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INDE1000 - Engineering Foundation: Principles and

Semester 1, 2017
Stage 2 Contractors Tender Application

Group Name : 10C - The King of Galaxy

Client : 7A - Timothy's Enterprise
Name : Jones Goh Sii Xian
Perth ID : 19090223
Miri Student ID : 700015249

Table of Contents
1.0 Executive summary......................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Design Package Review .................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Design Drawing................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Specification ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Tender Evaluation Criteria ............................................................................................. 14
2.4 Risk Management Plan................................................................................................... 19
2.5 Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 25
3.0 Addressing the Tender Evaluation Criteria................................................................... 25
Appendix 1.0 Addressing the Tender Evaluation Criteria ....................................................... 30
Appendix 2.0 Designers Stage 1 Design Package .................................................................. 35

1.0 Executive summary

The following Contractors Tender Application is prepared by The King of Galaxy,

contractor's Jones Goh Sii Xian for the designing team of Timothy's Enterprise to evaluate.
The purpose of the Tender Application is to address the problem in design package and also
address the designing team Tender Evaluation Criteria so designers for Timothy's Enterprise
can choose our company contractors.

First of all, the contractor of The King of Galaxy has punctual to meetings for discuss about
the design package such as Tender Evaluation Criteria, Design Drawing and Specification.
Also, the contractor of The King of Galaxy has decided to change the epoxy glue to duct glue
or duct tape. The contractors of The King of Galaxy ensure to punctual in every meeting and
give valid reasons for late to meeting.

Secondly, the contractors of The King of Galaxy never neglected the importance of time
management. The contractor leader should contact with the designers team as soon as the
project in running through. Additionally, contractors of The King of Galaxy ensure that
finished the design before the deadline within 3 days to 5 days.

Thirdly, communication between the designing team of Timothy's Enterprise and the
contractors of The King of Galaxy are very importance so the project will progress in smooth
and tensionless. For communication, contractors need to reply the messages or email between
15 minutes to 60 minutes so contractors can get tender marks.

Next, the contractors of The King of Galaxy have professionalism to construct the project.
For example, the contractors show the certification about Integrated Living Skills. The
contractors also have show the prototype design for The King of Galaxy.

Finally, the contractors of The King of Galaxy fully understand the constructing Timothy's
Enterprise design. As mentioned in the designing teams Tender Evaluation Criteria,
contractors need to understanding of the design before to construction and having a
suggestion to improve the design. In addition, contractors of The King of Galaxy ensure that
the total costs of the design can be reduced.

In conclusion, the contractors of The King of Galaxy are open to work with the designers
team of Timothy's Enterprise.

2.0 Design Package Review

2.1 Design Drawing

Figure 2.1.1 Isometric View

Firstly, Figure 2.1.1 can clearly to see the 3D design combined with coloured contrast make
the drawings much easier to understand and the contractors can know how the final prototype
project look like. The designs do not have label and name out the materials. Figure 2.1.1 did
not have shown dimension of wheels which wheels diameter is 120mm and thickness is
25mm. Also, Figure 2.1.1 did not given the dimension of smaller and bigger pipes which
length of smaller pipes is 200mm and bigger pipes is 160mm.

Figure2.1.2 Exploded View 1

Figure2.1.3 Exploded View 2

Secondly, Figure2.1.2 and Figure2.1.3 will a little bit confuse to understand the drawing
because the drawings just only mention part A, B and C. But on specification construction
method have mention what are part A, B and C. Designers need to give information what are
the part A, B and C in Exploded View. For example, as shown on specification construction
method part A is main body, part B is wheel, part C is axle. In addition, Exploded View
drawings do not need have 2 Exploded View. This is because have two similar drawing
shown as Figure2.1.2 and Figure2.1.3. Also, Figure2.1.2 and Figure2.1.3 do not label the
materials used in Exploded View.

