeha - the Moolasthana of Raktavaha
to difficulty in voiding off the urine. Gokshuradi Srotas, which further leads to improper Srava of
Guggul if given in such a condition proves extremely Pachak Pitta. The presence of Somanathi Tamra
effective in reducing the obstruction & helps in Bhasma & Kumari in Kumari Asava No. 1 clears the
proper elimination of the urine. obstruction of the Srotas & facilitates the Srava of
Pachak Pitta in the Koshtha. In such a condition the
Both the contents, Gokshur & Triphala Vishesh use of Arogyavardhani with Kumari Asava No. 1 as
Shodhit Guggul of Gokshuradi Guggul are excellent an Anupan serves even better results.
Balya, Vatashamak & Rasayan ingredients. Hence
Gokshuradi Guggul is effective in Niramavastha of 'Pandu' commonly known as Anaemia is a disorder
Amavata & Sandhigata Vata as it helps in residual of the Rasavaha Srotas & Rasadhatvagnimandya
Dosha Pachan, Shaman & Khavaigunya Nash. It is the major cause of Pandu. Ranjak Pitta residing
provides relief to the Sandhi Sthana by nullifying the in Yakrut & Pleeha performs the role of conversion
effect on the Sandhi after suffering from Amavata or of Rasa Dhatu to Rakta Dhatu. With contents like
Sandhigata Vata. Gokshuradi Guggul can be given for Loha Bhasma & Tamra Bhasma, Kumari Asava No. 1
longer durations in disorders of joints as a Rasayan. proves to be very effective in the treatment of Pandu
caused due to such Yakrut & Pleeha Vikruti. Due to
Vikruti of Yakrut, this process of Rasaranjan gets
Kumari Asava No. 1 S.D.S. Monograph No. 100007 hampered, which exhibits the symptoms of Pandu
Kumari Asava No. 1 is prepared from 'Kumari' which Vyadhi. In such a condition, Kumari Asava No. 1 with
has excellent Deepan, Pachan & Yakrutottejak content like Tamra Bhasma, improves the function of
properties. Yakrut & helps in the process of production of Rakta
Important ingredients & properties :-
Kumari Yakrut & Pleeha Gamitva, Pureesha All types of Shotha related to Yakrut & Pleeha Vikruti
Bhedak, Artavajanak, Vatakaphashamak, Pittasravak, can be effectively treated with the combination of
Vishaghna, Netrya, Rasayan Kumari Asava No. 1, Punarnavadi Guggul & Punarnava

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 6

Mandoora. Udara Vyadhi in the treatment of Shotha, whether it be a symptom
is a disease in which the or a disease.
abdominal size increases
tremendously, due to Important ingredients & properties -
accumulation of Kleda Punarnava .....meMeesLeheeC[g esie keemeesj: #eleMetuevegle~
in the Udaradhara Kala Lekhan, Deepan, Shothaghna, Swedajanan, Mootral,
or Audarya Kala. Due Raktavardhak
to causes like Alcohol Eranda Amapachan, Virechan, Vataghna, Bhedan
consumption, presence Gomootra Shothaghna, Kushthaghna, Amapachan
of Apachit Meda etc. the
Srotas present in the Yakrut Indications -
get vitiated & obstruction Punarnavadi Guggul is extremely effective in all kinds
of these Srotas is seen, which further causes Udara of Shotha or swelling. It is useful in Padashotha,
Vyadhi. Kumari Asava No. 1 is beneficial in clearing Akshikoota Shotha, Pandujanya Shotha, Udara
the obstruction in the Srotas of Yakrut & relieving especially Jalodara, Hrudrogajanya Shotha, Vrukka &
Agnimandya. Mootrapinda Vikrutijanya Shotha etc. with different
Anupan as per the disease. Shotha is developed
Kumari Asava No. 1 & Triphala Guggul if used in when the Apachit Jala or Kleda gets deposited in any
combination causes Lekhan of Vikrut Kapha & Meda part of the body. From the Ayurvedic point of view,
responsible for the occurrence of Sthoulya Vyadhi. In Shotha occurs due to 'Jalamahabhutagni Mandya'.
such condition the use of Arogyavardhani alongwith
Kumari Asava No. 1 also proves to be beneficial. Sthoulya or Obesity is developed due to many
causative factors, but if Sthoulya is developed due
Agnimandya is the main cause of Chronic
to Jalamahabhutagni Vikruti, Punarnavadi Guggul is
constipation & related Arsha Vikar. The contents of
beneficial. Punarnavadi Guggul proves effective by
Kumari Asava No. 1 reduce laxity of the intestines
causing Pachan of the excessive fat or Vikrut Meda.
& improve the motility of the intestines alongwith
reducing the swelling of Arsha. Kumari Asava No. 1
Punarnavadi Guggul when used in Kushtha Vyadhi
if used alongwith Arsha Hita is extremely effective.
helps in Pachan of Vikrut Kapha Meda, especially
in those skin diseases which are caused due to
Kumari, as the name suggests is effective in
Jalamahabhuta Pradhanata.
menstruation related complaints of Kumarika
(Teenage girls). Due to Vikruti in Garbhashaya
& Beejakosha menstruation related diseases In Mootravaha Srotas Vikar like Mootrakrucchra,
like Kashtartava, Nashtartava etc. arise. In such Mootradaha, Mootraghat etc. Punarnavadi Guggul is
conditions, combination of Kumari Asava No. 1 & very effective in eliminating
Rajahpravartani Vati is very effective in regularizing the Apachit Jala & Kleda out
menstrual cycles. through the Mootramarga.

