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Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology (2008) 38, 391398


Ocular versus extraocular control of posture and

Contrle oculaire versus extraoculaire de la posture
et de lquilibre
M. Guerraz a,, A.M. Bronstein b

CNRS UMR 5105, laboratoire de psychologie et neurocognition, universit de Savoie, 73376 Le-Bourget-du-lac, France
Academic Department of Neuro-otology, Division of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Imperial College London,
Charing Cross Hospital, Fulham Palace Road, London W6 8RF, UK

Received 17 September 2008; accepted 17 September 2008

Available online 16 October 2008

KEYWORDS Summary Vision has been shown for almost a century to be heavily involved in postural con-
Vision; trol. However, the mechanism by which it operates is still an open debate. The purpose of this
Postural control; manuscript is to review the evidence supporting the view that there are two modes of visual
Motion parallax; detection of body sway: ocular and extraocular. The former is based on the characteristics of
Efference copy the visual ow (retinal slip), the second one is based on either the copy of the motor command
(efference copy) or the extraocular muscle afferents (re-afferences) consecutive to eye move-
ments. Results from the literature indicate that these two modes of visual detection of body
sway are effective and can operate congruently. For sufciently large body sway with respect
to eyetarget distance, the ocular and the extraocular perception systems could provide two
sources of visual information about body displacements. However, the afferent system might
remain the only one used for small lateral body sway.
2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Rsum Le rle de la vision dans la rgulation posturale a t mis en vidence depuis plus dun
MOTS CLS sicle. Toutefois, les mcanismes par lesquels elle opre restent lobjet de dbats. Le but de ce
Vision ; manuscrit est de faire le point sur les travaux qui supportent lide selon laquelle la dtection
Contrle postural ; visuelle des oscillations corporelles pourrait se faire selon deux modes : partir dinformations
Parallaxe de soit purement oculaires, soit extraoculaires. La premire est base sur les caractristiques
mouvement ; du ux visuel (glissement rtinien), alors que la seconde est base soit sur la copie de la
Copie effrente commande motrice oculaire (copie effrente), soit sur les affrences musculaires conscutives
aux dplacements de lil. Les rsultats de la littrature font apparatre que ces deux modes
de dtection sont effectifs et peuvent oprer de concert dans la rgulation posturale. Lorsque

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Guerraz).

0987-7053/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
392 M. Guerraz, A.M. Bronstein

les oscillations posturales sont sufsamment importantes relativement la distance ilcible,

les systmes perceptifs oculaires et extraoculaires savrent tre deux sources information-
nelles pertinentes permettant au systme dtre inform sur les oscillations corporelles. Seul
le systme affrent, oculaire, peut encore vhiculer des informations pertinentes lorsque les
oscillations sont de faible amplitude.
2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Introduction Further insight into the importance of visual ow on