Figure 2.1.4 Front and Back View

Figure 2.1.5 Part A View (Front and Back)

Figure 2.1.4 and Figure 2.5 have shown similarly design drawings but Figure 2.1.4 design
drawings have main body with wheels and then Figure 2.1.5 only have main body front and
back view. Designers can provide one design drawing for front and back view as shown on
Figure 2.1.4. If designers post two types of front and back drawing, contractors would not
know which design need to follow and look it. The drawing also can design with colour
which can colour the curve and circle with radius of 20mm that are need to drill the edge.

Figure 2.1.6 Top and Bottom View

For Figure 2.1.6 has given dimensions that are accurate and realistic. But the designs of
elastic bands do not have shown the dimensions of empty place to put the load. After that, top
view drawings do not have show what are 5 pieces materials which 5 pieces materials are
elastic band. For wheels have given the total dimensions is 25mm which polystyrene is
24mm and 2 pieces of compact disc is 1mm. So, the design need to shown the wheels
dimensions of polystyrene and the wheels dimensions of compact disc. The designs also can
with colour such as wooden block is brown colour, wheels are silver colour, elastic bands are
black colour and PVC pipes are black colour. Design with colour will easily to understand the

Figure 2.1.7 Side View

For side view also can design with colour so contractors clearly to know which part of
materials need to construct first. The design drawing has shown the dimensions of empty
space to put the load which is 114mm. Figure 2.1.7 has shown more clearly than Figure 2.1.6
which Figure 2.1.6 did not have shown the empty place for put the load inside the small
vehicle. The design only provides one of the dimensions of elastic band and do not provide
others the dimensions between of elastic band. So, the design do not details out the dimension
between of elastic bands.

Figure 2.1.8 Part A View (Both sides, Top and Base)

Figure 2.1.8 will a little bit mess and confused to understand with the design. For example, do
not know which drawing are elastic bands. In addition, the design drawings do not know
which drawing are front and back wooden block. Other that, design have clearly be seen with
sides and base but seen on the top will hardly to understand with Part A view. Designers also
can design with colour so contractors quickly to understand the design drawing.

Figure 2.1.9 Part B View (Axle and wheels)

For axle and wheels, the design can clearly understand how to insert the axle to wheel. For
example, polystyrene is at middle part and 2 pieces of compact disc stick together with
polystyrene so it will become wheel and then the wheel connect with smaller pipes and also
insert to bigger pipes. The dimensions of axle and wheels as shown in Figure 2.1.9 have
given accurate and realistic dimensions. In addition, the design has label out and name the

Overall, the design drawings have great to shown the project view. However, the design
drawings have something problem with 3D and 2D drawing. The design drawing is mess to
look but the dimensions value is accurate and realistic.

2.2 Specification

Figure 2.2.1 Introduction of specification

On Figure 2.2.1 introduction have brief the specification and description of project. For
example, specification related to construction of the small vehicle. Figure 2.2.1 also mentions
the document will list out at below so constructors can easily to construct the small vehicle.
The sentences or paragraph need to have Justify so the sentences or paragraph to both left
and right margins will align.

Figure 2.2.2 Dimensions summary

The specification has given the accurate and realistic dimensions summary as shown on
Figure 2.2.2. But at dimension axle do not given the diameter of dimensions value.
Dimensions summary table need to show at below Figure 2.2.3 Bill of Materials. This is
because dimensions summary show the final project of the dimensions if bill of materials do
not list out early than dimensions summary, constructors do not know which materials used
for which part. The sentences or paragraph need to have Justify such as align the sentences
or paragraph to both left and right margins.

Figure 2.2.3 Bill of Materials

On the first view, the bills of materials clearly to show the details of item price, quantity and
dimension except epoxy glue which epoxy glue price is about Rm10 so the price is over
budget. The constructors need to change epoxy glue to duct tape or duct glue as decide on
Minutes of Meeting. However, bill of materials do not give accurately given information
which shop can buy the materials. Before constructors construct Timothy's Enterprise project,
constructors will be spend a lot of time to find the materials. Timothy's Enterprise also not
detail out the tools or equipment. For example, power drill, pencil, ruler, pen knife or scissors
and compass.