Kumari Asava No. 1 if given alongwith Triphala The administration of

Guggul & Arogyavardhani in Sthoulya caused due Punarnavadi Guggul in
to Apachit Meda & Vikrut Kapha, causes even better conditions of Dhatushaithilya,
Meda Lekhan & yields faster results. Shotha & Raktalpata in
Pandu Vyadhi is beneficial. It
Punarnavadi Guggul S.D.S. Monograph No. 0400054
helps to eliminate the Kleda
accumulated in the Dhatus
Punarnavadi Guggul prepared from Punarnava & through the urinary system &
similar acting ingredients or such ingredients which with Raktavardhak ingredient
facilitate better action of Punarnava alongwith like Punarnava improves
Gomootra Vishesh Shodhit Guggul is very effective condition of Raktalpata.

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 7

is very effective in diseases like Udara. In Udara
Punarnava Mandoor S.D.S. Monograph No. 0500094 especially in Jalodara, Yakrutodara & Pleehodara,
It is an excellent Raktavardhak & Shothaghna because of decreased function of Yakrut and
Kalpa, prepared from two main ingredients namely Pleeha there is collection of Apachit Jala or
Punarnava & Mandoora Bhasma. Kleda in Udaryakala. In this condition Punarnava
Mandoora proves to be effective when used with
Important ingredients and properties - Arogyavardhani.
Punarnava - Vatakaphaghna, Shothaghna,
Mootrajanan, Raktavardhak, Swedajanan In Kamala Vyadhi Agnideepan, Pitta Virechan &
Mandoora - Kashay Rasatmak, Raktavardhak, Acts Raktaprasadan are very important from treatment
on Yakrut, Shothaghna point of view. Due to action on Yakrut as well as
Gomootra - Vatakaphaghna, Shothaghna, Pleeha, Punarnava Mandoora proves to be beneficial
Amapachak in Kamala Vyadhi by improving secretion of Pachak
Pitta, alleviating Dhatushaithilya & eliminating Pitta
Indications - through Mala. In Kamala,
Punarnava Mandoora is very useful Kalpa in Pandu Punarnava Mandoora
Vyadhi. In Pandu proves to be more
Vyadhi which beneficial when used
is a disease in combination with
of Rasavaha Kumari Asava No. 1.
Srotas, there is
Rasa as well as Punarnava Mandoora is
Rakta Dhatvagni- very effective in Jwara
mandya. Ranjak especially Vishamajwara
Pitta resides in having Yakrut - Pleeha
Yakrut - Pleeha Vruddhi & quantitative
and performs the important function of Parinaman decrease in RBC count
of Rasa Dhatu to Rakta Dhatu. When it gets vitiated with its Shothaghna and
there is decrease in quality as well as quantity of Raktavardhak action. In
blood which is known as Pandu Vikar. Rakta Vardhak Yakrut - Pleeha Vruddhi
Dravya are essential for treatment of this condition developed in Jwara,
but Dravya or Kalpa which have Raktadhatvagni Punarnava Mandoora is
Vardhak properties & act on Yakrut - Pleeha are more especially useful when
effective. Punarnava Mandoora is one such excellent used in combination with A-Flu-O-Cil Forte.
Raktavardhak Kalpa which when used with Lohasava
or Amrutarishta proves to be very effective.
Mouktik Bhasma S.D.S. Monograph No. 020010
In Shotha Vyadhi there is collection of Apachit Jala
or Kleda in different parts of the body. Punarnava Mouktik Bhasma is prepared from Mouktik or Pearl
Mandoora contains Punarnava having ability which is a shining white gem. This Bhasma being
to eliminate Kleda through Mootra. Due to its excellent Pittashamak is useful in all diseases
presence, Punarnava Mandoora with different caused due to Vikrut Pitta.
Anupan acts as an effective Shothaghna Kalpa in
all types of Shotha including Vrukkajanya Shotha, Important Ingredient and properties -
Hrudrogajanya Shotha, Pandujanya Shotha, Yakrut - Mouktik - Excellent Pittashamak, Dahashamak,
Pleeha Vikrutijanya Shotha as well as Shotha due to Sheeta Gunatmak, Mootral
thyroid dysfunction.
Indications -
Ingredients of Punarnava Mandoora have Gamitva Mouktik Bhasma is very effective in Pitta Vikruti in
towards Yakrut as well as Pleeha hence this Kalpa Greeshma and Sharad Rhutu and also for symptoms

