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JMU Elementary Education Program


Name: Sara Pintauro

TITLE OF LESSON Read Aloud on Families by Ann Morris

Read alouds are important because not only do they motivate students to
read on their own, but it models good reading, promotes critical thinking and
creates a sense of community in your classroom. It helps them acquire vocabulary
and will help them develop a lifelong love of reading while providing them with
memorable experiences with wonderful books. Since the class is full of so many
diverse individuals coming from many different backgrounds, histories and
families, Ive decided to choose a read aloud book emphasizing the differentiation
but importance of families.



What do you want students to How will your students How will you assess student
learn as a result of this activity? demonstrate understanding of learning of the concept?
OR the concept? OR
What skill do you want students OR How will you assess student
to demonstrate? How will students demonstrate demonstration of the skill?
success with the stated skill?
1: The students will learn The students will listen
As I am reading I will be
that everyones family and carefully to the book and
pointing out pictures of the
background is different understand what thedifferent families and
message is asking questions about
what they think they are
doing in each picture. I will
also be pointing at a map I
have up asking where they
think/showing where each
family photo is taken.
2: The students will learn The students will listen to By making sure no student
about their fellow students their classmates present is talking besides the
families or/and about their families or/and presenter and they are
backgrounds backgrounds listening with their whole
body to their classmate
3. The students will use The students will complete I will take photos of their
their artistic and creative a colorful, creative and artwork, while looking at
skills while drawing eventful drawing their use of different colors,
the creativity and the
events being displayed in
the picture
4. The students will use The students will not speak I will take notes on what
their listening and speaking while their fellow classmate theyre explaining about
skills while presenting is presenting and talk their drawing, and make
loudly and clearly when sure theyre speaking loud
presenting and clear and listening to
their classmates

I will gather all of the photos of drawings by the students and categorize
them into examples of what I believe are lower, average and advanced

I will then organize them by what I believe best represents the concept of
the book and the objective of the activity

I will also lay them all out and notice the difference in families and
backgrounds and see how diverse the classroom really is
I will choose the most unique, most explained, and most detailed childs
explanation/drawing and analyze it to see if it best represented the meaning
I was trying to get across to the students and what I was trying to succeed
in this lesson

I will discuss all of these in my reflection


~Highlighted in bold are the standards they will mostly be implicating during this
Oral Language
K.1 The student will demonstrate growth in the use of oral language.
b) Participate in an oral language activity including speaking and
recitation of a story.
c) Participate in oral generation of language experience narratives.
e) Use complete sentences that include subject, verb, and object.
K.2 The student will expand understanding and use of word meanings.
a) Increase listening and speaking vocabularies.
c) Use words to describe/name people, places, and things.
d) Use words to describe/name location, size, color, and shape.
e) Use words to describe/name actions.
f) Ask about words not understand.
K.3 The student will build oral communication skills.
a) Express ideas in complete sentences.
f) Begin to use voice level, phrasing, and intonation appropriate for various
language situations.
g) Follow one- and two-step directions.
h) Begin to ask how and why questions.

K.5 The student will understand how print is organized and read.
b) Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
c) Distinguish between print and pictures.
d) Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on a printed page.
e) Match voice with print (concept of word).
K.6 The student will demonstrate an understanding that print conveys meaning.
b) Explain that printed materials provide information.
c) Read and explain own writings and drawings.
K.8 The student will expand vocabulary.
a) Discuss meanings of words.
b) Develop vocabulary by listening to a variety of texts read aloud.
K.9 The student will demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts.

a) Identify what an author does and what an illustrator does.

b) Relate previous experiences to what is read.
d) Begin to ask and answer questions about what is read.
e) Use story language in discussions and retellings.
f) Retell familiar stories, using beginning, middle, and end.
g) Discuss characters, settings, and events.
K.12 The student will write to communicate ideas for a variety of purposes.
a) Differentiate pictures from writing.
b) Draw pictures and/or use letters and phonetically spelled words
to write about experiences.
c) Use letters and beginning consonant sounds to spell phonetically words
to describe pictures or write about experiences.
d) Write left to right and top to bottom.
K.3 The student will describe the relative location of people, places, and things
by using positional words, with emphasis on near/far, above/below, left/right,
and behind/in front.
K.4 The student will use simple maps to
a) Develop awareness that a map is a drawing of a place to show where
things are located.
b) Describe places referenced in stories and real-life situations.
K.5 The student will develop an awareness that maps
a) Show a view from above;
b) Show things in smaller size.
Visual Art Communication
6.3 The student will communicate personal ideas, experiences, and
narratives through the creation of works of art.
6.4 The students will examine and apply ethical decisions in art making.
6.5 The student will use elements of art and principles of design, including the
following, to express meaning in works of art:
1. Color Relationships
2. Line Variation, implied
3. Texture Visual, tactile
4. Value Gradation
5. Proportion Realistic, distorted
Art Analysis, Evaluation, and Critique
6.14 The student will use critical inquiry skills when describing,
responding to, interpreting, and evaluating works of art.
6.15 The student will describe ideas and emotions expressed in works of
6.16 The student will identify how visual language communicates personal
6.19 The student will explain the means by which works of art evoke personal
sensory, emotional, and aesthetic responses.


