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Eur Food Res Technol (2006) 222: 472477

DOI 10.1007/s00217-005-0089-8


Wojciech Kolanowski Gunther


Enrichment of food products with polyunsaturated fatty acids

by fish oil addition

Received: 11 March 2005 / Revised: 5 May 2005 / Accepted: 14 June 2005 / Published online: 23 September 2005

C Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Fish oil remains the main dietary source of style diet, average fish intake is currently far below the rec-
long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, which ommended minimum of two fish servings a week, i.e. ap-
desirably impact on human health. Increase of omega-3 proximately 200.0 mg per day of long chain omega-3 PUFA
fatty acids intake is currently recommended. Results of [1]. Alternative ways to ensure an optimal omega-3 PUFA
many studies showed that consumption of food products intake are needed. One of the possibilities is the enrichment
enriched with fish oil offers the potential health benefits, of food products with the various sources of omega-3
especially in protection against cardiovascular diseases PUFA, especially of marine origin [24]. The purpose of
(CVD), cancer and improvement of brain development this paper is to present an overview on food enrichment with
and function. Health influence, methods, advantages and fish oil to elevate long chain omega-3 PUFA in the average
disadvantages of food enrichment with fish oil as well as diet.
characteristics of market of such products were presented. Dietary recommendations suggest that the consumption
of omega-3 PUFA should be increased. There is a gap
Keywords Fish oil . Omega-3 PUFA . Food enrichment . between the actual consumption of oily fish and the
Functional food intake of omega-3 PUFA recommended by many expert
committees. The United Kingdom Department of Health
recommends intakes of 1.5 g of EPA plus DHA per week
(i.e. approximately 0.2 g per day), i.e. equivalent to two
servings of fatty fish, for healthty subjects [5]. Similarly,
Fish oil is the main dietary source of long chain omega-3
the European Academy of Nutritional Sciences (EANS)
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Omega-3 PUFA
and Health Council of the Netherlands recommend intakes
family consists of: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA C18:3) and
of an average of 2 g of ALA and 0.2 g of EPA plus DHA
its longer-chain metabolites: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA
per day [6]. Recommendations of the International Society
C20:5) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA C22:6). Beneficial
for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) suggest
health effects of omega-3 PUFA, especially long chain EPA
an adequate intake of omega-3 PUFA to be 0.65 g of DHA
and DHA are well demonstrated, mainly in the prevention
plus EPA per day (minimum 0.22 g per day each) and 1.0 g
of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) [1]. Currently, the
of ALA per day. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the
predominant dietary sources of very long chain omega-3
diet should be 4 to 1 [7]. Additionally, this recommendation
PUFA are oily fish and fish oil supplements. Because of the
suggests a decrease of omega-6 linoleic acid intake to
low acceptance of oily fish in many societies of the Western
6.67 g per day as upper limit. In the year 2000 FDA stated
that daily intake of EPA and DHA should not exceed 3.0 g
W. Kolanowski () per person per day in the form of fish oil, from the food
Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Warsaw
Agricultural University - SGGW, and dietary supplements sources [8]. Currently, the amount
ul. Nowoursynowska 159c, of omega-3 fatty acids in average diet in the countries of
PL-02-760 Warsaw, Poland so-called Western style diet is approximately 0.15 g per
e-mail: day, which is far below recommended level [1, 9, 10].
Tel.: +48-225937071
Fax: +48-225937071

G. Laufenberg Health effects of omega-3 PUFA

Institut fur Ernahrungs und Lebensmittelwissenschaften,
Universitat Bonn,
Romerstrae 164, PUFA of omega-6 and omega-3 families have important
D-53117 Bonn, Germany physiological functions. Both types are necessary for the