Figure 2.2.4 Construction Method of Part A Main Body

For Construction Method of Part A Main Body, will a little be mess to get information. For
instance, back part of the car just mentioned mark middle point of top edge and do not detail
out how much dimension of middle point (75mm). In addition, the epoxy glue in about Rm10
so the project have to change the epoxy glue to duct tape or duct glue to stick all the wooden
blocks. In addition, if wooden blocks were over dimension value, the constructors need the
tools (saw) to cutting the wooden blocks in accurate dimension value. The sentences or
paragraph need to have Justify such as align the sentences or paragraph to both left and
right margins.

Figure 2.2.4 Construction Method of Part B Wheels

For Construction Method of Part B Wheels, have mentioned great information such as to
make 4 wheels, need to prepare 8 compact discs with 60mm radius and 2 polystyrene boards
with 24mm thick. But the wheels do not list out which tools need to use to construct wheels.
For example, compass to draw a circle on polystyrene board with 60mm radius and pen knife
or scissor is used for cutting polystyrene board in a circle. The sentences or paragraph need to
have Justify such as align the sentences or paragraph to both left and right margins.

Figure 2.2.4 Construction Method of Part C Axle

For Construction Method of Part C Axle, axles have used two types of PVC pipes with two
different diameters. The axle have given great information to do the axles but at the shop only
sold the minimum dimensions (1 meter long) pipes so contractors need to used equipment
such as used ruler to measure the dimension and then used saw to cut the pipes. Also, the
epoxy glue has change to duct tape or duct glue to fix the wheels on the edge of the smaller
pipes. The sentences or paragraph need to have Justify so the sentences or paragraph easy
look for contractors.

Overall, the specification has more clearly showed the document than design drawing. For
specification can know which materials used for which part such as axle, wheels and main
body. However, the specifications do not have the tool list. Also, the sentences or paragraph
have to Justify so the contractors can easy to look it.

2.3 Tender Evaluation Criteria

Figure 2.3.1 Introduction of Tender Evaluation Criteria

For Figure 2.3.1 Introduction have brief simple and informative. In addition, introductions do
not have mentioned the important point so contractors do not know which information
designers have more focus to evaluation. The sentences or paragraph do not have Justify.
For example, Justify is aligning the text to both left and right margins.

Figure 2.3.2 Punctuality

The punctuality has mentioned the contractors need to punctual to attend the meeting or work
all the time. The criteria set are logical and achievable such as contractors show the evidence
of Minutes of Meeting to designers. But in Figure 2.3.2 punctuality do not details what
mean to work all the time. Also, the criteria explanation is not clearly mention to contractors.
For the criteria explanations do not explain details to how punctual to attend the meeting.

Figure 2.3.3 Time management

In Figure 2.3.3, the mentions have set the time to finish project before deadline. The criteria
have error such as finish the project before deadline 5 days to 10 days so contractors can get
15 marks. Contractors need to spend a lot of to find the materials because the company do not
have show out the materials which shop can buy it. After that, sometime contractors will face
the problem such as when prototype the project, the small vehicle broken. The text has to
Justify so the contractors can easy to see it.

Figure 2.3.4 Communication

In Figure 2.3.4, the mentions have set with two types of communication such as Email and
message. Figure 2.3.4 is more pay attention with the limited time. For example, reply
message or Email within 30 minutes. The communication actually need to more emphasize
with relationship with designers and contractors. Also, the criteria are not logical because
sometime contractors have busy to do something such as do report so contractors cannot
reply within the time.