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 8

like Sarvangadaha, Trushna, Bhrama, Nasagata In Shwasa & Kasa developed due to Pittaj Hetu,
Raktasrava (Nasal Bleeding) developed in Pitta the use of Mouktik Bhasma decreases irritation
Prakruti Vyakti. Use of Mouktik Bhasma quickly of Shwasavahini. Mouktik Bhasma is especially
reduces Ushna, Teekshna Guna of Vikrut Pitta and effective in Rajayakshma Vyadhi having Pittaj
helps in Rakta Stambhan. symptoms like Urahdaha etc.

Mouktik Bhasma which is one of the best Asthishosha, is a disease in which Asthiposhak
Pittashamak and has Sheeta Guna gives immediate Ansha from diet cannot be converted into Asthi
relief in the symptoms like Urahdaha, Udaradaha, Dhatu due to Asthi Dhatvagnimandya. This causes
Hrullas, Amlodgar, Shirahshool, Bhrama developed malnutrition of Asthidhatu along with Asthi Dhatu
in Amlapitta due to vitiated Pitta. With the use of Sousheerya. The use of Mouktik Bhasma with Milk
Mouktik Bhasma, tendancy of Pitta to generate and Ghruta proves to be useful in Asthisousheerya.
Vidaha is reduced. It has effective Mootral action on
Mootravaha Srotas. When used in combination with Mouktik Bhasma is useful in Prameha Vyadhi with
Chandanasava, Mouktik Bhasma with its Sheeta & Pittaj symptoms. It acts on Mootravaha Srotas and
Pittashamak properties proves to be more beneficial reduces symptoms like frequent micturition, burning
in symptoms like Burning micturition, Painful micturition etc. In such a condition, when used with
micturition, Irritation in urinary tract, Haematuria etc. Chandanasava it proves to be more beneficial.

In Raktapitta there is increase of Ushna, Teekshna, In Unmada and Apasmar developed as a result of
Amla Guna of Rakta Dhatu & Pitta alongwith bleeding Mastishka Kshobha due to aggravated Pitta, the use
from Urdhwaga, Adhoga or Teeryak Marga. In this of Mouktik Bhasma decreases Mastishka Kshobha
condition Mouktik Bhasma given with sugar, Ghee due to its Pittashamak action and pacifying effect
or milk quickly controls the bleeding & pacifies Pitta. on Vatavahini.
Mouktik Bhasma is very effective in Raktapradar
Vyadhi seen in females. Amrutarishta
In Pittajanya Jeerna Jwara with symptoms like Amrutarishta prepared from 'Amruta' or Guduchi is
Antardaha, Excessive sweating, Mukhashosha, an excellent Jwaraghna & Amapachak Kalpa useful
Mukhapaka, Burning in all types of Jwara. As it contains Dashamoola in
micturition, Dourbalya, equal quantity to Guduchi, this Arishta proves to be
Bhrama, Mouktik an effective Vatashamak as well.
Bhasma is found to be
extremely effective. It Important ingredients and properties -
not only pacifies Pitta Amruta - Rasa Dhatu Pachak, Amapachak, Jwaraghna
but also improves Dashamoola - Effective Vatashamak, Anulomak
Poshan & strength of
Rasadi Dhatu. Indications -
When Mouktik Bhasma Dece=leeefj Fles<e meJe&pJejkegueevleke=led ~ Amrutarishta
is used with Ghruta in is an excellent Jwaraghna Arishta useful in all types
Pittatisar and Raktarsha, of Jwara. Guduchi (Amruta) present in it, with its
complaints like burning, Rasa Dhatu
inflammation are Gamitva, Rasa
reduced & bleeding is Pachan & Ama
immediately controlled. Pachan properties
With internal use of is very useful in
Mouktik Bhasma, external application of Shatadhauta all Rasa Dhatu
Ghruta in anal region proves more beneficial. Dushtijanya Vikar
especially Jwara.

