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Tender Submission

Prototype Mars Rover

Team SLING design

Revision: D

TECKS Members:
Ellisha Reynolds, Corinne Dale, Kaycee Gemaol,
Shaun Mathew, Thomas Morgan


Ellisha Reynolds
19137447 Date: 19/04/2017
Executive summary
This tender has been written by TECKS industries in response to the requirements of the designing
company SLING industries. The purpose of this tender being to demonstrate the capability of the
TECKS team to understand and construct the design created by SLING industries.
Among the main reasons why this tender should be considered favourably is in the thorough
response to the Tender Evaluation criteria that has been set out by SLING industries. Since the
designers have stated that experience in previous projects is necessary, TECKS industries have
provided evidence that multiple team members have experience with wood working. Namely in the
construction of wooden toy cars and various pieces of small furniture design to take significant
weight and wear. The distinction that team members have received for wood working suffice for the
technical skills required to build the prototype rover.
TECKS industries recognises a necessity for understanding use of CAD and basic computer skills,
demonstrated in our members by distinctions and examples of technical drawings using software
and knowledge and previous experience in a project which involved extensive use of 3D printing.
TECKS Industries have attached photos of all tools established in the design package created by
SLING that we have available to us, as well as demonstrating the knowledge of relevant safety
precautions that need to be taken with every tool. This knowledge has been acquired through
experience in other projects using the relevant equipment.
TECKS value professionalism, efficient communication and timeliness and thus value the importance
placed in communication between designers and contractors. We place distinct significance in that
no changes be made during the construction without consultation with the designers of SLING and
that frequent contact with SLING through primary channels of communications is upheld as outlined
in the Design Package.
TECKS values and is significantly interested in the design however, the contractors may suggest
some additions that can be made to improve the prototype Rover. The first of these would be to
consider alternate methods to printing if the 3D printer were to become unavailable. In order to
complete a Rover, alternate printers may need to be sought or the design changed so that the axles
ran through the main body PVC pipe and wheels made of alternate materials.
Secondly, TECKS has concerns and would desire to attach the loose cell foam with glue (e.g. using a
hot glue gun) so that it will remain firm in the retention ring and thus avoid any damage to the
vehicle which may have been overlooked in the method. Regarding using a coping saw to create
holes; the safety of the contractors may be compromised if perhaps holes were not first drilled to
allow for easier sawing and to mark a template for the holes. Otherwise, holes may be easier to be
cut in the main body if it were to be made of a cardboard tube, thus reducing the safety hazard
without compromising the strength of the main body too much.
Finally, TECKS has concerns that the prototype may not be able to hold the ~70mm diameter water
bottle since the PVC piping has a 70mm diameter. Thus, we suggest using the next available size PVC
piping, and if necessary, bubble wrap, foam, etc. to secure the water bottle inside. This would
require also an increase in the axle size and the size of the 3D printing designs.

TECKS industries are proud of their capabilities, initiative and work ethic and would like to assure
SLING industries of a Mars Rover to be delivered of the highest standard within the agreed upon
time frame.

1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Design Package Review ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Understanding of Design .............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Client Brief Compliance ................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Concern and solutions .................................................................................................................. 4
3.0 Criteria............................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Previous Experience ...................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Capability and Personal Skills ........................................................................................................ 6
3.3 Interest in project ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Tools .............................................................................................................................................. 7
3.5 Compliance agreement ................................................................................................................. 7
3.6 Communication ............................................................................................................................. 8
4.0 Appendix list...................................................................................................................................... 9
Appendix A.1 ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Appendix A.3 ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Appendix B.1 ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Appendix B.2 ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix B.3 ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix C.1 ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Appendix D.1 ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix D.2 ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix E.1 ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix F.1 ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix G.1 Latest SLING Design Package ...................................................................................... 24

1.0 Introduction
This document contains the submission from TECKS industries to the Tender Evaluation
Criteria set out by SLING industries for the construction of the Mars Rover. This document
responds to the criteria as defined by SLING Industries as document
SLING_Group_Stage1_EFPC_Mars_Lander_Rev3 on page 8; Tender Evaluation Criteria.

2.0 Design Package Review

A design review has been established to ensure TECKS industries has a full and
comprehensive understanding of the construction project.

2.1 Understanding of Design

The design is based on the need to build a prototype Mars rover. The prototype must be
constructed on a small scale to test the deployment and vertical drop of a rover on Mars. In
order to simulate the functions of a mars rover, the prototype must be able to roll down a
slope of 30-45 degrees for two metres and undergo 1 m vertical drop without withstanding
significant damage. Further, to simulate the kind of load that the mars rover will carry, the
prototype must be able to carry a 600ml water bottle as a scaled down representative of the
weight load. The water bottle weight load must be able to be remotely inspected and
cannot be damaged or become detached from the Rover during or after the testing process.
The prototype that SLING has currently designed will be capable of fulfilling the purpose.
The material of construction; PVC pipe and nylon 3D printing will be shock resistant and
sturdy enough to carry the 600mL weight load. The PVC pipe used to the main body will not
undergo significant loss of strength when cut to allow for remote inspection and the bolts
used to secure the wheels provide sufficient support to resist shock damage of a 1m fall.