Figure 2.3.5 Professionalism

The criteria has shown the contractors need to have skills to carry out the project but the
criteria do not mention what type of skill need to carry out the project. For instance, the
contractors need have skill about basic handing tools. This criteria set are logical but some
contractors cannot show the evidence. This is because some secondary schools do not have
the subject integrated living skills. In addition, the criteria do not explain well to contractors
such as show the group need to have a skilled level of professionalism. The text has to
Justify such as align the text to both left and right margins.

Figure 2.3.6 Understanding of the design

For Figure 2.3.6 have provide great explanation and information in the criteria. For example,
the contractors need to fully understand the design and able to demonstrate the idea of the
design thus improving the design. For the design drawing and specification have clearly
shown the step how to do the project. Also, the contractors can demonstrate the idea of the
design during the meeting thus improving the design. The criteria have set as logical and
achievable. The text need to Justify such as align the text to both left and right margins.

Overall, the tender evaluation criteria and marking criteria have presented some errors. Some
of criteria are logical and achievable as shown on tender evaluation criteria. Nonetheless, any
mistakes inside tender evaluation criteria can be tolerated as they do not disturb with the
construction of the car. Align the text to both left and right margins so the text can be clean
along left and right side on page.

2.4 Risk Management Plan

Figure 2.4.1 Design Stage Hazard

Figure 2.4.2 Table for Design Stage Hazard
In Figure 2.4.1 and Figure 2.4.1 have completely show the design stage hazard except
incorrect measurement and unclear instructions. Incorrect measurement did not have given
residual risk and unclear instructions did not given severity. Figure 2.4.1 and Figure 2.4.1
also given great information, realistic and logical for design stage hazard. Figure 2.4.1 need
to align the paragraph to both left and right margins by used Justify on Microsoft Words.

Figure 2.4.3 Construction Stage Hazard

Figure 2.4.4 Table for Construction Stage Hazard
For Figure 2.4.3 and Figure 2.4.4 can clearly see the construction stage hazard. For
insufficient equipment and materials during construction, the risk matrix will be high. This is
because the equipment did not have shown clearly on specification. The mentions of Figure
2.4.3 and Figure 2.4.4 have set are logical and realistic. In Figure 2.4.3, the texts also forget
the Justify, Justify will align the text to both left and right.

Figure 2.4.5 Testing Stage Hazard

Figure 2.4.6 Table for Testing Stage Hazard
In Figure 2.4.5 and Figure 2.4.6 have shown completely give the explanation and information
about testing stage hazard. But in Figure 2.4.6 broken parts and leaving the slope has similar
risk such as the prototype may accidentally run out of the slope. In addition, on mitigation
(leaving the slope) have mentioned enlarge the base of the prototype and make the sides are
in equal, if the enlarge the base of prototype it will spend more time and money to construct.
Also, the information for testing stage hazard is logical and realistic. In Figure 2.4.5, the texts
need to the Justify, Justify mean align the text to both left and right.

Overall, the risk management plan has despite the flaws for both the Design Stage and
Construction Stage are informative and beneficial to the contractors. However, the
constructors agree that the risk management plan provided for the Testing Stage is redundant.
Hence, this risk management is to ensure the safety of the constructors.

2.5 Conclusion

After a lengthy assessment of Timothy's Enterprise Design Package, the contractors represent
this project as the Design Package is still have some flawed but so far the Design package is
correct and good. The contractors have corrections the flawed for Design Package and
discuss the corrections with designers during the meeting. If Timothy's Enterprise designers
chosen our company (The King of Galaxy) contractors, our contractors will be willing to
accept the project and do the best to construct the car.

3.0 Addressing the Tender Evaluation Criteria

For Tender Evaluation Criteria, company Timothys Enterprise have mention the contractors
need to have punctuality, time management, communication, professionalism and
understanding of the design so our company The King of Galaxy can win the tender.