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 9

As Jatharagnimandya is the main causative factor Amrutarishta is especially effective in Dhatugata
in Jwara, it gives rise to Rasadhatvagni Mandya & Jwara. It has efficiency to improve Poshan of
other Rasapradoshaj diseases. In this condition the the Dhatus by improving Jatharagnimandya and
use of Kalpa which have Jwaraghna action, such as Dhatvagnimandya. This along with eradicating
Amrutarishta, Sanshamani Vati or A-Flu-O-Cil Forte Dhatugata Jwara, gives strength to Saptadhatu and
is effective. improves Oja Nirmiti. Therefore Amrutarishta is seen
in the form of an excellent Rasayan.
Due to its action on Yakrut & Pleeha, Amrutarishta
is beneficial in Yakrut -
Pleeha Vruddhi occuring in
Avipattikar Choorna S.D.S. Monograph No. 030005
Vishamajwara. Amrutarishta
The name Avipattikar Choorna is given due to
is also effective in reducing
the frequency of intermittant its action of eradicating vitiated Pitta. Avipattikar
fever in Vishamajwara. Choorna is an effective Choorna in Amlapitta
When Amrutarishta is Chikitsa.
used in combination with
Tribhuvankeerti Rasa, it Important Ingredients and Properties -
proves to be more effective in Trivrut - Mrudu Virechak, Pitta Shamak, Kapha
Vishamajwara. Shamak
Lavang - Kaphapitta Shamak, Vatashamak, Purisha
'Amavata' is a disease occuring Pachak
due to Rasa Dhatu Dushti. Shunthi - Amapachak, Kaphavataghna, Purisha
Along with Sandhishotha, Sangrahan, Shothaghna
Sandhishool, Jwara is a Triphala - Rasayan, Tridoshashamak, Mrudu Virechak,
symptom seen in Amavata. In Agnivardhak
this state Amrutarishta with Marich - Kaphavataghna, Agnivardhak
Rasa Pachan, Ama Pachan as Musta - Kaphapittaghna, Lekhan, Purisha Sangrahan
well as Rasa Dhatu Poshan
i.e. Rasayan properties proves to be effective Indications -
when used in combination with Sinhanad Guggul. DecueiegCeesefeb efheeb Decueefheeced ~ the disease in which
Dashamool present in Amrutarishta helps in Amla Guna of Pitta is aggravated immensely or Pitta
reducing Sandhishool as well as Shotha due to its becomes Amlagunadharmi, is known as Amlapitta.
Vatashaman action. Prakrut Rasa of Pitta is
'Katu'. But in Amlapitta due
Nirmal Twacha or Clear skin is a sign of Prakrut Rasa to excess intake of Amla
Dhatu or Rasa Sarata. Rasadhatvagnimandya causes Gunatmak Aahar, there is
Rasa Dhatu Dushti giving rise to various Twacha Vikar. increase of Amla Rasa Guna
In Sravi Twacha Vikar combination of Amrutarishta in Pitta. Because of which
& Amrutadi Guggul proves to be very effective & in
there is increased Amla Vipak
Shushka Twacha Vikar the use of Amrutarishta with
of Aahar resulting in rise
Panchatikta Ghruta Guggul is very beneficial.
of Amlagunadharmi Pitta.
From the treatment point
With its effective action on Rasa, Rakta Dhatu as
of view of increased Pitta,
well as on Yakrut and Pleeha, Amrutarishta is very
useful in Kamala Vyadhi. Ingredients of Amrutarishta Virechan Karma is effective.
are effective in regularizing secretion of Pachak Pitta. Being Mrudu Virechak,
In Kamala Vyadhi, there is Vikruti of Rasa as well as Avipattikar Choorna helps
Rakta Dhatu which causes yellowish discolouration in eliminating Dooshit Pitta
of skin. In Kamala Vyadhi, Amrutarishta proves to be through Mala. In Amlapitta
more efficient when used with Arogyavardhani. and related conditions, the