2.2 Client Brief Compliance

The client brief calls for a design which is designed to self-travel for 2 meters down a slope
and withstand a 1m fall. The design is required to do the following upon the fall;
1. The wheels must take the force of the drop
2. The wheels must be in contact with the floor at the end of the test
3. The prototype must be able to move freely down the slope without assistance
The structure of the design, as seen in drawing 1/10 has a free moving wheel design,
allowing for a free fall powered by gravity down the slope and without assistance. The
design has two axles, as specified is necessary in the design brief.
The wheel dimensions, as pictured in drawing 7/10, are larger than the PVC body of the
rover prototype, ensuring the wheels are always going to be in contact with the floor at the
end of the test. Further this will allow for the free movement of the prototype as the wheels
are not able to be restricted by the main body of the prototype, even if flipped upside-

As demonstrated in the pre-testing section (page 22) the wheels are not sufficiently
constructed unless they are able to take the weight of a 1kg mass during testing. This must
be ensured before the wheels are attached to the rover to ensure the prototypes wheels
can take the full force of the drop, thus complying with the client brief.
Abiding to the client brief, the full length and width of the prototype must be within 420-
297mm and the maximum height of the prototype must be within 210mm. As seen in
drawing 5/10 the maximum height of the rover would be that of the wheels (R7.5). The
length of the Rover can also be determined to comply with client brief length requirements
as pictured in drawing 2/10 and 3/10- the main body will not exceed 300mm thus complying
with the dimensions specified in the client brief.
The client brief outlines the restrictions to the load that will be carried on the prototype.
The design must be easy to load the water bottle without any kind of complex assembly. As
seen in diagram 1/10, the water bottle can be inserted in the prototype and securely
contained throughout the duration of the testing within the unit. Further, the client brief
states that the cargo must be able to be observed from a 1 meter distance and that it is
possible to ascertain that the rover and its cargo are undamaged at the end of the testing
stage and without intervention. The design rover complies with these restrictions as
demonstrated in drawing 3/10. The holes in the main body allow for the remote inspection
of the cargo, without any intervention in removing the water bottle from the main body of
the rover.
Further, the necessary budget stated in the client brief restricts the design to not exceed
$30 and less than 25% of this cost is comprised by 3D printing. As stated in appendix 3.3 of
the design package, the design meets the necessary budget in the client brief of under $30,
overall costing $14.99 with less than 25% of this cost being 3-D printing.

2.3 Concern and solutions

TECKS industries has some concerns relating to the degree of 3D printing in the design and
the possibility of 3D printing becoming unavailable through unforeseen circumstances which
may prohibit the 3D printer from functioning correctly. In this circumstance, TECKS
industries suggests a change in the design plan to reduce the dependence on 3d printing.
Such changes may include an axle hole drilled through the main PVC pipe and an alternate
hatch cut into the main body to eliminate the necessity of the front cap. Alternatively
contractors may make use of alternate 3D printers to that recommended in appendix 3.3.
Further TECKS industries is concerned for the placement of the cell foam inserted into the
retention ring on the front cap holder. There is a possibility this foam may come loose if not
glued and is rather places into the retention ring as stated in method, page 21. On potential
method to solve this may be through use of a hot glue gun (pictured in appendix D.1).
Additionally the use of a coping saw to create the side cut outs may not be the most
efficient tool unless cut outs were to be made placing the saw flat to the PVC and along the
body, which may become hazardous to the contractors and will introduce difficulty to
ensure is the size of the holes are congruent to drawing 3/10. Rather it may be more

efficient to use for example, a postage tube to reduce construction hazard. The strong
cardboard designed to withstand the force of postal travel without damaging the inside
contents would ensure stability of the main body however be safer to cut into using a
coping saw. Alternatively, it may be possible to drill multiple holes around the edges of the
hole outline and a saw may be used to cut the holes in the PVC pipe, making it easier for the
pipe to be more accurately cut through.
Further concerns to the design resign in the compliance to the client brief to contain a water
bottle approximately 70mm in diameter when the PVC pipe is 70mm in diameter and thus
there is a possibility that the PVC pipe is of the wrong dimensions. To reduce the effect of
this upon the compliance to the client brief TECKS industries suggests using PVC piping of
the next available size and if necessary lining the tube with a material such as bubble wrap
to reduce any damage the bottle may do through moving inside the main body. Considering
the strength of the PVC piping however, this may be unnecessary as it is not likely that the
bottle will cause too much damage to the inside of the contained unit. However, in
increasing the size of the body, the axle width will also need to be widened to compensate
the change in main body. This will not reduce the strength of the axle significantly however
may increase the cost of the overall project. In addition to this the 3D printing files will need
to be adjusted to compensate the larger body size. However, despite the inconvenience of
these changes, they may reduce the potential damage that may be caused to the body if the
PVC pipe of diameter 70mm were to be altered.