Figure 3.1 Punctuality

Figure 3.1 have shown the company Timothys Enterprise punctuality to come for meetings.
Our company The King of Galaxy contractor has punctual come for the meetings or work all
the time as show in Appendix 3.1. For minutes of meeting, contractor has the meeting at 5
April 12p.m with designers to discuss about the design package and tender evaluation criteria
so contractor can help designers improve their design and approval only one contractor to
show the evidence for tender evaluation criteria.

Figure 3.2 Time management
Designers need contactors to take care their time so contractor can finish the project before
the deadline 5 days to 10 days. When started build the project, our company contractors
promise the project will be finish before deadline 3 days or 5 days. Our company contractors
will manage the time table so the project can finished before deadline within 3 days or 5 days.

Figure 3.3 Communication
The communication is an important part for designers and contractors. The designers
sometime will suddenly change their design package so designers will send email or message
to contractors to mention them have change their design package. After that, contractors need
to reply emails within 30 minutes or messages within 15 minutes. Our company contractors
have communication with designers by using Whatsapp. Even though the Whatsapp group
was not created by contractor, the contractor has communicated with designers. For example,
what time to submit minutes of meeting or change using the materials epoxy glue to duct glue
and designers have more used messages communicate with contractors (refer Appendix 3.3).
Email is using to send document Minutes of Meeting to designers (refer Appendix 3.3).

Figure 3.4 Professionalism
The contractors need to have skills to build out the project. Contractors need to have
integrated living skills in the certificate Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) (refer Appendix
3.4). So designers will know contractors have skills to handling tools and constructing the
project. At stage 1 design package, our company contractors have used contractor's skills and
recycled materials to build the project (refer Appendix 3.5).

Figure 3.5 Understanding of the design.
On Timothy's Enterprise design package give the design drawing and specification.
Contractors need to understand Timothy's Enterprise design so contractors can construct the
project. For Appendix 3.6 specification of construction method part A Main Body, the
main body have 5 pieces of wooden blocks. For example, 1 piece of front wooden block, 1
piece of base wooden block, 1 piece of back wooden block and 2 pieces of side wooden
blocks. For top view of front wooden block (150mmX150mm), the middle point of the circle
should be 58 mm and then need to draw a circle with 20 mm radius by using pencil and then
used power drill to drill a hole (refer Appendix 3.6a). For top view of back wooden block
(150mmX150mm), need to draw a curve with 50mm and used power drill to drill the
semicircle (refer Appendix 3.6a). For 2 pieces of side wooden block need to measure 40mm
from bottom and 50mm from each side and then mark intersection of two points so
contractors can easy to draw a circle each with radius of 12.5mm. After that, used power drill
to drill the circle each with 12.5mm so can make holes. Finished make holes, the contractors
can stick all wooden block by using duct tape or duct glue. For Appendix 3.6 specification
of construction method part B Wheels, one wheel needs to prepare 2 compact disc and
polystyrene. In addition, polystyrene is at middle and 2 compact disc stick together both side
of polystyrene. For Appendix 3.6 specification of construction method part C Axle, axle
used two different diameters PVC pipes. For the smaller PVC pipes have diameter of 15mm
and length of 200mm and then for the bigger PVC pipes have diameter of 25mm and length
of 160mm. The bigger pipes insert into the hole from 2 pieces of side wooden block and also
smaller pipes insert into bigger pipes. At each end of smaller pipes needs to glue with a wheel
(refer Appendix 3.6c). Repeat the step for every each end of small pipes. For elastic bands, it
can prevent the load fall out.

Appendix 1.0 Addressing the Tender Evaluation Criteria

Appendix 3.1 Minutes of Meeting

Appendix 3.3 Communication with designers

Appendix 3.4 Jones Goh Sii Xian Certification of PMR

Appendix 3.5 recycled materials to constructed small vehicle.

Appendix 3.6 specification of construction method part A, B and C

Appendix 3.6a Main Body.

Appendix 3.6c Axle and Wheel.

Appendix 2.0 Designers Stage 1 Design Package


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