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Discussion and Conclusion 0307-4412(94) E0027-L

It is normal to use molecular models to illustrate the important
structural features of complex molecules and simple demon- Changes in Carbohydrate Content During Fruit
strations can be devised to illustrate complex macromolecular Ripening m A New Approach of Teaching of Carbo-
motions and operating forces to the immense benefit of students.
This is the case with the DNA unwinding process where we have hydrate Chemistry in Biochemistry Course
designed a simple experiment to demonstrate the forces and
motions involved in the gyration generated in front of the
replicating fork. The experiment shows that when an unwinding SUNTORNWAT
force is applied to a double-stranded helix, gyration ensues first
Department o f Chemistry
in one direction and then in the opposite direction, finally
resulting in considerable entanglement of the string. Faculty o f Science
In trying to relate the above observation to actual DNA Silpakorn University
unwinding, the roles played by the helicases and topoisomerases Nakorn Pathom 73000
have to be explained. The initial force applied to the string is Thailand
analogous to the unwinding force applied by helicase to the
double stranded DNA. This analogy is justifiable because
helicases act in a wedgelike m a n n e r ' a n d consume about two Introduction
ATP molecules per base-pair separated. 3"9 This is a considerable Fruit ripening is characterized by a series of coordinated changes
amount of energy and is enough to induce torsional strain in in the biochemistry and physiology of the tissue involved. ~ Fruit
front of the replicating fork. flavor is based mainly on the balance between sugar, organic
Topoisomerase I functions by nicking and resealing one strand acids and numerous other aromatic compounds. The hydrolysis
only whereas topoisomerase II acts on both strands. "~ The of starch during ripening to produce sugars was reported in
introduction of nicks relieves the torsional strain and prevents various fruits.- " Decrease in acidity concomitant with increase
strand breakage. In the first instance then, it would be in sugars is also observed during ripening. 4 The sweetness of
reasonable to assume that the initial rotation would be prevented fully ripe fruit is due to the high level of sugars.
by topoisomerase I and this action requires no energy. With the The experiment described here was designed for senior
torsional strain relieved, there would probably be no energy left chemistry students to enable them to handle their own exper-
for the reverse rotation and therefore no need for the action of iment and to encourage them to think about the possible
topoisomerase II. It appears then, in this case, that topoiso- correlation between the biochemical processes, especially in
merase II is required mainly for the refolding of DNA. carbohydrate metabolism, that lead to change in fruit flavor
In summary, this simple demonstration, using unwaxed twine Students should learn the strategies in carbohydrate analysis
or nylon fishing lines, illustrates the unwinding process in front during the period of fruit ripening. The choice of fruits is
of a replicating fork. It should be emphasized that this is what justified as follows: (i) they have a high starch content that may
ought to happen, but in reality, within the nuclei, the DNA is easily demonstrate the drastic change during ripening, (ii) they
very long, never relaxed along its whole length and capable of are cheap and easy to obtain.
breaking if allowed to gyrate. Topoisomerases are therefore
used to relieve the torsional strains and consequently prevent the Experimental
gyration observed in the experiment. In fact, the first topoiso- Plant material Fresh mature firm mangoes were obtained from
merase (type II) discovered was of bacterial origin and was local market and were ripened at 24C. During ripening, fruit
named gyrase II to reflect its function. The demonstration pulp was collected everyday and frozen at -20C until use. If
therefore indirectly illustrates the functions of the topo- fresh samples are readily available during the time of the
isomerases. experiment, the pulp from different stages of fruits could be
collected right away without freezing
~Watson, J D and Crick, F H C (1953) Nature 171,737-738 Alcohol insoluble solid (AIS) Fresh or frozen fruit pulp (20 g)
-"Banfalvi, G (1986) Biochem Educ 14, 50-59 is homogenized in 100 ml hot 95% ethanol for 15 min. The
homogenate is allowed to cool down, is filtered and the residue
~Stryer, L (1981) Biochemistry, Freeman, New York washed twice with ethanol followed by acetone. The samples are
4Murray, R K, Granner, D K, Mayes, P A and Rodwell, V W (1990) then dried to constant weight under vacuum. The dry samples
Harper's Biochemistry, Appleton and Lange, Norwalk, NJ are ground in a coffee grinder and kept frozen until used.
5Banfalvi, G (1984) Biochem Educ 12, 155-156
~'Alberts, B, Bray, D, Lewis, J, Raft, M, Roberts, K and Watson, J D Fruit juice Fruit pulp from fresh or frozen samples (10 g) is
(1983) The Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland, New York homogenized in 50 ml distilled water and clarified by centri-
7Banfalvi, G (1986) Biochem Educ 14, 7-10 fugation at 15 000 x g, 20 min. The supernatants are stored
8Fieldhouse. J (1981) Biochem Educ 9, 88 frozen until used.
"Kornberg, A, Scolt, J F and Bertsch, L L (1978) J Biol Chem 253,
3298-3304 Starch determination The starch content is determined by the
method of Schmieder. 5 AIS (l g) is dissolved in 70 ml calcium
"~Cozzarelli, N R (1980) Seience 207. 935-960 chloride solution (600 g CaCI2.2H20 in 700 ml distilled water),
IIGellert. M, Mizuuchi, K, O'Dea, M H and Nash, H A (1976) Proc boiled for 30 rain and the volume adjusted to 100 ml with
Natl Acad Sci USA 73, 3872-3876 calcium chloride solution. The appropriate dilution of AIS
solution was made and then reacted with 0.1 mi of KI-Iz
solution in a final volume of l0 ml. The absorbance at 590 nm of
the AIS sample is recorded together with those of standard
starch solutions.