3.0 Criteria
3.1 Previous Experience
Success of project and ability to complete project on time. Ability to follow instructions with attention
to detail
To be submitted:- Evidence of previous project with images of finished project (if available) -
Project brief from above project

TECKS industries places pride in their ability to fulfil projects to the best of our ability and on time to
allow the best possible chance of producing work to a high standard. Our team are well aware of the
skills and safety precautions necessary to build the prototype mars rover. They have learned some of
these skills through previous experience learning woodworking. Appendix A.2 demonstrates the
distinction that have been awarded for the results that members Kaycee Gemaol and Shaun Mathew
have achieved during their time woodworking. The projects that were completed can be seen in
appendix A.3. The first being a wooded truck, which illustrates the experience with prototype
vehicles capable of movement and the second being a range of furniture that demonstrates
experience creating practical pieces which are necessary to withstand damage that may occur during
daily life. Both tasks required careful use of tools that are required for the construction of the Mars
rover prototype and have required sufficient safety precautions be taken during their construction.
Further, as high school tasks, all projects demonstrate team members ability to complete a project
to a high standard according to a design brief and within an allocated deadline.

3.2 Capability and Personal Skills

Basic computer skills and CAD skills. 3D printing experience and knowledge of .STL files.

TECKS values a variance in technical knowledge in order to produce work to a high standard. As seen
in appendix B.1, team members have experience in producing technical drawings to illustrate 2D and
3D projections of a design using software in order to complete stage one of the EFPC design Task.
Also attached is a certificate of distinction for TECKS member Kaycee Gemaol in appendix B.2
demonstrating the high standard of knowledge and experience in technical drawings within the
TECKS team. This knowledge will be useful in constructing the rover during the 3D printing process.

Further, TECKS have experience in 3D printing files, as seen in appendix B.3 a project has been
completed by Thomas Morgan through a 3D printed model for a toy car. This then demonstrates the
knowledge of 3D printing through the practical, moving toy car that was made for this project.

3.3 Interest in project

Why are you interested in making this project?
To be submitted:- 500 word (max) note on the above question

TECKS has a strong interest in striving to complete work to the best of our ability. As seen in
reference C.1 which is the submitted 500 word note on the question established in the tender
evaluation criteria. TECKs industries is adamant in ensuring attention to detail is taken to ensure
the Mars Rover prototype is completed to the best of our ability and thus understands the important
of our commitment to the task.

3.4 Tools
Access to tools. Knowledge and ability to use tools that will be used in the production of the vehicle

To be submitted: Photographic evidence of tools required. Proof of project where specific tools were
used. State the safety precautions you would take whilst using and before using each tool.

We have shown attached in the appendix D.1 the tools stated as required in the design package
(appendix G.1) and available as follows:

Hack saw and coping saw Appendix D.1.1

Stanley knife, Appendix D.1.2
Makita Cordless Drill and Drill pieces (including 2mm and 6mm), Appendix D.1.3

As well as:

Varying sized screw drivers, if required, Appendix D.1.4

A hot glue gun, if required, Appendix D.1.5

It is important to TECKS industries that risks are minimised during the construction process, Thus
note that under each appendix there is identified the safety precautions that will be taken before
and whilst using each tool.

TECKS team members have an understanding of the use of the tools required in the task. Attached in
D.2 is a demonstration of basic woodworking task made by Ellisha Reynolds that used some of the
specific tools, including sawing and sanding as well as use of drilling and screwing two pieces of
wood together. Other examples of projects which utilised similar tools are attached in appendix A.2;
other woodworking projects completed by TECKS team members.

Attached in D.2 is a prototype mars rover made collaboratively by the TECKS team. The project
involved drilling, sawing and the use of a hot glue gun, thus demonstrating our capability as a team
to construct a complete mars rover Design.

3.5 Compliance agreement

To wave all/any misconstruction from the given plan, from SLING Industries fault.
To be submitted: Tender agreement form signed by all contractors of team

Compliance between designer and contractors is important to TECKS to ensure the construction of a
design which complies to the client brief. TECKs industries makes practice to sign all documents
submitted as a professional formality to ensure all documentation is to the best of our ability and
completely truthful. TECKS industries does not make changes to design unless changes are approved
by designers through official channels or discussed in meetings.

Attached in appendix E.1 is a Gantt chart provided by TECKS industries for the duration of the
construction, aligning with the Gantt chart on page 9 of the design brief. This demonstrates TECKS
willingness and capability to complete the task within the allocated timeframe.

TECKS industries prefers to have frequent contact with the designers in order to ensure there is no
lasting effects of miscommunication and that the mars rover prototype is completed on time. Our
team are willing able to negotiate and comply to regular updates with the designers throughout the
construction process of the mars rover.

3.6 Communication
To keep record of all communication with Project designers
To be submitted: Evidence of a method of group communications (see acceptable communications

Communication is a very important value to TECKS members and we pride ourselves on effective
communication in order to ensure projects run smoothly. Our primary form of communication is
email and we will most often respond within 24hours. TECKS finds extreme importance in ensuring
that no changes be made to the design without consultation with the designers of SLING and thus
wish to utilise contact with SLING, if most preferable on Tuesdays and Fridays as designated on page
23 of the design package (Appendix G.1).

Further, to ensure no discrepancies in communications cause conflict, TECKS keeps record of all
communication through email threads as can be seen in appendix F.1; a thread of communication
exemplifying initial communication between the designer and contactors.

4.0 Appendix list
Appendix A.1
Certification for wood working

Appendix A.3
Projects from previous wood working tasks made by Kaycee Gemaol and Shaun Mathew, 2014.

Both tasks required use of tools relevant to the prototype design and required safety precautions
were taken. Both demonstrate team members ability to complete work according to their design
brief and under time restraints of an assignment.