growth and development of the central nervous system and Intake of omega-3 PUFA in the diet may affect the blood
retina, and proper functioning of the cardiovascular system lipid profile. It was demonstrated that consumption of sig-
[11, 12]. An increased interest in the potential health effects nificant amounts of fish or fish oil lowers blood triacyl-
specifically of omega-3 fatty acids started in the 1970s. This glycerols concentrations both in the fasting state and after
was initiated mainly by epidemiological findings of Bang, a meal (postprandial lipaemic response) Blood levels of
Dyerberg and Nielsen, who discovered that Greenland triacylglycerols are independent risk factors for CVD, par-
Eskimos have an extremely low incidence of CVD, despite ticularly when increased in individuals with low level of
a traditional diet rich in fat, saturated fatty acids and choles- HDL-cholesterol. Although several reports described how
terol. The phenomenon was explained by the high dietary omega-3 fatty acids may raise HDL-cholesterol levels, very
intake of very long chain omega-3 PUFA from fish and few studies described their effects on lowering levels of
other marine animals [13]. This finding stimulated world- LDL-cholesterol [20, 2427].
wide research on omega-3 PUFA and resulted in a large Arrhythmia of heart muscle is often a cause of a sudden
number of epidemiological, animal and clinical studies in- death. The omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids ratio in the
vestigating the potential beneficial role of omega-3 PUFA, phospholipids of heart muscle appears to be associated
especially EPA and DHA intake [6, 12, 14]. The combined with the risk of a sudden death. Modest intake of omega-3
results of these studies suggest that omega-3 PUFA may be PUFA could reduce the risk of primary cardiac arrest by
a beneficial factor in the prevention and treatment of many electrical stabilization of myocardial membranes reducing
diseases, i.e. CVD, certain types of cancer and diseases susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias and consequently
with an immunoinflammatory component, and they also risk of sudden death [28, 29].
play a role in the development and function of the brain. High blood pressure induces endothelial activation,
However the health benefits of shorter chain ALA in which provokes the expression of adhesion molecules in
humans are not well established as it is in case of EPA and endothelial cells and the infiltration of blood cells into the
DHA. arterial wall, contributing to atherosclerosis development.
CVD are the main diet-related health problem in devel- There is evidence that omega-3 PUFA may stimulate ni-
oped countries. During the last century CVD has grown tric oxide production, causing relaxation of smooth muscle
from a relatively minor disease worldwide to a leading cells underlying endothelial cells and allowing blood ves-
cause of morbidity and mortality. In Europe in the year 2000 sels to dilate resulting in reduction of blood pressure and
CVD accounted for 50% of all deaths. This data clearly in- risk of CVD [6, 11, 30].
dicates that CVD is a major public health problem in all The number of various food products enriched with
developed societies [15]. omega-3 PUFA available on the market is increasing sub-
Most diseases of the cardiovascular system are the re- stantially, but the bioavailability and health effects derived
sult of two main processes: atherosclerosis and thrombosis from regular consumption of those products still remain
[16]. There are 2 categories of risk factors associated with to be tested. Bioavailability and physiological effects of
CVD: risk factors with a strong genetic component and omega-3 fatty acids added to foods may differ depending
environmental risk factors that, in general, may be influ- on the type and quantity of other nutrients present in the
enced by life style and the diet [16]. Dietary components food product. Several studies have been performed to eval-
exert an influence on the risk of CVD through their effects uate potential health benefits of consumption of foods en-
on blood cholesterol level, blood pressure, thrombogenic riched with omega-3 fatty acids by fish oil addition. Some
mechanisms, body weight and insulin resistance [11, 16, studies show that different amounts of DHA and EPA given
17]. In particular, epidemiological and intervention studies in capsules or added to foods produce the same effects on
have associated the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids blood lipid reduction [31].
with a significant decrease on CVD risk [12, 1820].
PUFA of omega-3 series compete with omega-6 for the
same enzymes in the metabolic pathway and for their incor- Enrichment of food products with fish oil
poration into the cell membrane, thus being precursors of
eicosanoids of lower activity (e.g. less pro-inflammatory), A substantial increase in daily intake of omega-3 PUFA
than the ones derived from the omega-6 series. These rich foods is needed in order to meet even the lowest
eicosanoids (prostaglandins, prostacyclins, tromboxanes recommendations. In parallel to the increasing knowledge
and leucotrienes) are biologically active substances, which about omega-3 PUFA, a number of omega-3 rich prod-
locally influence a wide range of functions in cells and ucts have been introduced onto the market. Most of these
tissues, including inflammation, blood clotting, and blood products are health supplements in the form of purified
pressure. Therefore, the ratio in intake of omega-6 and fish oil in soft gelatine capsules, which are sold in food
omega-3 fatty acids determines the types and amounts of stores, health stores and pharmacies all over the world. The
eicosanoids and influences the strength of the inflammatory triacylglycerol structure of fish oils limits the content of
response [12, 19, 21, 22]. By modulation of eicosanoids omega-3 PUFA (mostly EPA and DHA) in these fish oil
synthesis omega-3 PUFA exert an atheroprotective effect products to maximum 300.0 g kg1 . Higher concentrations
decreasing blood clotting, blood pressure, arrhythmias, in- are only achieved by the separation of fatty acids from the
flammation and improving plasma lipid profile [11, 12, 20, triacylglycerol structure. Methods of omega-3 PUFA con-
23]. centration are: low-temperature crystallization, enzymatic

