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Table 5: A Day in the Life of a UAE Primary School Science Teacher.

Time Activity Notes
7:15 Signs in MST arrives and signs in at the office

7:20-8:00 Prepares the science lab for use MST arranges the environment to suit the lesson goals.
with students Collects required materials and organizes them

Time Activity Notes

MST arrives and registered their presence by
7:15 Sign in

MST arranges students to be in the same line and

7:30 7:50 Morning Assembly
observe them during a morning assembly.

Teaching English subject MST attend grade 2 and she starts to teach them
for grade two the new vocabulary words.
MST went to grade 1 students and she gave them
8:40 - 9:30 Exam the quiz papers, read the questions for them and
observes them.
The teacher went to her office to eat the breakfast,
talking with her colleges after that, correct a quizs
9:30 10:45 Break
paper and she went to science coordinator to
discuss something.
10:45 The teacher taught grade 1 students math lesson
Teaching Math lesson
11:30 which is about ones and tens.

11:30 The teacher went with the students to the

Students Break
11:55 playground and observes them during playing.

11:55 Teacher makes a review for the last lesson that they
Teaching Science lesson
12:40 took and they complete their book.

The teacher took students to a playground and she

12:40 1:25 Break
observes them until the break finish.

1:45 2:10 Teaching English lesson The teacher taught students English lesson.

2:25 Sign out MST left the school.

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