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IEP Case Study Rationale

This artifact is an IEP case study which demonstrates my understanding of the parts of an IEP as

well as the IEP process and steps to take legally to finalize and implement an IEP. With the IEP

case study, I worked with the special educator and other members of the team to create and

implement the IEP. The process began with a meeting in which the mom identified that Quintin

had had an IEP in New York. The team then decided to do assessments and identify a disability

based on the data. I was able to be involved with each of the IEP meetings and work with the

special educator to follow the process to develop an IEP. In the meetings I was the general

educator but also got to learn more about the roles of the other members of the team and their

role in the IEP process. This artifact is an example of CEC Standard 1 (Learner

Development and Individual Learning Differences), CEC Standard 3 (Curricular Content

Knowledge), CEC Standard 6 (Professional Learning and Ethical Practice), and CEC

standard 7 (Collaboration).

This artifact demonstrates my understanding of CEC standard 1 (learner development)

because in order to create and implement an IEP, the team first had to complete assessments and

observations in order to better understand Quintin and his strengths and needs. Also, in order to

learn more about Quintin, we looked up information from his past years in school for any type of

patterns with academics and behavior. We also look at his family and any type of medical history.

With the team, we try to gather as much information as possible to make decisions in regard to

the IEP. This artifact also demonstrates my understanding of CEC standard 3, curricular

content knowledge. The team used the assessments and classroom observations to make

decisions as to what accommodations he might need in class to be more successful as well as any

type of testing accommodations to provide Quintin with the resources he needs in order to be
successful. In order for Quintin to have success with the 4th grade curriculum and skills, we had

to choose modifications and accommodations to put in place so that Quintin could access the

curriculum the same as his classmates. Also, the goals and objectives were written based on

skills that Quintin appeared to have a deficit in.

Also, this artifact demonstrates my understanding of CEC standard 6 (professional learning)

and CEC standard 7 (collaboration). With this assignment, I had to collaborate with other

members of the IEP team in order to make decisions about Quintin and his IEP. Through this

collaboration, I learned more about the IEP process and the steps that are taken to create an IEP.

Usually, I am just the general educator and write up a report based on what I see in class. With

this IEP case study, I got the chance to work with the special educator on the assessments and the

review of data. I then got to meet with the team and share more into the data and decisions as to

what supports should be put in place to help Quintin be successful.

My students will benefit from my knowledge of the IEP process and the steps in which the team

takes when developing an IEP. In this case study, I got to learn more about each of the positions

of the teams and their responsibilities. I also learned more about the legal process and steps the

team needs to take and the time in which it needs to be taken. I felt like this case study was very

beneficial for a general educator to go through to learn more about the IEP process. Based on

what I learned, I can apply my knowledge into the reports that I write for the team to make sure I

am giving the team all of the information that I can in order for us to make decisions in regard to

the IEP.

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