Figure 1. Wooden truck with a plastic windshield and attachable trailer

Made by Kaycee Gemaol

Figure 2. Wooden step

This step was created to withstand significant pressure in order to function correctly and safely.

Figure 3. Wooden table with draw.
The draw is designed to function with ease and required the installation of moving parts into the
necessary sturdy structure of a table. As pictured above the table can withstand the consistent
weight of an aquarium reliably.

Figure 4 Wooden cabinet with glass front and draw.

This task required the glass installation to be done safely and with accuracy. Further, the functioning
draw in the piece demonstrates technical knowledge required to complete this design.

Made by Shaun Mathew

Appendix B.1
Technical drawings from design package stage 1; demonstrating the use and knowledge of technical
drawing software.

Appendix B.2
Certification of Kaycee Gemaol for distinction in technical drawing.

Appendix B.3
Evidence of 3D printing experience

Toy car designed for racing.

The car was deigned on solid works, after which it was 3D printed as a model. The axles and wheels
were then added to the car which was then painted and designed to move freely so that it could be

Project created by Tomas Morgan

Appendix C.1
Why are you interested in making this project?

TECKS industries upholds a strong interest in completing work to a high standard, which is done
through ensuring the design efficiently follows and sufficiently complies to the design brief. The
attention to detail in this design ensures with surety the client brief be met.

The wheels are always going to be in contact with the floor at the end of the test due to the
dimensions of the wheels as larger than the body of the car, thus ensuring the wheels take the shock
of the fall. This ensures that the design follows the brief to sufficiently withstand the fall without
significant damage. The unique wheel design is inspired, and as clarified in the pretesting, to take the
weight of 1kg on each wheel, will be more than sufficient to meet the design brief. The structure of
the design complies to the client brief with a free moving wheel design, so that the design can
undergo a free fall powered by gravity down the slope and without assistance. The materials chosen
to complete the design are of the highest quality to ensure the proper construction of the rover to
the compliance of the deign brief.

The design that SLING have created takes into considerations all of the restrictions to the load that
will be carried on the prototype. The design is easy to load the water bottle without any kind of
complex assembly. The cargo must be able to be observed from a 1 meter distance through the side
holes in the car so that it is possible to determine the rover and its cargo are undamaged during and
at the end of testing, without any intervention or removing pieces of the rover in order to view the
water bottle from the main body of the rover.

Further, the efficiency of the design in the low cost and durability that is ascertained through use of
3D printing appeals to TECKS as a unique solution to the client brief. The ability through the wheel
design to be able to flip and the withstand extreme amounts of weight inspire us to complete the
task to a high standard. The 3D printing simplifies the construction process which will increase the
productivity of our construction process as well as allowing the contractors to produce complex
pieces with very low safety hazards and with unparalleled cost efficiency. Thus, proving the design
can be made to a high standard not only with more than sufficient durability but with a reduced time
scale and a very low cost to the design.

Further, it is important that proper communication ensure that little error takes place due to
miscommunication, thus our interest also lies in the ready availability of team SLING through a large
range of communication channels and accommodate any concerns or queries that may be had
through very flexible means. The assurance of full discrepancy that takes place during
communications also displays professionalism that is desirable when seeking to construct a design.

Appendix D.1

Appendix D.1.1 Hack Saw and Coping saw

Safety precautions:

Before using a saw it is important that the material used is backing onto a workbench or a
piece of scrap wood to ensure the surface underneath does not withstand any accidental
Whilst using a saw it is adamantly important to ensure that fingers are kept as far away from
the cuts as possible to ensure injury
Where possible, use a clamp to hold the material being cut in place to avoid damage to
fingers that may ensure if the object being cut is only held by hand
if this is not possible, have another person hold the object being cut
Ensure that cuts are made in the direction facing away from yourself (and anyone helping)

If shavings are flying up from the cuts it may be advisable to wear safety glasses during this
When using a saw, ensure cuts are being made in slow, full strokes- this process cannot be
rushed or the cuts may be rough/crooked and it will increase the likelihood of the object
slipping and potential injury occurring as a result

Appendix D.1.2 Stanley knife

Safety precautions

Before using the blade, ensure that cutting through the object will not cut through the
surface behind by placing a scrap piece of wood or cutting board
When using the blade, made sure that fingers are kept away from the place being cut
Ensure that the object being cut is sufficiently stable by either using another person to hold
the object or a clamp, it is not safe if the object can easily slip out of place while cuts are
being made.

Appendix D.1.3 Makita Cordless Drill and Drill pieces

Safety precautions:

To ensure that the drill does not drill through the object and cause damage it is best to drill
on a scrap piece of wood, cutting board, etc.
It is important that the drilling process is not rushed, it is possible to let gravity do the work;
hold the drill at a 90 degree angle from where the hole is to be made and little force should
be exerted.
if too much pressure is exerted when drilling, the drill may kick back and damage the object
or the hole being made
If possible, use a vice or clamp to hold the object being drilled, otherwise ensure that fingers
are well back as far as possible from where the hole is being drilled.
If there are drill shavings flying up from the drilling area, eye protection is recommended
Note: this Makita brand drill is cordless so does not require the same safety precautions of
checking wires and the like

Appendix D.1.4

These will only be required if screws are used during the design process.

