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Standard Specification for Bonding Plastic Concrete to Hardened Concrete with a Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive (ACI 503.2-79)* RW. GAUL ‘Chairman RUSSELL H. BRINK GEORGE HORECZKO HAROLD C. KLASSEN Robert W. Gaul Chaiman ‘Shuaib H. Ahmad Milton D. Anderson Roger W. Biack John P. Cook Jack J. Fontana Dallas G. Greniey This. specification ASTM CBI. It incl and application, surfac contrel. This foreword is concrete with a multi-component epoxy edhesh nreords: adhesives; bond concrete to concrate): bonding: concrete. c ‘roth concratons hardened conerate; quelly contely repel (Revised 1986) ‘Reported by ACI Committee 503 GEORGE SELOEN Secretary G.M. SCALES RAYMOND J. SCHUTZ GEORGE W. WHITESIDES JOSEPH A. NcELROY LEONARD J. MITCHELL MYLES A. MURRAY LEONARD PEPPER ‘Committee voting on the 1986 revisions Raymond J. Schutz Secretary David P. Hu ‘Joseph M. Plecei TT. Michael Jackson ‘ohn’ Douglas Reins Foland Ray McCiain ‘Joseph L. Ruenzel Joseph A. McElroy Rodney Jerome Stebbins Peter Mendis Robert J. Van Epps Myles A. Murray scribes the work of bonding plastic concrete to hardened such as defined for this purpose in ides contrels for adhesive labeling, storage, handling, mixing @ evaluation and preperation, as well as inspection and quality FOREWORD included for explanatory purposes only; it does not form a part of Standard Specification ACI 503.2. Standard Specification ACI 503.2 is a reference standard which the Architect/Engineer may cite in the project specifications) for any building Project, together with supplementary requirements for the specific project. This specification is written in the Section and three-part format of the Construction Specifications Institute, but with the numbering system modi- fied to ACI requirements, The language is generally imperative and terse. A specification guide is included as a preface to, but not forming a part of, Standard Specification ACI 503.2. The purpose of this guide is to assist the Architect/Engineers’ designer(s) and specifier(s) to properly choose and specify the necessary supplementary requirements for the project specification(s). ‘Adopid a standard ofthe Amer 4 aconrdance with the Inatitute' sanderdination ‘ied acording tothe expedited proceduteefetve October 1986, for ‘Deparment of {he DoD Index of Spectcations and Standards, Conerte latte in June 1979, tense and for ‘Copyright ©1978 and 1966 American Concrete Iatitte ‘eas re reser using Hehts of reproduction and use steer Seb ana pocane Hehsensy WTOC ene et 5 ANY, Photo Grocess, or by eny sieetronfe gr machanfeat device Blin "OF ttn’ or orl, "CF Second oe or ‘visual pe eer Teproduetion or for vse fn. Sy “Tetrjeval ‘or Bae RRR edit ete cit Bees s03.2-1 50.22 MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE CONTENTS Specification guide... cece 508.22 Specification checklist ............ ; fee neces, 608.28 Section 1—General requirements ................ ceceeees 50824 11~Seope 18Specitieation wording 12—Notation 14—Reterence standards ‘Section 2—Materials and application. Part 2.1—Gener: seen ee eee 2:1.1—Deseription 2.1.2—Submittas and handling 2.13—Quality assurance 21.5—Project conditions Part 2.2—Products .................. Platt . §03.2-5 221—Epony adhesive 22.2—Plastic concrete Part 2.3—Execution Sete eee wees . 503.2-5 23.1—Preparation of concrete surfaces 23.2—Inspection of eoneret surfaces prior to adhesive application 23.3-—Adhesive mixes 23.4—Adhesive application and ‘concrete placement 23.5—Cleanup 23.6—Satety 23.7—Field quality performance requirements a SPECIFICATION GUIDE SG1—Standard Specification ACI 503.2 is in- tended to be used essentially in its entirety, by citation in the project specification, to cover all usual requirements for bonding plastic concrete hardened concrete with a multi-component epoxy adhesive. Individual sections, parts, and articles should not be copied into project specifi- ations since taking them out of context may change their meanings. $G2—However, adjustments to the needs of a Particular project shall be made by thé Architect/ Engineer's designers and specifiers by reviewing each of the items indicated in this specification guide and checklist and then including their de- cisions on each as mandatory requirements in the Project specification, SG3—These mandatory requirements shall des- ignate specific qualities, procedures, materials, and Performance criteria for which alternatives are permitted or for which provision is not