Read Aloud
Families by Ann Morris
Large map of the world (or will pull up on smart board and circle where the
families are from)

Sheet of thick drawing paper


-Read aloud the book during read aloud time
-Come back during project time and work on the drawing a picture of
their families in groups
-At the end ask them to share with me and the group what they drew
OR I will pick a few kids right before recess to present to the whole class.


include with reflection)
-A post-it note will be covering each part of the map that represents an area
where each picture of a family in the book is from.
-Large map will be hung on the smart board.
-Crayons and pencils will be sharpened and available at their cubbies at the
students desks.
-1 sheet of drawing paper will be already passed on each childs desk.


-I will switch off on the students I call on while asking questions during the
read aloud.
-Depending on the time allotted for the activity:
If minimal time: Each child will go around in a circle at their 4 person
table and present to one another.
If enough time: Children will present based on who Mrs. B and I
believe are listening and following the directions the most; or we will just


go around in a circle (depends what she believes is best).


-I will start off with all the children sitting around the rug awaiting read
aloud time
-Then I will ask them What is the first thing that comes to mind when
thinking about family
-Next I will pick on a few students then introduce the book going over the
title and author, and asking them All together at the count of three, what
do you predict this book is going to be about, hoping theyll all say
-I will read the first couple pages with the lines FAMILIES - Everyone,
everywhere, is part of a family
-I will go to the first page that says FAMILIES and ask the students What
do you think the family in this photo is doing together? and wait for an
answer (coloring, reading, computer games) and put the number 1 on the
post it note covering California in the U.S. and tell the students This family
is from California. Then I will turn the page and ask, Where do you think
this family is from? I will take peoples guesses and tell them that this
family is from Ethiopia, and show them on the map where that is and have
one of the students draw a number 2 on the post it note covering Ethiopia. I
will then tell them that the next family is from Canada, and ask them if any
of them know where Canada is on the map, if so I will let the draw a number
3 on the post it note covering Canada, if not I will show them by drawing it.
Then I will do the same for the next two families on the following pages. I
will ask them what they think family #5 is doing together, (picnic, cheesing
for a photo, reading a book, playing soccer, etc.)
-I will read the next 2 pages saying People in familys love and care for one
another even on the bad days. And I will ask them When youre having
a bad day or are sick has someone loved and taken care of you too? Then I
will tell them where the families are from and mark it on the board.
-I will read, They help one another. And tell the students that the family in
the left photo is a grandmother teaching her granddaughter how to weave
in Arizona. I will then ask them what they think the family in the right photo,
from South Korea is doing. (As Im telling them where their families are from
I am also marking the board)
-I will read, They work together. They play together. And ask them what
they think theyre doing in the first three photos and tell them where theyre
all from and mark it on the map
-I will read, They cook and eat and celebrate together. And I will mark
the board while telling them where each family is from. I will ask the
students What is an example of a holiday that a family might come
together and cook, eat, and celebrate together? and wait for their
responses (thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, 4th of July, birthday, etc.)
-I will read, Families come in all sizes. Some children have many brothers
and sisters. Others have none. Some children have lots of aunts and uncles
and cousins. Others have fewer. I will ask them if any of them know of the
building behind the family in the 2nd photo on the left page, and tell them
its a tower in the Red Square in Moscow Russia, then tell them where the
other families are from and mark the map.
-I will read, Some children live with their mothers and fathers. Others have
stepparents or live with just one parent. Then I will tell them where each
family is from and mark it on the map.
-I will read, Some children live with a grandparent or a foster family. Others
are adopted by parents who chose them specially. And I will tell them
where each family is from and mark it on the board.
-I will read, But all children are part of families. Whether you go to lands
near or far, families are there-big and small, loving, sharing and caring-
wherever you are And I will ask them what they think the family on that is
cooking is doing, then the one on the swings, and tell them where they are
from and mark them on the map.
-I will then show them all the different post it notes on the map, showing
them that all of these children come from families all across the world, just
like them.

4. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ACTIVITY (specific procedure for teacher

and students)
-I will explain to the students, while theyre still sitting on the carpet: Now
you will be able to share with your classmates about your family and your
background. When you return to your seats in a minute I want you to start
drawing a picture of you and your family doing something you love. It could
be your favorite memory with them, a memory from a holiday, something
that happened this morning, or something you think will happen in the
future. Anything you want that shows you and your family together. Once
your done, you will be able to share with a few of your classmates in groups
with me what you drew, or I will call on a few of you to share to the whole


-I will give them a 5 minute warning to finish up what they are drawing
-Then I will call on a few people to share with the class what the did OR I will
have already heard from the students what they drew when working with
them in groups.


- I will ask the students to think about one new thing you learned about one
of your friends today
- I will ask if anyone wants to share
- I will pick 2-3 students depending on how many people raise their hands
- I will tell them it is time to clean up and put their crayons and pencils away
and put their drawings in their mailbox (if Ive already taken a photo of all of


To challenge the most of the students: I will encourage them to draw more
details or have them draw another activity or day they had with their family on
the back of the page if they finished early.
To assist most of the students: I will guide them with what to draw by asking
them what their favorite day with their family was.
To challenge the more advanced students: I will have them write a sentence
about their picture.
To assist the ELL students: I will help them individually by pointing to what
other children are drawing and making it clear that they are drawing a picture
about their families. I will help them think of ideas by asking them questions such
as What was your favorite day with your family? Or What is your favorite
holiday that you celebrate with your family? Or What does your family help you
with at home? or Dont you love when your aunt/dad/etc. surprises you and
picks you up from school? Etc.

Read Aloud
Children might get easily distracted. I will solve this by calling on the
students that might not be devoting their full attention, to answer the
questions I ask during the read along. If one of the children are super antsy
during the read aloud, I will just put my finger to my lips to show them the
quiet sign, or warn them that I will take away a fuzzy, or reward a student
thats being super quiet by giving them a fuzzy.

Children may not be able to think about what to draw. I will address this by
hinting ideas by asking questions. Questions such as Well what is your
favorite holiday that you spend with your family? or Well what was your
favorite day spent with your family or Well what is the first thing you do
when you see your family or Is there anything that your family helps you
with on a daily basis or Is there a favorite thing you like to do with your
family? etc.
Children might get distracted and try to see what other people are drawing.
I will address this by circling the room and if I see a student distracted I will
redirect them by asking them what they are drawing or complimenting their
picture and suggesting to add more colors or details
Children may be taking too long to do the activity and might not be able to
finish in time. I will solve this by walking around the room to make sure all
the students are basically moving at the same pace in their drawings and if
they arent I might help the student/students that are moving slower than
others. I will also be giving them time warnings so they know to speed up if
they want to finish in time for presenting.

Children may want to interrupt the other student speaking. I will quietly put
up the quiet sign to my lips or reward a quiet student next to them with a
Children may get distracted while others are presenting. I will quietly go
next to the student and whisper to pay attention or redirect their attention
away from whatever it is distracting them.


What did I change/why?

Separated the assessment for The students will not speak while their fellow
classmate is presenting and The students will talk loudly and clearly when


presenting. I did this because during the lesson I realized these are two different
objectives that must be observed at different times for each student.
Instead of using a map on the smart board to point out to children where all the
people around the world were, I had to explain to them where they were all from
and point to the map in the back of the book. I had to change this because I had
less time to the do the lesson plan than I intended.


Overall I felt as if the lesson plan went really well. I stopped after each page and
pointed out where each family was from. During the read aloud the children would
raise their hand to share something they do with their family or share that they do
the same activity with their family. A lot of children also recognized the activities
the families in the book were doing. I shared with them that I had a family with a
lot of cousins, aunts, and uncles, and one of the children said me too while
another student said they only had two. All the children were extremely engaged
in the read aloud and interested in the message that was being portrayed. After
they went off to color their pictures, I walked around the room to see their
progress. They all were using many colors and none of them drew the same
picture. I pulled a few aside and had them present to each other their work and
they all were excited to share their story and excited to listen and understand
their classmates story. Every picture had beautiful colors and details, although I
would like to work on listening to other classmates with most of the students.

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