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Innovative Environmental Flaring Services

Innovative Trailer-Mounted Flaring

Design Translates To Fast Deployment
And Multiple Applications
Mobile self-erecting flare system The deployment of the mobile flare has
shown installed on site, with extended to applications such as degassing an
integral trailer-mounted flare ammonia refrigeration system, and most
control room. recently a butane sphere. Corrosion of the sup-
porting legs of the sphere meant that a statuto-
ry internal inspection could not be completed
using a conventional water fill and drain pro-
cedure. Environmental legislation prohibited
the degassing of the butane to atmosphere, and
therefore a temporary mobile flaring solution
was proposed, accepted and satisfactorily com-
The importance of fast deployment com-
bined with the continuing need to differentiate
BJ PPS as the best-in-class service provider in
the hydrocarbon processing industry, con-
vinced Company management to invest in a
self-erecting, trailer-mounted flare system.
ver recent years, BJ PPS has watched securing a number of other projects. Included This innovative design, which currently is

O its clients develop an increasing

awareness of the potential impact of
process operations on the environ-
ment. In an effort to assist in minimizing this
was an extended well site operation for a major
operating company in Italy in an area of strin-
gent environmental protection.
The introduction of emissions-monitored
undergoing further software enhancements, is
fully automated, burns gases at temperatures
greater than 1000C (1,800F), and has an
incineration efficiency better than 99 percent.
impact, BJ PPS has researched new technolo- flare technology by BJ PPS has been received The system also meets and exceeds EC
gies. These technologies are designed to cut favorably in Europe. The key benefit recog- Directives and emerging international stan-
emissions from BJ PPS equipment or assist nized by some clients is that emissions control, dards on emissions.
clients in reducing their emissions through supported by real-time visual quantification This fundamental BJ PPS strategy is pro-
process changes. and data reporting, is adding value to their gressing well, and is enabling further environ-
operation and corporate environmental profile mental market penetration while attracting the
Increasing Pressures of Environmental rather than being perceived as an additional attention of the major operating companies to
Legislation cost. BJ PPS broader service capabilities.
The increasing pressure of environmental legis-
lation makes it increasingly difficult to justify Achieving A Clean And
the uncontrolled release of gas into the atmos- Efficient Burn
phere. Not just in Europe and North America, The common factor and objective
where legislation predominates, but across in all operations has been to
international markets as well, there is immense achieve a clean and efficient burn
pressure to minimize vented gases during all of waste gases even when the gas
processes. Change from venting to flaring, and flow rate is continuously changing.
selectively from flaring to recovery and recy- The flare stack design incorporates
cling continues - services which BJ PPS can a patented variable flow tip that
and does provide. changes the orifice size. The stacks
shrouded flame eliminates the
Market Breakthrough - Emissions characteristic high visibility of
Monitored Flare Technology some flaring operations, while sig-
BJ PPS had a market breakthrough in 1999 nificantly reducing the levels of
when a major chemical plant in Germany noise and radiant heat on location.
needed to upgrade its permanent waste gas Most importantly, the BJ PPS
flare. BJ PPS was able to engineer a temporary software and control system
mobile flaring solution to meet environmen- ensures clean-burn and continu- The new BJ PPS trailer-mounted, self-erecting system offers rapid set-up for tempo-
tal standards and facilitate the incineration of ously monitors gas composition rary flaring operations.
butadiene and styrene waste gas streams, while and emission levels. These are dis-
allowing the operator to continue plant pro- played, printed and stored as appropriate,
duction. This experience and track record along with the key characteristics of flow rate,
stimulated industry interest, and led to BJ PPS pressure and process temperatures.

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