It is important to match the size and style of the screw to the screwdriver used in order to securely
attach the screws.

Appendix D.1.5 Hot glue gun

A hot glue gun may be used during the process to attach any parts which may become detached

Safety precautions

It is important to ensure caution is taking when gluing so as to avoid the hot glue touching
skin which can be uncomfortable.
The glue should never come in contact with eyes, do not rub eyes during the process and if
necessary wear protective eye where
To avoid damage to surroundings it is recommended to glue backing onto a scrap piece of
cardboard, cutting board, etc.

To ensure the material is properly glued, the objects being glued should be held with
pressure until the glue hardens and goes from colourless to opaque. The materials should
resist being pulled apart, if the glue comes away the process may need to be repeated.

Appendix D.2
Prototype- Mars Rover

This prototype required use of drilling (for the axle holes) and the use of a hot glue gun for the
wheels, as well as use of a saw and sandpaper to make cuts on the main body. This demonstrates
the proper technique that is used to construct the mars rover as well as an understanding of the
design process and tools necessary to construct the SLING design

Constructed by Corinne Dale and Ellisha Reynolds

Woodworking task, 2011

This task was to make a phone stand with a main base, a front stopper and a tilted back to hold
the phone at an angle. This demonstrates the use of a saw and jigsaw to cut the wood to size and on
an angle. There was sanding involved to make the wood smooth after sawing and there was drilling
involved in the back piece- both the entire way through the wood and partially through the wood. It
was necessary to drill and nail the pieces together.

Constructed by Ellisha Reynolds

Appendix E.1

Appendix F.1
The following demonstrates a method of primary communication (from the list of acceptable forms
of communications established in the SLING design package in appendix 3.2 page 25.) that was used
for contractor and designer communication in order to schedule a meeting.
Note: Emails thread is ordered from the most recent to the oldest.

Appendix G.1 Latest SLING Design Package


| Sling Industries


Table of Contents
Specifications 3
Conceptual constraints 3
Testing constraints 3
Drop Test requirements 3
Size and dimensions 4
Risk Management 5
Tender Evaluation Criteria 8
GANTT Chart 9
Technical Drawings 10
Method for construction 21
Holder tube (Chassis) (drawing 3/10) 21
Wheels (drawing 5/10) 21
Holder front cap for front assembly (drawing 2/10) 21
PVC tube collar for rear assembly (drawing 4/10) 21
Axles (drawing 7/10) 21
Part Assembly (drawing 1/10, 7/10, 8/10, 9/10, 10/10) 21
Pre-Testing 22
Compliance Agreement 23
Appendices 24
Appendix 3.1 24
Tools list 24
Appendix 3.2 25
Acceptable forms of project communication: 25
Appendix 3.3 26
Parts list, costing and sourcing 26
Appendix 3.4 26
Storage of materials and Prototype 26



Conceptual constraints

Must be able to travel self-guided, down a slope of 2 meters length, with an angle of
between 30 to 45 degrees from the horizontal.
Must drop a vertical distance of 1 meter and remain upon its wheels when it comes to a
Contain and protect a mass of 600 grams, to simulate the eventual loading of the final
product. The protection is of utmost importance due to the delicate nature of the final
constructions load.
Easy to load without complex assembly. This restriction applies to such designs that
incorporate the screwing of a panel.
The cargo must be able to be observed from a distance of 1 meter and have ascertained that
it and its cargo are undamaged at the end of the testing phase, without outside intervention.

Testing constraints

The prototypes first contact with the floor after the drop must be with its wheels so that the
wheels are taking the most force from the drop.
A minimum of one set of the prototypes wheels must be in contact with the floor at the end
of the test so it can move after the drop when the electronic controls are installed.
The prototype must complete the test without being touched. This is to demonstrate a
scenario while on mars where there is no contact with us and therefore make it a fair test.
The prototype must remain undamaged and be in one piece at the completion of the testing

Drop Test requirements

This will demonstrate the worst case/only scenario that the final rover may experience which has
been scaled down to fit the scale of the prototype we are designing.

The prototypes first contact with the floor after the drop must be with its wheels so that the
wheels are taking the most force from the drop.
The prototypes wheels must be in contact with the floor at the end of the test so it can
move after the drop when the electronic controls are installed.
The prototype must be able to freely move down a 30 to 45 angle.

Size and dimensions

The full length and width of the prototype must fit within the dimensions 420mm by
297mm. The load weight being placed on the prototype has been scaled down due to the
scaled down dimensions of the rover to save money on construction of the prototype and
making it easier to test the prototype.
The maximum height of the prototype must be within 210mm. The load weight being placed
on the prototype has been scaled down due to the scaled down dimensions of the rover to
save money on construction of the prototype and making it easier to test the prototype.


The prototype must include at least 2 axles within the design so that the prototype is able to
move down a slope.
The prototype must be able to freely move down a 30 to 45 angle.
The prototype must be able to move in a straight line for 2 meters on the angled slope. This
is the distance it needs to travel in the drop test.


See Appendix 3.3 for materials pricing list.


The total cost of the prototype must be less than $30. We must stick to the budget provided
to us as there will be a cost restraint for the final rover which it directly proportional to the
cost of the prototype.
The costs of materials must be taken from the spreadsheet provided.
The cost of the prototype must not be made up of more than 25% of 3D printing. 3D printers
will be limited for use.

