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a. Data Analysis
i. The Transcriptions of seven North Acehnese Respondent in Village
Table 4.1 Transcription of Villager Respondent
The Name of Nasality
The Transcription of Conversation
Sample Audible
Kismah Padum campli sie kil kak? Campli - Padum
- s
mierah, meunyoe camplie ijo? neu - campli
- mrah
bh meu sepeurempat campli - m
- n
mierah, camplie ubeut sie n - m
- seprempat
mantng. Yang laen mantng na, ka - n
- mant
jeuet nyan tok kak. Padum png - ya
- lan
bandum kak? Ka jeuet, makasie kak - n
- an
beuh. - p
- bandum
Yakop Buk padum bawang nye? Bawang - Padum
- Bawa
nyan? meunyoe jeh bawang peue - campli

buk? Neu bh bawang nyan mantng - e
- s
sie kil,hana kureueng le nyan buk? - mrah
- m
Neu bh camplie mierah limng - p
- n
ribe. kiecap yang rayeuk saboeh. - hana
- kur
Padum bandum? Nyempat. - lim
- rib
- sabh
- mant
- ya
- an
- banum
- empat
Aminah Kak, neu bh - Bawa
- campli
campli,bawang,tmat,djampe sie - e
- ampe
pleh ribe jeuet kak? Nyoe,makasie - s
- tmat
kak beuh. - rib
- pleh
- n
Rina Kak,padum uro nyo boh tomat? - padum
- e
Mantng sie ploeh ribe sie kil? - s
- tmat
Neu bh sie kil kak. Saka padum. - banum
- mant
Beuh neu bh sie kil. Minyeuk kak - pleh
- n
sie kil. Padum bandum. Ka beuh - mik

kak. Jeuet
Puat Buk, neu bh teurasi sie kil. Padum - padum
- hana
sie kil buk? Hana kureung le - kur
- an
nyan? Beuh neu bh sie kil - s
- seueteh
seuetengoh. Long nak kirem kue - lo
- nak
aneuek yang kuliah di banda. - kirem
- k

Nyoempat png. Ka jeuet buk beuh. - ankk
- n
- banda
- empat
- p
Usman Kak, neue teuriemng breueh bar - teurim
- han
kak? Bn long tob bare. Seurth lhe - bn
- pleh
ploeh sabh gunie long tuelak kak. - gun
- kur
Kureueng dua riebe jeuet long bri - an
- p
kak,nyan han jeuet long peue - sih
- lo
kureung le kak, jeuet neu eue dile -
- padum
kak. Paduem gunie singh long b? - n

Makasie kak
Mursyidah Kak, neue bri sambai ABC sabeh, - n
- samai
aneuek long di lake atra nyan,di yak - ankk
- lo
pajoeh ngen tahu teue creh. Hawa - campli
- an
ieh, leh ka mueme. Campli mierah - pajeh
- en
ka di trn nye kak? Neu bh ku - t
- mme
long sie kil, saka sie kil, - mrah
- trn
minyeuek sie kil. Breueh sabh - e
- s
gunie. Padum breueh nye kak? - mik
- gun
Meuhai that lage. Yang murah yang - mha
- padum
th? Beuh neue bri yang nyan - ya
- murah
mantng. Nyoempat png. K kak - empat
- empat
beuh. - p

Based of Transcription of seven North Acehnese Respondent in Village:

Nasal by Abdul Gani Asyik:

The explanation of the transcription above in what word the nasal often
found,they are like pronouncing of nasality by sample:
1. Kismah when she pronouncing word of [n - n] the sample produce

this sound first low sound and follow with mid accentuation sound in the

last. They are nasal vowel and consonant nasal.

2. Yakop the pronouncing nasality of word [neu - n] the sample produce

this word with the high-mid accentuation the first until the last sound.

They are consonant nasal and nasal vowel

3. Aminah the pronouncing of nasality from sample [bawang bawa] the

pronouncing of this word the first sound mid and follow with high-mid

accentuation sound. This only consonant nasal.

4. Rina the pronouncing nasality of word [minyeuk - mik] the

pronouncing of this word the first sound high and mid sound then follow

with high-mid accentuation sound. They are consonant nasal annd nasal

5. Puat the pronouncing of word [padum] this soun produce with the first

low sound and with high-mid accentuation last sound. This only

consonant nasal.
6. Usman the pronouncing of word [teurimng - trim] the sound in this

word first high-mid and high in center then high-mid accentuation in the

last sound. They are nasal vowel and consonant nasal.

7. Mursyidah the pronouncing of word [sambai samai] this word produce

by low sound and mid in the center then low-high accentuation in the

last. This only funny nasal.