splitting, fractional and molecular distillation, chromato- ing colour and oxidation products, deodorization removing
graphic methods, supercritical fluid extraction and urea the fishy flavour, winterization and/or molecular distillation
complexation. Omega-3 PUFA concentrates may be in the increasing PUFA concentration, and finally addition of an-
form of free fatty acids, methyl and ethyl esters or acyl- tioxidants preventing oxidation. Using these methods a fish
glycerols [32]. oil product usually containing approximately 300 g kg1
Another effective approach to increase intake of omega-3 EPA plus DHA appears as a light yellow clear oil with a
fatty acids is the enrichment of frequently consumed foods bland taste [35]. PUFA and especially highly unsaturated
with purified fish oil. Modern food technology makes it pos- EPA and DHA are very susceptible to oxidation. Since ox-
sible to fortify various food products (e.g. bread, spreadable idation can cause rancidity and negatively impacts on sen-
fats, dairy products, pasta, ice-cream, milkshakes or instant sory properties such as taste and odour, fish oils are usually
concentrates) in such a way that makes them indistinguish- stabilized with vitamin E and other natural antioxidants
able from non-fortified foods. Such applications are not [3, 34]. For food enrichment only unhydrogenated fish oil
easy because the addition of fish oil introduces stability should be used. Typical production flow of food grade fish
problems especially with regard to odour and taste to most oil is presented at Fig. 1. The hydrogenation process may
food products [33, 34]. One way to avoid these problems improve stability and shelf life of fish oil but saturation of
is to add fish oil to short shelf-life food products. Another double bounds eliminates the desirable health properties of
way is to convert fish oil to powder by microencapsulation, omega-3 PUFA [35, 36].
a technique that changes the form of fish oil from liquid
to powder and may stabilize the omega-3 PUFA. Use of
microencapsulated fish oil makes possible production of Sensory quality of fish oil-enriched food
enriched bread and infant formula.
Fish oil is often a by-product in fish meal production. Ox- Despite of desirable elevation of nutritional value food en-
idation and hydrolysis during inappropriate conditions of richment with fish oil may negatively impact sensory prop-
storage significantly and quickly reduce the quality of fish erties of food due to unacceptable fishy flavour of added
oil. Another issue is that the fatty acids composition in gen- fish oil. Currently there is available only a small number of
eral and EPA and DHA amounts in particular, varies from sensory evaluation studies on foods enriched with fish oil
species to species of fish and by seasonal and geographical addition. In these studies it was usually demontrated that
parameters [12, 35]. To many consumers fish oil has an addition of fish oil resulted in a change of sensory properties
unacceptable taste and odour. However, purification tech- such as odour or taste of enriched foods. Observed changes
nologies have emerged that remove most of the unpleasant depended strongly on the level of fish oil addition [33, 34,
fishy flavour. Purification consists of deacidification (neu- 37]. However the level of enrichment should be such that it
tralization) removing the free fatty acids, bleaching remov- does not affect the product acceptability and other sensory