postural control has been gained by manipulating articial
A person moving or standing upright can usually sense optical ow in order to evoke postural disturbance. The
how he is moving or being moved relative to his environ- most popular paradigm refers to the moving room paradigm.
ment. Detection of changes that accompany body movement In their pioneer work, Lee and Lishman [50] showed ele-
is essential for controlling body equilibrium as well as gantly that vision was not purely an exteroceptive sense, but
locomotion. There are mechanical changes within and at was an integral component of the control system for main-
the surface of the body (somatosensory proprioceptive taining stance. In the moving room paradigm, the subject
information), head motion information (vestibular input), assumes a quiet upright stance within a visual environment
and optical changes at the eye (optic ow pattern; visual (room) that can move relative to the xed frame of refer-
information). Somatosensory afferents include cutaneous, ence (oor) on which subjects are standing. The movement
musculo-articular, and muscular receptors. Since these of the room creates an optical ow eld pattern that is sim-
receptors are distributed throughout the whole body, these ilar to the pattern experienced when translating back and
are critical for determining body conguration, i.e. the forth through the environment. The result of such exper-
relation of each segment relative to the adjacent ones. iments showed directionally specic postural response: in
In contrast, vestibular and visual receptors are located on response to linear forward and backward motion of the
the head, which can move independently of the trunk. whole visual environment, subjects sway in the direction of
Therefore, in order to contribute to body conguration or motion [15,16,50,69,70]. This response is usually considered
orientation, vestibular and visual signals require the inte- to arise from a consequence of a misinterpretation of the
gration of the position of the head on the trunk and also, visual ow as due to self-motion instead of object-motion.
specically for visual signals, the integration of the position A wide variety of moving visual stimuli has been employed to
of the eye in the head [80]. investigate the phenomenon of visually-induced body sway.
Vision is not necessary for normal balance one can stand These include:
in the dark. However, from as early as the studies of Travis
[74], it appeared that body stability was improved by vision, tilting rooms [10];
a situation known to clinicians since the 19th century [49]. projected displays simulating a moving visual wall, tun-
Deformation of the retinal image due to ego-motion or trans- nel, oor or ceiling [29,31,34,52,75];
position of objects in the environment (called optic ow) visual roll rotations [17,25,28,76].
is therefore an important source of information concerning
the world and the relation of the subject into this world Consistently, it has been reported that in rhythmic motion
[33]. of the visual scene (sinusoidal motion) with either a lin-
Simple ways to understand the nature of the visual ear or a rotational stimulus, the largest effect of vision is
basis of postural control consist in modulating the physical observed at fairly low frequencies (0.2 Hz) at which the
visual parameters available and then examine the resultant body is phase locked with the moving scene. At higher fre-
spontaneous body sway. The most popular protocol is the quencies (>0.3 Hz), this locking is lost and the overall effect
Romberg test [9,26]. It involves the comparison of an indi- of visual motion is reduced [29,35,75]. The amplitude of
viduals spontaneous sway with eyes closed and eyes open. postural sway, at least in the antero-posterior direction, has
Under these conditions, a reduction of body oscillations with been shown to be particularly affected by visual properties
eyes open can be observed in most people, across the differ- such as the density of texture [52,75] and the velocity of
ent frequency components of body sway [26]. The degree of motion [52,53].
postural improvement with eyes open is variable and, among Spontaneous body oscillations cause the image of the
other factors, depends on : visual environment to move on the retina. It has gener-
ally been considered that this retinal slip, which is directly
the stance width [19]; related to subjects displacements, is used by the CNS as
the support surface [10,54]; feedback for compensatory sway. Although many experi-
the availability of other sensory inputs. mental results are in agreement with such hypothesis, it
must be noted that compared to complete darkness, spon-
For instance, when either the vestibular [8,41,59,62] or taneous lateral body oscillations are largely reduced when
the somatosensory [47,55,58] system is impaired, giving rise standing subjects xate a small LED in an otherwise dark-
to a signicant postural instability (or even falls), then visual ened environment [56]. In these circumstances, the eyes
stabilization becomes particularly effective. track the LED while the head is moving sideways. If we
Ocular versus extraocular control of posture and equilibrium 393

assume that the tracking is correct during self-motion, lit-

tle or no retinal shift of the xated target would occur
on the retina. Since spontaneous body sway is reduced in
this minimal visual condition, we must assume that head
displacement can be sensed on the basis of the amplitude
of the eye movement (extraretinal motion perception) and
not retinal slip. These results have led to the idea that
two different mechanisms subserve visual stabilization of
posture [38,45,57,65]: afferent and efferent motion per-
ception. The former is based on the characteristics of the
visual ow (retinal slip), the second one is based on either
the copy of the motor command (efference copy) or the
extraocular muscle afferents (re-afferences) consecutive to
eye movements. In order not to infer about the underlying Figure 1 Geometrical relationship between the eye and a
neurophysiological mechanisms (see under for a discussion), xation target during lateral head sway over a distance d
the so-called efferent motion perception will be renamed (for these plots d = l cm). The amplitude of eye displacement
in the present manuscript as extraocular motion percep- (angle ) is plotted as a function of eye-target distance. Adapted
tion. from Guerraz et al. [38].

