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Chapter Outline
IN PURSUIT OF ECSTASY A Closer Look at the Cerebral Cortex
Neurons and Supporting Cells Sensory Receptors
Resting Potential Somatic and Visceral Sensations
The Action Potential The Chemical SensesSmell and Taste
How Messages Flow from Cell to Cell Detecting Light
Disrupted Signaling The Human Eye
Invertebrate Nervous Systems Hearing
The Vertebrate Nervous System Sense of Balance
The Spinal Cord SELF-QUIZ
Regions of the Human Brain CRITICAL THINKING

Key Terms
neurons neuroglia neurotransmitter
sensory neurons myelin nerve net
interneurons resting potential ganglion
motor neurons action potential nerves
axon threshold potential central nervous system
dendrite chemical synapse peripheral nervous system

Neural Control and the Senses 1

somatic nervous system cerebrum lens
autonomic nervous system hypothalamus retina
sympathetic neurons thermoreceptor cornea
parasympathetic neurons mechanoreceptor pupil
meninges chemoreceptor fovea
cerebrospinal fluid photoreceptor cone cell
blood-brain barrier somatic sensations eardrum
spinal cord visceral sensations cochlea
reflex endorphins organ of Corti
cerebellum pheromones vestibular apparatus

Lecture Outline
24.1 In Pursuit of Ecstasy
A. Ecstasy is MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine).
1. Psychoactive drug that alters brain function.
2. Releases an excess of serotonin.
a. Produces feelings of euphoria, energy, and empathy.
b. Homeostatic mechanisms spiral out of control.
B. Continued use alters structure of serotonin-secreting neurons.
1. Short-term use may be reversible.
2. Some ecstasy users have died.

24.2 NeuronsThe Great Communicators

A. Neurons and supporting cells.
1. A neuron is a cell that communicates with other cells by relaying chemical messages.
a. Sensory neurons detect stimuli.
b. Interneurons integrate signals between other neurons.
c. Motor neurons control muscles and glands.
2. Neurons consist of dendrites, a cell body, and an axon.
a. Dendrites receive incoming messages.
b. Axons conduct impulses away from the cell body.
3. Neuroglia are cells that support and protect neurons.
B. Resting potential.
1. The difference in charges across a membrane causes a membrane potential.
2. Resting potential is the charge across a membrane of a neuron that is not being stimulated.
a. A higher concentration of sodium ions outside the cell membrane maintains the
membrane potential.
C. The action potential.
1. An action potential is a brief reversal of the electrical gradient across the plasma
a. A stimulus from another neuron shifts the membrane potential.
b. Threshold potential is a stimulus large enough to cause the shift.
c. Sodium flows into the cell, down its concentration gradient.

2 Chapter Twenty-Four
d. The membrane now has a net negative charge outside of the cell.
e. Gated potassium channels then open and allow potassium to diffuse outward and
restore the net negative charge outside of the plasma membrane.
f. Some of the sodium that diffused into the cell moves to an adjacent area along the
axon, moving the action potential along the axon.
g. Sodium gates swing open in response, moving the action potential along without
h. The action potential moves in only one direction along the axon.
D. How messages flow from cell to cell.
1. Action potentials cannot jump from the end of an axon to the next cells dendrite.
2. A chemical synapse exists as a communication point between neurons.
a. Vesicles in the axon end contain neurotransmitters (chemical signals).
b. Action potentials cause the vesicles to release the neurotransmitter by fusing their
membrane with the plasma membrane.
c. The post-synaptic cell has receptors for the neurotransmitter.
d. Neurotransmitters may stimulate or inhibit the post-synaptic cell.
3. Acetylcholine (ACh) is a common neurotransmitter.
a. ACh stimulates skeletal muscles but inhibits the heart.
b. Different receptors enable different reactions to the same neurotransmitter.
c. Neurotransmitters must be broken down quickly after exerting their effects.
d. The enzyme acetylcholinesterase breaks down ACh.
E. Disrupted signaling.
1. Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases both disrupt signaling.
a. Alzheimers disease is caused by low ACh levels.
b. Parkinsons disease is caused by death or impairment of dopamine-secreting neurons.
2. Mood disorder drugs act at synapses in the brain.
3. Addictive drugs stimulate the release of dopamine.
4. Stimulants make users feel alert, but anxious.
5. Depressants slow responses but also produce euphoria followed by depression.
6. Narcotic analgesics mimic the bodys natural pain-killers and produce euphoria.
a. They are highly addictive.
7. Hallucinogens distort perception.

