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Bachelor of Education, Primary Education (EPR) EPC3903

SWC B Ed EPR Practicum 3b: MCT/MST Assessment Report

EPR Student Assessment Criteria:

This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher in consultation with the Mentoring College
Teacher and refers to teaching competencies in the High School.
School: Name of MST: Ms. Lin

Name of Student: Name of MCT: Garnel Desravins

Maryam Abdulrahman

Please add specific comments about the student teachers observed strengths during this teaching practicum
and identify areas in which you feel further development is necessary.

Observed Strengths: / Areas in which further development is needed:

Class rules and objectives were reviewed. The class Planning for Learning The explore activity cant be a video.
ran much smoother than last class. It must be an activity for students to explore the concept
Planning For Learning. Various activities were kinestically.
used throughout the lesson. Managing Learning you must review your explanation to
Students were given an opportunity to the students. Students must understand why different phases
explore kinesthetically. of the moon occur and not simply one side is darker and the
other is white. One of your question was why is this picture
third quarter of the moon? The answer provided was one side
is dark and the other is white. First grade students have a very
short attention span and they spent more than 20 minutes
listening to you lecturing.
Purpose of Activities The purpose of the activities were
unclear. For instance, students were given the materials to
replicate the diagram on the board. How does that help the
students understand the different phases of the moon? The
students understand the new moon as a black moon and that is
for away from the truth.

General Comments:

You have created these beautiful stories and activities for the students. They all enjoyed completing these activities. However,
the information provided were very superficial. The reasons for these phases were never addressed. The students
understanding of a new moon is that its dark and a new moon as white. The instructions were not very explicit and
understanding was a minimum.

TP Guide for EPC3903 (EPR) Practicum 3b 1

Year Three, Semester Two / 2015-16 /

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