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 10

use of Avipattikar Choorna in combination with
Kamadugha (Mouktikyukta) S.D.S. Monograph No. 0500044
Sootashekhar Rasa or Kamadugha proves to be
beneficial. It is called as Kamadugha because of its efficiency
to give desired benefits. With presence of Mouktik
In Agnimandya, Pachak Pitta is not properly as main ingredient, it is considered as an excellent
secreted. Ingredients present in Avipattikar Choorna Sheetal Kalpa. Kamadugha (Mouktikyukta) is a best
improve the secretion of Pachak Pitta and help in Pittashamak in Nirama Pittavruddhi.
Agnivardhan as well.
Important Ingredients and Properties -
Avipattikar Choorna with its Mrudu Virechak Pravala Bhasma, Mouktik Bhasma - Excellent
and Agnivardhak properties, is also effective in coolant, Best Pittashamak, Dahashamak
Baddhakoshthata (Constipation) and Arsha Vikar. Shuddha Suvarnagairik - Kashay Rasatmak, Sheeta,
Pittashamak, Absorbs increased Dravansha of Pitta
In Sheetapitta Vyadhi, reddish coloured welts along Shankha Bhasma - Absorbs increased Dravansha of
with small pustules having itching and burning Pitta, Agnivardhak
sensation develop on the body. In this condition the Shouktik Bhasma - Effective in reducing Teekshna
use of Avipattikar Choorna with Arogyavardhani, Guna of Pitta
helps in eliminating Dooshit Pitta through Mala Kapardika Bhasma - Agnivardhak, Pachak, Grahi,
and quickly reduces Itching and Burning sensation Shoolaghna, Pittashamak
developed in Sheetapitta. Guduchi Satva - Sheeta, Pittashamak, Rasa Dhatu
In Mukhapaka, Avipattikar Choorna proves to be
more beneficial when used with Khadiradi Gutika. Indications -
Amlapitta Vyadhi has Sama & Nirama Avastha.
Kamadugha (Mouktikyukta) is a Kalpa effective in
In Greeshma and Sharad Rhutu, Sarvangadaha
Niramavastha of Amlapitta. Urahdaha, Udarashool,
is commonly seen due to aggravated Pitta. With
Mukhapaka, Trushna, Chhardi, Bhrama etc. are
Sarvangadaha symptoms like increased Trushna,
common symptoms of Niramavastha of Amlapitta
Bhrama, increased Sweda Pravrutti, Aruchi etc. are
in which Kamadugha (Mouktikyuka) is found to be
also present. In this state, use of Avipattikar Choorna
effective. In Pitta Vikruti due to increase in Ushna,
in combination with Kamadugha (Mouktikyukta)
Teekshna & Drava Guna of Pitta, Kalpa having
proves to be useful. Pittashamak, Sheetal,
Dahashamak properties
In Raktapitta Vyadhi, Rakta Dhatu Dushti occurs should be used.
due to vitiated Pitta and Raktasruti (bleeding) from
Urdhwaga, Adhoga, Ubhayastha or Teeryak Marga Kamadugha (Mouktikyukta)
is also present. Avipattikar Choorna is especially is very effective
effective in Urdhwaga Raktapitta. Being Mrudu in symptoms like
Virechak, it a best example of Gati Virodhi Chikitsa Sarvangadaha, Bhrama,
in Raktapitta. Trushna, Shirahshool
which are seen in
Pandu and Kamala are the diseases due to Rasa Greeshma & Sharad
as well as Rakta Dhatvagnimandya caused by Rhutu or in Pitta Prakruti
Jatharagnimandya. Avipattikar Choorna having individuals. When used
Deepan, Pachan and Mrudu Virechan properties with Chandanasava or
helps in removing Dooshit Pitta as well as Kapha Usheerasava aggravated
through Mala, facilitates Agnivardhan and proves Pitta can be immediately
beneficial in Pandu as well as Kamala. alleviated.

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 11

In Mukhapaka Vyadhi, Dahayukta Vrana develop Suvarna is considered to be the best Rasayan being
in Mukha Pradesh. In this condition, sucking of Sarvadoshashamak & Sarvavyadhinashak.
Kamadugha (Mouktikyukta) quickly reduces Daha &
Shool caused due to Mukhapaka. Properties of Suvarna -
Suvarna is Sheetal, Vrushya, Balotpadak, Guru,
Use of Kamadugha (Mouktikyukta) with different Rasayan, Kashay Madhur Tikta Rasatmak,
Anupan is extremely beneficial in Raktapitta, Madhur Vipaki, Picchil, Pavitra, Bruhan, Netrya,
Raktapradar, Raktatisar & Sarakta Mootrapravrutti. Medha Smruti Buddhivardhak, Hrudya, Ayu
Pitta gets vitiated due to self provocative causes Kantivardhak, Vakashuddhikar, Dehasthairyakar,
& vitiates Rakta Dhatu resulting in development Sthavar & Jangam Vishanashak, Unmada, Tridosha
of above mentioned diseases. Kamadugha Jwara & Shokanashak.
(Mouktikyukta) acts effectively by alleviating Vikrut
Pitta & facilitating Rakta Stambhan with its excellent Indications -
Pittashamak as well as Raktaprasadak action. 1. Being 'Hrudya' & Raktaprasadak, it is an excellent
medicine in Hrudroga, as it provides strength to
Kamadugha (Mouktikyukta) is useful in Mootradaha Hrudaya & related blood vessels & nerves
with ingredients having Pittashamak, Dahashamak & 2. Effective in first & second stage of Aupasargik &
Dravansha Shoshak properties. Dhatukshayajanya Rajayakshma
3. Provides strength to the Avayav - Grahani in
In Sheetapitta Vyadhi, boils with burning & itching condition of Jeerna Grahani Vikar, in which the
sensation are developed on the skin. Kamadugha Dharan Kshamata of Antra is minimum
(Mouktikyukta) is useful in Sheetapitta with 4. Beneficial in Vata Pitta Dushtijanya Prameha
ingredients having Pittashamak, Dahashamak & 5. Being Vrushya & Shukravaha Srotas Balya,
Dravansha Shoshak properties. effective in production of best quality Shukra
Dhatu & beneficial in condition of Napunsakata
Being Mastishka Shamak, Kshobhanashak & 6. Useful in Unmada & Apasmar due to its effect
Sheetal it is effectively used in Vikrut Pittajanya on Manovaha Srotas
Anidra, Shirahshool, Bhrama, Unmada & Apasmar. 7. Effective in Jeerna Kasa & Shwasa, especially in
It proves to be more beneficial when used with Pittapradhan or Vata Pittapradhan Avastha
Saraswatarishta. 8. Beneficial in Dhatukshaya developed from
Jeerna Jwara
Kamadugha (Mouktikyukta) is useful in Pittaj Jwara 9. Useful in Pandu & Kamala being Pittashamak &
for Pittashaman and Dahashaman. Raktaprasadak
10. Being Medha
Suvarna (Svarna) Bhasma Smruti and Buddhi-
S.D.S. Monograph No. 0900014 vardhak, effective
Suvarna or Svarna is known not only for its attractive in condition of
appearance, but in Ayurved Shastra no other Dravya Smrutibhransha
has such an excellent medicinal use like Suvarna. 11. Effective in Jeerna
Twacha Vikar being
Efficiancy of Suvarna - Varna & Kantivardhak
12. Useful in Netraroga,
meJeez<eefOe eeesiew: es JeeOeees ve efJeefveefpe&lee: ~ especially with
kece&efYe: heeefYeeeefhe megJeCe les<eg eespeesled ~~ Dee. e. symptoms of
The importance of Suvarna in Ayurved Shastra is 13. Beneficial in
very clear from the above Sootra. As per Ayurvedic disorders developed
texts it is said that, Suvarna should be administered due to Jangam &
when no results of treatment are attained after the Sthavar Visha being
use of all the medicines or Panchakarma procedures. Vishaghna

