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Main Campus: E. Rodriguez Ave.

Tanay, Rizal 1980

Sampaloc Campus: Masanting St. SampalocTanay, Rizal
Jalajala Campus: 219 M. Bellin St. Special Dist. Jalajala, Rizal

NAME:__________________________________________________ LEVEL & SECTION:______

3rd PRELIM EXAM IN Science/Health - 5 DATE:__________


Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

_______ 1. Changing of phase of materials without changing their identity.

A. Physical Change C. Physical Chemical Change
B. Chemical Change D. Chemical Physical Change
_______ 2. It results formation of different substances.
A. Chemical l Change C. Physical Chemical Change
B. Physical Change D. Chemical Physical Change
________ 3.Which of the following a source of Heat.
A. Fire B. Paper C. Metal D. Plastics
________ 4. This is an energy that helps the material to change their phase,
size, color and odor.
A. Heat energy C. Chemical energy
B. Mechanical energy D. Electrical energy
________ 5.An energy that gives vibration to the object.
A. Sound B. heat C. solar D. speed
________ 6. This is an example of changing gas into liquid.
A. Freezing C. Melting
B. Evaporation D. Condensation
________ 7.Which of the following activities have the capability to change only
the phase of a material.
A. Burning B. boiling C. cooking D. grilling
________ 8. What will happen to the particles when a particular object
exposed to heat.
A. It moves fixed C. It flows
B. It moves fast D. It moves in the same direction
________ 9. Which is an example of Physical change?
A. Burning B. Spoiling C. Folding D. Pollution
________ 10. Which of the following colors can absorb to much heat.
A. Green B. Red C. Blue D. white
________ 11. Dark colors absorb too much heat
A. False B. true C. maybe D. Im not sure
________ 12. A line that measures the loudness and softness of the sound.
A. Graph C. sound wave
B. Sound line D. bar graph
________ 13. Changing liquid to gas is an example of
A. Melting C. Evaporation
B. Freezing D. Condensation

________ 14. It is the highness and lowness of the sound.

A. Tempo B. Rhythm C. Pitch D. Melody
________ 15. A source of heat that help a vehicle to work.
A. Sun B. electricity C. fuel D. fire
________ 16. What will happen to the temperature when the heat is around?
A. Stable B. low C. fixed D. high
________17. An activity has the ability to change solid into liquid.
A. Boiling C.. exposing clothes to sun
B. Burning D. melting
________ 18.The main source of heat is ___________.
A. Fire B. fuel C. Electricity D. sun
________ 19. A vegetable change their ___________ when STEAMED.
A. Size B. phase C. color D. texture
________ 20. Too much heat can cause fire or burns
A. True B. false C. maybe D. non of the above

II. Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word.

1. M P A U I T E D L
2. E S N E Y I T D
3. E R F U Q E C Y N
4. R P E I D O
5. A V E L W G N H T E

III. Write T if the statement is True and F if it is not.

|__________ 1. Sound has no energy
___________ 2. Loudness has a tone quality.
___________ 3. Latitudinal and Transverse are examples of mechanical wave.
___________ 4. Pitch depends on the amplitude.
___________ 5. Sound can be change.
___________ 6. Our body can react when we exposed to heat.
___________ 7. Heat energy cannot be transfer to other forms of energy.
___________ 8. Even gatgets can cause burns and fire.
___________ 9. Objects can change the different characteristics when heated.
___________ 10. Smoke is an example of GAS .

IV. Enumeration. What are the sources of heat?

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__________________ _________________

Write the leeter of the correct answer on the blank before the number.

________ 1. It is a substance mixed in the cigarette.

A. Cocaine B. nicotine C. caffeine
________ 2. It is a substantial amount in wines and beers.
A. Ethanol B. cocaine C. nicotine
________ 3. It is another term for using or taking too much beverages like
wines or beers.
A. Alcoholism B. ethanolism C. chainsmokers
________ 4. A strong stimulant or substance that can cause fast heart rate.
A. Caffeine B. cocaine C. ethanol
________ 5. Mixed especially to coffee and also known as a psychoactive drug.
A. Cocaine B. ethanol C. caffeine
________ 6. This is an illegal plant called as marijuana.
A. Canabbis B. Tabacco C. Alcohol
________ 7. A tablet that can also called as psychoactive drug.
A. Illegal drug B. marijuana C. aspirin
________ 8. It is a term of too jmuch using strong substances
A. Substance abuse B. alcoholism C. chain smoking
________ 9. An organ system affected through taking cigarettes.
A. Nervous system B. Respiratory system
________ 10. Too much alcohol can affect the ______________ .
A. Brain B. bones C. heart
Write True is the sentence is correct and False if it is not.
___________ 1. Illegal substances may affect our health and personality.
___________ 2. Gin and Vodka are example of drink with ethanol.
___________ 3. Cigarette is made by tobacco.
___________ 4. Even our social stability may be affected by taking illegal
___________ 5. Reading and playing may help you to avoid substance abuse.
___________6. Canabbis are healthy
___________ 7. Illegal substance are considered as medicine for illness.
___________ 8. Smelling rugby/ gasoline are good for the lungs.
___________ 9. Soft drinks have caffeine
___________ 10. Coffee has cocaine.

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