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Article and other gases that go directly to the

atmosphere and the ozone layer,

destroying the ozone layer by separating
Introduction the molecules that conform it, and
creating a thick layer of pollution just
above us, keeping all the heat inside the
Nowadays the world is suffering earth, and causing the green house effect.
from lack of clean energy; people are
But now the renewable resources
competing in a race to find the cleanest
of energy are the future to a cleaner
source of energy, and the practical one,
world, to stop contamination and keeping
that can substitute the non renewable
the planet available for us, but those clean
source of energy like the burn of fossil
energies, are not so easy to get, the solar
fuels. Fossil fuels are obtained from the
energy is free on an aspect but in other
sediments and rest of carbon that get
the square meter of solar panel, is a high
millions of years under layers and layers
investment that not everyone can buy it,
of different things such as lava layers,
but Rochester School implement a series
more sediment layers, after millions of
of solar panels around the roof of the
years, the carbon that is under all that
school, and it safe around 15-20 percent
pressure is transformed slowly into
of energy a month, the eolic energy is not
petroleum or fossil fuel, that why its
available in any area cause that need free
name fossil fuel cause is a fuel that come
space and much flow of air to take
from the fossils of animals and plants.
advantage of the energy, so that energy is
But the problem is that we are consuming
not available to implement in our school
way more fossil fuel than the fuel that is
or so easily in Colombia. The
being created each day, also the fossil fuel
hydroelectric source of energy is a clean
is one of the main reasons of the global
energy that takes advantage of the water
warming because is the world main fuel
falls around forests, Colombia main
that move the 95% of the cars in the
resource of energy is the hydroelectric,
but having and hydroelectric have it cost,
When the fossil fuel are burned the cost of destroying part of the
the residual from the combustion is CO2 environment around the water fall, cutting
trees, killing animals and damaging the

Figure 1
In this academic year Juan Pablo
Aljure has been our guide step by step to
our carrier choices, for this purpose Juan
Pablo ask us to make three essays, each
essay consist to explain our carrier choice
with, the results of a type of test we must
do in each essay. The first essay was an
introduction of our wishes and in which
area we must be depending on attitude
test, the rest consist on answering around
50 multiple choice questions about your As it can be seen in the results,

daily life and your style of living and my personality traits show that I

order of your ideas and preferences. The am much introvert 71% of my

test was made in the following link personality is introvert and a, depending on 29% is extrovert. This category

the results you are assign on a category of deals with how we prefer to
different jobs related with the type of interact with the world and how
person you are. The test evaluates four we prefer to get our energy and
basic personality traits: EI, SN, TF, and stimulation. So being more
JP. Extrovert or Introvert, Sensation or extrovert or expressive lead you
Intuition, Thinking or Feeling, Judging or to jobs with more constant of
Perceiving. In each area is a percentage interact with new people, and
where you are more inclined to as shown introvert more as independent
in the (figure 1). jobs as engineering. The next
trait is the sensation or the
intuition and is define as This
category deals with how we
prefer to gather information deals with how we orient our
about the world. The sensation lives. Judging are person who
gathers the information more are very organized and plan their
literally, exact numbers and things, and perceiving is more
definitions, and the intuition is impulsive and expontaneous, so
more relative and worried of the in this category I am more
relation between other people, judging with my things in order
they are not late if the meeting and ideas of what I need, what I
has not started without him. My own, and what I am going to do
results show that I am more an to improve that. With this results
intuitive person, 65% of my I can conclude that I could be an
personality is intuitive, so I enjoy engineering because can work in
more to see the details in each group, know how to make
situation. The category that I am decisions, and think in
more balance between the two alternative ways to do things, the
extremes is of thinking and type of personality that it show
feeling with a partial 52%, This me is INTJ, this category is for
category deals with how we the scientific ramification all the
make decisions. That mean that exact science that need precise
when I am going to make a ideas and objectives.
decision I think in my values,
what is right, and also in making
happy other people, thinking in
The second test was about
the others not only in myself, so
the basic needs, how much you
my decisions are very impartial
need from each of the basic
and neutral for all. I think that
needs from 0-5 depending on
characteristic drive my to be a
some answers about our daily
good leader cause of the correct
preferences when you are
decisions I would choose, and the
interacting with people. The less
last characteristic is the judging
important of my basic needs is
and perceiving This category
Survival, with a 2.7 over 5, that in my carrier because I would not
result mean than I do not need take serious some problems, but
the need to survive, I like to risk also never be sad or depressed,
in some cases my health. The and love that is the highest make
second basic need I got with less me very vulnerable because I
score was Power with a 3.1, so I need to love and feel love by
realized that I do not need to be someone every day, so the day I
recognized by something good dont have that person, my work
that I have done to feel my rate will be lower than other
special, the own satisfaction and days, but the positive side
reaching my goals is enough for consist that would have good
me, I think that this two needs relations with people around me.
are not important to me and can My results can see in the (figure
use as an advantage in my job 2).
because I can risk with some
decisions and do not worry to be
recognized. Freedom marked a
score of 3.4, so I can see that I
can be limit by rules and
agreements and do not go doing
whatever I want, that help
leaving in a society happy, the
highest basic needs I need to (Figure 2)
satisfy is Fun and Love, with 4.2
and 4.4. This two basic needs are
needs that I need to satisfy daily The last year, we did an
to be comfortable and stable aptitude test called BADYG, to
each day, fun because I search know which are your strengths in
for fun in every activity and talk I the verbal, math, and special
have with someone, this need areas, each area mean how
can affect positive and negative much aptitude prepare are you
for your desire carrier, and also
the test PPS, this test were some
After analyzing every test I
questions to know in which areas
did, and my results on each one
of jobs would you prefer to work,
of them, I conclude that my
and then both results were
desire carrier is engineering, but
compare on a graphic. In my
engineering has many focus
results the score in each area
areas as industrial, mechanical,
were in math 78, verbal 78, and
chemistry, electronically and
special 80 over 100, each
more. The focus area I am not
category was classified as a
sure at all because I do not know
strength as shown in the (Figure
how much about every focus. I
3) in each category my results
decide engineering because I
were above the average as
realized that math is strength of
shown in the (Figure 4), only
me, and also I enjoy them as
orthography is a weakness for
physics and chemistry. In a future
me, this results give me a lot of
image of me I see working at an
confident about my potential for
industry and start my own
the carrier that I want, because it
factory lead by me. My plan to
contain a lot of math. In the PPS
know which focus area I want is
test were my wants were
to learn from each one of them
compared with my aptitudes, as
and choose which one I want to
it can be seen in the (figure 5),
the line of preferences are in the
highest in administration and
scientific, my aptitudes were also
as high as the preferences line,
that mean that I am capable to
choose any of this two areas and
be successful on it, cause of this
test my carrier is going over that
path of math and sciences.
(Figure 3) Applying the main law of
conservation of energy Energy
cannot be created or destroyed;
it can only be changed from one
form to another. make us think
were does all our daily energy
goes? How can we take
advantage of the energy that we
use daily for helping the planet?

(Figure 4)

- Basic needs

- Aptitude test

- Choice carrer

- Presentacion del proyecto

- Legal

(Figure 5)

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