Fig. 1 Production flow of food

grade fish oil

Fig. 2 Estimated levels of

omega-3 EPA and DHA in the
diet and in the daily portion of
spread enriched with
30.0 g kg1 of fish oil [38]

properties. Depending on the type of enriched foods and and dairy products, pasta, sauces, juices, soft drinks, in-
form of the used oil, the level range of food enrichment can stant concentrates. Selected examples from world market
be from 1.0 to 60.0 g kg1 . are shown in Table 1.
The most suitable to such enrichment seem to be food
products that are frequently consumed, and which are not
strongly heated, stored over long periods of time, or packed Presence of the omega-3 PUFA enriched foods on the
without access to light and oxygen (vacuum or neutral market and the promotion of their consumption may sig-
gas atmosphere packaging) The most negative influence nificantly increase the level of omega-3 PUFA intake [19,
on shelf-life and sensory quality of fish oil-enriched foods 33]. Special target groups for omega-3 PUFA rich food are
exerts an access to oxygen, which promotes oxidation and infants and pregnant and lactating women as well as other
deterioration of EPA and DHA and finally increase of un- people who are interested in their health and well-being.
acceptable fishy flavour [34]. Generally every food product can be enriched with omega-
Spreadable fats are a good example of food products suit- 3 PUFA by fish oil addition [3, 19]. Currently good quality
able for enrichment with EPA and DHA by fish oil addition fish oils are the most commonly used sources of long chain
[38]. Results of one of the studies showed that pilot plant- omega-3 PUFA. Nowadays novel sources of omega-3 fatty
prepared, reduced-fat spread (fat content 450.0 g kg1 ) may acids are investigated as fungi and algae of marine and fresh
be enriched with omega-3s EPA plus DHA of up to about water origin. Single cell oils (s.c.o.) like plankton algae or
10.0 g kg1 by addition of 30.0 g kg1 of purified and fungal oils are already used in infant formulas and food
stabilized food grade fish oil (containing ca. 300.0 g kg1 fortification in the USA, but are still regarded as a novelty
of EPA plus DHA) with no significant influence on sen- in Europe, where their use has not been accepted by the
sory acceptability [38]. Established enrichment level did relevant committees [3]. In the past years in UE some re-
not significantly influenced sensory properties and chemi- search on use of small water animals and plants as source
cal stability of the tested spread, compared to the control of omega-3 PUFA were carried out.
spread (spread without fish oil) during 3 months of storage Much efforts have been made to increase the omega-3
(6 C, limited access to light and air), which is a suffi- PUFA content of meat and eggs by use of animal feeds en-
cient shelf-life for that kind of product. It can be concluded riched with either fish meal or fish oil or with flaxseed
that daily portion of such enriched spreadable fat (ca. 30.0 g or rapeseed oil or algae. Such animal feed enrichment
per day) may provide approximately 0.25 g EPA plus DHA, increase ALA or EPA and DHA concentrations in an-
that compared to recommendations is an nutritionally con- imal tissues, e.g. egg yolk or muscles of chicken, pork
siderable value (Fig. 2). or beef. Eggs enriched with omega-3 PUFA are currently
available on the market in many countries whole over the
As first in UE in 1995, an omega-3 PUFA rich reduced
The market of fish oil-enriched food fat spread was introduced in the UK market. Other products
present on the European market are the omega-3 rich bread
The market of fish oil-enriched food products is still in and bakery products, milk and dairy products, spreads,
increase. Consumer demand for food products of elevated mayonnaise and eggs [3]. Omega-3 PUFA used for bread
nutritional value since 90th groves rapidly. There are sev- baking are either liquid or microencapsulated fish or lin-
eral examples of omega-3 fatty acids enriched foods present seed oils [39]. Fish oil can be blended into melted baking
on the market: meat and poultry products, bread and bak- fat or added in powder form (microencapsulated) to the
ery products, spreadable fats, eggs and egg products, milk bakery mix [40].