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 12

Paradmarit Suvarna Bhasma -
Pushyanuga Choorna S.D.S. Monograph No. 030022
ueesneveeb ceejCeb esb meJex<eeb jmeYemcevee.......~ jmeW eg[eceCeer
The formulation useful in females in Pradar i.e.
If the Maran process of Lohadi Dhatus is done with Raktapradar & Shwetapradar is Pushyanuga Choorna.
Parad, i.e. they are Paradmarit, the Bhasma of those With high percentage of Kashay Rasatmak contents,
Dhatus are considered to be of best properties. this Kalpa is known for its Stambhan properties.
Suvarna Bhasma of Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd. Hence Pushyanuga Choorna is also effective in
is Paradmarit, hence considered to have the best Niramavastha of diseases like Atisar for the purpose
properties. of Stambhan.

Standardisation of Suvarna Bhasma -

Important ingredients and properties -
Ayurvedic Parameters
Lodhra Kaphapittaghna, Shonitasthapan,
The final mark of excellence in Shastrashuddha
Shuddha Gairik Kashay Rasatmak, Sheeta Veerya,
Raktastambhak, Kaphapittaghna
Mocharasa Shonitasthapan, Purishasangrahan,
Kaphapittaghna, Vatashamak
Arjun Twak Kashay Rasatmak, Shonitasthapak,
Garbhashaya Balya, Kaphapitta Shamak

Indications -
Bhasma particles in the There are two types of Pradar Vyadhi Raktapradar
print of Tarjani showing & Shwetapradar. In Raktapradar, excessive bleeding
Rekhapoornatva Rice grain floating is seen from the vaginal route, which is more during
atop Varitara Bhasma menstruation. Shwetapradar is characterized by
showing Uttam white discharge from the vaginal route. In both of
these Pradar Vyadhi, females experience symptoms
Modern Parameters of Suvarna Bhasma
like Katishoola, Dourbalya, Unenthusiastic nature.
- Heat Consistency Graph
The ingredients of Pushyanuga Choorna act on the
- Suvarna Content Consistency Graph (Standardised
Garbhashaya & Raktadhatu. Both the types of Pradar
- Suvarna Bhasma with > 95% Suvarna Guaranteed) Vyadhi are very well treated
- Infra Red Spectrophotometer when Pushyanuga Choorna if
- Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer given alongwith Bolabaddha
- Namburi Spot Rasa or Ashokarishta. By the
Fingerprint use of Pushyanuga Choorna,
(Grey Ring it is easy to nullify the
confirming symptoms like Raktasrava,
Suvarna Shwetasrava, Katishoola,
Bhasma) Dourbalya etc.

In condition of Shwetasrava,
- Toxicity Study
Pushyanuga Choorna if given
with rice water proves to be
extremely effective.