24.3 Animal Nervous Systems

A. Invertebrate nervous systems.
1. Radial, aquatic animals have a nerve net.
a. They have no centralized controlling organ.
b. The nerve net controls the change of shape, mouth size, and position of tentacles.
2. Bilaterally symmetric animals have a concentration of nerves at their head.
a. Ganglion is a cluster of nerve cell bodies.
b. Ganglia connect to nerve cords that run the length of the body.
c. Arthropods have paired nerve cords connected to a simple brain.
B. The vertebrate nervous system.
1. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.
2. The peripheral nervous system extends through the body.
3. Sensory fibers convey information to the central nervous system.

Neural Control and the Senses 3

4. Motor fibers convey information from the central nervous system.
5. Each nerve consists of bundles of axons enclosed in connective tissue.
a. Myelination of axons functions like insulation and speeds impulses.
b. Myelin is produced by neuroglial cells.
c. Lack of myelin is the cause of multiple sclerosis.

24.4 The Peripheral Nervous System

A. The somatic nervous system conveys impulses to skeletal muscles.
B. The autonomic nervous system conveys impulses to smooth muscles, glands, and cardiac
1. The autonomic system also relays information about internal conditions to the central
nervous system.
C. The autonomic system is two separate systems that are antagonistic.
1. The sympathetic nervous system controls bodily functions during stress (flight or fight).
2. The parasympathetic system controls bodily functions during relaxation.
24.5 The Central Nervous System
A. The brain and spinal cord are the organs of the central nervous system (CNS).
1. The three meninges are protective membranes that surround them.
2. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) bathes the brain and spinal cord.
a. The blood-brain barrier prevents unwanted substances from entering the CSF.
3. White matter in the CNS consists of myelinated axons, and gray matter consists of cell
bodies of neurons.
B. The spinal cord.
1. It contains nerves carrying signals between the brain and peripheral nervous system.
2. Spinal cord injuries lead to paralysis.
3. Reflex arcs connect through the spinal cord.
a. They are reactions to stimuli that do not require thought.
b. Action potentials travel along sensory neurons and synapse with motor neurons in the
spinal cord.
C. Regions of the human brain.
1. Hindbrain.
a. Medulla oblongata influences heart beat, breathing, and other reflexive controls such
as swallowing, vomiting, coughing, and sneezing.
b. Pons also affects breathing.
c. Cerebellum controls posture and voluntary movements.
2. Midbrain.
a. Plays an important role in reward-based learning.
3. Brainstem the pons, medulla, and midbrain are collectively referred to as the brainstem.
4. Forebrain.
a. Cerebrum.
i. It is divided into right and left hemispheres connected by the corpus callosum.
ii. The thalamus sorts sensory signals.
iii. The hypothalamus controls homeostatic mechanisms.
D. A closer look at the cerebral cortex.
1. Frontal lobe planning of movements, aspects of memory, inhibition of unsuitable

4 Chapter Twenty-Four
a. Frontal lobotomy was practiced in the 1950s to treat mental illness.
2. Primary motor cortex is at the rear of the frontal lobe controls skeletal muscles.
3. Brocas area is in the left frontal lobe involves translation of speech and controls the
muscles involved in speaking.
4. Primary somatosensory cortex is in the parietal lobe receiving area for sensory input
from the skin and joints.
5. Occipital lobe contains the primary visual cortex.
6. Perception of sound and odors is controlled in the primary sensory area of the temporal
E. Brain tumors.
1. Nervous tissue does not often divide, but cancer can arise in neurons or neuroglia.
2. Tumors can also arise from epithelial cells in the meninges or endocrine glands of the
brain, such as the pituitary.
3. In addition, brain tumors can result when cancerous cells arrive from elsewhere in the

24.6 The Senses

A. Sensory receptors.
1. Thermoreceptors are sensitive to heat or cold.
2. Mechanoreceptors detect changes in pressure, position, or acceleration.
3. Chemoreceptors detect substances in their surrounding fluid.
4. Photoreceptors contain light-sensitive pigments that respond to light energy.
5. Sensory receptors convert stimulus energy into action potentials.
a. The brain is pre-wired for interpretation of certain stimuli, such as light.
b. Action potential frequency increases with stimulus intensity.
c. Stronger stimuli can recruit more receptors than weak stimuli.
6. Sensory adaptation occurs when a continuous stimulus does not maintain a constant
action potential.
a. Sensory adaptation occurs, for example, shortly after clothing first touches the skin, so
it does not stimulate the brain all day.
B. Somatic and visceral sensation.
1. Somatic sensations are localized to a specific body part.
2. Visceral sensations arise from internal soft organs and can be difficult to pinpoint.
3. Mechanoreceptors in muscles and joints detect limb motions.
4. Pain is the perception of tissue injury.
a. Pain is an adaptive response that alerts one to tissue damage.
b. Endorphins are natural pain relievers that are released to dampen the flow of pain-
related signals to the brain.
C. The chemical sensessmell and taste.
1. Chemoreceptors for smell and taste respond to chemicals dissolved in the fluid
surrounding the receptors.
a. Receptors that connect to the olfactory bulbs in vertebrates relay chemical signals.
b. Invertebrates such as moths have chemoreceptors that are highly sensitive to
pheromones, enabling them to pinpoint the location of potential mates.

