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Modern road construction involves the removal of geographic obstacles, and the use of new

construction materials that are far more improved and durable. Rock and earth is removed by
explosion or digging. Embankments, tunnels, and bridges are constructed, and then vegetation
is removed by deforestation, if necessary. Finally, the pavement material is laid by using a range
of road construction equipment.

Roadways are basically designed and constructed for use by vehicles and pedestrians. Storm
drainage and ecological considerations should be considered seriously. Sediments and erosion
are controlled to avoid damaging effects. Drainage systems are constructed so that they should
be able to carry waste water to a waterway, stream, river, or the sea.

Road Construction Techniques

Construction Staking

Prior to the construction activity the design information has to be moved from
the plan to the ground. This is accomplished by staking. Slope stakes are an
effective way to insure compliance with the design standards and to keep soil
disturbance to an absolute minimum.

Stakes are used by the equipment operator in locating where to begin cutting.
If the selected starting point is too high, considerably more material has to be
cut in order to construct the proper subgrade
Clearing and Grubbing of the Road Construction Area

Preparing the road right-of-way or construction area is referred to as clearing

and grubbing. During the clearing phase, trees are felled. Grubbing refers to
the clearing and removal of stumps and organic debris.

Trees should be felled and cleared a minimum of 1 to 3 m from the top of the
cut or toe of the fill .
This additional width between construction width and forest edge ensures that
space is available to deposit organic debris outside the road construction
width and that there is no overlap between forest edge and construction area.

General Equipment Considerations

The method and equipment used in road construction is an important

economic and design factor in road location and subsequent design. A road to
be built by an operator whose only equipment is a bulldozer requires a
different design than a road to be built by a contractor equipped with hydraulic
excavator, scrapers, and bulldozer.
Hydraulic Excavator in Road Construction

The hydraulic excavator is a relatively new technology in forest road

construction. This machine basically operates by digging, swinging and
depositing material. Since the material is placed, as opposed to pushed
and/or sidecast, excellent control is achieved in the placement of the
excavated soil.

Subgrade Construction
Subgrade Excavation with Bulldozer

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