Manufacturing constraints/methods

The load must not be permanently fixed or a using a complex assembly e.g. fastening the
load to the load with a screw so that the load can be added to the prototype quickly and
The condition of the load must be visible for inspection from a minimum distance of 1m
after the test has been performed to see if there is any damage to the load. This is so the
mechanics and electronics on the final rover can be easily inspected allowing engineers to
see and fix problems with more ease.

Risk Management
Risk Hazard Likelihood Severity Mitigation
Stage 1 - Design
Submission may Loss of data Unlikely Major We will be decreasing the
not get likelihood of losing data
completed on by keeping multiple
time. copies of documents.
There will be a document
available online in an
online cloud server and
another copy saved on
the individual's personal
Incorrect Miscommunication Moderate Major Measurements will all be
measurements decided pre-drawing.
may be included There will be one official
in the brief. copy of the
measurements and they
will be added onto the
drawing. No other
alterations will be
accepted unless it it
agreed on by the rest of
the group.
Project could Fatigue Moderate Major Each piece of work must
have flaws, be checked by at least
leading to it not one other member of the
being completed group to minimise the
likelihood of
inconsistencies within the
brief. Highly important
documentation (drawings
ect.) must have the name
of the creator of the
document and the name
of the team member that
has checked the
document to prove it has
been checked.
Stage 2 Tender Evaluation
Contractors may Miscommunication Unlikely Critical Team will discuss and
not be skilled record an agreed upon
enough to requirement list for the
complete project. contractors. The
contractors must sign a
disclaimer stating that all
the information they give


is truthful. This will be
kept in a hard copy, not
for editing unless agreed
Project may not Trauma Likely Critical Team must consider
be completed. contracting someone with
Long recovery for previous experience with
physical injury. power tools. The more
experience the better, as it
must be used on PVC, a
difficult material to use.
Project made Miscommunication Unlikely Critical Define clear instructions
interpreted for the brief and specify
incorrectly that under the
circumstance of someone
being doubtful of anything
then they need to contact
the designers
immediately. this can be
done via any of the
communication channels
we have stated in
appendix 3.2 .
Stage 3 - Production
Incorrect 3D Data corruption Unlikely Critical 3D printing files will be
printed parts, or stored on a hard drive
not printed parts. and multiple copies will
held in case of corruption.
This will be executed by
allowing both the
contractors and designers
to have all the 3D
Physical damage Foreign body in eyes Likely Critical Personal protection
and possible equipment must be worn
blindness. by all contractors who are
using tools for any
practical work on the
project or in a hazardous
area .
Contractors may Broken project Likely Critical Contractors must be fully
not know the aware of the materials
strength of the being used and follows
materials used rules exactly. The
instructions will be
written thoroughly in the
brief and will contain
exact conditions for the
parts to be kept in. This
will reduce the chances of
them getting broken or

lost over the production
(See Appendix 3.4)

Stage 4 - Testing
Recovery from Dropping vehicles Unlikely Moderate PPE should be worn while
possible injury . on feet. testing. Enclosed shoes.
Take care when moving
the vehicle, and keep far
out of the way while it is
being tested.
Project may not Poor time planning Moderate Critical Team must be able to
be finished create enough time to
before its time to finish the project ahead
test. of time and to a strict
schedule with consistent
communication to the
designers. If the gantt
chart is followed
correctly, then we will
have no problem finishing
within the time allocated.
The project could Broken Project Moderate Critical Contractors must keep
break in transit the project in a strong
from the container for transit.
production area Preferably with bubble
to testing area. wrap or some other
energy absorbing
material lining it. this
transit must be
performed with extreme
care to minimise the
chance of human error.

Tender Evaluation Criteria

Criteria Mark (/5)
Previous Experience
Success of project and ability to complete project on time.
Ability to follow instructions with attention to detail.
To be submitted: -
- Evidence of previous project with images of finished project (if available)
- Project brief from above project
Capability and personal skills
Basic computer skills and CAD skills.
3D printing experience and a knowledge of .STL files.
To be submitted: -
- Evidence of 3D printing experience (photographs/project brief)
Interest in project
Why are you interested in making this project?
To be submitted: -
- 500 word (max) note on the above question.
Access to tools.
Knowledge and ability to use tools that will be used in the production
of the vehicle. (Found in appendix 3.1)
To be submitted: -
- Photographic evidence of tools required (See Appendix 3.1)
- Proof of project where specific tools were used (See Appendix 3.1)
- State the safety precautions you would take whilst using and before using
each tool.
Compliance Agreement
To wave all/any misconstruction from the given plan, from SLING
Industries fault.
To be submitted: -
- Tender agreement form signed by all contractors of team
To keep record of all communication with Project Designers.
To be submitted: -
- Evidence of a method of group communication. (See acceptable
communication list.)




Technical Drawings


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A 349 A







Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EFY Laurel Cowell 31/03/2017 Brian Hornsby 31/03/2017

Document type Document status

All units in mm
Title DWG No.
1:2 Scale
F SLING Mars Lander 1

Fully Assembled Rev. Date of issue Sheet

Overview 3 31/03/2017 1/10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8









30 30 Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EFY Laurel Cowell 29/03/2017 Brian Hornsby 31/03/2017

Document type Document status

All units in mm Title DWG No.