Table 1 Examples of food Type of product Examples from the market

products enriched with fish oil
Bread and bakery products Nimble Heartbeat (British Bakeries, UK)
Nutribread (William Jackson Bakery, UK)
Omega bread, sponge cakes, biscuits (Functional Nutrition, UK)
Omega-3-bread and omega-3-rolls (VK Muhlen,Germany)
Diamant Vital omega-3 Kruste (Diamant Muhle, Germany)
Wellness Aktifit-Brot (Ruf Lebensmittelwerke, Germany)
Leva omega-3-bread (Pagen, Sweden)
F Plus fortified biscuits (Cuetara, Spain)
Omega bread (Piekarnia Parkowa Wroclaw, Poland),
TipTop Up sliced bread and muffins (TipTop bakeries, Australia)
Hi Q DHA bread (Bunge Defiance, Australia),
DHA-bread and DHA table rolls (Yamazaki Baking, Japan)
Milk and dairy products Omega-3 milk (Parmalat, USA)
Lactel omega-3 milk (Lactalis Besnier Bridel, France)
Mleko omega-3 UHT milk (SM Sudowa, Poland)
Lauki omega+ skim milk (Candia, Spain)
Especial omega-3 milk (Mimosa, Portugal)
Plus omega-3-latte and omega-3-yogurt (Parmalat, Italy)
Omi-3 yoghurt (SM Siedlce, Poland)
Omi-3 processed quark (OSM Ostroka, Poland)
Spreadable fats Gaio Spread (MD foods, Scandinavia)
Omega fat spread (Fjordland, Norway)
Vitaquell omega-3 (Vitaquell, UK)
Heartwatch omega reduced fat spread (Functional Nutrition, UK)
Vigor Omega Vitta (Vigor, Brazil)
Dos Alamos Margarina (Grasco, Chile)
Eggs and egg products DHA Gold eggs (OmegaTech, USA)
Gold Circle Farms eggs (NutraSweet Kelco, USA)
Eggs Plus (Pilgrims Pride, USA)
Ovo3 eggs (Maia Agrolimentare, Italy)
Oro omega-3 eggs (Unione Cascine Valpadana, Italy)
Columbus eggs (Belovo, Netherlands)
Eiplus eggs (Eifrisch, Germany)
Minicol omega pasteurized eggs (Wammala Food, Finland)
Meat and poultry products Strasburg sausage (Hans, Australia)
Omega-3 Jamon Cocido cooked ham breast (Carnicas Serrano, Spain)
Terra y Mar turkey breast (Carnicas Serrano, Spain)
Omega cool burger (Pals, Norway)
Mega Off frozen chicken pieces enriched (Off Tene, Israel)
Juices and soft drinks Tidal Wave Superfood Juice (Naked Juice CA, USA)
Supajus DHA rich orange drink (The Natural Fruit & Beverage Co.,
My way wellness drink (Designer Foods, Germany)
Timlic orange nectar (Bauman-Fruits, Switzerland)
Chikara Mizu soft drinks (Kirin Breweries, Japan)

At the forefront of developments in world market is the sules have been introduced on the market in a wide variety.
enrichment of infant formulae with essential omega-6 and Products of high concentration of DHA may be targeted at
omega-3 PUFA, especially DHA [41, 42]. The PUFA re- pregnant and lactating women like Neutromins PL (Preg-
quirements are in special interest in case of pre-term babies nant and Lactating) There are special recommendations for
formulae. The central nervous system grows rapidly in the pregnant and lactating women at least 0.30 g of DHA
last trimester of pregnancy. Therefore the pediatric commit- per day [12]. Significant and positive changes in the fatty
tees recommend use of omega-3 PUFA enriched formula, acids in breast milk and the composition of plasma lipids of
especially for pre-term infant nutrition [12, 41, 42]. Omega- nursing mothers following consumption of omega-3 PUFA
3 DHA and EPA supplements in the form of gelatin cap- enriched foods were observed [43].

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