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Se a er Gongress of the Hnited States ta ee ‘House of Representatives wegen Se ‘Miashingtm, BE 20515 Greco ‘April 13, 2017 Gorcomaee Boe Feighner ct0F Michigan Deparment of Environmental Quality Drinking Weter and Municipal Assistance Division P.O. Box 30421 Lansing, MI-48909-7741 Mr. Feighner: | write to express my strong opposition to Nestlé North America’s (Nestlé) permit requesting ‘permission to increase its ground water withdrawal a awell just north of Evart Township, Mich, According to scientific expert, if this permit is approved, it would have damaging and negative impacts to the environment and wildlife in Michigan. As you know, when Nestlé ran their ‘proposed water withdrawal rates through the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality's (MDEQ's) Water Withdrawal Assessment Tool, it received a“D” grade, because it “is likely to ‘cause an adverse resource impact.” ‘According toa recent op-ed! in the Detroit Free Press ay Nestlé in defense ofits application, it claimed its proposal, “will not measurably impact the quality of the area's lakes, wetlands, rivers, streams, and groundwater resources.” Simply pu, this not true. According to thee own studies" from 2000, the proposed water withdrawal will have a direst impact on surface wetlends duc tothe local geology. Nestlé, however, decided to omit this critical information from its permit application. [appreciate the MDEQ allowing a comprehensive public comment period on the application. ‘This process has demonstrated that the public as they become increasingly aware ofthis proposal, has serious concerns about how Nestle’ application will impact Michigan's previous ‘natural resources, [have also heard from numerous constituents tha they are seriously concerned. ‘with this permit and have requested that I oppose it. "pwn. Fepconstorypinion/ontbutor/201 708/20 feedbacks groundwater 984046) * haps mlvecom/newsindexss/2017/0¢inete evar wetlands impact Mnlfinsar ver home | support Nesté's desire to create jobs in Michigan, but not atthe cost of damaging our ‘environment and depleting our state's water resouress. In Michigan, toursm, hunting and fishing {generate billions in annual economic activity and support hundreds of thousands of good-paying Jobs in Michigan. Thus, puttin ovr freshwater resourees in jeopardy threatens our economy and ‘way of life. | am concemed that Nestéis seeking to rush this proposal through without much public inout. It is unfortunate that Nestlé is more concerned with corporate profits than protecting natural resources that support our state's economy, jobs and way of life. | appreciate your consideration of my eoncems and look forward to working with you on this issue in the future, — ; CMT Mitten es MEMBER OF CONGRESS

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