made in Standard Specification ACI 503.2. Or exceptions shall be taken to Standard Specification ACI 503.2 if required. SG4—A statement such as the following will serve to make Standard Specification ACI 503.2 an official part of the contract requirements: The use of an epoxy adhesive for bonding Plastic concrete to hardened concrete shall conform to all requirements of “Standard Specification For Bonding Plastic Concrete To Hardened Concrete with a Multi-Com- ponent Epoxy Adhesive (ACI 503.2-78)," pub- lished by the American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Mich., except as modified by the re- quirements of this project specification. SG5—The specification checklist that follows is addressed to each item of ACI 503.2 that requires the designer/specitier to make a choice where alternates are indicated, or to add provisions where they are not indicated in ACI 503.2, or to take exceptions to ACI 503.2. The checklist con- sists of one column identifying sections, parts, and articles of ACT 6032, and a second column of notes to the designer/specifier to indicate the action required of them, EPOXY RESINS 503.28 SPECIFICATION CHECKLIST Section/Part/Article of ACI 503.2 Notes to the Designer/Specifier Section 1—General Requirements 1.1 Scope 1.4 Reference standards Section 2~Materials and Application Part 2.1—General 212 Submittals Application control \ 218 Project conditions Environmental requirements Part 2.2—Products 22.1 Epoxy adhesive 222 Plastic concrete Part 23 Execution 23.1 Preparation of surfaces Indicate specific scope Review applicability of cited references and take exceptions if required. To whom sent? Mixing and application procedures submitted must bbe in accordance with product manufacturer's in- structions. Specify any which would specifically affect this work, Performance of epoxy systems may be affected by temperature, humidity, and surface water. Strict adherence to the manufacturer's recommendations should be maintained. Where other unusual con- ditions are encountered, the material manufacturer should be consulted before application. Specify Class and Grade as indicated. Also specify additional performance requirements and/or ap- Proved suppliers, as advisable. Specify epoxy adhesives which are suitable for the sustained load conditions, service temperatures, re- lationship of bond line thickness to bond area and degree of interlock of the surfaces to be bonded. Adhesives that resist creep under sustained loads may not meet all requirements of ASTM C 881. Creep resistance be; to significantly decrease when the material temperature reaches a tempera- ture region above about 18 F (10 C) below the speci- fic epoxy’s Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT). measure of the glass transition tempera- the temperature at which the behavior of the material changes from rigid to elastomeric. HDT is as determined by ASTM C 648, Specify concrete requirements, Specify limitations, if any, on use of mechanical abrasion or acid etching, and on disposal of waste products, especially acid waste. Also check if hy- drochloric acid use may damage stainless steel or other materials; if s0, specify phosphoric, sul- famic, or other non-injurious acids or suitable etchants. 03.2.4 MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE SPECIFICATION CHECKLIST (cont.) Section/Part/Article of ACI 503, Notes to signer/Specitier 23.2 Inspection of concrete surfaces 2322 Minimum pullout strength 2.3.24 Surface moisture content Y Ambient temperature control 2.3.42 Coverage rate 2.8.43 Consolidation of concrete 23.44 Curing -811 Field quality performance requirements Specify if architect/engineer will also inspect, and if hold points are required The test method specifies the bonding of a steel pipe cap to the concrete surface with an epoxy adhesive. If the test results not in failure of the conerete but in cohesion of the epoxy resin ad. hesive or any failure in adhesion, the test shall be repeated. Repeated failures in adhesion, or co. hesion in the adhesive, indicate improper cleaning of the concrete, incorrect adhesive, or faulty ade hesive application techniques, Some epoxy adhesives may be capable of wetting the conerete surface at temperatures below 40 F. ‘The specification should allow such use only if test data is available which conclusively demon- Strates adequate bond at the actual concrete tem. erature expected, Review applicability of referenced standards and take exceptions if required. Also specify any un- usual ambient