Neural Control and the Senses 5

c. The vomeronasal organ is functional in reptiles and some mammals but reduced in
2. Taste buds are located inside the mouth, throat, and upper part of the tongue in humans.
a. Humans perceive five primary tastes.
i. Sweet simple sugars.
ii. Salty NaCl.
iii. Sour acids.
iv. Bitter alkaloids.
v. Umami amino acids in meat and cheese (savory).
D. Detecting light.
1. Light detected by photoreceptors is converted to an action potential that is interpreted in
the brain as an image.
2. Some animals can only detect light changes but no distinct image.
3. The most effective eyes contain a lens that bends (refracts) light so it becomes focused on
4. Camera eyes (containing a lens) are found in cephalopod mollusks and vertebrates
(convergent evolution).
E. The human eye.
1. The eyeball sits in the bony orbit, which protects the eye.
a. Skeletal muscles attach to the orbit and eye for moving the eye.
b. The conjunctiva is a mucous membrane that folds inside the eyelid and over the front
of the eyeball.
2. Under the conjunctiva are the cornea, which is clear, and the sclera, which forms the white
of the eye.
a. The cornea is a crystalline protein.
b. The sclera is fibrous connective tissue.
3. The middle layer of the eye consists of the choroid (vascular) and the iris (muscular).
a. The iris contains pigment that gives eyes their characteristic color seen from the front
of the body.
b. The empty hole formed by the iris is the pupil, the space that light passes through.
4. The anterior interior chamber is filled with aqueous humor.
5. The posterior chamber is filled with vitreous humor.
6. Both the cornea and lens bend light rays coming into the eye.
a. When the ciliary muscle contracts, the lens thickens and can bend light rays for close
b. When the ciliary muscle relaxes, the lens is stretched out, which allows for distance
7. About 150 million Americans have structural problems with their eyes that cause vision
a. Astigmatism is an uneven cornea that cannot bend light rays properly (distance vision
is poor).
b. Nearsightedness occurs when the distance from the front to the back of the eyeball is
too long (distance vision is poor).
c. In farsightedness, the distance from the front to the back of the eyeball is too short
(close vision is poor).
d. Glasses, contact lenses, or surgery can correct most vision problems.

6 Chapter Twenty-Four
F. At the retina.
1. The retina consists of several cell layers.
a. Rods and cones (photoreceptors) lie underneath several layers of interneurons that
process visual signals.
b. Rods detect dim light, and cones detect color.
c. Cones react to specific colors (red, blue, or green).
d. Color blindness results from lack of one or more type of cone.
2. The fovea contains the highest concentration of photoreceptors in the retina.
3. Light signals flow from the rods and cones to the ganglion cells.
a. Ganglion cells are bundled into what becomes the optic nerve.
b. The bundled ganglions form an area without photoreceptors called the blind spot.
G. Hearing.
1. Compressed air forms sound waves, the type of energy that stimulates mechanoreceptors
in the ear.
a. Sound wave intensity is measured in decibels.
b. Some common decibel levels are:
i. Normal conversation 60 dB.
ii. Chain saw 100 dB.
iii. Rock concert 120 dB.
2. Ear anatomy.
a. The outer ear consists of the skin-covered flap of cartilage called the pinna and the
auditory canal that leads to the middle ear.
b. The inner ear consists of the thin, membranous eardrum and the three middle ear
bones: malleus, incus, and stapes.
c. The inner ear consists of the oval window membrane, the vestibular apparatus (for
balance), and the cochlea, which contains the organ of Corti.
d. Hair cells in the organ of Corti are displaced when fluid in the cochlea moves in
response to air waves conducted from the inner ear.
e. Hair cell movement generates action potentials that send auditory stimuli to the brain.
f. Pitch and volume of sound are determined by the location within the cochlea where
hair cells bend and the extent to which they bend.
H. Sense of balance.
1. In humans, the vestibular apparatus provides information about balance and acceleration.
a. Fluid inside the vestibular apparatus shifts and bends receptors that convey
information about head position and acceleration.
b. Receptors in muscles and skin, and visual input combine with mechanoreceptor
information from the vestibular apparatus to provide information about balance.

24.7 In Pursuit of Ecstasy (Revisited)

A. Brain cells that are damaged by the use of MDMA cannot be replaced.
B. The blood-brain barrier may also be damaged by the use of MDMA.
1. Loss of the blood-brain barrier allows harmful molecules to contact brain cells.

Neural Control and the Senses 7

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