sway amplitude that is in the physiological range of postural

Extraocular motion perception and posture
sway in the lateral direction.
Recently, Glasauer et al. [36] showed that pursuing a
The processing of visual information during eye movements LED in darkness was accompanied with body oscillations in
has been largely investigated in the context of percep- phase with the horizontal displacement of the eyes in their
tion or world constancy. The central question is how the orbit. In contrast, when subjects were required to pursue
world is maintained stable despite eye movements. Two not that LED over a stable background, that generates an impor-
mutually exclusive hypotheses seek to explain the origin of tant visual ow on the retina, they were much more stable.
these extraocular information (see [78] for a review): the Rougier et Garin [64] also reported recently that performing
inow and outow hypothesis. The inow theory saccadic eye movements induces some reduced amplitude
holds that proprioceptive receptors (e.g. muscle spindles) of body displacements. Ocular motor disorders also pro-
of extraocular muscles provide the necessary information vide valuable arguments in favour of extraocular postural
about the position and displacement of the eyeballs in the control. Patients with acute unilateral partial labyrinthine
orbits. The main limitation originating from this theory is failure due to vestibular neuritis show vestibulo-ocular
that extraocular afferents (inow) cannot be transduced (spontaneous nystagmus) as well as vestibulo-spinal function
until the eyes begin to move. The outow theory pro- disorders (postural imbalance). In order to investigate the
poses that neural outow or a branch of the neural outow relationship between these two vestibular functions, Jahn
such as a corollary discharge [67] or an efference et al. [45] recorded body displacements in such patients in
copy [77] is the information used by the CNS to main- complete darkness when either the nystagmus was present
tain visual consistency. The particular interest of this theory or transiently suppressed. Suppression (reduction of 70%
is that the sensory consequences of the action (visual ow of mean peak slow phase velocity) was achieved by ask-
due to the displacement of the eyes) can be anticipated ing subjects to xate a head-xed bright LED (presented
in a feed-forward manner. The most notorious results in via a vido-oculographie [VOG] mask) providing no visual
favor of the outlfow hypothesis stems from the work of afferent cue. When standing on foam in complete darkness,
Stevens et al. [68]. These authors observed that, in subjects patients showed excessive postural sway. Interestingly, sup-
whose eyes were paralyzed with curare, at the time of an pression of the nystagmus was accompanied by an important
attempted saccade, the world seemed to be in a different reduction of postural sway.
position when sustained eccentric gaze was unsuccessfully Altogether, these results indicate that the extraocular
attempted. signal is a critical indicator of head or body motion in space,
If extraretinal cues are critical for stabilisation of pos- which is largely considered by postural control mechanisms.
ture, the distance of the visual target appears as an However, the nature of this extraocular information remains
important parameter. Indeed, when a subject is moving side- open. In the next section, we will see that both extraocular
ways while tracking an earth-xed LED, the displacement of afferents (proprioception) and efferent signals likely play a
the eyeballs in their orbit (angle ) is directly related to the signicant role in postural control.
distance between the eyes and the target. The value of this
angle is a trigonometric function of eyetarget distance:
= arctan (d/x), where d represents lateral head movement Role of the efference copy in postural control?
and x represents eyetarget distance. As shown by several
authors, xation of a tiny light spot (LED) in an otherwise Jahn et al. [45] suggested that the important imbal-
completely dark surround stabilises posture up to a limit ance observed in patients with acute unilateral partial
of 11.5 m [11,56,57]. Then, as can be seen in Fig. 1, the labyrinthine failure was likely the direct consequence
amplitude threshold for effective extraocular postural sta- of their ocular motor disorders (spontaneous nystagmus).
bilisation is an angle of approximately 0.3 for 1 cm head Observations of subjects with congenital nystagmus (CN)
394 M. Guerraz, A.M. Bronstein

suggest, however, that spontaneous nystagmus per se in all, postural stability increases with the enrichment of
cannot be directly incriminated. CN is an ocular motor the visual environment [56]. Hence, many physiological
disorder characterized by involuntary oscillatory eye move- and physical parameters affect visual control of pos-
ments (46 Hz) that disrupt foveal target xation [21,37]. ture (see [13]: we note the object size and localization
Despite almost constant eye movement and, therefore, [10,54,56], binocular disparity [32], visual motion [3] but
large amount of retinal image slip, subjects with CN rarely also visual acuity [56] and spatial frequency [48] to name
complain of either oscillopsia (i.e. they retain spatial con- a few). Hence, the functionality of the retina and the
stancy) or impairment of visuo-motor coordination [51]. In geometrical structure of the visual ow deserve to be
agreement, they were repeatedly found: considered.