conditions, ‘The rate at which the epoxy should be applied is generally @ function of the surface texture and viscosity of the epoxy system. Therefore, the rate at which the epoxy should be applied should be in accordance with the manufacturer's recom- mendations. Review applicability of referenced standard and take exceptions if required, Specify procedure to be used. Also specify addi- tional performance requirements and/or approved suppliers, as advisable. Are specified test methods (sounding and coring) suitable? Are additional requirements necessary? Specify test methods that will be used, and size of cores. SECTION 1—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.1—Scope 111—This standard specification covers the bonding of plastic concrete to hardened conerete with a multi-component epoxy adhesive. 1.1.2—The provisions of this standard specifica- tion shall govern unless otherwise specified in the contract documents. In case of conflicting require- ‘ments, the contract documents shall govern, 1.2—Notation 4121—ACI American Concrete Institute P.O. Box 19150 * Detroit, Mich. 48219 122—-ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials 1916 Race Street Philadelphia, Pa, 19103 EPOXY RESINS. 1.3—Specification wording 1.3.1—The language of this standard specifica- tion is generally imperative and terse, and may include incomplete sentences. Omissfons of phrases and words such as “the contractor shall,” “in ac- cordance with,” “‘shal) be,” “as indicated,” “a,” “an,” “the,” “all,” ete, are intentional, Omitted phrases and words shall be supplied by inference. 1,4—Reference standards 1.41 The standards referred to in this Standard Specification ACT 503.2 are listed in Articles 142 and 143 of this section, with their complete ee eee eee eee eee Eee eee eee eee eee eee eet 503.25 designation and title including the year of adop- tion or revision and are declared to be a part of this Standard Specification ACI 503.2 the same as if fully set forth herein, unless otherwise indi- cated in the contract documents. ASTM standard C881-78 Standard Specification for Epoxy Resin Base Bonding Systems for Concrete 1.4.3 ACI standards 301-72 Specification for Structural Concrete (Revised for Buildings 1975) SECTION 2—MATERIALS AND APPLICATION a PART 2.1—GENERAL 2.11 Description—This section covers the re- quirements for surface preparation of the hard- ened conerete and for materials and for applica- tion of the multi-component epoxy adhesive and the plastic concrete. 2.12 Submittals 2.12.1 Contractor shall submit manufacturer's certification verifying conformance to material specifications specified in Part 2.2. 2.18 Quality assurance 2.18.1 Labeling: Clearly mark all containers with the following information: a, Name of manufacturer b. Manufacturer's product identification Manufacturer's instructions for mixing |. Warning for handling and toxicity Application control: Submit mixing and application procedures for approval prior to use, 2.14 Product delivery, storage, and handling 214.1 Delivery of materials: Deliver all ma- terials in sealed containers with labels legible and intact. Storage of materials: Store all materials at temperatures between 40-100 F (5-38 C) unless otherwise recommended by manufacturer. 2.14.3 Handling of materials: Handle all ma- terials in a safe manner and in a way to avoid breaking container seals. 2.1 Project conditions 2115.1 Environmental requirements: Contrac- tor shall comply with manufacturer's recommen- dations as to environmental conditions under which the epoxy compound may be applied. PART 2.2—PRODUCTS 224 Epoxy adhesive—ASTM C 881-78 Type II. Curing temperature requirements (Class) and viscosity (Grade) shall be determined by supplier and contractor after project conditions have been established, 2.22 Plastic concrete: As required by the project specification. 7 PART 2.3—EXECUTION 2.3.1 Preparation of concrete surfaces Concrete surfaces to which epoxies are to be applied shall be exposed parent concrete free of loose and unsound materials. Prepare sur- faces by mechanical abrasion unless prohibited by environmental limitations, in which case acid etching may be used. Mechanical abrasion: Use sandblasting, scarifying, waterblasting, or other approved means, 2.3.18 Acid etching: Etch surface with a com- mercial grade (22 deg Baumé) of hydrochloric acid diluted at a rate of 10:90 to 20:80, After this application, scrub surface with a stiff bristled broom, brush, or similar implement. Immediately after foaming action of acid has subsided, flush surface with water jets until all residue is re- moved. Repeat procedure until laitance is com- pletely removed. 