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1. Cahyani Tri F. (1510007)

2. MARTHA Ayu A. (1510031)
3. Rizka Eldiyani (1510046)
4. Yohana Novitasari S. (1510058)

No Vocabulary Meaning
1. Retired Pensiun
2. District Kecamatan
3. Leg Ulcer Ulkus kaki
4. Obivious Jelas
5. Mouthfull Suap
6. Appetites Nafsu makan
7. Decreased Menurun
8. Treatment Pengobatan
9. Nauseated Mual
10. Bile Empedu
11. Partially Sebagian
12. Digested Cerna
13. Scrambled Berebut
14. Unpleasant Menyenangkan
15. Vomting Muntah
16. Stones Batu
17. Unwelcome Yang tidak disukai
18. Investigation Investigasi


Nurse : Hello Miss Hyde-Whyte, Im Nurse Mosquera. I would like to ask you
some questions. Will that be all right?Open-Ended question

Nurse : I will need to weigh you and measure your height, but first a few
questions.sumarizing and planning

Nurse : How often do you eat and drink? Clarifying time or seaquence

Nurse : Has something changed?Close question

Nurse : Why do you think your appetite has decreased?offering self

Nurse : Iii look at your mouth in a moment (in short time) and see if any
treatment would help. It might be a good idea to see your dentist about the poorly
fitting dentures. Tell me about the vomiting.Giving information

Nurse : Are you sick at any other time? Close question

Nurse : What colour is the vomit? Is there any blood or bile?Being spesific

Nurse : Sometimes blood can look like coffee groundsn anything like that?
Clarifying time or sequence

Nurse : when you were eating normally what sort of food did you cook?Close

Nurse : How often do you usually shop for food?Close question

Nurse : what do you eat and drink now?Ofefering self

Nurse : Lets see how much you weigh. Whats your normal weigh?Sumarizing
and planning

Nurse : We use the kologram for weigh, but i can tell what it is in stones and
pounds. Giving information

Nurse : Im afraid,(The phrase im afraid, is used in introduce news wich is

unwelcome or bad) you have lost about 11 kilo grams. You weigh 52 thats 8 stone
2 pound, so thats nearly 2 stone less than usual. We will have to keep an eye on
your weigh. Giving information

Nurse : Im going to refer you to the dietician and ask her to come and do a full
nutrional assesment and see how we can provide you with enough nutrients and
fluid while we wait for all the test (investigations) to be done. Meanwhile, we can
order things like scrambeled eggs, and give you soup and drinks with added
nutrients if youre sure that wont make you sick. Sumarizing and planning


1. Cahyani Tri F. (1510007)

2. MARTHA Ayu A. (1510031)
3. Rizka Eldiyani (1510046)
4. Yohana Novitasari S. (1510058)


No Vocabulary Meaning
1. Unstable Labil
2. Waterworks Bangunan air
3. Leak urine Urine bocor
4. Saparate Menembak
5. Micturate Berkemih
6. Twice Dua kali
7. Common Umum
8. Treated Diobati
9. Sanitaru Sehat
10. Commode Mudah
11. Supply Menyediakan
12. Disposal Pembuangan
13. Settled Lunas
14. Specimen Contoh

Nurse : what sort of problem with your waterworks? Open ended question

Nurse : it sound like you have two separete problems. Reflecting

Nurse : how often do you pass water? Close question

Nurse : what about at night, do you have to get up in the night?Poviding general

Nurse : when did you start having problems?Present ilness

Nurse : have you told your GP or the practice nurse? Close question

Nurse : it is more common in older people, but there are different causes and
many can be successfully treated. How do you normally cope with the problem?

Nurse : i will add all this to you care plan and make sure that everyone knows to
bring the commode as soon as you ask. Would you like a supply of towels and
disposal bags to kepp in the locker? Giving information
Nurse : when your angina has settled down and you are felling better i will
arrange for the continence nurse specialist to come to see you. She is expert and
will be able to do a full assessment and sugest ways of improving the situation.
Giving information

Nurse : while were waiting id like to have a specimen of your water to test, and
if taht shows that you might have an infection we can collect a midstream
specimen of urine for the laboratory. Giving information

Nurse : yes, thats the one, but only need the middle bit of the flow, not the urine
that comes out first. Have you noticed any blood in your urine or an unusual
smell? Offering self

Nurse : what about pain when you pass urine? Does it burn or sting? Open
ended question

Nurse :: we also need to know how often you are passing urine and how much
fluid you are having, but as we are already recording fluid balance for you we will
have that information. Giving information

Nurse : dont worry im putting it on the care plannow, and i will tell the nurse
who takes over from me tonight. Do you think you could give me that sample
now? Close question

Nurse : have you any questions before i go and get the commode? Offering self

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