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Ques 1)

Create email using following rule
i)start with first name.
ii)followed by .second name
iii)followed by @
iv)followed by first charcter of first name and last name with .com
formula applied:

Ques 2)
After the gap , following are the rules for the exercise containing html, txt and CSV file
The order of the fields is
Fist Name, Last Name, Middle name, educational Qualification, Age, Department,
Designation, Date of joining, Location, current location, Contact number, operator
Education Qualification remains the same
Age is to written as whole number only. In case of days, it is rounded to next integer if
the number of days is more than 15 days
In the case of department, the Department name is to be written as full department
name. the first letter is to be capital letter
For designation, all Managers are to be clubbed as Management.
Location/ Current Location should be streamlined with the current name. eg. Calcutta
as Kolkatta, Delhi as New Delhi, Bombay as Mumbai etc.
Contact number should have the format (91)-std code-number in case of land line
number. For Mobile numbers the format is +91-XXXXXXXX
Full name of the Operator is to written eg. BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Air
Tel as AirTel etc.

Rule 1: The order of the fields is Fist Name, Last Name, Middle name, educational
Qualification, Age, Department, Designation, Date of joining, Location, current location,
Contact number, operator
txt file
csv File:

html File

Rule2: Age is to written as whole number only. In case of days, it is rounded to next integer if
the number of days is more than 15 days
Rule 3: In the case of department, the Department name is to be written as full department
name. the first letter is to be capital letter

txt file:

csv file:
html file:

Rule 4: For designation, all Managers are to be clubbed as Management.

txt file:

csv file:
html file:

Rule 5: Location/ Current Location should be streamlined with the current name. eg. Calcutta
as Kolkatta, Delhi as New Delhi, Bombay as Mumbai etc.

txt file:
csv file:

html file:
Rule 6: Contact number should have the format (91)-std code-number in case of land line
number. For Mobile numbers the format is +91-XXXXXXXX

txt file:

csv file:
html file:

Rule 7: Full name of the Operator is to written eg. BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Air
Tel as AirTel etc.

txt file:
csv file:

html file:
Ques 3)

With the help of Pivot Tables Determine
Number of people per current location wise per department wise per designation wise
Number of Persons per age wise per city wise per current location wise
Number of operators per city wise
Number of operators per city wise, age wise per department wise

Count of Current Count of
Row Labels Location Operator
Air Tel 2 2
Delhi 1 1
Port Blair 1 1
Airtel 2 2
Kohima-Nagaland 1 1
New Delhi 1 1
BSNL 1 1
Delhi 1 1
BSNL 1 1
Bombay 1 1
Id ea 1 1
Port Blair 1 1
Idea 1 1
Kohima-Nagaland 1 1
Mahanagar Tel 1 1
Port Blair 1 1
MTNL 2 2
Bombay 1 1
New Delhi 1 1
Rel iance 1 1
Kohima 1 1
Reliance 1 1
Bombay 1 1
Voda 3 3
Bombay 1 1
Delhi 1 1
Port Blair 1 1
Voda Fone 2 2
Bombay 2 2
Vodafone 2 2
Mumbai 1 1
Port Blair 1 1
Bombay Count 6 6
Delhi Count 3 3
Kohima Count 1 1
Kohima-Nagaland Count 2 2
Mumbai Count 1 1
New Delhi Count 2 2
Port Blair Count 5 5
Grand Total 20 20
Ques 4)To create a two tables viz. table-1 & table-2. With these two tables create another table
table-3 which will contain both the contents of table-1 & table-2.
Ques 5)To create a table containing the following records
Stu-id, Name, Phone, City
A111, Ramesh, 9876543210, Mumbai
A112, Suresh, 8888888888, New Delhi
A113, Kamlesh, 7777777777, Bangalore
You are required to change the following : Bangalore->Bangaluru, Mumbai->Bombay,
New Delhi->Delhi
Phone nos. starting with 9 should start with 0
Phone nos. starting with 8 should be changed to 4
Phone nos. starting with 7 to be changed to 2

Ques 6) To view the contents of data dictionary
Soln)User_ALL_TABLES :
Ques 7)To view the contents of the table without the data.
Ques 8)To view the detailed table structure
Ques 9)To obtain the contents of seeing the records of a particular file into a text file
Control file:

Batch file:

Output batch file:

Ques 10)To create a batch file to insert 10 records in a table i.e. without having to write insert
commands 10 times
Ques 11) To show the implementation of weka.
Step 1: Open weka and go to explore.
Step 2: go to open file and go to program files then weka then Data. And choose one of the file.
And go to visualize all .

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