2.3.2 Inspection of concrete surfaces prior to ad- hesive application 2.32.1 Inspect all concrete surfaces prior to application of adhesive to insure that require- ments of this Article 2.32 are met. Surfaces shall be sound conerete which exhibits a minimum 100 psi pullout strength when 503.26 tested in accordance with Appendix A of “Use of Epoxy Compounds with Concrete,” reported by ACI Committee 503. Surfaces shall be free of any deleterious materials such as laitance, curing compounds, dust, dirt, and oil. Materials resulting from surface Preparation specified in Article 2.3.1 shall be re- moved, 2.3.24 All concrete surfaces shall have a mois- ture content not exceeding saturated surface dry condition. Surface temperature shall be at least 40F to permit wetting of concrete surface by epoxy adhesive. 2.3.25 Evaluate moisture content for concrete by determining if moisture will collect at bond lines between old concrete and epoxy adhesive before epoxy has cured. This may be accomplished *y taping a 4 x 4 ft polyethylene sheet to concrete \cAtface. If moisture collects on underside of poly. ethylene sheet before epoxy would cure, then al. low concrete to dry sufficiently to prevent the Possibility of a moisture barrier between old con. crete and new epoxy. 2.33 Adhesive mizes 233.1 Mix epoxy components in a clean con- tainer free of harmful residue or foreign particles 2332 Condition epoxy compound components to be at a temperature between 60-100 F (16-38 C), unless otherwise recommended by manufacturer, 2333 Thorcughly blend epoxy components with a mechanical mixer to a uniform and homoge. neous mixture, Mix small batches (up to 1 qt) by ‘use of spatulas, palette knives, or similar devices, 234 Adhesive application and concrete place- ment \234.1 Ambient temperature is critical during application of epoxy adhesives and conerete place. ment. Work shall be performed in accordence with Chapters 7 and 8 of ACI 301, 234.2 Apply epoxy adhesive to concrete sur- face by brush, roller, broom, squeegee, or spray equipment. Apply epoxy compound at a thickness not less than that recommended by manufacturer. 23.43 Place fresh plastic concrete while ad- hesive is still tacky. If epoxy adhesive cures to extent of losing its tack before plastic concrete is placed, remove or slightly abrade first coat be- fore placing second coat. MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE 2344 Consolidate freshly placed plastic con- crete in accordance with ACI 301 to insure full bonding of new concrete. 2345 Upon completion of finishing opera- tions, cure concrete in accordance with procedures defined in Chapter 12 of ACI 301 and as indicated in the project specification, 235, Cleanup 23.5.1 Protect concrete surfaces, beyond limits of surface receiving adhesive, against spillage. 23.5.2 Immediately remove any epoxy com- Pound applied or spilled beyond desired areas, Perform cleanup with material designated by epoxy adhesive manufacturer. Avoid contamina- tion of work area. 2.36 Safety—Epoxy materials are skin irritants or sensitizers to many people. Accordingly, advise applicators to avoid contact with eyes and skin, inhalation of vapors, and ingestion. Make protec- tive and safety equipment available on site. Heed all label warnings by manufacturer. 28.7 Field quality performance requirements 2811 The Architect/Engineer shall evaluate bonding of fresh concrete to existing concrete after the fresh concrete has cured for not less than 28 days. The evaluation shall be performed by sounding, using one of the following, or similar, methods: 8. Tapping fresh conerete with a blunt metal in- strument. b. Dragging a heavy steel chain across the sur- face (for horizontal surfaces only). 23.13 Detection of a hollow sound in any area shall be reason to suspect inadequate bonding, and contractor shall then core each such area, as requested by the Architect/Engineer, to deter- mine bonding adequacy. 2.8.74 Coring shall be through the new con- crete and into the existing concrete. Core diameter shall be as required by the Architect/Engineer. Length of cores shall be twice the core diameter, or twice the thickness of new concrete, or as re. quested by the Architect/Engineer. 23.15 Cores will be visually inspected, and further testing required, if any, will then be de- termined by the Architect/Engineer.

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