not to sway more than normals in complete darkness;

to use vision quite efciently to stabilise their body Functional specialization of the peripheral retina?
In spatial orientation, two visual systems, a focal one (cen-
We showed for instance that evoked body response by tral vision) and an ambient one (peripheral vision), are
manipulation of the visual ow was of similar amplitude in usually distinguished. The rst one, the central area of the
subjects with CN and controls [39]. DellOsso et al. [20] retina, is usually considered as being specialized in object
suggested that the appearance of oscillopsia depends on motion perception and object recognition. In contrast, the
whether the site of eye oscillation was either within or out- peripheral region of the visual eld is particularly sensi-
side of the efference copy loop. Such explanation could be tive to moving scenes, and is therefore thought to dominate
extended to visual control of posture in patients with either both perception of self-motion and postural control [24].
acquired or CN, i.e. postural imbalance does not depend Such a differential involvement of the central versus the
on the nystagmus or the retinal slip per se but depends peripheral retina in spatial orientation derives from research
on whether the retinal consequences of the nystagmus can on the illusory perception of self-motion (vection). Brandt
be anticipated and cancelled (CN) or not (acquired nys- et al. [12] showed that circular vection, around the lon-
tagmus). This phenomenon is similar to that of saccadic gitudinal body axis (in yaw) can be elicited with circular
suppression and reminds us that the retinal slip (visual feed- visual stimuli (drum) but only if the diameter of the stim-
back) inherent to voluntary saccade in normal subjects is uli sustained more than 30 in diameter. Similar results
not accompanied by postural destabilization [79]. In light have been observed both with roll vection [44] and linear
of these results, we can hypothesize that efferent copy sig- vection [7]. However, this dominance of peripheral vision
nals about eyes movements (outow theory) are used for on illusory self-motion has been challenged, and several
postural stabilisation. studies have shown that vection could be elicited in cen-
tral vision [4,60]. Post [60] showed that the magnitude
Role of the extraocular afferents in postural of vection was greater with a larger stimulus area, but
differences disappeared when an equal area stimulus was
presented either centrally or in the periphery of the visual
Although the inow theory has been largely debated,
The hypothesis of a dominance of the peripheral vision
experimental data attests of the involvement of re-
on postural control has also received an important support
aferrences from extraocular muscles in perceptual and
[27,52,2,22]. As for illusory self-motion perception, a cen-
postural functions. By means of vibrators, Roll and Roll [63]
tral eld 30 in diameter reduces spontaneous body lateral
applied mechanical vibration to various points on the periph-
and foreaft sway less effectively than does the periph-
ery of the eyeballs in standing subjects with eyes closed.
eral eld (200 ) in which the central area is masked [56].
Vibration of sufcient amplitude and frequency applied to a
However, when the angular size of the visual eld is strictly
muscle or tendon activates mainly the primary spindle end-
comparable in both the central and the peripheral part of
ings connected to the large Ia afferent bres, whose ring
the retina (30 ), then the eccentric visual eld exhibits a
rate seems to be interpreted by the CNS as an elongation of
signicantly smaller contribution than does the central one.
that muscle. Application of such vibration to the extraoc-
Finally, when the peripheral eld size is corrected by the
ular muscles evoked in standing subjects induces whole
cortical magnication factor of the retina in the primary
body shifts whose direction depended strictly on which eye
cortex (V1), spontaneous body sway is stabilized by the
muscle was vibrated. These data conrm that extraocular
peripheral retina to the same extent [71]. Similarly, postural
signals are critical for postural control and unambiguously
sway evoked by the displacement or rotation of a visual envi-
point at a contribution of extraocular proprioception in such
ronment is of smaller amplitude when the stimulus covers
only the central visual eld rather than the peripheral eld.
However, when the area is of equal size, visually-induced
Afferent motion perception body sway is more potent in the central eld than in the
periphery [69]. Therefore, the peripheral dominance often
Although extraretinal cues appear to be critical, they reported in either visual stabilization of spontaneous body
cannot embrace the whole contribution of vision on pos- sway or visually-induced body sway is more likely due to
tural control. Indeed, xation of a single LED in darkness the size of the stimulated eld manipulated than to a func-
reduces body sway less effectively than does xation of tional specialization of the peripheral vision for postural
the same target in an illuminated room for instance. All control.
Ocular versus extraocular control of posture and equilibrium 395