F 1:1 Scale
SLING Mars Lander 2

3D printed nylon part Holder Front cap Rev. Date of issue Sheet

3 31/03/2017 2/10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A 205 A





E 6 E

Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EFY Laurel Cowell 29/03/2017 Brian Hornsby 31/03/2017

Document type Document status

All units in mm
1:1 Scale Title DWG No.

F SLING Mars Lander 3

Main body from
75mm PVC pipe
Holder tube Rev. Date of issue Sheet

3 31/03/2017 3/10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8








E 6 E

Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EFY Laurel Cowell 29/03/2017 Brian Hornsby 31/03/2017

Document type Document status

Title DWG No.

F All units in mm SLING Mars Lander 4

1:1 Scale
1. Threaded M4 Fine PVC tube collar Rev. Date of issue Sheet

3 31/03/2017 4/10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8







E 10 E

Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EFY Laurel Cowell 29/03/2017 Brian Hornsby 31/03/2017

Document type Document status

Title DWG No.

F All units in mm SLING Mars Lander 5


1:1 Scale Wheels Rev. Date of issue Sheet

3 31/03/2017 5/10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

M6 x 150mm* M4 x 8mm fine thread Retention ring M6 hex nut M6 x 20mm

(x1, Front assembly) (x 2, Rear assembly) (x3, Front assembly) (x4, Front and rear assmblies) (x2, Rear assembly)

11.5 11.5



R2 6



D Foam insert D

(x1, Front assembly)

R3 1.5


*Can be substitued with M6 x 130mm

Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EFY Laurel Cowell 29/03/2017 Brian Hornsby 31/03/2017

Document type Document status

Title DWG No.

All units in mm
25.4 1:1 Scale SLING Mars Lander 6

Standard hardware Rev. Date of issue Sheet

3 31/03/2017 6/10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Holder tube

M4 x 8mm C

M6 x 20mm

M6 hex nut


PVC tube Collar Strap


Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EFY Laurel Cowell 29/03/2017 Brian Hornsby 31/03/2017

Document type Document status

All units in mm Title DWG No.

F 1:2 Scale SLING Mars Lander 7


Rear Assembly Rev. Date of issue Sheet

3 31/03/2017 7/10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EFY Laurel Cowell 29/03/2017 Brian Hornsby 31/03/2017

Document type Document status

Title DWG No.

F SLING Mars Lander 8


Rear Assembly Rev. Date of issue Sheet

Exploded View 3 31/03/2017 8/10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Holder tube


C 4.5 C

M6 hex nut
Holder front cap

M6 x 150mm


E Wheel 4.25 E
Retention ring

Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EFY Laurel Cowell 29/03/2017 Brian Hornsby 31/03/2017

Document type Document status

All units in mm Title DWG No.

F 1:2 Scale SLING Mars Lander 9


Front Assembly Rev. Date of issue Sheet

3 31/03/2017 9/10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EFY Laurel Cowell 29/03/2017 Brian Hornsby 31/03/2017

Document type Document status

Title DWG No.

F SLING Mars Lander 10


Front Assembly Rev. Date of issue Sheet

Exploded View 3 31/03/2017 10/10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Method for construction
Holder tube (Chassis) (drawing 3/10)
1. Cut the PVC pipe to length.
2. Clean the fresh cuts using 120 grit sandpaper.
3. Cut into side of PVC pipe with a coping saw to create side cut-outs (as shown in drawings).
4. Clean the edges of these cuts using 120 grit sandpaper.
5. Once the holes in relation to the Rear cap have been marked, drill them with the 6mm and
2mm drill bits respective to their location given in the drawings.
6. Clean any burrs with sandpaper.

Wheels (drawing 5/10)

1. 3D print supplied .STL files using low shore hardness nylon.
2. Lightly brush off any threads of Nylon.

Holder front cap for front assembly (drawing 2/10)

1. Cut open cell foam into a 75mm width strip.
2. 3D print supplied .STL files using nylon.
3. Sand the inside of the front cap with 120 grit sandpaper to clean the surface.
4. Place open cell foam insert into the retention ring.

PVC tube collar for rear assembly (drawing 4/10)

1. 3D print supplied .STL files using nylon.
2. Lightly sand inside of the ring to clear burrs.
3. Place onto the Holder tube and mark with a marker locations for the axle holes.

Axles (drawing 7/10)

1. Measure the length of an axle from the end of the bolt and mark this with a permanent
2. Measure the length of an axle from the previous mark and mark this with a permanent
3. Screw two bolts on to the threaded rod so that there is one in each section of the marked
4. Cut the two sections of axle along the marks using a hacksaw.
5. Take care to cut parallel to the bolt to avoid unnecessary damage to the threading.
6. Unscrew the bolts of each section toward the new cuts to finish the thread and correct any
messy sections created due to cutting.
7. 3D print supplied .STL files for spacers using ABS.

Part Assembly (drawing 1/10, 7/10, 8/10, 9/10, 10/10)

1. Place the rear tube cap over the PVC pipe, aligning the holes correctly.

2. Using the M6 20mm bolts, bolt together the PVC pipe, the rear cap, the wheels and the hex
nuts such that the bolt heads are inside the PVC pipe, as shown in the exploded view on
sheet 8 of 10.

