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Question 8

What advice do you need and who can provide it?

Our investors would provide us the advices. Our investors are one of a well-known business
man who has his own business in Malaysia which is Safiuddin Ilias.He is the founder of the
very successful cosmetic company wisputih. First advice would be focusing and avoid getting
side-tracked. Juggling multiple ventures will spread you thin and limit both your
effectiveness and productivity. Do one thing perfectly, not 10 things poorly. Do what you
love. Businesses built around your strengths and talents will have a greater chance of success.
It's not only important to create a profitable business, it's also important that you're happy
managing and growing it day in and day out. Do what you love. Businesses built around your
strengths and talents will have a greater chance of success. It's not only important to create a
profitable business, it's also important that you're happy managing and growing it day in and
day out. Forget about fancy offices, fast cars and fat expense accounts. Watch every dollar
and triple-check every expense. Maintain a low overhead and manage your cash flow
effectively. Find a starting point instead of an end point. Scale down pricey plans and
grandiose expenditures. Simplify the idea until it's manageable as an early stage venture. Find
ways to prove your business model on a shoestring budget. Demonstrate your worth before
seeking investment. If your concept is successful, your chances of raising capital from
investors will dramatically improve.

Question 9
How will you organize the managers and/or the workers of the business?
We would empower our worker to make decisions. Strategic planning should focus on
solutions. Embrace self-interest, help your employees align their own self-interest with
organizational-interests. Allow your team-members to move into new groups and to align
themselves with their own self-interests within the company, and reward managers for
moving great people out of their groups when they see a better fit. Forget about skills when
hiring. Let customers dictate the problem, but never the solution. Customers sometimes see
problems that you dont because youre oftentimes too ingrained in the product.
Organizational Structure



Assistant CEO

VP Marketing VP Sales VP Production


Manager Manager Manager



Question 10
How will you split the profits? Who is responsible for the losses?
Split the profits equally, or each partner will receive a base salary and then split any
remaining profits. (Equal partnership (50-50) neither partner can make a decision without the
others approval, whereas in a 51-49 ratio, for example, one partner has final authority).the
one responsible for the losses would be the shareholders who would also lose the money.

Question 11
What should you consider to be able to produce the product and get it to the customer?
Determine what customers want and by doing market research to make sure its actually a
viable product for consumers, rather than just a cool idea that you think may work. Also, be
very sure that you have the resources to sustain a new product launch before going to market.
If you want your product to succeed, you have to give it legs and being ready often takes
more time than companies allow. Be discussion worthy, essential in raising awareness for the
new product and with thousands of new products launching every year, have to make sure it
stands out. Whether we are providing thought-provoking or entertaining content, make sure it
goes beyond the basics of why the product is new and deserves attention. Captivate
consumers with something discussion-worthy, and it will not only secure press, but also
foster organic word-of-mouth conversation about the brand .lastly, be transparent as more
products flood the marketplace, consumers face tougher decisions about where to spend their
money. One way to attract consumers to your product is to be completely transparent and
show them exactly where their money is going. The key to converting non-believers has
always been transparency and emphasize that were listening to and incorporating our
customers feedback.

Question 12
How much money is needed to get the business started?
450 000 is what is needed to start our business.

Question 13
How many customer will you have per month and how much will they buy per month?
We would be having around 100-180 customer per month. It is estimated that our sales of the
product will be 200-300 perfumes that will be bought per month.

Question 15
What are your operating costs? (Include your own salary)
Our compensation-related operating expenses are
Compensation for non-production employees

Sales commissions (though this could be interpreted as a variable cost that is therefore part of
the cost of goods sold)
Benefits for non-production employees

Pension plan contributions for non-production employees

Our office-related operating expenses are

Accounting expenditures

Depreciation of fixed assets assigned to non-production areas

Insurance costs

Legal fees

Office supplies

Property taxes

Rent costs for non-production facilities

Repair costs for non-production facilities

Utility costs

Sales and marketing-related operating expenses are

Advertising costs

Direct mailing costs

Entertainment costs

Sales material costs (such as brochures)

Travel costs

All of this cost varies every month with our salary included which is around 45-55 k per month.

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