Structure of the visual ow

Lamellar versus radial visual ow

Visual ow generated during self-motion is not uniform
throughout the visual eld. When a subject is walking or
swaying back and forth in a 3-dimensional (3D) environment,
looking straight ahead, a radial ow having a focus of expan-
sion in the direction of motion is projected on the center
of the retina. At the peripheral edges of the eld of view,
the visual ow is nearly parallel to the line of motion. This
ow structure at the periphery has been termed lamellar
ow. The differential effect of radial versus lamellar ow
has been investigated in relation to the retinal location.
Results of such experiments showed that in central vision
(1520 ), both lamellar and radial ow can induce direction-
ally specic antero-posterior body sway [4,69]. In contrast, Figure 2 Relative retinal displacements for an observer mov-
in the retinal periphery, only the lamellar ow (horizontal ing from right to left, xating an object F at an intermediate
ow) can provoke body sway [69]. The interaction between distance. The further away the object is from the xation point,
the retinal location and the structure of the visual ow was the greater its angular displacement () on the retina is during
interpreted by Stoffregen as reecting a differential sensi- lateral displacement of the observer.
bility of the peripheral and central retina to the different
structures of the visual ow [69]. Irrespective of retinal
area, regulation of antero-posterior body sway appears to readjustments in the direction of motion. However, system-
be mainly controlled by radial ow (expansion/contraction) atic lateral postural adjustments in the opposite direction
when the observer is looking in the direction of self-motion of display motion were evoked when a stationary point of
and by lamellar ow (pure translation) when looking in the xation (window frame) was placed in the foreground (see
direction orthogonal to self-motion [5,69,75]. Conversely, Fig. 3). In these circumstances, displacement of the visual
when looking in the perpendicular direction of motion, lat- background behind a stationary window (foreground) mim-
eral body sway is largely regulated on the basis of lamellar

3D visual cues and motion parallax

A natural 3D environment provides a pattern of differen-

tial horizontal movements between elements in the eld
related to the displacement of the observer. These rela-
tive movements are referred to as motion parallax. Since
lateral sway is supposed to be mainly controlled by lamel-
lar cues, motion parallax is likely a relevant cue involved in
its regulation. The term motion parallax or relative motion
parallax is commonly used to denote the (horizontal) opti-
cal motion of a discontinuity produced by a near object
against that produced by a far object due to a change in
the observers position. (Fig. 2). It does also refer to change
in the projective relations among elements in the visual
eld in condition of simulated motion while the observer is
stationary and the scene moving. Motion parallax contains
information about both the direction of motion and the mag-
nitude of depth relative to the xation point as illustrated in
Fig. 2.
As the observer moves to the left while tracking an object
F (xation point), the direction of motion of the images of
other objects in the environment depends on their depth
relative to the xation point. Objects behind the xation Figure 3 Sample records of both head and centre des pres-
point (background) move on the retina in the direction of sions (COP) lateral translation evoked by the displacement of
self-motion while objects in front of that xation point the background while looking straight at the background (back-
move in the opposite direction. Bronstein and Buckwell [14] ground xation: left panel) or xation of the foreground (right
and Guerraz et al. [39,42] investigated whether this optical panel). Upward deections indicate deviation in the direction
geometry would determine the direction of visually-evoked of stimulus motion while downward deections indicate devia-
postural response. As mentioned above, movement of the tion in the opposite direction to motion. Adapted from Guerraz
whole visual surrounding (either 2D or 3D) induces postural et al. [42].
396 M. Guerraz, A.M. Bronstein