That are some example of nasality and other example of the nasality we can
see in the right of table transcription above.

ii. Transcriptions of seven North Acehnese Respondent in City

Table 4.2 Transcription of City Respondent

The Name of Nasality
The Transcription of Conversation
Sample Audible
Zakir Bang, padum ungkt bawai sie kil, - hana
- s
hana kureueng le? Long coek - ukt
- lime
limoeng kil hai bang. Beuh neu bh - ba
- padum
lajue limoeng kil, padum bandum? - banum
- kur
Nyoempat png. Sama-sama. - lo
- n
- sama-sama
Nila Wati Kak padum Capli mierah sie kil? - Padum
- s
Bawang aceh? Neue bh sie kil - mrah
- bawa
sapue beuh kak. Minyeuek bimolie - mik
- bimoli
saboeh, roykoe sapie saboeh - sabeh
- papn
papeuen, saka sie kil. Keureuepuk - n
- muli
mulieng sie kil padum kak? Hana - hana
- kuer
kuereueng le? Neue bh sie kil. - e
- ya
Padum bandum kak? Nye, makasie - banum

Siti Bang,padum ungkoet nye? Hana - Padum
- st
kureueng le? Bk lah, ate hana - ukt
- e
kuereueng bk lah bang, biet atra - hana
- n
goep lake tulong blo sieat. Lage - at
- kuer
nyan lah bang. Neue bh dua kil, - ba
- gop
nyoempat png, makasie bang beuh. - tul
- bl
- an
- empat
Zairina mak, neue bh capli mierah sie kil. - mk

Capli ijo seupeuerempat mantng. - n
- padum
Capli ubeut seupeuerempat. Padum - s
- mrah
uro nye boh tomat? Neue bh sie - seprempat
- mant
kil mak. Bawang aceh sie kil, Saka - e
- tomat
padum? neue bh sie kil ku long. - bawa
- lo
Minyeuk mak sie kil. Padum - mik
- banum
bandum. Ka jeuet mak beuh.
Ramah Kak, na breueh gampoeng,padum - n
- gampe
sabeh gunie? Neue bri long - padum
- sabeh
saboeh gunie, nyempat png.. - gun
- n
- lo
- empat
- p
Abas Buk, mak geue yue blo nye - mk
- g
bandum, ka geue tuleh. Yak panggang - e
- banum
uengkot eunteuk malam, na acara - paa
- ukot
ayah bacuet. Sieat teuk long cek - nteuk
- malam
beuh buk. Long jak dile sieat. - n
- sat
- tk
- lo
- ck
Pani Bang, na neue mungkat bieng? - Ba
- n
Padum sie kil? Neue bri limeng - n
- mukat
kil bang. Nyoempat png. - b
- padum
- s
- lime
- empat
- p

Based of Transcription of seven North Acehnese Respondent in the City:
Nasal by Abdul Gani Asyik:
The explanation of the transcription above in what word the nasal often
found,they are like pronouncing of nasality by sample:
1. Zakir the pronouncing word of [hana] the sample produce this sound first

low sound and follow with low sound accentuation until last sound. This

only consonant nasal.

2. Nila Wati the pronouncing nasality of word [mulieng - muli] the

sample produce this word with the high-mid accentuation in the first and

high in the center then low-mid in last sound. They are consonant nasal

and nasal vowel.

3. Siti the pronouncing of nasality from sample [makasie - makas] the

pronouncing of this word the first sound low until center then follow with

high-mid accentuation sound in the last. They are consonant nasal and

nasal diphtong.
4. Zairina the pronouncing nasality of word [mak - mk] the pronouncing of

this word the first sound low until mid accentuation sound for the

last.they are consonant nasal annd nasal vowel.

5. Ramah the pronouncing of word [gunie - gun] this sound produce with

the first high-mid sound and following with high-mid accentuation in last

sound. They are consonant nasal and nasal diphtong.

6. Abbas the pronouncing of word [panggang] the sound in this word first

low-mid and high in center then low-mid accentuation in the last sound.

They are funny nasal and consonant nasal.

7. Pani the pronouncing of word [na n] this word produce by low

accentuation sound until the last. This only nasal vowel.

That are some example of Nasality and other example of the nasality we can
see in the right of table transcription above.

4.1.3 The Process of Nasality in North Acehnese

Underlying form is an important point in determining allophonic process
(Odden, David 83), such as high and low vowel sound and vowel nasalization in
Acehnese. In this rule underlying form is needed crucial to make decision which
words are the root. The process of nasality can we get from the underlying form
and the form will change to the nasality form after we hear and we transcrip in a
paper. We can see from the data bellow:
Table 4.3 Example from the data transcription of the North Acehnese sample
such as:
Underlying form Change form Nasal form
png ng - // p
aneuek eue - // ank
lng ng - // l
Nye ny - // e
na a - // n
Panggang Ngg - // paa
bandum nd - /n/ banum
Minyeuk eu - // mik
Bieng ie - // b
Saboeh o - // sabh

Some example above showing some of word of North Acehnese and when the
North Acehnese pronouncing the word that will showing the nasalization sound.
That is is process of pronouncing nasalization from the underlying form and then
change to the nasality form.
According By Abdul Gani Asyik In A Contextual Grammar Of Acehnese
Sentences Books,nasality consist of:

Table 4.4 Some example of process nasalization in transcription of

pronouncing from samples North Acehnese:
Underlying Nasal
Rule Letter
Form Form
[C N + V] m mak mk
hana hana
nyan p

sambai samai
bandum banum
[F N + V]


panggang paa
'i or []
'e for []
cek ck
na n
'a for []
eunteuk nteuk
[N V + C] 'eu for []
limeng lime
' for []
'u for []
saboeh sabh
'o for []
'ie for [] s
'e for [] at
[N D + C]
'eue for [] ank
'ue for [] t
Abbreviation from the tabel above:
[C N : Consonant Nasal]
[F N : Funny Nasal]
[N V : Nasal Vowel]
[N D : Nasal Diphtong]
[V : Vowel]
[C : Consonant]

4.1.4 The Result of Interviews From North Acehnese

The researcher make an interview with the Native speaker from the North
Acehnese who live in the Village and City and the researcher have some result of
the interviews. The researcher has made some trancription from the recorded by

the sample of research and the researcher have write down the data of nasalization
found and the researcher has made interpretation about what word the nasal
sounds often found and the researcher have write down the data from the recorded
by using the The Language Center of National Education Departments dictionary
and virtually unlimited text materials and some book from Abdul Gani Asyik
(1987),Drs Jauhari Ishak (1974),Budiman Sulaiman (1979) as the reference to
write the word and the mark of nasalization. Based on the theory of Mark Durie
(1985:15) And based on the teory of Abdul Gani Asyik (1987:23). The researcher
have some variation from the pronouncing nasality of the native speaker from the
North Acehnese in village and city, such as the pronouncing nasal from the sample
in the table of transcription from the North Acehnese above in page 56 until 64.
The pronouncing of nasality from the sample have some variation that are like the
teory all of word from the sample have the nasality by using the letter that include
in the nasalization from the,Consonant Nasal,Funny Nasal,Nasal Vowel,and Nasal
diphtong. but not all of the word by include the letter from nasality have found
like the pronouncing of words [png] and [padum] not all of sample pronouncing
that words with the clear voice and that make the sound of nasality not too clear
be audible like other word which more audible the nasalization. Some sample
pronouncing nasal more clear but some sample not all of nasal sound they
pronouncing with the clear nasal but just sounded a glance.
The different of the nasality used from native speaker in the City and Village
from the North Acehese that are the native speaker from the North Acehnese who
live in the village they speak with the nasality more audible and clear, all of the
word they pronouncing with the nasal sound and the accent of North Acehnese
more found,when we hear the native speaker who live in the village we will know
they are from the North Acehnese but The native speaker who live in the City they
speak and pronouncing the word with the nasal sound but not too audible from the
native speaker who live in the village, the accent from the North Acehnese not too
audible almost like other dialect. some word that have the nasal sound more
audible different, from the seven samples of North Acehnese who live in the city
five of them speak and pronouncing nasal not too audible and two of them slightly

different from other,some word that have they pronouncing have different like
word [png] two of them pronouncing like the sample who live in the village but
five of them not like that.
Before the researcher record the conversation from the native speaker of North
Acehnese the researcher make an interview for know everything the necessary for
this research,such as:
1. Where do you live?
2. What is your job
3. What is your Partner tribe? If acehnese,What the dialect she or he used?
4. How many times the you go out of Aceh,means other place, other town in

one month or year?

5. Do you live with Some North Acehnese (your neighbour) in around your

6. What your last graduation?
7. Do you have many friends or family from other Acehnese?
8. Do you often come and join with your work partner or neighbour?

From that qustions the researcher will have the knowledge why they are
different from other or why they accent can be different. The answer of this
question we will found for the answer of the questions above,there are some of
them almost go to other place and town or country and some of them live with the
other Acehnese,about their job like the Acehnese who live in the city they always
come in one place with other Acehnese or other ethnic group and the Acehnese
who live in the village some of them not work in the place like the Acehnese who
live in the city,then their last graduation like the Acehnese who live in the city
they have the best education in the city or have high education but the Acehnese
who live in the village they have education not too great the Acehnese who live in
the village and their environment,the Acehnese who live in the city some of them
live with other acehnese and other ethnic group and they always join and come
with other together but the Acehnese who live in the village some of them live
with fellow of North Acehnese and other acehnese or other ethnic not too a lot.
from the answer of the sample research the researcher have an opinion the native
speaker who live in the city they speak and pronouncing the nasal sound not like

the speaker from the village because they accustomed speaking and hear the
accent from the other place and their habit often go to other place and their
graduation so that make they slighly accustomed with the other accent or
dialect,because when we always hear the language from other place we in a
certain sense will accustomed speak with other language that we hear in that
place. While the answer from native speaker from North Acehnese who live in
village they rarely go out of aceh and their residence and their environment still
support their to speak with their dialect because they live in he village who the
native speaker fromm North Acehnese a lot in there. From all of it the main factor
to change or make someone different with other that is environtment. When the
environment change the habit gradually will change.


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