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Primary Sources

Emily Ritchey

1. Elementary School Children Standing and Watching Teacher Write at

Blackboard, Washington, D.C.
This phot is

estimated to be
taken around 1899. It shows a teacher and her students in their
classroom. This school is located in Washington D.C. The students are
being taught either how to write in cursive or a lesson on English
Language arts.
I would show this photo to my students during my unit on classroom
and community rules. I would ask them what the students are doing in
this picture. After I would explain that they are following the teachers
classroom rules and then discuss what rules they could be following
such as standing quietly, keeping their hands to themselves, and

Johnston, F. B. (1899, January 01). [Elementary school children standing and

watching teacher write at blackboard, Washington, D.C.]. Retrieved
February 28, 2017, from
2. Girls Playground, Harriet Island, St. Paul, Minn.

This photo was taken in 1905 at a girls only playground on Harriet

Island in St. Paul, Minnesota. The girls seem to be at recess at school
because they are being supervised by what seems to be female teachers in
the background. The female students appear to be elementary age.
I would show this image to my students during my unit plan on rules. I
would address safety rules that are needed on the playground and why they
are important. I would then ask my class to tell me if the girls in this photo
are following safety rules or not and why. What should they be doing

Co., D. P. (1970, January 01). Girls' playground, Harriet Island, St. Paul, Minn.
Retrieved February 28, 2017, from
3. Group of African American Children Playing

This photo was taken between 1915 and 1923. The creator is listed as
Harris & Ewing. The students in this photo are African American and playing
in an alley way as a group. They have a cart that they are all interacting
with. There was no location of this photo in the description but I would guess
that it was taken in suburb or urban area because the houses are stationed
so close together.
I would show this picture and discuss safety rules for playing near
streets in the community. Community rules for playing near busy streets are
essential for students to understand, what they are and why they are
important. We can then have a discussion about if these children are using
proper safety techniques while playing in an alley way.
Ewing, H. &. (1970, January 01). [Group of African American children
playing]. Retrieved February 28, 2017, from

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