ics an optic ow (motion parallax) that a standing subject

would experience during spontaneous quiet lateral sway in
a 3D environment. As shown in Fig. 2, when an observer x-
ates a near object, the images of distant stationary objects
move in the same direction as the head. Therefore, pos-
tural adjustment in the opposite direction to background
motion is consistent with the direction of image movement
on the retina that a moving subject would experience in a
stationary 3D environment.
The role of motion parallax was further conrmed in an
experiment on spontaneous body sway in a stable 3D envi-
ronment [38]. In that experiment, standing subjects were
required to xate a LED placed at 45 cm from their eyes
in a dark room. Motion parallax was manipulated by intro- Figure 4 Geometrical relationship between the eye and a x-
ducing a second LED either at 170 cm (maximum parallax), ation target and a background object during lateral head sway
85 cm away from the xed LED (medium parallax) or at over a distance d (d = 1 cm). The angle , which represents
the same plane (no parallax). Motion parallax is propor- the angle traveled by the background object on the retina, is
tional to the distance between the different stimuli and plotted as a function of eye-xation target distance for three
inversely proportional to the distance between the xated different inter-object distances D. Adapted from Guerraz et
object and the observer. Consistently, postural stability (lat- al. [38].
eral displacement) was proportionally improved with the
amount of motion parallax. Interestingly, power spectral while the afferent system might remain the only one used
analysis revealed that the stabilizing effect of motion par- for small lateral body sway.
allax was restricted to low frequency components of body
sway (<0.5 Hz). The distance between the different LED had
no effect on sagittal displacements since such displacements Conclusion
mainly generate disparity and image size cues and not par-
allax [57]. Although vision has been shown for almost one century to
The various experimental results presented above be particularly relevant for postural control, the mecha-
therefore conrm the presence of two modes of visual sta- nisms by which vision operates are still an open debate. The
bilization in the control of posture. The improvement of present article reviews evidence supporting the view that
stability when xating a single LED in darkness attests prin- there are two modes (afferent and efferent) of visual detec-
cipally to the extraocular motion perception mechanism. tion of body sway. Another relevant question concerning
The decreasing sway observed with increasing parallax, for visual control of posture is whether visually-evoked postural
instance, attests to the afferent (ocular or retinal) motion responses are secondary to visually-induced perceptual illu-
perception mechanism in action. It should be noted that, for sions of body motion (vection) or rather largely automatic.
geometrical reasons, the relative motion of the two objects, Although vection and visually-evoked postural responses are
say angle (relative movement of the two objects on the to some extent related, the latter are not the consequence
retina), is always smaller than (eye displacement). The of the former. Indeed, vection usually takes a few seconds
amplitude of is related to the distance between the two to build up, whereas evoked responses are often observed
objects (D) and to the distance between the xation point within 1 s after stimulus motion [6,40,61]. However, Tana-
and the subject (x) and is given by = arctan [dD/(x(x + D)] hashi et al. [72] recently suggested that the same visual
(Fig. 4). motion signal was used for vection and postural control
However, the threshold of perception for relative motion and speculated that the mechanisms underlying the process-
between two objects is lower than that of absolute motion of ing of visual motion signal for postural control and vection
a single object [1,46,66]. Therefore, we can postulate that perception operate using different thresholds. We recently
the threshold of visual detection of body sway is lower for examined further this relation [43]. Standing subjects were
afferent motion perception (angle ) than that for extraoc- tested in two visual conditions which induce directionally
ular motion perception (angle ). One might envisage that opposite postural responses, parallax-like postural response
when eyetarget distance is large enough not to provide the in the opposite direction of visual background motion and
required amount of extraretinal information, the relative the conventional postural response in the direction of
movement between the foreground and a background far the visual background in the absence of motion paral-
away could still provide pure retinal information about body lax. Despite the opposite directions of postural responses,
sway. Experimental results tend to conrm such hypothesis. vection occured systematically in the opposite direction
Indeed, Guerraz et al. [38] showed that a single LED placed to background motion (and with long latencies greater
at a distance of 1 m, seen in isolation, provided only little than 15 s). Thus, the different time course and incongru-
stabilisation as compared to the condition with eyes closed. ency between direction of evoked postural and perceptual
When a second set of LED was placed 3 m behind this xation responses suggest that perceptual and postural responses
point, body sway was reduced. Thus, for sufciently large are not causally related. However, as observed previously
body sway with respect to eyetarget distance, the ocu- [72,73], the magnitude of the postural responses induced
lar and the extraocular perception systems would provide by the moving visual scene was signicantly increased dur-
two sources of visual information about body displacements ing periods of vection. On the basis of these results, we
Ocular versus extraocular control of posture and equilibrium 397

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