Atyartava (Dysfunctional
Uterine bleeding) is one such

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 13

disease, in which there is inability of contraction & Arogyavardhani is most commonly used in Kushtha
dilatation of the Uterine muscles. Due to inability of or skin disorders, but it can be used in various
contraction of uterine muscles during menstruation, disorders alongwith different Anupan.
massive bleeding occurs during this phase.
Sometimes even blood clots are seen alongwith the The main site of action of Arogyavardhani is Pachan
menstrual blood. In such a condition, Raktastambhan Sanstha which comprises of the Grahani, Yakrut,
alongwith correction of the uterine muscle tone or Pleeha & Pakvashaya. Constipation is noted when
function is utmost important. digestion is hampered due to improper functioning
of Grahani & Yakrut. The unwanted substances
During the condition of Atyartava, due to heavy which ideally should have been eliminated out of the
blood loss Dourbalya, Shwasakashtata, Bhrama body accumulate in the Srotas & spread throughout
etc. are noted. Hence in such a condition instant the body. Due to the Malashuddhikar Karya of
Raktastambhan has to be done on priority. The Arogyavardhani, improvement is noted in the Pachan
Kashay Rasatmak Dravya of Pushyanuga Choorna & Shoshan Kriya. This causes proper production &
not only help in Raktastambhan, but also reduce flow of Pachak Rasa improving the mechanism of
Pachan, Vibhajan & Poshan.
the Shaithilya or laxity of the Uterine muscles, by
which the contraction of the uterus becomes proper.
While using Arogyavardhani, it should be understood
Pushyanuga Choorna is beneficial if given alongwith
that, it does not act like Ichchhabhedi Rasa or any
Ashokarishta in Atyartava.
other Virechak Kalpa, instead it is a Kalpa which
will cause Malapachan & Bhedan. Kutaki comprises
Dravamala Pravrutti is the characteristic of Atisar
of half the percentage of the total composition of
Vyadhi. As per the Shastra, if signs of Samata are
Arogyavardhani & Bhedan is its main action. The
noted, it is adviced that Stambhan of this Dravamala
Dravya which have Bhedan Karya are known to
should not be done. But if signs of Niramata are cause Pachan & Bhedan of the Mala accumulated
seen or if signs of Bhrama, Dourbalya, Moorccha in the Srotas. Hence Arogyavardhani causes Pachan
etc. caused due to excessive fluid loss are seen, & elimination of the unwanted substances that are
then Stambhak Dravya have to be used. Atisar accumulated in the intestines. This function is not
especially Raktatisar can be very well treated when only seen in Sthoola Srotas, but also is noted in the
Pushyanuga Choorna is given alongwith Kutajarishta. Sookshma Srotas.
This not only causes Stambhan of the Dravamala,
but it also causes Raktastambhan. The Malashuddhikar
Karya of Arogyavardhani
In Adhoga Raktapitta, Raktasrava is seen from is very effective in many
Gudamarga, Yonimarga or Mootramarga. other conditions like
Pushyanuga Choorna is extremely effective in tartar formation over
Raktasrava from Gudamarga & Yonimarga. teeth, bad odour from
mouth, excessive nasal
Arogyavardhani S.D.S. Monograph No. 0800044
discharge etc.

Arogyavardhani is one of the most important Arogyavardhani is an

medicine used in Ayurvedic practice. Every excellent Deepak &
Ayurvedic Vaidya uses Arogyavardhani in his clinic Pachak formulation,
for the treatment of one or the other disease. which is due to its
content Tamra Bhasma.
Arogyavardhani is useful in all the disorders as
There is always a query
mentioned in the Sootra 'meJe&jesieeMeceveer ..~' regarding the safety &

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 14

quality of Tamra Bhasma, but the Tamra Bhasma c o n d i t i o n s ,
of Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd. is Paradmarit & Arogyavardhani if
Standardised as per Ayurvedic & Modern parameters given alongwith
& only then it is used in Arogyavardhani. The toxicity Mahamanjishthadi
study of this Paradmarit Bhasma reveals that, Kadha or Khadirarishta
Tamra Bhasma of Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd, is proves beneficial.
extremely safe & free from toxicity.
Arogyavardhani is
Yakrut is the site of action of Tamra Bhasma, which is useful in Sthoulya
the Moolasthana of Raktavaha Srotas. By correcting developed due to
the functions Apachit Meda. It is
of the Yakrut, equally effective in
improvement Sthoulya developed
is also noted due to Nikanthamani
in the Pachan Vikruti (Galaganda). Due to this accumulation of
Kriya & its Apachit Meda, its ill effects are seen in various
helps to clear organs of the body. With contents like Tamra
the Rakta Bhasma, Shuddha Shilajit, Loha Bhasma, Triphala
Dhatvashrit etc. Arogyavardhani is a potent medicine in reducing
Dosha. With excessive accumulated fat (Apachit Meda), further
contents leading to improvement in digestion & proper
like Tamra Bhasma & Bhedan Dravya like Kutaki, nourishment of other Dhatus.
Arogyavardhani is extremely effective in diseases
like Kamala & Udara. It helps in clearing the The term 'Hrudya' has been associated with
obstruction of the Sookshma Srotas of Yakrut & Arogyavardhani, as it provides strength to the
facilitating proper flow of Yakrut Pitta. Once the muscles of the heart & reduces Hruddourbalya. Now-
Raktashrit Dooshit Pitta is reduced & the flow of a-days the percentage of people suffering from high
Prakrut Pitta in the Koshtha is instituted properly, Serum cholesterol & related Heart diseases is on a
Kamala gets cured alongwith signs of increase in higher side. The use of Arogyavardhani is extremely
appetite & improvement in digestion. beautiful in such conditions. Arogyavardhani with
contents like Tamra Bhasma, Shilajit & Loha Bhasma,
The relation of Rakta Dhatu & skin diseases is known has its effect over the Rakta Dhatu & causes Pachan
to all as Rakta Dhatu is one of the Dooshya Sangraha of the accumulated Vikrut Meda in the Raktavahini.
of Twachavikar. Arogyavardhani with its effect over
the Yakrut, which is the Moolasthana of Rakta Dhatu Arogyavardhani is beneficial in the treatment of
various Jwara, especially after the process of
is extremely effective in skin disorders.
Langhan, Pachan etc. for Shaman of the residual
Doshas. When symptoms like Aruchi, Agnimandya
Arogyavardhani is the medicine of choice in skin
etc. are present even after Dosha Pachan, the use
of Arogyavardhani is effective. It causes cleansing
of the Srotas leading to improvement in Aahar Rasa
Pachan & Shoshan.
like Kleda,
S r a v a ,
In condition of Yakrut Pleeha Vruddhi seen in
Vishama Jwara, Arogyavardhani is useful. The
contents like Tamra Bhasma, Loha Bhasma improve
etc. In
the functions of Yakrut & Pleeha & steadily reduce
their enlargement.

