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Calories Total Fat (g)Cholestorol (mg) Sodium (mg) Total Carbs (g)

Mcdonalds 250 10 26 469 29
Wendy's 80 9 40 620 25
Burger King 630 38 85 810 49
Back Yard Burger 750.7 49.4 132.8 1313.8 36.3
Small French Fries
Mcdonalds 230 11 0 160 29
Wendy's 310 15 0 330 43
Burger King 221 9.8 0 329 30.9
Back Yard Burger 349.1 24.4 0 862.5 31.7
Small Coke
Mcdonalds 150 0 0 15 47
Wendy's 160 0 0 0 44
Burger King 140 0 0 0 39
Back Yard Burger 210 0 0 5 56
Meal Total
Mcdonalds 630 21 21 644 105
wendy's 550 24 24 950 112
Burger King 1061 47.8 47.8 1139 118.9
Back Yard Burger 1309.8 73.8 73.8 2181.3 124
Calories/DVR's 3000 65 300 2400 300

A Healthier Meal:
I found out that these meals are just not good for me in any way.
I never knew how many calories these fast food places had in
their food. So according to the data above, for me the healthier
meal choice would be Wendy's. Due to Wendy's having the
lowest meal total, it would be a healthier meal choice for me.
Dietary Fiber (g) Protien (g)

1.2 12
1 14
2 26
1.6 38.5

3 3
4 5
2.1 3.1
3 3

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

4.2 15
5 24
4.1 47.8
4.6 41.5
25 50

in any way.
s had in
e healthier
g the
for me.

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