Total soluble sugar and reducing sugar determhtation Total

soluble sugar of fruit juice is determined by the phenol-sulfuric
method and reducing sugar by the Somogyi-Nelson method



Sugars The sugars in fruit juice are analysed and identified Table 1 Composition changes during ripening of Nam-Dokmat
using thin layer chromatography on silica gel with n-propanol/ mallgoes
acetone/l M lactic acid (7:1:1) as the mobile phase. The
chromatogram is then sprayed with aniline-diphenylamine- Total Reducing Titratahle
phosphoric acid reagent. Quantitative analysis of each sugar spot Dto'(s) after Starch soluble sugar acidity
is also performed by densitometry. harvest (mg/g AIS) (mg/g FW) (mg/g I~W) (mEq 101)g i ) pH

1 221).3 100 35.8 6,0 3.4

p H and titratable acid The pH of the fruit juice is determined 2 259.1) 118 38.1) 7.0 3.4
by pH meter. Titratable acid is determined by titration with 3 118.1) 155 38.3 6.7 3.4
0.1 M NaOH and expressed as mEq 100 g-i fresh weight. 4 33.3 155 39.2 3.8 3.7
5 4.0 161 43.6 2.0 4.3
Timetable 6 1.8 197 43.8 1.7 4.5
This experiment can be completed in two periods (4-h period) 7 1.2 2112 43.5 0.7 4.7
and the students can work together in groups of 2 to 3.
Session 1 The students will be able to prepare all the reagents
needed and then go on to the preparation of fruit juice and AIS. Sucrose /
80 . Fructose
Session 2 The students will determine the starch content from
AIS, the amount of sugar and reducing sugar from fruit juice and 60
also TLC.
"~ 40
A discussion session on the theoretical background to fruit
ripening should be arranged for the students. At the same time
they should be able to compare their results in graphic or tabular 20
form and speculate on the biochemical mechanisms behind the ~ -

sweetness in ripe fruit. I I L I I I

2 3 4 5 6 7
Results Storage day
During the ripening process, sugar content increased while
acidity decreases (Table 1). The amount of sugar doubles after 7 Figure 2 Changes in sugar content o f mangoes during ripening
days of storage while the amount of titratable acid is significantly
decreased by day 7. These trends are the consequence of the of reducing sugar during ripening is also observed. Typical
change in sugar:acid ratio, which increases throughout the chromatographic separations are shown in Figure 1. The change
ripening process. Starch depletion and increment in the amount in sugar content during ripening are shown in Figure 2. Sucrose
predominated throughout the 7 day periods, with fructose as the
major reducing sugar.

Students have shown a great interest in this experiment which
enables them to develop qualitative and quantitative insights
into the correlation of starch depletion and increase in sugar
content with decrease in organic acids in fruit which lead to
sweetness during the ripening process. Fruit models can also be
explored in other aspects of carbohydrate chemistry such as
changes in cell wall component related to fruit texture during
o ripening. Furthermore, the experiment can be performed using
other locally or seasonally-available fruits such as banana, peach
and tomatoes.

The authors thank the IDP program for its support to PC and OS study
visit (19911, 1993) and collaborative research fund 11993)

! / References
I Brady, C J (1987) Ann Rev in Plant Physiol 38, 155-178
"Pech, J C and Latchke, A 11972) J Sci Food Agric 23, 1499-15112
Fuch, Y, Pesis, E and Zanberman, G (1980) Scientia Hortic 13, 155-161)
~Morga, N S, Lustre, A O, Tunac, M M, Bologot, A H and Soriano, M
R (1970) Food Chem 4, 225-235
>Schmieder, R L and Keeny. P G (19811)J Food Sci 36, 486-489

Figure I TLC separation (scan) o f sugars from mango fruit

B I O C H E M I C A L EDUCATION 22(2) 1994

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