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 15

In Ayurved, many a times concepts are mentioned even in the medicines which contain
misunderstood, of which Arogyavardhani is a even more percentage of Parad in comparison with
classical example. In Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakar, Arogyavardhani.
its has been clearly mentioned (ceC[ueb mesefJelee mew<ee)
& in Rasaratnasamucchaya it has been mentioned In the Ayurvedic texts, wherever the duration
as (ceC[ueb mesefJelee es<ee). Many studious persons have has been mentioned, only the duration of
given their interpretations over these two Shloka treatment has been specified & not the duration
& have mentioned different views regarding the of medicine consumption. For example, while
same. All these views are very important & should explaining Tribhuvankeerti, it has been mentioned
be considered. in Yogaratnakar ( efJeveeMeesled pJejeved meJee&ved meefVeheeleeved
$eeesoMe ~ ) If its meaning is taken in such a way that,
When we read the next line of the above mentioned Tribhuvankeerti should be taken for 13 days, then it
Sootra, 'osee hebe efoves peeles' it clearly mentions that, would be inappropriate. Yogaratnakar Grantha wants
Arogyavardhani should be used five days after the to specify that, Tribhuvankeerti eradicates all the
occurrence of Jwara. Keeping this is mind, if we thirteen types of Sannipata Jwara.
see the meaning of Mandal, it can be taken as 42
days. Hence it is very clear that, Arogyavardhani can If importance is not given to a medicine like
be given in Kushtha or various skin diseases for 42 Arogyavardhani, it would not only be wrong, but also
days which will cause complete eradication of the would be against the Shastra. When Granthakars
disease. have mentioned that, using a specific medicine for
a specific time duration will give proper results, they
Many people have accepted the meaning of 'Mandal' want to create a positive impact of the efficacy of
as a type of Kushtha. From our point of view, the that medicine & not try to create a doubt about its
meaning of Mandal if taken as a type of Kushtha will usage.
be a Punarukti Dosha as Kushtha has already been
mentioned in the Phalashruti of Arogyavardhani & If the Acharyas wanted to mention the duration of
hence would not be proper. medicine consumption of the Bhasmas, then they
would have mentioned it clearly just like that of
Considering both the above meanings of Mandal, Kshara, Lavan & Pippali. But they did not feel do so.
42 days would be the appropriate meaning. The
application of this meaning in Arogyavardhani used Hopefully we have enlightened your views regarding
by the Granthakars specifies the trust they have in its some of the misconcepts used now-a-days about
properties & functions, rather than the time duration the Ayurvedic medicines & this will help you to boost
for which it has to be consumed. your thought process.

Now-a-days when the topic of Bhasma comes For more details, please contact :
in front, this Sootra of Arogyavardhani is placed Health Care Services
forward & it is adviced that the Bhasmas should be Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited
taken only for a specific duration, as it is mentioned 135, Nanubhai Desai Road, Khetwadi,
in the Ayurvedic texts. This statement should be Mumbai - 400 004
Tel. : 91-22-3003 6300
considered completely wrong & as it is misguiding. Fax : 91-22-2388 1308
Email :
If this was intended by the Ayurvedic seers, they Website :
would have written something about the time For the use of a Registered Medical Practitioner, Hospital or a Laboratory
duration of consumption of medicines somewhere All Rights Reserved
in the texts. Nothing of this sort has been

Aushadhi Vivaran Pustika I April 2012 I Page No. 16

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