3. Place the thin plastic bar over the rear cap, aligning the holes correctly. Bolt together using
M4 8mm bolts.


4. Bolt together the front cap with spacers, nuts and wheels as shown in the exploded view on
sheet 10 of 10. Insert folded foam sheet to inside of cap.

5. Place front cover over open end of PVC pipe such that the wheels are all level and aligned.

o The last step can be ignored until the load (bottle) is inserted bottom first into the
PVC pipe.

In order to ensure the Rover functions correctly, it must pass three quality control tests before it will
be considered complete. All drop tests with the completed rover require the Rover to be loaded with
a full 600mL water bottle and will occur as follows:

The front wheels must be placed upon a flat surface and have a 1kg mass applied from above to
each individually and the deformation of them videoed. This will then be forwarded to the designer.
This is to simulate the maximum compression forces theoretically applicable to each wheel unit.

The front of the Rover will be held above the ground, such that the front is facing toward the ground
at a distance of 2.5m. The Rover should then be dropped such that it has little to no spin as it falls
and must land front first. This is to simulate the maximum rotation possible during the real test and
the effects upon the rover

The third test is similar to the second. drop the Rover from a height of 2.5m, although now at an
angle of 30 to the ground rather than 90. This is to simulate the minimum rotation possible during
the real test and the effects upon the rover.

If parts are damaged during construction and standards are not met, the damaged parts must be
replaced. Should parts be broken during testing then the initial assembly should be assessed in order
to determine whether the design is flawed or if an error occurred during construction.

In the event the design is considered flawed, contact a member of SLING before making any changes
to the design. Should the design be modified without SLING approval, the liability is with the
contractors (See Appendix 3.2).


Compliance Agreement
This document will show that you agree to the following: -

1. I agree to complete the work given to the best of my ability.

2. I will adhere to the time scale given unless agreed upon between myself and the designers
of SLING Industries.

3. I agree to update SLING Industries twice a week (Tuesday and Friday) on progress made on
the project. This will be done via approved communication channels, see Appendix (3.2).

Signed by: -

Name Signature


Appendix 3.1

Tools list

Tool Description and use

Hacksaw A saw with hardened blade to enable cutting of high density materials
such as metal bar, or bolts

Coping saw A saw with a highly flexible blade to enable change of direction of cuts in a

Drill A Machine to drill or bore holes in material when combined with drill

4mm Drill piece A boring tool, to bore holes in the prototype.

6mm Drill piece A boring tool.

Stanley knife A craft knife to cut various materials involved in the construction process.

Permanent marker A marking device for visible marking of distances and points of interest.

Thumbdrive A data storage device to enable transfer of files between designers and

Sandpaper 120 Grit sandpaper, an abrasive substance to remove excess or warped

material from the prototype.


Appendix 3.2

Acceptable forms of project communication:

If Tender for this project occurs, it is assumed that all documents have been read and
agreed upon by contractors.

For any and all communication that does not follow the rules stated, the
contractors accept liability. Communication channels must be set up by the
contractors and may not be edited to remove or change the meaning of any
messages posted. Designers must be Admins in said communication channel if such
function exists. Any changes to the design or in method of construction require an
emphasized message posted with subsequent confirmation by designer. Please give
designation to these messages, as designer will reference them when confirming
proposed changes.

Those programs listed as Primary channels are the preferred method of

official communication with the design team due to legal constraints. This is due to
the equal sharing of information and transparency of the project. All communications
are required to be recorded within one of these systems.

Secondary channels lists the secondary methods of communication. If such

programs are utilized, one must also agree to post copies of said transcripts in an
aforementioned and agreed upon primary channel.

Tertiary channels require a transcript of what was discussed, that is signed off
by minimum of two parties involved, to be posted in a Primary channel with
actionable information included. Failure to post said transcript, with signoff, declares
the communication unofficial and any liability of problems from actions performed due
to said communication is accepted by contractors.

Primary Channels Secondary Channels Tertiary Channels

Email Whatsapp GotoMeeting

Messenger Mobile Text Skype - Voice

Skype - Text Voice Communication


Appendix 3.3

Parts list, costing and sourcing

Material Price/unit Recommended Sourcing Location

PVC Piping 75mm 7.55/m Bunnings Warehouse

M6 150mm Bolts 1.48/each Bunnings Warehouse

M6 20mm Bolts 0.40/each Bunnings Warehouse

Retention ring 0.12/each Bunnings Warehouse

M6 Galvanised Hex nut 0.11/each Bunnings Warehouse

3D Printing 0.03/gram Curtin 3D Printing Lab

Open Cell Foam 0.75/Pack Woolworths

The end cost for this project, assuming a failure rate of 0, will be $14.99, assuming
the 3D printing budget is entirely utilized. Care must be taken with the working of the bolts,
as they have the highest probability for failure, and are also a more expensive material to

Appendix 3.4

Storage of materials and Prototype

Materials shall be stored in a hard exterior case when not being under construction or
testing. This includes transport to the handover and testing phases. This is to ensure the
final product will not be damaged or develop faults prior to the testing phase. Preferably all
pieces that are constructed of 3D printed material shall be stored within a shock mitigation
system. Materials constructed of metal shall be stored within a smaller container within the
main one to prevent abrasion or damage to more sensitive pieces.


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